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kikgame92: Hi!
Hamim Sultana: hey!
kikgame92: what's up?
Hamim Sultana: not much. just listening to music
kikgame92: me too! &w&
Hamim Sultana: i feel bad...remember the picture of a guy i sent you named Kyuhyun? he got into a car accident. I found out a few days ago...but I cant help but feel awful
kikgame92: oh no is he ok?
Hamim Sultana: no, out of allt he ppl who got injured, his was the most sever. i think he woke up...but not in a good condition i think
kikgame92: oh boy. that sounds terrible. well all we can do is hope for the best, right?
Hamim Sultana: yeah. *sigh* i wish u could hear hims ing. he has an amazing voice!
kikgame92: don't worry, I'm pretty sure by God's Will he will be all right. I'll look up some of the music. He's part of a band, right? What's the name of the group?
Hamim Sultana: it's not really a band. they sing and dance, the group is named Super Junior. i can simply just give you the link to their music video
Hamim Sultana: saves u the trouble
kikgame92: no that's ok I can look it up. oh and Good Morning.
Hamim Sultana: hehe good morning to u too
Hamim Sultana: the music video that you should watch is called U
Hamim Sultana: because there are a lot of ppl in the band and he was the last member, so he wasnt in like two of the music vidoes i htink
kikgame92: oh ok. so besides the bad news about Kyuhyun, are u having a good morning?
Hamim Sultana: nah, my mom is gonna make me go somewhere at 2 either i like it or now
Hamim Sultana: not*
kikgame92: yikes. gosh, u know it's weird how a lot of kids have it harder than I do. I have a great relationship with my parents. My mom and I talk about everything and my father and I are straight goofballs. Everytime I talk to someone about their parents they either don't care or their parents are overbearing.
kikgame92: oh sorry, brb.
Hamim Sultana: grrr. im so mad! &_&
Hamim Sultana: lucky you
Hamim Sultana: my mom was like that iwth her parents
Hamim Sultana: im sometimes close with my mom. but not all the time
Hamim Sultana: but im never ok with my dad
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
kikgame92: ok just a few more minutes I'
kikgame92: m still doing stuff
kikgame92: I have laundry and organizing to do
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
Hamim Sultana: shama!
Hamim Sultana: i want my mommy ot leave NOW!!! i like being home alone...
kikgame92: tell me about it. that is like the best ever when ur home alone. u can blast ur music really loud and dance in ur underwear! &w&
Hamim Sultana: lol. i dance and sing in the shower. i even act out stuff xD
Hamim Sultana: when im home alone i can freely watch anime and music videos and stuff
kikgame92: lolz. I know I love that.
Hamim Sultana: i even put up pictures of the guys i like as my wallpapers
kikgame92: yah!
kikgame92: I get to sleep a lot too.
Hamim Sultana: u do that too?
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: i never worry about sleeping
Hamim Sultana: but i can put up the music high too, but not too high hehe
Hamim Sultana: when they come home i rush to change my wallpaper xD
kikgame92: yeah, i actually get beat up (playfully) when I sleep too long.
Hamim Sultana: lol. not me. i barely sleep
kikgame92: oh darn, really? taht sucks.
kikgame92: so where is your mom now?
Hamim Sultana: hehe, i fall asleep around 12 or something and wake up around 8 or 9. sometimes 6 or 7
Hamim Sultana: but i still get the required sleep
Hamim Sultana: amount of sleep*
kikgame92: that's good.
Hamim Sultana: ahahaha. i cant stop laughing at htis mini drama. u know the group called Super Junior right? well SuJu always has these dramas, and they're really good in acting.
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: i once got only 3 hours of sleep...
kikgame92: wow. I've actually had it where I get less then 6 hours of sleep and I'm fine until I get on my bus. I passed out on my bus one time.
kikgame92: Someoen had to wake me up at the stop because I was fast asleep.
kikgame92: I as so embarrased I ran off the bus.
