You Have Kim Kang-In!!!
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[ S E 7 E N ]congratz! ur a PERFECT match for se7en!! he'll really care for his crush..and you look like you do too [haha].. he loves to dance, and you just can't stay still!! But sometimes, you gotta admitt that romance stinks. especially when u juz had a fight..well,try listening to se7en's song 'com back to me-english version'.. you'll know that he feels the same way too.. or maybe, if you're more of a dancer, try listening to 'passion'.. even the best counch potato couldn't resist getting up to dance to THAT!!
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You are Raticus!The comedic character. He has a speach problem but for only when he pronounces his "T's". He calles Phantom Phanthom. Raticus is The Phantoms sidekick. He was rescued by Phantom from a septic tank and given the power of speach and advanced knowledge...Unfortunately Raticus was such a stupid rat that even with advanced knowledge he still ended up well...not the brightest sharpie in the pack. Raticus is a very creative rat who likes to do crafts and draw pictures! Raticus isn't really good at his job but he tries...Raticus's quote is (after disguiseing himself as a scarecrow to sneak Phantom X fertilizer into the janitors supplies room so the four kids would find it and make their plants grow into mutants) "Phantom: Where were you? You'remissing all the excitement! Raticus: G'oh..Iwas in the washroom picking straw out of my nose...."
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You are just like KiBum! You aren't the best signer... but you ARE the best guy in DRAMAS and also great at rapping. Nice choice
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You are just like Heechul! He is funny, passionate, and sometimes serious. He can be very cute sometimes. Heechul is like a punkish brother you've ALWAYS wanted! What more would you ask for?
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You are just like Siwon! He is the romantic and serious type. He will do anything with hesitating. Siwon can be funny at times too. You have a really great brother!
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The crazy PM I sent my pal Kikgame today:
sure, is he cute?
yeah I'm on I just have to add u to the messenger because it didn't even though i set it so it would.
yeah I'm on I just have to add u to the messenger because it didn't even though i set it so it would.
Oh ok, then add me again.
Well...I find him cute. I don't know if you will. He's Korean. His smile makes me melt. hehe. Actually...all of their smiles makes me melt. I just love guys with cute smiles. On second thought, I'll show most of their pictures now. lol. I'll show three of them to you.

Actually...those are pics from when he was younger. I'll show you a pic of him around this time...I just hope it's around this time. xD

This is form one of the newest Music Videos his group did...the make-up makes him looka little bla..xD not a very good pic of him.
Him without make-up, looks better eh? biggrin
This is Kyuhyun:

Hehe biggrin

Kyuhyun form the same music video as Kibum:

Ok ok ok I should stop with so many pics. xD Now just a couple more with my Max/Changmin.
This was from like a year ago or something. The hairstylist always changes their hair. But in my opinion this was one of the hairstyles that suit him the best.

Look at his adorable smiles. biggrin He squishes the other eyes while smiling. hehe, cute.

This is one of his newer pictures. And I'll stop with the pictures...for NOW. xD

My offline messages to Nat:
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Hamim Sultana: something was wrong with yahoo messenger today so I couldn't sign on earlier. grr >_<
Hamim Sultana: at least I can talk now
Hamim Sultana: oh and today I was taking a quiz on super junior and about which guys i best for me and bla bla bla, things like that
Hamim Sultana: and I kept getting siwon.And I barely know anything about him xD same goes for some of the others guys
Hamim Sultana: man my head feels heavy
Hamim Sultana: i wish u were here
Hamim Sultana: i lost ur number so i dont think i can call u and leave a voicemessage any time soon
Hamim Sultana: *sigh*
Hamim Sultana: awww...my sweet little kibum is crying for me... http://s115.photobucket.com/albums/n293/kibum_myhusband/kibum/?action=view¤t=love.gif
Hamim Sultana: http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w199/i_love_hae/SAPPHIRE%20BLUE/Kibum/kibum2.jpg for me
Hamim Sultana: COME BACK SOON!
Hamim Sultana: annoying lil sis >_<
Hamim Sultana: she's hitting the monitor on it's back
Hamim Sultana: I love this song...Insa...so beautiful
Hamim Sultana: sung by DBSK...sounds more like Hero only xD hehehe. but i love the song...
Hamim Sultana: when I marry Kibum I'll ask him to sing it for me
Hamim Sultana: lol, he looks so cute int he beginning. he looks stubborn http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n221/JaeJoong_Hero04/Super%20Junior/57lp5.gif
Hamim Sultana: WHO IS THAT TOUCHING HIM LIKE THAT!?!?!? >_< http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n221/JaeJoong_Hero04/Super%20Junior/279wn0.gif
Hamim Sultana: shumba...nice song
Hamim Sultana: makes me wanna fly away with kibum xD
Hamim Sultana: shama
Hamim Sultana: it says my name in the song
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: grrr, the chicka llakas are back
Hamim Sultana: cant they leave me and kibum alone?
Hamim Sultana: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e262/Ruio/kimkibumismine2.gif yesh yesh, just as it says.
Hamim Sultana: SHAMA! i just love the song so much
Hamim Sultana: YAAAY! it's a thunderstorm!
Hamim Sultana: woohoo!
Hamim Sultana: isn't my sweet little kibum adorable? he's cuter than a baby girl. ^-^
Hamim Sultana: I feel so depressed...i wanna cry
Hamim Sultana: *sigh* I hope you get well soon Kyu...
Hamim Sultana: poor KyuHyun
Hamim Sultana: lalal. im listening to Triangle and it goes well with the atmosphere outside right now.lol
Hamim Sultana: my Kyuhyun http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/Super%20Junior/Kyu%20Hyun/Kyuhyun13.jpg
Hamim Sultana: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h54/Hamim1/Celebrities/Bands/Super%20Junior/Kyu%20Hyun/wall_gongbu_gy02.jpg
Hamim Sultana: bla, my mom is being annoying
Hamim Sultana: grr
Hamim Sultana: *has a headache*
Hamim Sultana: she needs to go and SLEEP!
Hamim Sultana: im trying to watch a mini drama of SuJu and she's bugging me
Hamim Sultana: how annoying
Hamim Sultana: the one word im thinking of right now is DIE!!!
Hamim Sultana: >_<
Hamim Sultana: AHAHAHA!
Hamim Sultana: omg this is hilarious xD
Hamim Sultana: I love SuJu
Hamim Sultana: they can act so well, when they're actually singers and dancers
Hamim Sultana: "He's hot isn't he?' xD ahahah! ah~ yesung...
Hamim Sultana: when u get to read my offline messages u might be like: o.O my wild little sis...
Hamim Sultana: you should read my journal entries when u come back. i have loads of pictures there. hehe.
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