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[color=#00BFFF]Journal of the Black Stallion[/color]
Profile stuff, rants, questions, etc. Basically information on Donovan and any NPC's and what not tied to him.
Profile of Donovan Yuhara
strike]UpdatedRevised as of 02/23/2008 - "Dude, if he doesn't break a wrist, it's not a Steven Seagal movie."
Revised as of 03/11/2008 - Some tweaking and rearranging based on feedback here.
Updated as of 05/30/2008 - Minor details on beginning chi training.
Updated as of 07/04/2008 - Added additional information on incubi
Updated as of 12/26/2008 - A few notes here and there. Still no Gaian history. I'm getting to it dammit! scream

Updated as of 02/14/2009 - Thanks to Quatro for the Valentine's Day freebie. You rock Qu! 3nodding

Not really an update, but HEUG thanks to Soft Lily for the new artwork.

Updated as of 03/28/2010 - Adding some role-play history as it pertains to the Bloodbath Bar and Black Sands. Still working.

Updated as of 08/17/2011 - Worked a bit more on the History section. A little bit on abilities, and... Not much else. Yet. Contacts section coming soon.

Gotta tell you beforehand, I'm a specialist in makin' girls go "Unhh! Unhh!"

User Image

Name: Donovan Yuhara
Known Aliases: The Black Stallion
Age: 32
Place of Birth: Unknown
Date of Birth: April 8th
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Race: African Japanese/Cambion ( A cambion is the half-human offspring of the union between a human male and a succubus or an incubus and a human female. )

Eye Color: Donovan's eyes are naturally aquamarine. Though the irises tend to change shade depending on his mood. Ranging from a sort of
cornflower blue when in his more intense emotions to a deep, royal blue in his deeper more mellow moods. It's something that he commonly keeps covered or slightly obscured by tinted shades, not wanting to generally attract too much attention. They also have a tendency to become intense when he is utilizing certain abilities. Being one of the few features about him that would truly stand out as 'unusual'.

Hair Color: Black. Donovan tends to keep his hair at waist length either loose or in cornrows with beaded braids usually to match whatever he's wearing though normally he'll just wear black beads woven into them. Due to advice from a few female friends of his, he's kept it loose more often these days though if expecting a fight, he'll generally want to keep everything 'high and tight' or atleast tied off in a ponytail.

Standing at 6'1" with a lean and well built physique. Not the overly muscular men who took so many steroids that their performance in bed lacked, but not the thine willowy and thin by any accounts. He resembles more a hunting cat in some aspects. His striking almond-shaped aquamarine eyes that remind one of the waters of the Caribbean or some other island coast. His face a cross between handsome and beautiful, but thoroughly masculine with exotic features due to his African American and Oriental heritage.

Hair the color of a raven's wing is usually done in waist-length cornrows with beads woven into the braids to match whatever he might be wearing. Though usually they're black. One of his more unusual features are his eyes which are a striking contrast to his dark skin and features. Though he commonly wears shades to cover his eyes. He doesn't dress in any particularly unusual fashion. Favoring T-shirts, vintage jeans usually in a snug comfortable fit and a pair of tennis shoes. He has been known to dress up when the occasion or the setting calls for it. Very rarely dressing in the S&M or Gothic style common in many circles.

The only feature about him one might find imperfect are his hands and feet. Both being callused on the bottoms and palms from his training and hard work in general. The same can be said for his knuckles and the balls of his feet which bear healed over blisters from being used in multitudes of strikes.

Donovan has adopted something of an aura of coolness around most people. He has a way of speaking that rarely hints at whatever he is currently feeling and in demeanor, he's the polite southern gentleman who calls people "sir" or "ma'am" when addressing them if he doesn't know their name, he holds doors open for women, stands to greet visitors, etc. Whether this is simply his demeanor or his way of adjusting to his drastically new surroundings is unknown.

Around those he doesn't trust or doesn't know very well he seems to show rarely any hint of emotion aside from a slight grin of happiness or maybe frown of mild irritation or disappointment, but he's rarely if ever impolite. Particularly to women who he feels due to his heritage he feels obligated to be more polite to though if a woman attacks him, he will fight back as he would any man. Perhaps just with not as much force initially...

