GothfulBunny enters the chat.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Bunny! O.O
Jason The Dark Knight leaves the chat.
GothfulBunny: And a kitty~
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
RagingLeaf: oooo bunnies and kitties ^^
GothfulBunny: And a leaf~
RagingLeaf: lol xD
GothfulBunny: Tee hee cX
Gothly Kitty enters the chat.
GothfulBunny: . . .
GothfulBunny: .....
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Another Kitty. xD
Gothly Kitty: ...
GothfulBunny: ...
RagingLeaf: damnit kitties r winning bring more leafs xD
GothfulBunny: ... a
GothfulBunny: ...
GothfulBunny: > <'
GothfulBunny: No,
GothfulBunny: What are YOU doing here?!
Gothly Kitty: There's only room for ONE goth
Gothly Kitty: No no no I asked FIRST
GothfulBunny: I came first
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: <.<;
GothfulBunny: How could you try to kick me out?
RagingLeaf: -hides in kitty's pants-
Twilight assasination enters the chat.
Gothly Kitty: Because you're in my seat
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
Virgin_Stitch enters the chat.
GothfulBunny: > >'
Twilight assasination: hi?
Gothly Kitty: My game died
GothfulBunny: That's right
Gothly Kitty: That was the shortest game ever
GothfulBunny: Your gothness killed it
RagingLeaf: -pops his head out and sees an assassin and ducks back in-
Gothly Kitty: No, my gothness is too cool for cards
Gothly Kitty: These cards are too happy
GothfulBunny: > >'
Gothly Kitty: Like you
GothfulBunny: What?
Gothly Kitty: That's right
GothfulBunny: Get out of here... > >'
Gothly Kitty: No you
GothfulBunny: No. You
Gothly Kitty: Ladies first
GothfulBunny: Sexist
Gothly Kitty: Feminist
RagingLeaf: -holds on to kitty and shivers-
Gothly Kitty: My goth > your goth
GothfulBunny: Vice versa, actually
Gothly Kitty: Oh okay, your goth < my goth
GothfulBunny: Either way, I was here first, Goth kkitty
GothfulBunny: I can see why someone placed that arrow through your head
GothfulBunny: That's the only one someone can get their POINT through your thick skull
Twilight assasination: *rolls eys and sitsin a ninja corner as i am in a white long jacket with blue clouds serpants and crescentmoons arpoundthe bottom and sleave as i shake my hair and
Gothly Kitty: No it's just pointing to you as the next victim
RagingLeaf: -snuggles into the warmth-
Twilight assasination: sit on a stool* boring
Twilight assasination: *
GothfulBunny: Oh, really now?
Gothly Kitty: *bops head on yours* poke poke
GothfulBunny: That means leaf and pimp kitty are also victims
GothfulBunny: ~poke~ > >'
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Gasp- Dx
Gothly Kitty: It's close range
GothfulBunny: And you had to sit your filthy self next to me
Gothly Kitty: Filthy? Look at you
Gothly Kitty: You're made of pixels!
GothfulBunny: Your gothfulness is sucking all the life out of this room
GothfulBunny: SO are you!
Gothly Kitty: No your name starts with gothful, you're contaminating the whole room with your gothfulness
Twilight assasination: omg they dont shut up do they
GothfulBunny: Humpth
GothfulBunny: You're so rude goth kitty
RagingLeaf: -starts kissing pimp kitty-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
Gothly Kitty: It's only cuz i'm goth
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Ewwies germs. <.<;
Virgin_Stitch: Erek. Crampin' mah style.
Virgin_Stitch leaves the chat.
GothfulBunny: Look what you did, goth kitty
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Yeah why you got to cramp everyones style. D<
Gothly Kitty: No that was from your gothness, it overwhelms people
RagingLeaf: -starts reading a book-
GothfulBunny: ...
RagingLeaf: -turns on a flashlight for light-
Sublime007 enters the chat.
Sublime007: hey what's up
Gothly Kitty: Goth war
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Run we are crampin everyone style!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: D<
Sublime007: ha i'm not goth...i was just in this type of mood
RagingLeaf: -snuggles into kitty-
GothfulBunny: > >' Why are you still here, goth kitty?
Gothly Kitty: No there's a goth war going on
Gothly Kitty: I'm here because I'm here
Sublime007: ohhh gotcha'
Gothly Kitty: Got a problem?
GothfulBunny: Yes
Gothly Kitty: How gothful of you
Twilight assasination: yea i am just staying ourt of it
GothfulBunny: I was here first, you barge in and expect me to get out
GothfulBunny: You rude, emo cat
Sublime007: actualy is quite funny heh
Gothly Kitty: Emo?!
RagingLeaf: yep i am staying out of it reading a book in pimp's pants ^^
Gothly Kitty: I'M NOT EMO!!
Gothly Kitty: *falls to knees*
GothfulBunny: ARE TOO ~kicks you while you're on your knees~
Twilight assasination: *slaps rag* your a wannabe
Gothly Kitty: Gasp what a cruel lady
Twilight assasination: KILL CATS
GothfulBunny: Humpth
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Glares- I'm a cat.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: S<
Twilight assasination: *grabs sot gunand aimsit at goth kitty*
Twilight assasination: not you
Twilight assasination: other cats
Gothly Kitty: So deathly
RagingLeaf: yay good think i am not a cat ^^
GothfulBunny: Your gothness is making everyone cold and violent, goth kitty
GothfulBunny: Aren't you ashamed?
Gothly Kitty: Pfft It's only from your aura
Twilight assasination: no
Twilight assasination: it is you
GothfulBunny: .. you and your emo mixed in with a tint of goth wannabe aura
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: <.<;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Thats harsh. xD
Gothly Kitty: </3
GothfulBunny: I know
GothfulBunny: That Goth deserves it
GothfulBunny: Entering the room I'm in
GothfulBunny: There's only room for one goth
Sublime007: o.O....this is the stupidest yet funniest argument i've seen in a while
Gothly Kitty: Everyone always gang up to the real goth
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Anyway I'm heading out,have fun bickering? xD
GothfulBunny: Thanks
Sublime007: who's the real slim shady...please stand up
Gothly Kitty: I got a slim jim, does that count
Sublime007: ha lol
Sublime007: sure why not
Gothly Kitty: *Raises slim jim up in the air*
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan leaves the chat.
RagingLeaf: v.v i lost my reading place
GothfulBunny: Well, if you're not going to leave, I will
Gothly Kitty: Pfft I have to leave
GothfulBunny: Tah tah, filthy slimeball of darkness
Gothly Kitty: the game isn't working
GothfulBunny leaves the chat.
Gothly Kitty: Gosh rejectfulness
Gothly Kitty: So much for winning when your game doesnt work
Gothly Kitty: Tata room
Gothly Kitty leaves the chat.
Sublime007: nooo servers still messing up!!! wtf
Sublime007: later
RagingLeaf: cya
RagingLeaf: heading out too laterz all
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