Hamim Sultana: oh my, i know what u mean
Hamim Sultana: that's worse than what happened to me
Hamim Sultana: i fell asleep inside my schoolbus twice, once one our way to school, and thes elittle boys had to wake me up while everyone else was already out
Hamim Sultana: and on our way to home the driver yelled at me for sleeping xD
kikgame92: aww, that's terrible.
kikgame92: Bus drivers are supposed to be nice
Hamim Sultana: my driver is mean &_&
kikgame92: my bus driver is cool. he curses &_& and he let's us listen to music.
Hamim Sultana: hehe. cool. except the cursing part. lol. we used to have this substitute driver sometimes before, and he's really kind. he even waits for u to come out of the house, he waited for me about 5 minutes once. and he lets us eat becaus ehe knows some of us dont have enough time to eat at home
Hamim Sultana: he says we can go in the back and eat if we feel too shy to eat in front
Hamim Sultana: and he CALLS your house to know if ur comeing or not, he puts ont he radio as well. he once let two girls go to the store to buy stuff. xD the girls were only joking tho...
kikgame92: wow, that's a really nice bus driver. my driver does that too. he lets me off at different stops so I can go to the store or the cafe.
Hamim Sultana: cool! more ppl needs to be that way. lol
kikgame92: If more peoplez were that way, the world would be at peace.
Hamim Sultana: yesh yesh
Hamim Sultana: and guys needs to be more like the guys from animes and video games
Hamim Sultana: and kibum and kyuhyun. xD
kikgame92: yesh yesh, the loyal loving type that are always good and really love you.
Hamim Sultana: yup yup yup! and be handsome like kyuhyun and have a smile like kibum's. xD
Hamim Sultana: lol jk
Hamim Sultana: but did u really find them handsome?
kikgame92: yeah. I mean the ones without make-up are good and the one picture with one of them wearing glasses wasn't so good either but all in all they are all very handsome. most especially kyuhkun and kibum.
Hamim Sultana: cool! u liked them too? hehehe yaaaaay! They're fromt he same group. i didn't give u very good pictures of Max tho. lol. i didn't upload all of them yet
Hamim Sultana: im too lazy
kikgame92: lolz.
Hamim Sultana: who's smile did u like the best?
kikgame92: I can't pick they are both adorable.
kikgame92: &w&
kikgame92: No wait, Kyuhkun is the cutest, smile and all.
Hamim Sultana: hehe. really? i like both of their smiles. wanna see more pics of them? xD
Hamim Sultana: they're smiles are sort of differnet
kikgame92: ok, cool, send them to me I have to clean up after my cat. she pooed behind the tv.
Hamim Sultana: lol! xD oh and how's ur kitty now?
Hamim Sultana: kyuhyun and his shoes.
Hamim Sultana: him again
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: i just love his smile!
Hamim Sultana: hehe kibum in one of the music videos
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: ok i'll stop
kikgame92: ok and my kitten is doing great.
Hamim Sultana: yaaay!
Hamim Sultana: that's good to hear
kikgame92: almost done just gotta put the tv back
Hamim Sultana: am i annoying u with the pictures?
kikgame92: huh, no I haven't even looked at them yet.
kikgame92: i love pictures.
Hamim Sultana: hehe same here!
kikgame92: oh no, none of the picture links work anymore.
Hamim Sultana: huh? why? what does it say?
Hamim Sultana: and it's ok, i can send it again. LD
Hamim Sultana: *
Hamim Sultana: OMG! i wanna sit there and get a hug from kyuhyun like that! =O
Hamim Sultana: and a kiss to =O
kikgame92: oo! ok cool.
Hamim Sultana: AND OMG! his smile! his MSILE!!!! he smiles like an angel!
Hamim Sultana: better than an angel!!! &_&
kikgame92: *girlish giggle* stop it.
Hamim Sultana: stop what?
Hamim Sultana: so do u want the pictures?
kikgame92: lolz, the describing is intense and sure
Hamim Sultana: and this u can watch int he video...lalala
Hamim Sultana: lol. u should really watch it. and the little dance and song he does *squeals*
kikgame92: lolz.
