part 3)

Seth looked at me with a hurt in his eyes.........I wanted to hug him at the time......but first i need to free him. Using magic to open a lock once again, i did it. To my despair, a monster held its club over me. Seth's eyes widen. Yet, oh how stupid i was to understand that i was supost to move. Next thing i knew, it was Seth who saved me again, and it was he, who took the hit. He coughed out blood, but not dead. His eyes looked at me, now somehow he was in his Wolf form. Then he said in a whisper voice....." yourself while you still can.....go now! i'll be okay................" I wanted to reply but... i had no choice. The monster saw me trying to make a run for it......then i heard it...."Aura...............i love you.........." I wanted to return to him......but...there was nothing i could do with a weak spell. Soon they lost sight of me......then i heard long, weak wolf cry....

Sitting here on one of the tree arm i still woundering how the hell am i going to find him?...I'm now fully ready.....all i need to do is find the right path... to find out who's behind all this........