Even in combat he seems to keep the same blank mask of slight amusement even though he may be enjoying the fight immensely. He does not showboat or seem to rub in his victories and is not a sore loser. The losses he's had he's always learned from and remembered so as not to repeat the same mistakes.

Around those who get past that mask, he seems a very likable, positive and easy-going person. He seems to have come away from his experiences both back home and in Gaia with a more positive outlook on things now that he's had some time to adjust to what in essence is a totally different world than the one he came from. Donovan considers himself still learning and ever improving as a martial artist, musician and in accepting his heritage. He has accepted what he is and although he knows exactly what he is and what he's capable of he has the modesty to not really flaunt it.

Donovan likes to fight from time to time to see what progress he's made in his training, but dislikes fighting just for the sake of violence and will not fight to kill unless it's absolutely necessary to the situation. He likes partying and enjoys the Gaian nightlife though there aren't very many clubs that play jazz which he particularly enjoys even though his taste in music overall is pretty diverse having grown up around many musical influences. As one would likely assume, Donovan loves women; they make him feel really good. Though he does respect them and does not see them as merely a food source despite what he is.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Group Affiliations: None
Occupation: House of Babylon Courier/Aspiring Bar Owner
Legal Status: Supernatural citizen of Gaia with no criminal record
Identity: Public on Earth, semi-public on Gaia


  • Worldly martial artist - Though his base style of martial arts is Tae Kwon Do of which he's had the most experience in, Donovan has studied many forms of modern martial arts, mainly centering around close-range grappling and striking to compensate for Tae Kwon Do's primarily mid-range emphasis. This sort of hodge-podge system consists of aspects of various styles he's studied. He's honed these skills into his own 'Army of One' kind of style.

    Donovan's primary striking techniques are influenced by Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai intertwined to give him a versatility at mid and close range mixed with a little bit of Sanshou/Sanda applied for on the spot improvisation and some grappling and pushing techniques to keep his opponents from keeping him too close as he is not the greatest at grappling as of yet, having not studied a great amount of techniques in that area though he is learning.

  • Highly capable athlete - Donovan's strength, speed, and endurance are at least those of an Olympic athlete in peak condition even without using his supernatural physical capabilities from his demonic heritage. Combining supernatural with his human, he's capable of lifting close to a ton and is twice as fast as your average human adult, his top running speed being a 65 mph sprint. He's likely only be able to maintain sprinting speed for a few minutes before needing to seriously rest. Obviously he's not Superman, but he's no slouch either.

Natural Abilities:

  • Nice Moves... Mind if I borrow 'em? - Perhaps a combination of naturally sharpened reflexes and intelligence from his incubic heritage and being a naturally fast learner has given him the ability to mimic any action he's ever seen because where the average human brain translates movements a higher frame rate than the average, allowing him to literally remember movements as if someone were watching the same in slow-motion, so long as it's humanly possible to execute. In the past, he had a difficulty mimicking chi-user moves, as focusing chi cannot be done by simply repeating the motions involved.

    However, by practicing the movements rather than simply mimicking them, Donovan has been able to focus his kundalini, the core of chi manipulation. In short, by repeatedly going through the motions and concentrating, he can exercise his chi, and is moderately proficient at it's use. He has yet to learn some of the more advanced techniques, though, such as those for canceling chi energy that has already been unleashed. He has shown interest in furthering his training in this area.

  • Heightened senses - Due to his mixed heritage Donovan's sense of hearing, smell, and taste are three times that of your average human. His physical reaction time is twice that of your average human being. This doesn't mean he's fast enough to outrun bullets or other objects that move at such speeds, but that compared to your average human being will have trouble landing anything that's telegraphed or delayed. As far as sight and touch, these are only slightly higher than human standards though still not spectacular. He can see relatively well in the dark, but doesn't have a length of vision outside of normal human possibility.