Hamim Sultana: what does hte link say tho?
Hamim Sultana: does this work?
kikgame92: it seyz picture not found and goes straight to the main photobucket screen.
Hamim Sultana: o.O
Hamim Sultana: did that work?
kikgame92: nope not this one either
Hamim Sultana: same hting?
Hamim Sultana: kibum!
Hamim Sultana: him again
Hamim Sultana: now?
kikgame92: this is the one I like
Hamim Sultana: hehe, that one i sent u too, but the link didnt work.
kikgame92: wow, really? oh well here's my favorite Kibum one.
kikgame92: I think sent me that one on Gaia.
Hamim Sultana: hehe yeah i remember. i love that one! i love it when he smiles.
Hamim Sultana: my friend from school likes him too
Hamim Sultana: does this work?
kikgame92: Ooo! I just found a picture of Kibum with glasses on. I wuve it.
kikgame92: nope
kikgame92: doesn't work still
kikgame92: do mine work?
Hamim Sultana: yup
Hamim Sultana: i have a whole bunch of pics with him wearing glasses
kikgame92: yah! uh this picture, it looks like he has a childs face.
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: heehe, even ubtil now he has a child's face, especailly when he smiles
kikgame92: i love the glasses
kikgame92: &w&
Hamim Sultana: hehe yesh
kikgame92: oh no, te link to youtube didn't work
Hamim Sultana: wat come none of my links work?
Hamim Sultana: i'll send it through a PM thewn
kikgame92: ok
kikgame92: oi vey, I'm sorry I have to go.
kikgame92: send the PM anyways and I;ll get it
Hamim Sultana: aww! when will u come back?
kikgame92: probably a little later like around 4 or 5 maybe.
Hamim Sultana: ok. i should be home by then
kikgame92: okeyziez! byziez!
Hamim Sultana: bye bye!
kikgame92 has signed out. (6/28/2007 12:14 PM)
Show Recent Messages (F3)
kikgame92: Hi again.
Hamim Sultana: hi!
kikgame92: I thought I'd be busy til later btu I'm not so . .
Hamim Sultana: same here, i thought i'd have to leave by 2, it's not 2 yet, but my mom isn't saying anyhting about it
Hamim Sultana: NOOOO! i think my mom called
Hamim Sultana: oh nvm, she said it's at 3
kikgame92: oh ok, I was about to panick with u
Hamim Sultana: lol. hehe. the mini drama is making me laugh
Hamim Sultana: espeacially Kyuhyung! ahahah!
kikgame92: yeah i noticed taht when i was on photobucket. i saw a lot of little shows about them. the shows look cute.
Hamim Sultana: im watching one which is actually a game, and they have to do things and stuff in order to win
Hamim Sultana: u should watch them. another one is called Super Junior Full house. kibum is in it
Hamim Sultana: well of cours eh
Hamim Sultana: ahaha. lol. and Kyu is singing in the end making a heart xD
Hamim Sultana: he loves us!
Hamim Sultana: (loves me more tho xD)
kikgame92: That's all right. Kyu may wuve u more, but Kibum wunes me more.
kikgame92: >w<
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOO! i knew them longer!
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: i haven't done this for a long time
kikgame92: ok. still, Kibum wuves me more because me is . . . hmm, me can't tink of anyting. Oh well. He just wuve me more.
Hamim Sultana: lol. which one do u like more?
Hamim Sultana: sis is annoying!!! >_<
kikgame92: I would have to say KyuHyun.
kikgame92: Even though Kibum has a baby face, KyuHyun seems to have that unknowing thing about him.
kikgame92: My sister is annoying too sometimes.
Hamim Sultana: u have a sister?
kikgame92: yeah I have a 3 year old sister.
