Well, I feel the need to sortof fill this bihatch up with at least SUMTHING... i just finished registering for my courses at my university down the road (quite literally) which was exciting and enthralling...except for this damnable proficiency test to go into french classes... damn prof. test... scream stressed oh well, c'est la vie i spose, heh, pardon the pun... wink i have to go to work though tonight...which kinda sucks, but what are ya gonna do ? i need the money... to quote the musical "RENT" : "times are shitty....but i'm pretty sure they can't get worse..." anywho, today was random, and ..i'm content with that ..i'll try to post sumthing everytime i come on ...we'll see how it goes razz if i forget to, and start to ignore my journal, someone please have the balls to remind me ? thank ya !