Can't hardly wait. I'm going on both Saturday and Sunday. I plan to wear by Red Mage costume on Saturday and my Gaia angelic mini wings with somewhat normal clothes on Sunday. Can't really think of any merchandise I want beyond a how to draw anime book that covers occult and horror. I've been drawing this strange creature that I've been trying to design for a while, but I wasn't able to get it how I wanted it until now. It's not going to be evil, just a race of creatures in a series I'm working on. They have tails that can grip things, long ears, are cabable of both walking on their hind legs and running on all fours and have three fingered claw like hands, but I still wanted to give them an intelligent look, not an easy task.
This year, my Anime North venture will be a little more complicated then it usually is. We originally had 8 people in our group, but one girl couldn't go, and now another on of my girlfriends is leaving Saturday night instead of Sunday, since she's got a big test and full time job to worry about. The Lady of Moof wants to launch an effort to make her stay with us, but I'm going to stand by her decision. We've got a giant bucket of glowsticks and tommorow Moof and I are getting the food to keep powered up between meals.
In other news, I still need to arrange an appointment with my dentist, I'm due for a checkup. I stand by my record of having a dazzling white all natural smile and being cavity free since I lost my baby tooth with the filling. I think I also need to see my regular doctor, because I'm having sleep irregularities. She gave me some sleeping pills a while ago, but they just don't seem to help me and I'm nearly all out at any rate. I'll feel tired and drop right asleep lying on my back on the ugly lumpy couch in the living room middle of the day. Yet I'll feel wide awake and not fall asleep in my big soft confortable bed lying on my side until 2AM. Then it's impossible for me to stay awake through my class lectures, which are kind of important. I think I'm going to need some stronger sleeping medicine to make me conk out at the proper times.
Maybe it's due to issues with my room. My poor Beta fish, Dadelus died on Tuesday, I had him for almost 3 years. I sadly saluted him as I buried him at sea, flushing him down the toilet. I think I'll get another fish after the convention. I also need to repaint my room and get better curtians, I've got this ugly pink ones my mom found lying around. I can't stand pink, yet my entire room is painted in it. This is going to be such a pain in the a**.
Holy crap, I think time should change its name to "Right-Wing Weekly" at this point. It seems all they're full of these days is junk on religon and pieces that kiss the Vatican's a**, that prop piece on Ann Coulter didn't help my opinion either.
Then they've got propaganda on XBOX, disregarding the fact that there's hardly any decent games for it beyone Halo 2, Grand Theft Auto and Fable. I'll wait for the PS3, thanks. Mr. Gates, it's not the platform, it's the games you play on it. I don't care if it multitasks, I've already got a TV, DVD player and my computer takes care of my music needs, I buy the console to play games (RPGs specifically).
Summer classes aren't that bad, at least I only have 2. I swear I'm studying hard for these and trying my best this time, but the real test to see if I can do these comes in the form of a quiz next Tuesday. I'll study all Monday when I get back.
My sister's gone back to her campus for a summer semester. She doesn't seem to be doing well in classes, my dad said she failed a course in spring. So she's on her own, doing 4 courses while looking for a job. She also has my entire Naruto series which I burned on CD, hope she gets it together.
I'm working on a bunch of personal projects this summer. I've sewn several pairs of Mini Angelic Wing hair clips and I plan to mail a pair to Lanzer as a gift. I've also got designs for Goti and Bani clips in the works, as well as Angelic and Demonic Wings. My major project that I really wanna do is a suit of armor. My friend The Lady of Moof wants to go to an anime convention as a dragoon, but she says she wants to lose some weight before I start casting the pieces. I think she's fine the way she is, but this armor could take a while to create.
I'm so pissed off that I got laid off at the animal hospital, still no luck finding a new job, at least not one above minimum wage. My boss just called me into his office and said that I didn't do anything wrong, it's just that there really wasn't enough work to go around and someone had to go. That's what he told me and what it says on my dismissal slip, but I still have my doubts. I'm kind of limited in my work options right now. I really want spending money, since I plan to use my savings on big ticket things like laser eye surgery in the future. But I can't afford a car nor insurance, there's only really minimum wage jobs near my house that really aren't worth the headache.
I'm seriously looking into going overseas as an English teacher, maybe even as a career. I'm graduating in about a year or so, but I don't think my marks are good enough to do med school, I don't really know if I'm up for grad school and for reasons stated above, I really don't have the time to take jobs and positions that would have me working with kids and give me the experience necessary to get into Teacher's College. The job market's looking kind of crappy around my area too. I think I can get TESL certification and if it works out, English Teaching overseas could also get me into Teacher's College, if I ever want to come back here.
Well, I'm off to get my s**t together.
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Journey of a Ronin
The thoughts, musings, insanity and rants of a wandering warrior. A self professed student/artist/dreamer/anarchist, riding the waves to find my place in the world.
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