Hamim Sultana: wow, u also thing that way too eh? yeah, when I first saw him int he Music Video I was like, "Whoa, he seems mysetrious." but he really isn't htat mysterious xD Kibum is sorta liek that too
Hamim Sultana: my sister is turning 8 today and she's stilla nnoying
kikgame92: What I don't understand is I get along with my couins, but if I'm with my sister for too long, I'm about to lose my mind.
Hamim Sultana: lol. same here.
Hamim Sultana: my sister has no manners >_<
kikgame92: My sister doesn't either. And she's mean.
kikgame92: Especially when she's cranky.
Hamim Sultana: xD i know what u mean
kikgame92: Got disconnected, sorry.
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: hmm...i dont understand this game...but i still like it because Kyuhyun keeps making a heart sign xD
Hamim Sultana:
kikgame92: Can I ask u a question?
Hamim Sultana: sure
kikgame92: What is it with Japan and yaoi?
Hamim Sultana: LOL! i always wondered that too. I find it gross, and yet tot hem it's not a big deal.
Hamim Sultana: but why that all of a sudden?
kikgame92: they had, on the show u sent me, a card passing game with their mouths. it looked like they were kissing.
Hamim Sultana: ahaha! xD lol. it's only a game, dont worry. lol. I was wondering if one of the videos i sent u had that. u mean the vidoe that I JUST sent u? hehe, it's just a game, they're not liek that actually
kikgame92: yah! ok
Hamim Sultana: lol. u should see kyuhyung there. lol. he kept laughing. xD
Hamim Sultana: i'd take out the card and the other dude, and add me in it. xD
kikgame92: lolz.
Hamim Sultana: hehe. did u watch it yet?
Hamim Sultana: aww! kyuhyung is so polite and such a gentle man! he's the only one not syaing those silly perverted thins here
kikgame92: oh ok, hold on.
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: i love it when kyuhyun does that "tch' sound! he loosk so adorable!
Hamim Sultana: LOL! ahahahah! omg!
Hamim Sultana: umm...u there?
Hamim Sultana: im gonna have to go in awhile
kikgame92: wah!
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: i dont wanna go!
Hamim Sultana: i'll be back in an hour or so
Hamim Sultana: oh and u'r watching it?
Hamim Sultana: i dont like the girl >_<
Hamim Sultana: umm..hello?
Hamim Sultana: lol. im watching jimmy neautron. lol. that's like the only show in nickalodean i liek other than spongebob
kikgame92: sorry i have no alert when there is a new message. i like sponggebob too.
Hamim Sultana: ooh it's ok.s o watcha doing right now?
kikgame92: listening to music
kikgame92: and reading comics on VGCATS.COM
Hamim Sultana: ooh okies
Hamim Sultana: im watching the mini drama. omg...if u see a gentleman doing a...out of character act it's so...hilarious xD
Hamim Sultana: lol. his watch has a question mark on it. lol
kikgame92: ?
kikgame92: lolz
Hamim Sultana: lol. in the mini drama
Hamim Sultana: i'll be going now
Hamim Sultana: bye bye
Hamim Sultana: hello!
Hamim Sultana: im back
Hamim Sultana: by the time i got there it was over. lol
kikgame92: where did u go exactly?
Hamim Sultana: some little prgram thingy
kikgame92: oh ok.
Hamim Sultana: omg...this mini drama was so sad
Hamim Sultana: and kyuhyun sang in it and omg! he acts like a pro!
kikgame92: lolz, ok.
kikgame92: I'm glad that there are good actors to entertain us peoplez.
Hamim Sultana: yeah, he's good at acting, singing, AND dancing
kikgame92: oh kool. well his future love will be very pweazed!
kikgame92: >w<
Hamim Sultana: hehe yesh yesh (which is me by the way) kibum is good at acting too. he too is a singer,dancer,and actor. but he's more of a rapper than a singer
kikgame92: kool (wah! KyuHyun was supposed to marry me).
Hamim Sultana: (xD ehh...let's not get too ahead into the future for now then.)
Hamim Sultana: did u watch their drama yet?
kikgame92: oh no i didn't get to. i had to do some chores and i forgot.
