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New Story People! Look for it!
As the title says, I'm starting a new story. Look for it peeps!
Spiritual Laws
Midoriko awoke to Sarah jumping on her bed. "Mommy! Mommy! Teach me today please?!"
Midoriko caught Sarah and held her close to her body, pulling the covers over top of them both. Sarah screeched in surprise and giggled as Midoriko started tickling her. "Alright. I'll teach you. But you need to go get ready. I can't teach you in your pajamas."
Sarah nodded dutifully and ran off into her room to get dressed. Midoriko took this time to take a quick shower and got ready, getting dressed just as quickly. As if on que, Sarah rushed in.
Midoriko scooped her up and brought her into the lounge, sitting her down on the couch. "Now, before you start the Practice, you must first learn the Basics."
Sarah nodded and dug between the couch cushions, taking out her own little tome, her Book of Shadows, and a pencil.
Midoriko began to speak, "No truth is absolute. The universe consists of constant opposites. Meaning if you do good, there must be bad waiting to happen. For every action there is a reaction."
Midoriko paused for Sarah to write them down and then continued, "We are all one, we are all connected. The ultimare act of spirituality is creation through love, manifesting harmony."
"Mommy." Sarah said raising her hand. "How do you spell 'spirituality'?
"S-P-I-R-I-T-U-A-L-I-T-Y. Manifesting is spelled M-A-N-I-F-E-S-T-I-N-G."
"Thank you mommy."
Midoriko waited for her to finish and then began again. "What we give to the Goddess and the God will return to us. Just as we must return to them. We must never close our mind to knowledge; as being close-minded will lead to pig-headedness and eventually stupidity."
Midoriko waited for the questions, surprisingly there was none. "Okay then... A circle is a holy place and negativity is not acceptable."
"Mommy spell acceptable."
"Thank you."
Midorikok waited again. "The body of the Wiccan is used to channel and focus the energies; Tools are merely the focus aids. Use common sense, do not teach the Mysteries to fools as they will use it to do not only harm, but cause chaos."
"Mommy, chaos?"
"Thank you, mommy."
Midoriko smiled. "I'll teach you more later. For now, breakfast."
"Aww!!!" Sarah whined, closing her Book of Shadows and setting it aside. Midoriko just smiled and picked her up, bringing her into the kitchen to fix breakfast.

"Mommy? What do the three phases of the Goddess mean?" Sarah said, tugging on her mother's skirt to get her attention. Midoriko stooped down and picked Sarah up.
"They represent our stages of life, of course." Midoriko smiled. "The Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone."
"What does the Maiden mean?"
"The Maiden is our youth and anticipation of life. She represents the continuation of life and is usually paired with the season spring, the waxing Moon, and the colors white, light pink, and light yellow."
"Why spring and the waxing Moon, momma?"
"Because she is assosiated with purity and nature. The Maiden is usually shown in the company of animals and running freely in fields."
"But why?" Sarah asked, getting impatient. Midoriko merely chuckled.
"While we are the Maiden, we see the world with child-like wonder. The beauty of a feather, the mystery of a seed and how it always knows just what it needs to sprout. She is also normally seen as a huntress and a warrior. Like the Virgin goddesses Athene and Artimus."
"Ohhh! So what about the Mother?"
"The Mother is just that, the Mother. She is usually paired with the color of blood and the color of lifeforce, red and green. She represents summer, ripening, birth, the high point of the Cycle, adulthood and parenthood, and the full moon."
"I don't ever what to be the Mother..." Sarah pouted.
Midoriko smiled and kissed Sarah's forehead. "Ah, but you must. Because if you do not then you cannot complete the cycle and become the Crone."
Sarah became curious. "What's the Crone then?"
"The Crone is the wisdom of the three. She represents death and the end of cycles, winter, night, age, counsel, and the waning moon. The Crone shows us the way to Death and Reincarnation. She has the mystery of time behind her. In Her eyeswe understand that Death is part of Life and isn't something to be feared."
"B-but... I don't want to die..." Sarah pouted.
"No one wants to die, Sarah." Midoriko sighed. "But you are a Maiden. You can't yet understand. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that story..."
"No mama! It was a good story!" Sarah smiled, nodding. Midorikok chuckled and kissed her daugher's cheek before letting her run off to play with Maaka.