  • Not quite bulletproof - Part Chi, part physical training, part mysticism, Donovan's regiment of training and his demonic heritage has toughened his muscles and skin. It's by no means impenetrable by bladed weapons but it's taken a leather hide like quality and is not easily sliced. Large and heavy cutting weapons can still cut him like they would anybody else. This does not apply to energy blasts, psionics, magic, bullets, explosives, and most modern weapons. However it does work against fire-based elements and those not of any of the natures mentioned above.

    During training, Donovan has had to demonstrate feats of resisting sharp blades, sword points and walking on burning coals and shards of jagged glass without harm. Thus showing another aspect of this ability in that with extreme focus he can tense his muscles as hard as he can and possibly stop a blade from penetrating deep into his body. However, while doing this he must divert his energy and focus to this particular action and cannot perform any other actions while stopping whatever it is.

  • Nuh-uh-uh! - Donovan is resistant to supernatural forms of mind hacking, and magical or supernatural in the realm of emotion control or inducement; To put it simply: Donovan is mentally stubborn. This is not saying he is immune to such forces at all, it just takes a little more effort to work on him than it would for most. This also means that Donovan is more likely to know something of said nature is attempting to be worked on him. He may not be able to trace the exact source he would know someone's trying to work him because he feels hostile or weird vibrations around him. As said before he is not immune to such forces he's just resistant to it because of his heritage and mental discipline.

  • Don't worry, I heal fast - Along with being hard to harm, Donovan has an enhanced healing factor. Demons having enhanced cellular growth increasing their healing capabilities. Serious flesh wounds and fractured bones can be healed in a matter of hours. Broken bones and vital organs can be healed so long as the damage done does not cause Donovan to succumb to his injuries. He can recover from serious injuries in a matter of days depending of course, on the severity of said injuries.

Incubic Abilities:

  • I know how you feel... - By watching carefully, Donovan can pick out the glowing halo that surrounds all creatures. The interplay of colors in this aura gives him insight into the subject's emotions, motives and true nature. This ability is noticeable, though as he need to concentrate for a moment(one post) to focus on the person in question.

    Donovan has to be able to see the target in order to use this ability though he can use it to figure out certain things like what sort of creature someone is subject to his knowledge of their specific aura's appearance. For example, Donovan has seen many undead on Gaia. From vampires which are extremely common to the occasional zombie. They give off a black glow, which Donovan has knowledge of and therefore can identify if someone is of undead origin. Something fairly uncommon like a Djinn or a Barghest would still give off a color to Donovan's senses, but he would not be able to identify it since he hasn't met either of those very often if at all.

    He can also use this ability to detect if the person in question has recently lied as their emotional patterns give off certain colors and effects to their aura. It can also be used to sense ghosts or astral forms if he suspects they're present. They most likely appear as a pale, flickering amorphous light. Not distinguishable, but he can sense they're there. This is one of the few, if only abilities he has that is not gender specific in it's workings.

  • I want you... To want me - A combination of a naturally appealing physique, and a touch of supernatural power. Being part incubus he is able to induce lust in females. This is one of the few supernatural powers Donovan really wields with any real skill as he's never studied magic or anything of that nature, focusing his studies primarily on martial arts and personal improvement.

    Naturally, this power doesn't have any effect on males and can be resisted if the female in question has a stronger willpower than Donovan himself as the power is more of a contest of wills.

  • Bow chicka wow wow - Along with his other more supernatural charms he posses a more scientific charm as well. His body gives off a unique pheromone that of course is effective only on females.

    Donovan has no body odor to speak of, but instead secretes pheromones through the pores of his skin. Exposure tricks the victim's nervous system into producing more of certain key hormones including dopamine, seratonin, and prolactin enhancing sensation in the body and making their 'victims' more susecptible to their charms.

  • The Eyes Have It... - Donovan has the power to enthrall(or roll as it's sometimes called) someone with eye-to-eye contact. The victim's brain becomes charged with the emotions of lust, desire and attraction for Donovan as well as an intense platonic affection and dedication. Even those parts of the brain that are not designed to function in such a way.