Hamim Sultana: oooh okies
Hamim Sultana: are u alwayd doing chores? xD
kikgame92: yeah. Cleaning up after my cat, dishesand or laundry. Usually when I'm not supposed to be busy I end up having something to do.
Hamim Sultana: wow, at leats u always have somehting to do
Hamim Sultana: bored. xD
kikgame92: I'm sorry u are. brb. My cats are in plain sight meaning they are hungry.
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
kikgame92: back. man, those cats are insane.
Hamim Sultana: lol. like me
kikgame92: ur crazy? o.0
Hamim Sultana: was meant as a joke...
kikgame92: I know I just didn;t know that.
kikgame92: I'm partially insane myself.
kikgame92: >w<
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: so watcha doing now?
kikgame92: playing games on
Hamim Sultana: oh ok. im still watching their dramas. lol. i didnt send u a pic of Choi yet right?
kikgame92: um no I don't think u did.
Hamim Sultana: hehehe i'll go look for one then
Hamim Sultana: (i doubt the link will work xD)
Hamim Sultana: when will u watc the drama with kyuhyun? :/ it's sad
kikgame92: send me the link again pweaze? I wost it.
Hamim Sultana: hehe okies
Hamim Sultana: no problem
Hamim Sultana:
kikgame92: wow. it;s going so quickly. and KyuHyun is so mature. The others are so perverted.
Hamim Sultana: lol. u're wtaching it already? haha
Hamim Sultana: wat's goijng quickly
Hamim Sultana: wow, kyuhyun really confessed while he wa sin a band once
kikgame92: the words are going quickly and oh my goodness. KyuHyun was mean? Be mean to me KyuHyun! >w<
Hamim Sultana: xD lol. u can pause it if u like
Hamim Sultana: so u can read
kikgame92: yesh! of course I can read!
kikgame92: this is so silly in some spots.
Hamim Sultana: lol yeah. where are u up to?
kikgame92: the auditions! his nose started bleeding! ahhahahaha!! *rofl*
Hamim Sultana: lol! yeah u saw that too? i actually happen to love that dude..well i love everyoen in that group but...ool. xD
Hamim Sultana: lol*
Hamim Sultana: and kyuhyun is so out of character inm this drama
kikgame92: lolz, yeah he is.
Hamim Sultana: lol. and the girl isn't even singing. xD
kikgame92: no she wasn't. AND WHY ARE THEY SMELLING PEOPLES CLOTHES!?!
Hamim Sultana: the guy who suggested that scene is a pervert maybe? lol. but i still cant understand why anyone would want to smell ppl's clothes
kikgame92: Well I can understand if they are gone 4ever (dead, moved away) and something they gave u has a sweet smell to it (like kavender or jasmine ) but it was still her clothing. perverted little boys are everywhere. <_<
Hamim Sultana: lol! kyuhyun's audition xD
kikgame92: wah! she stood him up. she's so mean, where was she?!
Hamim Sultana: who?
kikgame92: Solbi. Oh no she's sick! What's wrong with her?
Hamim Sultana: u're that far already? O_O
kikgame92: yeah why? ur not there yet?
Hamim Sultana: no i finished wtaching it already. but i didnt know u could watch it so fast. xD
kikgame92: oh well yeah i guess my computer is liking me today.
kikgame92: she has throat cancer! wah!
Hamim Sultana: nah, the drama wasn't that long naywyas. lol
Hamim Sultana: so i finished it quite fast too
Hamim Sultana:
kikgame92: she died after he sang to her . . . . *crying river of tears*
Hamim Sultana: and poor Kyuhyun...
kikgame92: I know that's going to haunt him forever.
kikgame92: and it;s based on a true story!
kikgame92: wah! *still crying*
Hamim Sultana: no it's not. is?
kikgame92: yesh it is. it said so in the begining
Hamim Sultana: the ending isn't real tho, they made it up, they put their stories together to come up with that drama
kikgame92: well I guess so far it's true, that's still sad though!
