Yuko Hizurumi
I"ll start with her first.
Warmage 9
STR 8 (-1)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 10 (0)
CHA 18 (+4)
Looks: She's 6ft 1in with Long black hair that goes to about her knees. Its usually tied back but its prettiest when it hangs free. She has black eyes and has a hawk tattoo on the left side of her face. She has a dragon tattoo on her right shoulder and a phoenix tattoo on her left. She also has a scorpion tattoo on the small of her back, but no on sees it.
She also has a healty slightly golden sheen to her skin stemming from some draconic heritage of hers.
She usually wears elegant outfits, from black dresses to elegant traveling cloaks. When she's traveling, she has on a mithril chain shirt as well as carrying around two daggers, but when she's not she can leave those things at home.
She also has a pair of small sized spectacles on her face. They give her a slightly more intelligent look, but they're really an intelligent item she picked up while adventuring.
Becoming a mother didn't seem to stop her good looks, instead, seemed to enhance her natural beauty.
Personality: She's a very motherly character who loves fire based things. Hence her being a warmage, where blowing things up comes often. She has two kids of her own both of them right now 13, and she is 33, they're twins. Very charismatic, she's better at intimidating others than diplomasizing, though she often prefers diplomacy. (Ma reason for the intimidate, she used it to get her kids to eat their veggies and take baths! domokun )
Katiana Nahalim Kudryo:
Isis Amenhotep
Seung Mina56 Community Member |