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New Story People! Look for it!
As the title says, I'm starting a new story. Look for it peeps!
Different Story Characters. May also be used in RP; prob. no
Full Name: Tejinashi Mion

Age: 15

Rank: Chuunin

Village: Hidden Village of Sand

Gender: female

Elements (since it's canon now): Wind, Lightning

Family History: The Tejinashi clan are a relatively small and unnoticed clan in the sand village known for two things; bird summons and a bloodline limit known as the Ryuuyougen (Diversion Eye) recognized by a briliant green color and a clover shaped retina. Much like the Sharingan and Byakuugan, it is a sight based technique, but unlike the other two it doesn't grant the user any visual aides. Because of the bloodline (described below) many clan members who don't become ninjas are famous as magicians and showmen. Many of the tricks involve birds, an advantage for a family well known for bird summons since assistants are never in short supply.

Personal History: Mion originally never planned to become a ninja. She grew up mesmerized by the performances of her magician brethren, and from an early age proved a prodigy herself at the art of showmanship. Quick witted, smooth tongued, and very charismatic, she travelled frequently performing at notable festivals and towns. Because of her travels she was not part of the attack on konoha when her village was played by orochimaru. When news of the attack and the subsequent need for capable ninja in the village reached her, she was at a low point in her magic career. The usually enthusiastic prodigy was getting bored with performing the same routines every show. She decided that perhaps the chaotic realm of the ninja would offer her something more interesting.

Personality: Because of this initial approach to her work, she tends to treat any combat she gets into like a performance, making her somewhat similar to naruto's rambunctious and often loud demeanor. Her appearance is also just as flashy, tending to wear bright red clothes, as well as a bare minimum of them. Her excuse is they serve as additional distractions, although the frequency with which she will kiss anyone she has taken a fancy to leaves many doubting that it's the only reason. She also has a habit of playing with opponents, often with simple tricks like pulling a string of hankerchiefs from behind their ears. To an extent she's also a bit of a sadist and does get a thrill out of causing others to bleed. To put things simply, she's a cocky, charismatic, sadistic, playful sort with a bit of a perverted streak.

Weapons: the usual stock; shurikens, kunai; as well as flash bombs....LOTS of flash bombs

Jutsu (note: my japanese translations may be off, let me know if you know the right words):
Ryuuyougen: The nature of ryuuyougen is a genjutsu technique which forces the opponent's site to focus completely on the eye, rendering them obvlivious to all else around them. It is ideal for setting traps, ambushes, or other genjutsu techniques, however it is vulnerable to techniques like the sharingen and can be avoided simply by not looking at the user's eyes. It can also be dispelled by inflicting pain upon oneself. When activated the clover pattern in the retina begins to spin rapidly.
Shojochuutetsu no jutsu (iron maiden): while distracted with ryuuyougen the target is trapped in a summoned iron maiden, and skewered by the spikes inside it. Weak points are it takes a while to summon using a scroll and the user has to keep their gaze fized while summoning on the target otherwise they will break the ryuuyougen. (seals: nezumi, o-ushi, usagi, saru, tori aka rat, ox, hare, monkey bird)
Kuchiyose no jutsu (summoning technique: birds): like most of her clan mion has a bird summon contract. Although her talents in this are still developing. Most of her summons will be canaries used for her tricks, although occasionally she will get the harris hawks, tin, rin, and jo (harris hawks are an american desert species that hunt in packs, hence why there's three of them). At the moment the best she can use them for however is an entertaining (to watch) round of bickering.
Other: pretty much most of your basic techniques, like bunshin no jutsu

Likes: magic, birds, blood, dim sum, stir fry, fruit, the naruto equivilent of british humor, flirting with guys, flirting with girls, strategy games

Dislikes: mushrooms, know it alls, hecklers, grumpy people, flirtation she didn't initiate.