Hamim Sultana: int he beginning, remember when they were talking? kyuhyun said he confessed once when he wa sin an actual band. but they never mentioned the dieing part. hehe
Hamim Sultana: yeah
Hamim Sultana: i vote for the Prince team
Hamim Sultana: do u wanna see their other drama? it has kyuhyun in it. hehe
kikgame92: ok sure.
Hamim Sultana: looK! kibum's in this!
kikgame92: wah it didn't work!
Hamim Sultana: NOOO! Okies, I'll send it through PM
Hamim Sultana: oh and that's th eother drama
kikgame92: okay thanks
Hamim Sultana: ur wlecomje
kikgame92: ah! no! same sex love means yaoi! my eyes they burn!
Hamim Sultana: it's not real xD
Hamim Sultana: they HAD to make it up
kikgame92: wow. poor guy he went straight to being a drunk after his girl got hit by a car.
Hamim Sultana: if u still dont wanna watch, just watch the Kibum video i snet
Hamim Sultana: awww! kibum is so adorable!
kikgame92: ok.
Hamim Sultana: chaka
kikgame92: OOO! Chaka did the song Ashita e no MERODI-
Hamim Sultana: huh?
kikgame92: No u said Chaka and I said a song she did.
Hamim Sultana: oooh. who's chaka?
Hamim Sultana: does htis link work>
kikgame92: She sang the ending theme to the movie "Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2". It's a great song. Look it up on youtube but avoid the one with scenes from BrokeBack Mountian.
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
Hamim Sultana: brokeback mountain? o.O
kikgame92: all guys and they got kinda lonley in the desert let's just leave it at that.
kikgame92: and Kibum is adorable with his dancing.
kikgame92: >w<
Hamim Sultana: hehe u saw? can u see this?
kikgame92: wah! no.
Hamim Sultana: ok i'll PM it
Hamim Sultana: sent
kikgame92: ok i'll get it hold on
Hamim Sultana: ok
Hamim Sultana: wt the..the girl is...-_-
kikgame92: what girl?
Hamim Sultana: im watching a drama with shiwon. and di u see ht evideo?
kikgame92: yeah almost. sorry I'm arguing with my friend Lee.
Hamim Sultana: it's ok. why?
kikgame92: we aren't exactly getting along. he likes to confuse people and i'm gettign frustrated and so much more to it.
Hamim Sultana: if i were u...i'd reverse the situation. im good at confusing ppl
kikgame92: i'm not. I'm trying to explain to him taht yes life is a riddle but so is love and so are women!
Hamim Sultana: what's he argueing about?
kikgame92: he's random so, I don't really know anymore.
kikgame92: I said something about women being as harsh as the sea and he spit out something about the world know less about the sea than they d about outer space.
Hamim Sultana: o.O huh? idk what u two are talking about
kikgame92: sorry.
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
kikgame92: Scary thunderstorm. Gotta go bye.
kikgame92 has signed out. (6/28/2007 7:00 PM)
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Hamim Sultana: hehehe, my siwon and kibum
Hamim Sultana: AWWW! MY SHIWON!
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Show Recent Messages (F3)
Karen: lol
Karen: sry
Karen: i took a nap
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol, it's ok. im watching an anime. hehehe. it's hilarious
Karen: ohh ok
Karen: lol
Karen: wats it called?
Hamim Sultana: well it's really a series. but it's very long. 18 vs. 29
Hamim Sultana: it's interesting, but sort of hard to explain
Karen: oh
Karen: hmm
Karen: never heard of it
Karen: laaaaaaka
Hamim Sultana: but it's awsome. wow...
Hamim Sultana: *eats popcorn*
Hamim Sultana: OMG! SUSPENSE!
Karen: lol ok
Hamim Sultana: this girl got hit by a mop...and then she woke up and she was int he hispital...but looked older and stuff
Hamim Sultana: and her husband is like bla bla bla
Hamim Sultana: and she's liek huh?