Love spell:
Midoriko sighed as she looked to the sky. A new moon, perfect. She looked to her client and smiled. "A perfect night." She handed her client a little black dress (a sexy outfit or something) to her client and bid them to go change.
When they came back she sprayed them with a gentle, but alluring scent and bid them to breathe deeply as she cast.
She went to her alter and cast a small circle. "Harm none, harm undone, blessed be."
The client looked worried as Midoriko lit a vanilla incense stick, waving it infront of the client briefly before putting it on her dragon incense holder to let it burn.
Midoriko then took a metre of red ribbon and handed it to the client. "Envision your love, then wrap the ribbon around your index finger. Remember everything. Beauty marks, scar, and aspect of his face and body. Appearance, clothing, scent, sound of his voice, how he wears his hair, everything."
The client did this, closing (his/her) eyes in concentration. As the client did, Midoriko guided their finger to the "third eye", the spot on the forhead between the eyes. "This cannot be rushed." Midoriko spoke softly. The spell took a long time, but she was getting paid well.
When the client inhaled, Midoriko moved the finger to their heart for five counts. When they exhaled, she moved the index finger to their forehead. "As you exhale, focus on branding your future lover's likeness to the ribbon."
The client focused more and was suddenly lost in a trance, the vanilla incense and lavander becoming intoxicating.
Midoriko noticed and spoke. "His image is burned withing your mind,
Every detail has its place,
You ask of him now to think of you,
As you think of him,
Your body, your soul, your face."
When the client snapped out of the trance Midoriko unwrapped the ribbon from his/her finger, handing a pair of silver scissors to her. "Take the ribbon and cut it in sections where you spend time most. And then leave one in your lover's office. And another in the kitchen area of your work. One under your pillow as well."
The client nodded and paid Midoriko in full, racing out of Aoi Haru in shame of having to sink so low as to going to a witch for help. Midoriko watched her client leave and smirked. "Becareful what you ask for, though, dear..."
She went back into her room to clear the spell's after effects from her circle.

Midoriko and Sarah sat by the hearth of the fireplace, Sarah staring intently at Midoriko, and Midoriko into the flames. When Midoriko looked to Sarah, she stiffened. Midoriko just smiled and turned to face Sarah, picking her up and putting her in her lap, turning to face the fire. "Let me tell you a story... Look into the fire and open your mind. You will see the Universe as it began for the Wiccan."
Sarah nodded and gazed into the fire,letting the warmth wash into her body and relax her. She closed her eyes briefly and opened her mind as her mother started telling the story.
"Before time was, there was The One; The One was all, and all was The One. And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all-wise, all-prevading, all-powerful, eternally changing. And the space moved."
"Like the fire?" Sarah spoke excitedly, watching the fire take random shapes but not random enough to not fit the story.
Midoriko chuckled and nodded. "Yes... Like the fire. Now listen: The One molded energy into twin forms, equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God from The One and of The One.
The Goddess and God stretched and gave thanks to The One, but darkness surrounded them. They were alone, solitary save for The One."
"Poor Goddess and God..." Sarah said softly, watching the story play out in the fire.
Midoriko just continued,"So They formed energy into gases, into suns and planets and moons; They sprinkled the universe with whirling globes and so all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and God. Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns. And the Goddess and God, satisfied by their works, rejoiced and loved, and were one. From their union sprang the seeds of all life, and of the human race, so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth."
"Mommy am I of the Goddess and the God?" Sarah asked, looking up at her mother.
Midoriko smiled and looked down at Sarah. "Yes, we are all of the Goddess and the God. But over time, we that came from the Goddess and the God needed a reminder where we came from. So the Goddess chose the Moon as Her symbol, and the God the Sun as His symbol, to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners. All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Sun and Moon; all things come to pass there under, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of existence before time was."
Sarah looked up at her mother in amazement as the fire died down. Midoriko chuckled again and kissed her forehead. "From the Goddess and God we come, and to the Goddess and God we must return."
Sarah nodded and snuggled into Midoriko's lap. "Mommy, will I be as good at telling stories as you when I learn more?"
Midoriko watched as Sarah slowly fell asleep. "You will. And you'll be a great witch, or anything you want to be. That I know too."