    Once a victim admits attraction to him. They forfeit all ability to resist, and free themselves from the enthrallment. Those who had never found him attractive or refuse to admit so retain some chance to resist or free themselves from the enthrallment. However they are still perfectly vulnerable to the intense platonic effects induced by the enthrallment as long as they are capable of such feelings. This is an unconscious power and Donovan has to put effort into not doing should he make direct eye-to-eye contact with a female. Also, if either target or his own vision is obscured it block this power. Hence why Donovan often times wears tinted glasses or shades in situations where it's a possibility.

    Pain and other distractions can help a strong-willed person break free of this power. Strong emotional bonds to another also help and in some instances prevent this ability from affecting the person. This ability only works on females.

Learned Techniques:

  • Uraate - This is fulcrum-based transference skill; an example of Ki transmission that teaches one to shift the point and force of impact by striking the dead center of an object. At expert-levels, a practitioner can transmit the force of impact wherever they please, as long as a medium exists to transmit their power through. This technique forms the basis for most Ki-based techniques.

  • Tashinkou - A technique which uses the fulcrum-based transference skill of "reverse striking" to transmit the user's power through the air. This is achieved by collecting the rotational force of one's motion until it forms unto a needle, forged by their own ki. At that point, that collected atmospheric force would then be directed from the circular motion into a straight line (via punch), where it is sent barreling into the target.

  • Tetsushikō - This is a particularly lethal technique which uses the finger to punch through muscle and puncture internal organs, particularly the liver. Donovan is very hesitant to use this technique due to his qualms about killing, but it is a technique he's worked on should the time arise that it's needed. This technique is also tricky because it requires that there be no significant armor between the target and the finger being used which is usually the thumb. The usual targets for this technique are the stomach just above the pelvic region or any other areas of the body where soft flesh and tissue is accessible.

  • Hakka Soudou Shō - A technique which utilizes the fulcrum-based transference skill of "Uraate" to shift the force of impact wherever they desire. At the moment of contact, the user thrusts their collective momentum through the palms of their hand and right into the opponent, blasting them with concussive Ki.

Acquired Skills:

  • Acrobatics - Donovan can perform moderate feats of agility with minimal chance of injury. Includes jumping flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.

  • Driving - Donovan is proficient at riding both a car and motorcycle. Not at the same time mind you.

  • Gaian History - Donovan has knowledge of the history of Gaia. Taught through Loki, his current mentor and his own research.

  • Linguistics - English is his native language. Donovan can speak and read fluent Japanese and can speak and read German with moderate skill.

  • Martial Arts Lineage and History - Knowledge of the workings of many common individual martial arts styles and their history. Donovan's father taught him about the martial arts and its history as he trained him in various styles. This skill helps Donovan identify certain commonly used techniques, stances and styles.

  • Medical - Donovan is capable of administering First Aid with moderate skill.

  • Performing Arts - Donovan is a highly skilled guitarist and can carry a note relatively well. Not a particularly effective skill, but everyone's gotta have a hobby, right?

  • Seduction - Donovan is considerably adept in exploiting his sexual appeal. Whether or not the subject actually responds will depend on his or her own romantic inclinations and sexual preferences.

  • Mechanics - Donovan can repair and maintain simple mechanisms and common motorcycles, automobiles and similar vehicles with proficient skill. Obviously souping and modifying aircraft and mecha are out of the question.


  • It's a living... - Being even part incubus means he derives food and energy from the lust and attraction of others. Female others. This doesn't necessarily have to come from sex or attraction directed at himself. Though both are preferred since during the process of drawing those energies Donovan does get a sort of glimpse into these emotions.

    On average, considering Donovan is still young for his kind he has to feed at least once every 84 hours. Failing to do so will significantly weaken him and cut off his ability to use his supernatural abilities. This is taking in consideration that Donovan doesn't use very much energy as he doesn't use magic or much that would draw from his reserves aside from healing, generating lust, etc. If having to draw upon said reserves he needs more energy and tends to need to eat more as he needs the energy and "materials" to restore himself. Much like a person with high metabolism.

  • Know your audience... - The lion's share of Donovan's supernatural abilities naturally only work on females. His natural abilities such as his enhanced physical capabilities and senses of course are not gender specific and reflect his demonic heritage and physical training as an experienced martial artist, but most of his supernatural abilities can only affect females.

