It may seem like a simple enough change, just make her a gypsy, have her have magic tricks but no real magic...but its not that simple. When you're raised in a land filled with magic and monsters as opposed to a land filled with disease, famine and the Christian're not so carefree in life.
Strip down Chris little by little. Take away the draconic heritage she knows nothing about. That's fine. She didn't know it existed in the first place, making it go away would do little to her development at this point because it was never truly triggered to have it be an issue. Just take that away, and I'm left with the normal bard I originally had before I introduced her to the thread. That's fine. I'm okay with that. I can go back to where I started.
Innocence will come in a way in either form. For Chris the bard, it was technology and modern day conveniences. However, she came from a place where magic was common place, and odd things happened everyday. Its reasonable to assume that she'd accept the modern easier because "oh hey, its just about as abnormal as home is, but without zombies!" For Chris the gypsy/bard, it doesn't seem like she'd be as accepting...or she'd be too accepting of it considering the hard life that was the medieval past. She wouldn't question things, she'd just accept it.
The naivite would be a little lost I'd think...the life of a true gypsy, from what I've read, is a lot harder, and you either learn from experience or fall. I can't help but think she'd bit a bit more hardened...and not as easily swayed. I don't know... maybe she would be.
Now take away the magic...and Chris the bard is just a traveling performer. Her spells never did much, I never used them (in a good way it seemed) so those...are just fine. But her bardic abilities...she'll no longer have the magic to inspire courage in men's hearts, no longer be striving for the ultimate performer that was a Virtuoso. Sure, tis possible to do so with a song, anyways, but the magic made her more than just a tavern performer. Not having a deity like Dalt anymore means her mantra isn't the same. Dalt being the deity of locks and keys, had the mantra of where one lock is closed and one door barred, there is always another way around it. It won't be the same just won't be. It can't be...I really don't have a way to explain it.
Make it stage magic...make it not real, but flashy. The only time Chris was flashy was when she sang. Her magic was never flashy. Never. I could have taken spells to make it flashy, but she was going to be the subtle buffing type, perfect in assisting everyone, to make them better so she could live. XD Technically, I know I still can...but LG is ending...this was kinda one of my ways to carry her on.
What I guess I'm saying is...I'm confused as all hell and I don't know what to do.
I'm willing to try least try, and that's all you can ask of me. Ask any more of me...and I'll break, snap in half. I'm only human, I'm not perfect, and I can only do so much when I'm half-inspired to do this. It wasn't a welcome change after all, no offense meant by that, but I'm trying to adjust to it.
I still want to RP with everyone...sometimes its fun, though I wish there was just a little less emo/depressed in the thread at times, no offense again, it just happens sometimes. Being depressed isn't fun. I should know, it runs in my family.
In the end...I guess I'm just hoping that people will still like Chris and want to roleplay with her in the end in whatever form she ends up being in.
I still want to play Chris in her original form even if it does have to be in the guild, and finish out some of her storylines that was started in the thread, like the one date with Sir Donovan and the like. And I wouldn't mind continuing it on as a 'Soap Opera' kind of thing, I just really kinda wanted to see where it would go, it was an interesting little coupling and such... I guess I could say I'm a fan of it. XD
I still want to try the relationship in the thread if possible...I know it won't be nearly the same, but like I said...I want to at least try. Then, if it fails, I can at least say I gave an attempt at it.
......This wasn't meant as an attack on anybody, nor is it meant to insult the OBJECTION! thread and their decisions. Adjusting Chris is just hard for me to do, and this was rather theraputic to write. And no one got hurt or injured...and it took a great load of tears and now I feel a kind of relief, though its an odd feeling. So please, don't take this the wrong way, I just had to get this down and out so it wasn't eating me inside anymore. If you chose to insult me with a PM or post about it...please don't.
I just needed to vent. EVERYONE has to do that once in a while, right? And now maybe something good will come of this. I can't say what because even I don't know. I don't know yet how this Chris will be. Its like I'm pulling a piece of chocolate from that box, I sure as hell don't know what its going to be in the end...I can only hope it tastes good...


*starts singing the ultimate showdown tune*
...yeah, nows I feel a bit better. God writing helps me do so many things. I heart it!