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Cassie's ~Fantastic~ Life!
My "Fantastic" life if you will!

Chapter 3

While walking home and thinking about the plan I realized I wasn't sure if it would work or not. Figuring I should be afraid, I realized I wasn’t. Maybe it was just because I didn't believe it. Yet, I knew I kind of did. Shuffling the gravel under my feet I realized that I should be terrified.

When I finally arrived at my house and noticed my dad was home. Deciding that maybe my parents were talking over our situation, I decided to walk about the town to see what was going on. Starting out of my driveway I walked to the end of the rode where my best friend, Lorretta lived. Lorretta was the shy quiet type. When we got together though we made plenty of noise. She was short and friendly everyone usually got along with her great. When I got to her house I noticed her sitting on her front porch.

"Hi Lorretta!" I waved.

"Alex! Hey!" She stood from the lawn chair she was sitting in.

"What are you doing?" She started walking to the gate of her yard.

"Well we are getting ready for a barbeque. You're welcome to join." She said leaning against the fence that surrounded their yard to keep their puppies in.

"I am not sure what my parents are doing for dinner. I doubt I can stay, though."

"Ahh, that is fine. We really need to hang out. It's been forever since I've stayed over." He eyes glistened excitedly.

I had a lot on my mind and I knew I was in no shape to have company unless I could worry them with my burdens, which isn't fair or smart. Do you really think she is going to believe me anyways? I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it. Funny, Don already knew that.

"Yeah...I've been real busy. I don't know when I can have you over. Soon, I promise." My eyes shifted down to the little miniature poodle trying to find a way out of the fence.

Lorretta's mom stepped outside onto the porch. The sun was just overhead so she squinted and put her hand above her eyes to shade her from the sun.

"Hello Alex! It's been a while!!!" She said excitedly.

"I know, Betty. I plan on getting around here more often."

"Well, why don't you just stay over for dinner? You know you are always welcome here. We would love to have you." She said with enthusiasm.

I smiled generously. They treated me like their own daughter and they always had. I was happy to have a 'family' like that.

"Oh, I can't. I would love to but I can't. Mom and dad have some plans I think and I don't want to ditch out on them."

"Oh, well that is fine. Don't worry about it. Maybe some other time!" She said nodding her head.

"Yea! That would be great! Well, I really should head back that way. My mom and dad are probably wondering where I am. I'll see you guys later!" I turned to walk back to my house but looked over my shoulder to wave a final good-bye.

They all waved and said their good-byes as we parted our own separate ways. Walking home swiftly knowing that my parents would start to get worried for no reason as they do frequently.

They would be calling my cell phone off the hook soon. Just as I thought that my phone rang. I stopped and pulled it out of my jean pockets. I read the name across the screen, Kammy. I didn't really like her she was clingy and obsessive. Though, she has backed off since I practically begged her for some space one time in gym.

I hate to be mean but I am the type of person who has to be able to think alone a little bit. Unless, of course, I am in a cheery mood. But gym never puts me in a cheery mood. I always find a way to screw something up. Rather it be missing the ball or falling down I am always doing it and it is really embarrassing.

Sliding the phone back into my pocket because I knew I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. Honestly, I was in the mood to talk to anyone. I got to the house before I even realized it was getting that close. As I walked through the door the screen slammed behind me. I took off my shoes and put them away. My parents were sitting at the dinning room table. My dad was sitting at the end of the table and mom was on the left side of him. I pulled up a chair at the left side of my mom. It was silent for a long time.

"I have spoken with your dad." Mom finally broke the silence.

"Oh?" I questioned cautiously.

"We have made a decision." Dad folded his hands across the table as he spoke.

"And?" I tilted my head with question.

"Don can stay." Dad said very calmly.

"He can!?!”

"Yes, but there are some conditions." Said my mom.

Dad broke in like clockwork.

"One, you will not be left in the same room alone. You are not to take him into your bedroom without permission or an adult or form supervisor. Two, we will make him a cot or bed that he will sleep on in the basement where he will stay at nights. Three, Don's parents know where he is and do not care that he will be staying with us. Four, if any of these rules are broken at any time that they are broken he will go back home. understand?" He said with a seriously look on his face.

"Yes, I understand." I said nodding.

"Good, now go call him and tell him the rules and make sure that his parents know. I will be getting in touch with his dad."

I squirmed in my seat. Should I have ever brought him staying up? What if I just put my own dad in danger? I went to my room with the phone in hand. This time dialing the number with less dread that before and wanting to talk this time and to hear his voice maybe that would calm my mind some. It rang four times. I was about to hang up and I heard him pick up.

"Hello!" He said very cheery.

I smiled. He could be so cute when he wanted to.

"Hey hon."

"So, any news?" He asked excitedly.

"Yes." I smiled to myself knowing he would be thrilled.

"Is it good? Can I stay?"

"You can stay--"

"Oh my god! You're kidding me!!!" He said cutting me off.

"There is some bad news." I replied carefully.

"What?" His voice dropped.

"Well, my dad wants to talk to your dad so your dad knows where you are." I pushed some pillows off of my bed so I could lay on it.


