You came

Your tears are falling
My wounds are healing
You believed in me
I’ll stay in your arms
I’ll hold on to you

* I hear the dark lullaby
I hear their voices
I was alone in the darkness
But you came and set me free

I bled, I screamed, and I prayed
Waiting for someone to save me
My Salvation
But your tears-
They healed me
Your arms-
They protected me
And now I smile in hope

* I hear the dark lullaby
I hear their voices
I was alone in the darkness
But you came and set me free

My soul is free from darkness
Your voice is a perfect lullaby
I hears no more voices
Your arms
Always open
I’ll come to you
Forever Comfort

* I hear the dark lullaby
I hear their voices
I was alone in the darkness
But you came and set me free

I hears your sweet lullaby
Your sweet touch
Wiping away all of my tears
I was alone in the darkness
But you came
And set me free

( song i wrote cuz i was sad once and felt like writing like this though I don't that much..........but i like this one)