  • Room for two... - You know the insidious little thought that sometimes is in the back of your mind? The thought you have when you see a girl bend over to pick up something and you get that little glimpse of her thong underwear and that tattoo on her lower back? That thought that wonders at how those lovely hips would look like if they were lacking in those snug little jeans and if they were in a more... intimate setting? Most of the time, those thoughts are perfectly natural for any warm-blooded young man.

    In Donovan's case, sometimes those are often the thoughts of his not-so-gentlemanly incubic side. Donovan himself, isn't evil, but the incubic part of his essence is another story. This side of him often times tries to overrule Donovan's conscience. Though Donovan's mentally stubborn and the fact that he essentially has a conscience allows him to fight off this side of him most of the time. Though that doesn't stop it from being an annoyance from time to time as it often tries to get Donovan to do things he'd rather not.

    Donovan does not have a perfect record in dealing with this side as there have been a few times particularly when in a weakened or 'hungry' state when he's succumbed to this side of him to survive or if to do anything to shut it up. It does tend to be helpful sometimes as the phrase "Two heads are better than one." comes to mind, but generally, this side of him is not helpful and is often a hindrance. He's often looked into finding ways to deal with this other side of him, though it is unlikely as it's just a part of who he is.

Donovan Yuhara hails from what would be known as 21st century Earth. Or a good imitation of. His father was a Tae Kwon Do instructor from the States who came to Japan to expand on his own abilities by integrating aspects of other styles of Karate into what he already taught to make a system that utilizes multiple perspectives rather than a single. He also hoped to bring his passion for music as well as he was also jazz musician. Not to mention find a better salary than what he got in the states. Ishtar, Donovan's mother was a succubus who had left Europe and had carved herself a nice little nest egg working as an English teacher in various regions of Japan. They met at one of the few jazz clubs there and though she was naturally attracted to him because he gave off a strong aura she found herself falling for his charming personality as well as his strong body. After a long courtship the two eventually married and Donovan was born soon after.

Since he was five years old, Donovan has awoken at 5:00 am to practice with his father. With his natural athleticism he's excelled at his father's mixture of integrated techniques. He generally lived what most would consider a "normal" life with the exception of his mother teaching him about his heritage and the essential skills to survive on his own. Graduating from high school and then going to college where he majored ironically enough in preternatural studies at the age of 22.

After college, Donovan moved to Southtown and got a job at a the Pao Pao Café run by a man named Richard Meyer, a prominent Capoeira fighter. The place was host to a lot of fighters in the area, a popular 'neutral ground' as the owner did not tolerate any fighting on his property. Hearing of the annual King of Fighters tournaments and the fighters that commonly attended these tournaments Donovan decided to be a spectator to the next tournament. This wasn't difficult as Richard was often known to watch and occasionally compete in the tournament. Donovan was amazed at the diversity of styles represented in the tournament, having been used to the usual tournaments which were usually only host to a single style in particular the amount of styles present there was staggering. Donovan spent the following year stepping up his regimen in preparation for the event and was quick to enter the following year for the preliminaries.

Though as luck would have it, Donovan would be in the right place at the wrong time. On the way to the arena, one of Gaia's random windows opened up on the road in front of him. One minute he was riding in a tunnel, when he came out the other side he found he definitely wasn't in Southtown anymore. He wasn't even on Earth for that matter. He was in an alley behind Salon Durem in the realm known as Gaia. As it turns out, Gaia has connections to almost every realm that open in random instances for varied periods of time. Donovan happened to be caught in one of these "windows of opportunity." With little more than his bike with a full tank of gas, a black canvas bag with some clothes as well as the ones on his back Donovan found himself in Gaia.

The first couple months...
Donovan has adjusted well so far in his few months on Gaia. Having landed himself a job as a bartender at a cafe in Durem he's found that he enjoys life here where he doesn't have to devote that much to hiding his demonic heritage and can focus on his training a lot more.

One of his first haunts was a renowned neutral ground for most of Gaia's supernatural community known as The Haven. Here Donovan met with his mentor and sponsor, Loki Ravensgale. Taken under the wing of the Aensland noble and his wife Malice, another powerful and well-connected demon, they taught the Cambion more along the lines of etiquette among the more powerful and basically how NOT to get his head blown off among the 'old blood' of Gaia.