Karen: lmao
Karen: she lost her memory b/c of a mop
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol no, a car crash
Hamim Sultana: she got into a car crash and she can't rmeember anything
Hamim Sultana: she only remember things from when she got hit by a mop xD
Hamim Sultana: i only saw the first episode so im not sure what's going on either
Karen: ohh ok lmao
Karen: stiill, thats weird lol
Hamim Sultana: nah, it's awsome. ehhehe. lol! the actress is hilarious! she acts like a stubborn 6 year old xD
Karen: lol
Karen: is it with real ppl?
Hamim Sultana: yesh
Hamim Sultana: ahahah! lol. xD she's like, "I came...I came to get my journal checked." and he's like, "did i ask why?" lol
Hamim Sultana: umm...u dont get it do u? xD
Karen: lol
Karen: no
Karen: oh wait
Karen: i do
Karen: aw dats mean
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: lol. form what im getting, she hated him before, but he always liked her so he would be mean to the other girls or something...idk xD
Hamim Sultana: ahahah! xD
Hamim Sultana: lol. she really lost her memory badly
Karen: lol
Karen: im confused
Hamim Sultana: she doesnt know what a cell phone is. xD
Karen: im just watching naruto
Karen: lala
Karen: WAT.?
Karen: lol
Hamim Sultana: her husband was trying to teach her but she doesnt get it. so he gave her the manual
Hamim Sultana: and she kept calling ppl form her address book, u know, int he phone
Karen: lol
Karen: lol oh ok
Hamim Sultana: and when they know it's her she's like "how'd they know? they must have hidden cameras in the house..." and she kept suspecting everythiing
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: he's soooo handsome....
Hamim Sultana: u chicka
Karen: lalaa
Karen: sry
Karen: mimi!!
Karen: i might get a new phone
Karen: but idk
Karen: wahhhhhhhh
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: really? cool!
Hamim Sultana: a new one? so u already have one right now?
Karen: technically its already mine
Karen: and i got it from a friend
Karen: cuz she didint want it anymore
Karen: its a Sprint Fusic LG phone
Karen: really nice
Karen: but, she still owes money in her old account and its like $200
Karen: she needs to pay that
Karen: but she needs to cancel her account in order for me
Karen: to have the phone under my name or on my dad's plan
Karen: ahh
Hamim Sultana: coooool.
Hamim Sultana: everyone seems to have their own cell phone but me xD
Karen: lol
Karen: yea but i only have it
Karen: but i dont have any line on it or text mesaging or watveer
Karen: xD
Karen: HEHE
Karen: laaaaah
Hamim Sultana: lol. it's still fun to have one xD
Hamim Sultana: llalala
Hamim Sultana: i hope nat comes back soon...
Karen: aww
Karen: yea
Karen: i miss talkin to her
Karen: she went to land of far far away
Karen: O.o
Hamim Sultana: she went to lala land
Hamim Sultana: i eat chicka paka
Hamim Sultana: lol. this is hilarious
Hamim Sultana: lol. her dress is bla! and the dude tells her ur wife's fashion sense is so speacial. xD
Karen: lol
Karen: why is everyone soo mean?
Karen: haha
Hamim Sultana: dunno. lol.
Hamim Sultana: hey i think i'll go now ok?
Hamim Sultana: sorry, bye bye!
Hamim Sultana: grr i couldnt ifnish watching this episode
PM to Kikgame:
Wow they are so handsome. Makes me feel way better. yeah without make-up and younger it is way better. yeah they are adorable with their smiles and their constantly changing hair styles.
Wait, I didn't show you Kibum's picture with make-up on! lol. I show it to you now.
With make-up and from the MV:

This isn't a very good picture though. Lol. And he was rapping so it makes him look weird.
And this is without make-up, but it's during the time he did the MV.

And you actually find them cute? Hehe, I thought you wouldn't like them. And how do you know they constantly change their hairstyle? o.O
the second picture is great. the first one . . . O.O