"Mommy? What is Death?" Sarah asked Midoriko, looking up from her Book of Shadows. Midoriko froze and looked at her daughter. "If the Goddess and God love us so much, why do they let us die?"
Midoriko closed her own Book and sighed. "This is a tale I had planned to tell you much much later in life... But I suppose it must be told now. Understand that Death and Life are but mysteries and all must return to whence they came."
Sarah closed her Book and curled up at the fire's hearth again. Midoriko shook her head and took Sarah into her lap on the couch. "No no. This is not a story that can be shown. Just told."
Sarah nodded and waited for Midoriko to begin. And she did. "In this world, the Goddess is seen in the moon, the light that shines in darkness, the rain bringer, the mover of tides, and the Mistress of mysteries. And as the moon waxes and wanes and walks three nights of its cycle in darkness, so, it is said, the Goddess once spent three nights in the Kingdom of Death."
Sarah's eyes went wide at the mention of her Goddess even daring to step foot into the Kingdom of Death. "Why?"
"For love." Midoriko smiled. "For love She ever seeks her other Self, and one, in the winter of the year, when He had disappeared from the green Earth, She followed Him and came at last to the gates beyong which the living do not go."
"Love? But why only that?"
"Love is binding, my dear." Midoriko smiled softly and began again, "The Guardian of the Gate challenged Her. And She, in desperation, stripped Herself of clothing and jewels, for nothing may be brought into that Land. For love, She was bound as all who enter there and must be brought before Death Himself."
"But mommy, if she was brought to Death does that not mean that the Earth would die as well?"
"No, my love, that does not mean the Earth would die as well. They created the Earth so that we could survive, but still give thanks."
"Oh. That makes sense."
"Anyway. He loved Her and knelt at Her feet, laying before Her His sword and crown. He gave Her the fivefold kiss and said, 'Do not return to the living world, but stay here with Me, and have peace and rest and comfort.'"
"What did She say?"
"She answered with no hint of emotion, 'Why do you cause all things I love and delight in to die and wither away?' He answered her to try and placate her, 'Dear, it is the fate of all that lives to die. Everything passes;all fades away. I bring comfort and consolation to those who pass the Gates, that they may grow young again. But You are my heart's desire- return not, but stay here with Me.'"
"Did she accept?"
"Not exactly. She remained with him for three days and three nights. At the end of the third night She took up his crown and it became the circlet that She placed around her neck. She said, 'Here is the circle of Rebirth. Through You all passes out of Life, but through Me all may be born again. Everything passes; everything changes. Even Death is not eternal. Mind is the mystery of the womb, that is the cauldron of Rebirth. Enter into Me and know Me, and You will be free of all fear. For as Life is but a journey into Death, so Death is but a passage back to life. And in Me the circle is ever turning."
Midoriko looked to Sarah who was looking for a conclusion. Midoriko just shook her head. "I shall not tell you the rest. For that is for another time, but instead I shall tell you how it shall be. He is known as Lord of Shadows, the comforter and the consoler, opener of gates, King of the Land of Youth, the giver of peaces and rest. But She is the gracious mother of all Life. From Her all things proceed but all must return to Her again. Just as in Her all is a fulfillment of love."
Sarah smiled and nodded, squirming out of her mother's grasp to go to her Book of Shadows again. Midoriko smiled, seeing at how devoted her daughter was to learning the Craft. Midoriko could not help but feel pride but also fear. For if her daughter should delve too deep, she may loose herself. And that she would not allow. She will never allow it.

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