During his time at The Haven he met many interesting Gaiaside supes. Among them was a stunning female moon elf named Izlanzadi whom he fell hard for. Though he'd been told by Malice that the fae in general were a tricky lot he couldn't help himself. He'd exchanged playful banter with her before, so breaking the ice wasn't a problem. One fateful night he'd asked her to meet him at a forest where he'd first seen her and expressed his feelings to her. She in return told him that she knew of what he was and that if they were to be lovers in any capacity then he will be her's and her's alone, and likewise considering she too had a handful of other lovers at the time.

Donovan agreed, and the two of them were quite the couple. Though this didn't last long. Izlanzadi was in fact a runaway princess who'd come to Gaia to get away from life as a noble in favor of a life full of adventure. Malice had given fair warning that the fae were capable of becoming bored with things quickly, and she was right. One night, Bliss told Donovan the truth of her heritage and that a long-term relationship between the two of them just wouldn't work. That and if they ever had children they'd never be accepted to the throne, tainting her legacy.

Having taken this as an accusation that he was unfaithful because of what he was, and that she wasn't fighting this because she was looking for a free ticket out of their relationship Donovan was quite furious. Though to his credit, he did not raise a hand against Izlanzadi in anger. The forest of the Haven however was another story as he changed the careers of several trees there to toothpicks before he left that night.

The Bloodbath Bar...
Finding he could no longer stand visiting The Haven as it constantly reminded him of Izlanzadi nor could he hunt there for the same reason he left seeking out a place he'd heard his mentor talk about: The Bloodbath Bar. Seemed an interesting enough place as any. The stories Loki had told of his history there were enough to spark his curiosity in the establishment. Particularly of the infamous Kisan, the bar's manager.

Donovan met quite a few interesting characters at the Bloodbath. From the human live-blood and occasional bartender, Lily to a mysterious woman he met shortly before he left The Haven for good who would play an important part of his life not too far down the line.

Quite a few misadventures stemmed from this haunt. Donovan had cured himself of the past memories haunting him with the assistance of the godling gravaar known as Ami Curingsong, had a few run-ins with a Ravnos named Caelan, and even got chased a few times by the establishment's now former owner.

During this time, he met Tetsu Ikari, a latent from not only Donovan's home world, but country as well. As it turned out, this meeting had been set up by the Countess Zantara, but it mattered little to the Cambion as he'd finally met a kindred spirit, and had fallen in love quickly with the spirited woman.

Though their relationship would be tested to the extreme early as the latent had caught the attention of the werewolf druid Vash McCloud. Vash was embroiled in his own personal business with the Countess, and it just so happened that the latent and Donovan himself were caught somewhat in the middle. The druid, kidnapped Tetsu and despite interference from a powerful master incubus, his mate and some mute stranger very little if anything could be done as he'd come prepared.

Donovan, blaming himself for not being able to save Tetsu when she needed fell into a depression. It was made worse by news of what Vash had done to Tetsu while in his clutches. Seeking out Malice, he asked the Abyssal Mistress to send him to a place he'd heard of called The Killing Fields. A place of endless battle where time flows differently. For every hour outside of the Fields, a year passes. He wanted to stay there not only to punish himself, but to become strong enough to take on Vash. Though when Malice got word of why he had requested to be given passage she pulled him back after only a week. Reminding him that Tetsu still loved him despite having failed to protect her, but because he had tried when the time called for it.

Though he'd learned much in the limited time there, he still wasn't convinced he'd learned enough to do what he'd set out to, but agreed that he didn't need to go to such extremes to gain what he needed. It was around this time that Donovan actually discovered his photographic memory, or ability to 'read' techniques and with practice duplicate them. Though more importantly, he'd learned that Tetsu herself had managed to escape Vash and had been changed by the experience. He decided to seek her out and apologize for not being there or being strong enough.