"What are you going to do?" I said as I stretched across my warm bed.

"Well, I can just say that I want to stay at your house a few weeks. You know, to get out and get to know your family a little better. How's that sound?"

"It sounds great. Just gotta get him to agree to it..."

"Ahhh, that won't be hard. Dad is a softy when it comes to you and your family. He really likes our dating."

"He does?" I said shocked.


"That's great!” I said smiling. My smile soon faded as I thought of my own father. "Do you think it is dangerous for my dad to talk to yours?"

"Alex, was it before?" He challenged.

"I never thought of it before. Now...well I just do."

"I don't think there is anything to worry about."

"You don't?" I said rolling over onto my side.

"No, nothing is going to happen. Don't worry, sweetie."

I smiled. He always made me feel better.

"Phone head!" My dad yelled from the kitchen.

That was my nickname. He said I was always on the phone so I was a phone head.

I rolled my eyes and yelled back, "What?"

He laughed, "Dinner."

"Don, I gotta go head to dinner. I love ya. Bye."

"Love you too, bye."

Hanging up the phone I walked into the dinning room. I could smell the hamburger helper as soon as my bedroom door opened. Pulling out my usual chair at the table I sat down. My sister, Carry came out of her room and sat directly to the right of my dad in her usual spot. The table was already set and ready to go. Both of my parents sat down.
We passed the food around and everyone fixed his or her plates to eat. We discussed things like dad's work and Carry's summer school. When dinner was over we put our plates away and cleared the table off. After that was all finished I went into my room and saw got out a book and started reading it. There was a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I said politely.

"Can I come in?" Said dad.

"Of course." I sat up in my bed.

Dad entered the room and took a seat next to me on my bed. "So kid?" He questioned.


"What is the reason you want Don to come stay?" He said patting my leg.

"His parents are fighting. He is miserable. He almost cried." I said plainly.

"It's a sad deal." He replied.

"Yea, I wanted to help him out. He would do the same for me."

"That is good that you two have that."

"What are you going to say to his dad?”

Dad shrugged and said, "Well, I'll probably just ask if it is okay for Don to stay. I don't want to get into their fights and I don't want him to know that I even know anything about it. Better that way."

"Yeah, that is what I was hoping you would do. The guy has anger management problems and I wouldn't want him to be mad at you."

"Heh, me either."

We laughed and smiled at each other.

He rose up off of my bed and left to leave. "Going to go work outside a bit." He said over his shoulder.

"Fine by me I said." Relaxing back into my bed.

Opening my book back up I began to read. A few chapters flew by and I was into a high point of the book when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said putting my finger in my book to hold my page.

"Someone in here to see you Alex." My mother replied.

Don stepped in my room.

"Don! What are you doing here?" I said laying my book flat so not to lose my page.

"Well, I thought I pop by to thank your parents and say hi to you!"

I smiled at him. "You're such a sweetie!"

"We can't be in here alone." I said standing up to leave.

He giggled, "Why not?"

"Part of the rules." I smiled teasingly.

"Rules were meant to be broken." He stepped closer.

I laughed, "Not these. The consequences won't be good."

He laughed, "I can handle them." He said moving his face up to mine.

"No, seriously. Dad says you'll have to go home."

"Yea? I don't live here yet." He said as he moved his face even closer to mine.

"But..." I looked into his eyes.

"But?" His mouth was so close to mine I could taste his gum. Every time he leaned like that my heart rate went up. It never fails.

"But your gums smells good." I said smiling.

"It taste good too."

"Oh yea?"


He kissed me lightly.

"Dontcha think?" He smiled.

I laughed, "Yup." I kissed him again. This time we lingered. I felt a tingling sensation go up my spine. When he kissed me I never wanted to stop or let go.

When it finally ended I said, "Now we should get out of here and go to the couch!"

"Okay, okay fine." He said stepping out of my way.

We walked out of my room and sat down on the living room couch. The living room was connected to my room. So it wasn't too far of a walk. The couch was a black leather couch and really comfortable. Our TV was positioned right in front of it. On the right side of the couch was a matching Lazy boy recliner. On the left side of the couch was an old rocking chair that was my great grandmothers. Don pulled me up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"About the plan." He whispered in my ear.

"What about it?" I said giggling because it tickled.

"Dad is going trapping this weekend. Are sure you want to do this?" He said still whispering in my ear.

"Yes." I said firmly.

"Okay, today is Friday. He is going tomorrow evening. I am not sure what time."

"Then how are we going to do that?” I whispered.

"How late will your parents want you home if I were to take you to a movie." He said this out loud.

"At least midnight." Speaking slightly above a whisper.

He sighed. "That won't work."

"I know." I said louder than before.

"Dad never leaves before midnight. I really did want to take you to a movie!"

I laughed. "Okay, let's go to a movie."

He smiled. "Good."

I whispered in his ear this time, "I will meet you in my driveway as soon as my parents go to bed. We can leave and go to your house like we did last night."

"Sounds like a plan." He responded with a hint of regret in his voice.

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