Future Dreams: to be a world famous celebrity

Other information: the personalities of tin, rin, and jo are as follows; tin is the serious often stoic one, rin is the caring friendly type, jo is the space case who likes sweets

Name: Xun Qilin (Soon Chee-lin)
Age: 23
Rank: Chuunin
Gender: female
Likes: Gaara, fried rice, hunan beef, soba, cool breezes on hot days, horseback riding
Dislikes: mushrooms, leeches, rude people, akatsuki
Appearance: bright red eyes, dark skin (from the desert sun), red western (chinese) style clothing, afghani bandana (actually fashioned from what an afghani man would wear verses a woman, meant to give that desert roamer look)

Family History: the Xun family immigrated into the wind country from the far west (referencing northern china as it would likely be in the naruto world setting) as merchants a century ago. Although they don't isolate themselves as a group, they do tend to hold to their original traditions, diets, and clothing; shaping and adapting them to function in the desert region they now call home. The family is most well known for their restaurants serving a popular rice/vegetable/beef dish proven to be rather filling and also energizing. Qilin is the first of her family to pursue a life as a ninja, and as has become tradition with them, she has brought her distinct western style into the ninja mix.

Personality: Extremely devoted to her distinct set of ideals, among them her idolization of Kaze Kage (Gaara) and jointly (since he honors it) the alliance with Konoha. Never speak ill of either to her if you value your life. Otherwise her demeanor is peaceful and calm. She is kind and benevolent, and even when angry (if you can tell she's angry) is always polite (if she plans to kill you she'll apologize before hand). She spends much of her time outside of training in meditation and performing Qiquong (chee-koo-ahng...slow moving excersizes meant to focus chii (chakra), essentially what most think of when you mention tai-chi).

Personal Bio: Qilin had been a smiling, sweet girl since the day she was born, serving to contrast the strange, brilliant red eyes she bore which led many to believe she was possessed or the offspring of a demon. Such rumors were short lived however in the face of that smile. It was that smile and friendly demeanor that one day led her to a sad red head boy with funny eyes, not but a few years older then her, but for some reason the other kids seemed to avoid like the plague. She tried to walk up to him several times, but would always be swept up by her mother and told that boy would kill her. It would make her sad, watching his shadow diminish as she was carried away, never able to understand why her mother would say such cruel things about him. As she grew she would watch the boy from a distance, growing ever sadder as she watched whom she learned to be the Kaze Kage's son, the demon child, Gaara, grow into a cold, bitter, and merciless rogue. Always, despite the knowledge of who he was and the unavoidable fear he would manifest in all including her, the desire to help him would grow. She graduated finally from the academy around the time Gaara departed to enter the chuunin exam in konoha. She finished near the bottom, her instructors commenting that as the years went on it seemed her motivation left her until she was barely scratching out a passing grade, and that smile she was blessed with seemed to have vanished (depression and confusion as well as changing hormones given her age). However, a sudden change took hold of her life not too long after. Gaara returned from the chuunin exam vastly different, as if the dark shell around him had cracked. Slowly, as the curse of isolation seemed to disappear from Gaara, the smile returned to Qilin's face. She began to train with diligence, at first as an attempt to catch Gaara's attention; a sort of youthful crush that never even so much as resulted in a glance much to her dismay (example if he walked past she'd try to look impressive with her training, would never speak though). However, on the day Gaara was named Kaze Kage, she decided in her heart that such an approach was childish, especially for someone who seemed to her beyond her reach. Thus after his inaugeration ceremony she made a solitary blood oath that rather then use her energy in hopeless romance she would devote herself to doing all she could to serve the new Kaze Kage and his ideals, and she would do it forever from the shadows outside of acknowledgment.

Weapons of Choice: Usually unarmed but may occasionally use a curved dagger. Otherwise standard ninja fare (shuriken, kunai, and LOTS of different flash bombs)

Techniques: Qilin uses a western (chinese) style known as Baguazhong (Bah-koo-ah-jong....literal translation means eight trigram palm. Inner chinese art focused on circular movements. Wikipedia link here [link] . Is actually the martial art I am personally practicing IRL. Closest resemblance found in Naruto canon would be any Hyuuga character.) Her usual focus is in knocking the opponent to the ground then finishing them off. When in combat it often appears she isn't even looking at the opponent, rather appears focused on either some distant object of the floor. She also usually allows the opponent to make the first move and come to her.

