Ok, I need an example of my Role-playing skills to join this Guild, but the stupid thing won't let me write more then 2,000 characters D= (how can I make a nice literate post under 2,000 characters? >.< wink
So anyways, here's an example in KH context (It was done really quickly though >.< wink
She turned over, trying to ignore the person calling out to her. Can't they see she was tired? There was sand beneath her, wonderfully warmed up by the tropical sun. The crash of the waves and the calls of gulls above was all too familiar for this resident of Destiny Islands.
"Get up already! Tidus said he saw Sora, Riku and Kairi!"
She winced as somebody kicked her and she was up onto her knees, still recovering from sleepiness.
"Wha- who?" She asked. Somebody grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. A messy-haired boy almost half a foot shorter then her stood there looking at her, arms crossed. Rowan yawned.
"What did Tidus see again?" She asked sleepily. Her friend stared at her impatiently.
"Sora, Riku and Kairi!"
Rowan suddenly felt alert, all traces of her exhaustion gone.
"W-what!? They're back?"
Rowan and her friend -did I say what his name was? Well, it's Alan- raced past the endless coastline, and both friends stopped dead in their tracks as they saw the scene in front of them.
"Hey guys!"
Rowan never thought she'd ever hear that voice again.
"S-sora? That's really you right? Um...Riku- Kairi?" Rowan looked at the three as they moved towards shore. Why were they in the water with all of their clothes on in the first place?
The other kids of Destiny Island gathered around. Tidus and Wakka didn't bother to wait and ran straight into the water and jumped on the trio.
It wasn't long before the others joined in.
As the kids calmed down, Rowan finally asked the question.
"Guys! Where were you all? I mean- you all vanished last year, Kairi came back, then vanished on us again!"
"You weren't running away from that rematch I promised ya did ya Sora?"
Sora pushed Tidus away, who was repeatedly poking him with a wooden sword. It was great to be back and with friends again. After all that trouble...he was home again.
"Its a bit of a long story...um...lemme start from the beginning. Do you remember that storm about a year ago...?"
This is a post from my last Role-play, Tales of Symphonia: rewrite.
It's during the final battle.
Mithos underestimated the group.
Judgment was a random attack at best. The group had went through so many battles, so many struggles and sacrifices. They weren't going to be beaten so easily.
The group scattered, each putting up their own defenses or simply dodging with great skill.
As the light finally faded, everyone was on their feet, and ready. Each and every one of them realized the enormity of this battle: if they die here, if they fail, the world itself shall be destroyed. They had to do this, everything they had worked for...it all ends here.
Their spellcasters ran to the back, each of them with a magic circle beneath them. Those who were better at close-range battle readied their weapons. Lloyd and Kratos were the first to hit Mithos, the two of their swords intertwining in a synchronized dance, both complimenting each other perfectly.
Mithos was skilled too, and after a hard few strikes, Mithos backed away with a minor cut, while Lloyd Staggered back with a bloody side.
"Healing Wind!"
Both Kratos and Raine healed Lloyd significantly, but the damage was done.
"Our turn! Suzi!" Rowan yelled out. Before Mithos could take this chance of a comrade down, the young girl and the Assasin closed in on him. Sword and Knife didn't work together as well as the Father son dual, but it held Mithos back anyways.
"Get out of the way!" Luneka warned, as her spell reached its peak. Both Rowan and Suzi jumped out of the way, as fire erupted where Mithos was floating...only seconds ago.
Rowan skidded to a halt, taking deep breaths. Somehow, Mithos had blocked every single attack, while Rowan had given it her best. How were they suppose to beat this guy? And where did he go?
"Nii-san! Look out! Fireball!" This time, the spell came from the young half-elf Genis. Raine turned around just in time, blocking Mithos's blade with her Staff. Yggdrasil teleported away just as the Fireball reached the two, but a quick Barrier spell kept Raine from becoming the target.
"Watch where you're aiming your spells at!" Raine yelled at Genis and turned around back into the fight.
It was a long battle, and everyone's stamina and will was wearing thin. Everyone was exhausted. All but Yggdrasill and Kratos.
"Air-...blade-" Luneka stumbled forward, the circle beneath her fading away. She tried to catch herself, but her knees buckled and she collapsed. There was so little mana left within her. She can't manage another spell, not a single little spell.
Mithos took this chance.
"Holy lance!"
"Barrier-" But she couldn't summon the mana for the barrier. She couldn't manage it. She can't get away in time...
Everyone heard the sound of the spell striking flesh and Luneka's scream.
The small girl opened her eyes. She was alive, and though her whole body was quivering, she was alive, she was whole. The attack didn't hit her.
The small girl felt her clothing soaked with blood, of warm hands wrapped around her in a tight hug. The spell, the Holy lance, slowly faded, but the damage it had done did not disappear with it.
"Ro..?" Luneka knew what happened. Rowan...her beloved older sister...she had taken the attack for her!
"No- RO! ROWAN!"
She couldn't breath. Why was that? It had to have something to do with that awful pain...what...happened? Was that...was that Luneka's voice?
"RO! How could you do this to me? Please, RO! say something!" Luneka forgot where she was and what was happening. She had already rolled her older sister off of her, letting the older girl onto her back. Rowan was limp though, nonrespondent. The blood...all that blood.
"...Ro?" Was this all because of her again? Rowan always suffered for her...always.
Mithos couldn't move. He was paralyzed, his mind not in the present, back back four thousand years ago.
"Martel! How could you do this? Martel! SIS! Please, DON'T LEAVE ME! SISTER!"
The same thing had happened to him.
That idiot of a girl.
Still shaking, Mithos lifted one hand, the traces of a magic circle below him. He had to end those two. These two humans had no right to give him such memories!
Everyone in the group were also frozen. How did they know this was the third comrade they've lost? For all of them, this was the first time they realized the price of them coming here.
Luneka excepted, of all the group, Kratos was perhaps the most distraught.
Another pupil he has failed. Another life he has failed to save. Another memory he has to bear on for eternity.
"Mithos..." Kratos's wings came out, and the Seraph floated upwards, high above the others.
"Master of mana..."
"What's he doing?"
"Master of life."
A slight wind picked up, blowing every-which way. Mithos's spell stopped, his eyes wide.
"You idiot! What are you thinking?!"
"Accept this offering."
An odd glow surrounded Kratos, forcing everyone to throw up their arms to protect their eyes.
"Accept this soul's redemption."
Cherry_chain · Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 09:05pm · 0 Comments |