The Black Sands...
After leaving the Bloodbath, and the disappearance of his 'iron butterfly' the Cambion sought a little time to himself to relieve the tremendous amount of stress he was going through that the Bloodbath just would not cure. Hearing about an island off the coast of Isle de Gambino that was a well-known retreat, The Black Sands. So hopping onto the next cruise en route he eventually found himself there.

The island was not only a great vacation spot it also had it's own little opportunities for adventure. Donovan took it upon himself to fully embrace the change of setting to get some training in, and enjoy all the island had to offer. Among the island's occupants Donovan made friends with Guyy, a human(atleast from what he could tell), and his succubus wife, Lent. The Black Sand resort's owner Rhoslynn took a shine to Donovan immediately and offered the well-mannered and handsome Cambion a job as one of the island's escorts. Promising good pay, and a good selection of meals of both kinds it was an offer Donovan found hard to turn down. He was being offered to do what he did well naturally and actually profit from it.

Finding his new setting and new job quite comfortable, Donovan settled in rather well, though he still felt empty without his 'iron butterfly' and while his clients were beautiful and exotic there was always an understanding between he and them that it was an exchange of money for pleasure. Despite Don having sme repeat customers.

One fateful night however, while out doing his usual rounds he bumped into what would be his most unexpected savior. A viscountess from Earthside Scotland came to the island to visit her sons and future daughter-in-law, it just so happens that those were Guyy, his brother Charlie, and his soon-to-be wife Lent. It being Donovan's duty to welcome new visitors to the island resort as well he welcomed the well-aged Elizabeth, and much to most of the island's occupants including Donovan himself a simple greeting turned into a fascination of sorts.

He had found something of a kindred spirit in the woman. A woman who was once loved and lost, having lost her husband in a car accident twenty years ago. A crash where only she, and her sons had survived. She'd been treated as little more than a damaged widow since then. She'd since only found happiness in her sons' happiness. The Cambion had been the first man in those years to see the spirited woman underneath and not the widow. Donovan also found much to his surprise that even in her 60's the woman was every bit a minx as well and he'd unlocked that woman.

The two helped each other greatly it seemed in the months of romance. Elizabeth had shown the cambion that his heritage could bring joy and he wasn't a 'leech' as he'd been called many times before because of what he has to do to survive. As Donovan had helped her 'get her groove' back so to speak. To live her life to the fullest no matter how many years had passed. Though their romance was destined from the start to end as Elizabeth would have to eventually return Earthside as she was royalty the two came away from each other richer in spirit.

The Return to Bloodbath...
After spending months at the Black Sands Donovan finally returned to mainland Gaia. With a new outlook on life and recent news that his lover had been recently seen he began to search for her, though with some difficulty as he had very little clue where to start. The first place he attempted to find her was the very Bloodbath itself.

Upon arriving, he met a face that'd been part of the reason he'd left in the first place: The avion, Iris. Though this time the angelic being attempted to clear the air between them explaining what had went on with her and her owner and why it might've led up to the actions that were taken. It helped somewhat hearing a bit more information than he'd had that fateful day, but something about the situation still rubbed him the wrong way so he simply decided to move on from it. Focusing on finding his mate.

It was then when he was contacted by his former mentor, Loki that Ariel wished to see him. When he met with the demi-goddess, he was amazed to see his Iron Butterfly finally after all this time. The two of them set out from Gaia to Earthside Japan while Ariel herself mysteriously meets with Loki.

Things Earthside get interesting fast when Tetsu explains the reason why he hadn't been able to find her for so long: That surviving the attack from Vash awakened a latent gene in her bringing out her own true nature. After a brief brush with some elements form her former life, the two of them decide to catch up on old times. Eventually going to a popular Supe club where they encounter their second surprise of the trip: The fact that Donovan's father, Glenn and mother, Yuriko are also at the same bar.

After introductions and a little bit more information than the Cambion needed, the two of them say goodbye and go their separate ways. Though it wouldn't be entirely over as in order to celebrate, Tetsu, showing that she didn't mind sharing her mate so long as it wasn't in her bed, would pick out a girl so the three of them could have a little fun. Little do they know that the bubbly and curvaceous, Rena Akagawa was also another human with latent traits.