Jutsu: Wind Drill- in appearance it seems a cross between secondary lotus and gatsuuga. It's a finish move she uses after knocking her opponent to the ground. It involves a rapid but controlled spin pivoting on her right foot targetting the abdominal area with the intent of knocking the wind out of the opponent, essentially she drills the opponent into the ground. Difference from lotus; not nearly as powerful overall, does not require use of chakra gates, and isn't self-damaging. Difference from gatsuuga; more controlled and focuses on a specific target point on the body. Weakness; useless unless the opponent is knocked down.

Sun Circle- (hand seals bird sheep bird boar) the only non-hand to hand technique Qilin uses. In appearances it is a minor summoning technique, however rather then familiars being summoned she manifests her chakra into varying aspects represented by the daoist trigram. The technique starts by manifesting a trigram around her. So long as she remains within it she may utilize the aspects (accepting final two aspects). The aspects are:
Lion: chakra manifests itself as a set of claws that can strike from the circle within a five meter radius. The claws are controlled by Qilin's hand movements and are small and swift acting as a blade. Weakness; range is easy to assess so only will work the short time it takes the opponent to catch on.
Snake: chakra manifests as a series of grasping vines sprouting from the ground. Weakness; vines are slow moving and easy to dodge, if they do not catch the opponent by surprise on the first strike they are waisted.
Bear: chakra manifests itself around opponent and begins to crush the body. Weakness; partnered to the snake aspect, cannot manifest unless opponent is trapped by the vines.
Dragon: chakra manifests itself as fire blasts projected from Qilin. Weakness; essentially an elaborate and weaker (at her level) variation of the Uchiha Katon abilities, thus sharing similar weaknesses.
Phoenix: chakra manifests itself as bird shaped flame shuriken. Their flight paths can be directed by various hand seals. Weakness; screw up the seal they fly the wrong way, also steering is based on Qilin's reaction time. Attack also isn't very powerful.
Rooster: chakra manifests itself into a blinding flash. In the daoist trigram the rooster stands for 'lying step' thus the ability is centered on the notion concealing the user's true intentions. Weakness; diversion, not an attack.
Monkey: chakra manifests itself within Qilin temporarily tripling her dexterity. Upon use circle disappears and must be resummoned to be used again. Weakness: defense only, does nothing to boost attack power, just the ability to dodge and lasts only four minutes tops. It also cancels the circle disabling any immediate future use of it. User also gets a strange craving for bananas.
Qilin (shares her name, it is actually a chinese chimera): chakra manifests itself around user as a fire miasma (similar to the nine-tails miasma of naruto) in the shape of a chinese chimera (wikipedia link here [link] ). User gains a temporary boost of attack power as well as a 'hot punch' (each strike feels like getting hit with magma). Weakness; cancels circle permenantly due to the fact it will literally DRAIN USERS CHAKRA DRY after two minutes of use (provided much of her chakra is intact). Much like primary lotus it is ONLY to be used as a last resort. It can also be potentially self damaging if the miasma is not kept stable. Interesting feature, the heat strangely does not effect the surrounding environment (based on the legend that the chinese chimera would not bend grass blades when walking).
Overall weakness; most of the technique requires the user to remain within the trigram circle, thus knocking them out of it cancels the circle and waists the chakra used in it. Some of the aspects are also expensive chakra wise (or bankrupting like the qilin aspect), and if used carelessly can quickly drain the user. She can also only maintain the circle for ten minutes time. Essentially at this point the technique is very unrefined and inefficient, in some cases almost a waist to use, being too weak and too expensive as well as not fully mastered. (sort of the equivilent of naruto's rasengen before they meet tsunade)

Heated Palm- (hand seals monkey boar bird) final unique jutsu, partnered to her hand to hand combat. Essentially, she uses her chakra to add scalding blasts of heat to her strikes.

Hopes and dreams for Future: to see kaze kage's wishes and hopes for the village come true.

Additional Info: although she idolizes him as the kaze kage, she has no actual link to gaara, no relationship, and he has no knowledge of her existence as well. There is nothing between them that would create a scenario in violation of the world setting.

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