a friend called me at around 9 or 10 in the morning while i was still asleep. she told to me get up and come over to the school she's working in because they want me to perform a teaching demo like NOW. i was rushed, i had nothing prepared and had only a slight bit of idea what to do i panicked like crazy.

so yeah, i got there went to the faculty room, then when i got to the interview, they told that there was no longer an opening for an instructor!! well in that school, they told me to go to their other branch which was understaffed. i was so ANGRY at that point, it was so hard to stop my face from showing frustration. so i scolded my friend who made me rush there now no apparent reason after all. she told to me to go and try out that other branch see if i could make it in there. the problem is they needed programming instructors, i'm a graphic artist now and have long forgotten programming.

this has been such a..a... 'one-of-those-days' day *sigh*