Returning to the Gaian realm, Donovan would find an old abandoned clubhouse which he'd eventually clean up and renovate to make his own bar soon...

Honda Valkyrie Rune Motorcycle - Because not everyone on Gaia can fly or teleport. Donovan being one of these people this is how he gets around. Though it's a b***h sometimes since the only place to get gas apparently is in Aekea at Sam's. Though thankfully, gas is still around 250 gold a gallon. The bike itself is stock as Donovan really hasn't needed to do any modifications to it so it's pretty much stock.

Recently, Donovan's old bike was blown up by an "old flame". Donovan's new bike was obtained through an old client and has been named "Elizabeth" after a well-aged visiting viscountess from Earthside Scotland to the Black Sands who essentially helped Donovan get back to the straight and narrow as far as his choice of pathways in life. The bike even has a small gold queen's crown vinyl on the body as another dedication.

Harley Davidson 48 Sportster - After a more recent visit Earthside, Donovan's father felt that he needed something a little more true to his heritage. So he gave Donovan the keys to a Harley. Aside from the all black paint job on the gas tank and the kanji vinyl tribute that matches one of his tattoos of an iron clockwork butterfly the bike is stock in specs and street legal.

Biking Leathers - Designed for the male body by Noir.
Full Helmet: Hardshell helmet with padded interior and a visor. Built to withstand impact from high speeds. This helmet can be an effective deterrent against an assailant when it impacts their face at high speeds.
Jacket: This could be the coolest leather jacket ever made. Perfect stylish cut has all the looks, but built in armor protects like a stack of phone books. A hero's jacket.
Gloves: Sturdy leather gloves with extra padding and rubberized grips. Designed for the male body by Noir.
Pants: High quality leather biker pants. Super stylishly cut leather with reinforced armor to protect joints. Designed for the male body by Noir.
Boots: Hardshell leather biker boots with skid guards and armor built in. Designed for the male body by Noir.

Satchel on the bike: A black canvas bag he usually keeps on hand. He usually carries a change of clothes and a small first aid kit with a small amount of gold. The Gaian equivalent to having a twenty in your wallet. Always good to have a little money on hand in case of an emergency after all.

Gift of the Meadia - A card, one side of which had been covered in ornate and complex designs, the other side a rather old-fashioned face of a playing card, the king of hearts, to be exact. The king had flat gray hair, and his face was turned away from the viewer, one hand upraised and resting on the pommel of a stylized sword, his garments concealed by a long black cloak. The only spot of color was a single fleck-like violet highlight along the s-shaped hilt.

The card was given him as a gift from a well known full-blooded succubus and her daughter as a gift for when Donovan is having trouble finding sustenance. It's enchanted with a spell that works at night when he sleeps. The card itself acts much like a solar battery, drawing ethereal energies he needs from the auras of those around him. Though considering the nature of the energy, this is relatively harmless and has a cap. Once it reaches that cap the enchantment stops pulling(This essentially allows me to not have to always focus completely on, well... sex).

Mysterious Wand... - An item Donovan occasionally finds in his bag probably slipped in by some mischievous fae from the Black Sands, a place where he works as an escort. The wand appears to be made of rose-tinted quartz and is eight inches long and 4 inches around. The quartz is smooth to the touch and feels oddly warm no matter where it's been stored. It's said to be one of many to have been crafted by an Unseelie fae that lives on the island.

User Comments: [4]
Gabrielle Meadia
Community Member

Sat Mar 08, 2008 @ 02:20am

Oh so THATS what happened to the king of hearts!

You know, you should REALLY try and get your hands on the Queen of Hearts too. It would give a most interesting reaction if used as the focus point of a summoning spell.

Community Member

Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 05:49pm

This is a really well put together profile. I'm not quite done reading it yet but so far its very interesting and enjoyable to read. heart

Community Member

Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 09:26am

Spiffy! I approve. cool

Moved & have no net (thankfully). Lots of news - see My Profile :}

Busty Babes & Manly Men Hangout!

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Rump Socks
Community Member

Fri Apr 17, 2009 @ 02:59am

I love your Donivan character. Great job! You're skilled, thats awesome.

User Comments: [4]
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