More convo's
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Wow,I am doubting John alot I think he is going to leave me.
x slipknot vixen x: why would he do that.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I don't know -Curls up in a ball-
x slipknot vixen x: *sits next to you*
x slipknot vixen x: it'll be ok...
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I R BEIN ALL EMOZ.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
x slipknot vixen x: xD
x slipknot vixen x: nuh-uh!
x slipknot vixen x: you're actin like a girl.
x slipknot vixen x: like you're supposed to.
x slipknot vixen x: lol
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I dun likeh it.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: It makes my brain hurt,then mai heart.
x slipknot vixen x: you love him?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Aye.
x slipknot vixen x: him?
x slipknot vixen x: you'd do anything for him?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Aye. ^^
x slipknot vixen x: but...he has other girlfriends?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Not like that just alot of friends that are girlys.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: It just worries me.
x slipknot vixen x: who'd want to break up with you.
x slipknot vixen x: lol
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Meh Dx
x slipknot vixen x: lol
Bladed Theory enters the chat.
x slipknot vixen x: hey bladed!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Yo!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
x slipknot vixen x: tell kitty she's pretty.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Hi. D:
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: No!
Bladed Theory: And what's in it for me. D;
x slipknot vixen x: yes!
x slipknot vixen x: uh...
x slipknot vixen x: a big hug?
x slipknot vixen x: ^^
x slipknot vixen x: be nice and tell her she's pretty!
Bladed Theory: Kitty you're gorgeous,and when I wake up I see your beautiful face staring at me.
x slipknot vixen x: yay! see kitty!
Bladed Theory: Then I get scared because I hardly know you. D;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I'd be scared of me to.
Bladed Theory: What the fizz.
Bladed Theory: You can't use Kaim's armor with longjohns.
Bladed Theory: And stop being a baby.
Bladed Theory: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I R NOT A BABEH! Dx
Bladed Theory: O YA
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I R BEIN EMOZZ -Pouts-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
Bladed Theory: Clearly your mastery of the english language shows it.;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I noes!
x slipknot vixen x: *hugs for kitty*
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Nooo x.x
Bladed Theory: D:
x slipknot vixen x: fien hugs for you.
Bladed Theory: So what exactly is going on?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I forgot.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
Bladed Theory: I see.
Bladed Theory: Then magically become happy.
x slipknot vixen x: yeah kitty.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Okah.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
-Time skips like Shippuden-
Yeah I can do that cause I'm just that good.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I am cold. Dx
Bladed Theory: I know.
Bladed Theory: I have the OST.
x slipknot vixen x: *gives kitty a blanket*
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Snuggles in it-
Bladed Theory: And usually clothes help with coldness.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: x3
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: I have clothes on. D&
Bladed Theory: Mmhm.
Bladed Theory: =l
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Finee I took them off for you and Vixie.. =3
Bladed Theory: o=
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
Bladed Theory: :: Screen caps. ::
x slipknot vixen x: o-o;
Bladed Theory: Blackmail much?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Oh wellz.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
Bladed Theory: xD
Bladed Theory: Nah.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Runs around- Weee I'm nudezzzz! xD
x slipknot vixen x: o-o;
x slipknot vixen x: *blinks*
Bladed Theory: :: Covers eyes. ::
Bladed Theory: =_=;
Bladed Theory: Brb
x slipknot vixen x: *takes pictures for leafy*
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory leaves the chat.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Dx
Bladed Theory enters the chat.
Bladed Theory: I am super lazy.
Bladed Theory: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: That was some good smex while he was gone vixie -Winks-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: ...
x slipknot vixen x: ohh baby!
Bladed Theory: That's not funny. D;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Fastest quicky eber!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
x slipknot vixen x: xD
x slipknot vixen x: O_o;
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Talk about one hitter quitters right?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o.o;
Bladed Theory: xD
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Lmao.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
x slipknot vixen x: *paws at her blanket*
-Time skips more-
Wow this happens alot. x3
Bladed Theory leaves the chat.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Nawh,your nice. x3
Bladed Theory enters the chat.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Humps Vixie- Damn to late! Dx
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory:Ha!
Bladed Theory: I saw!
Bladed Theory: Now I can be all weird!
Bladed Theory: D:
x slipknot vixen x: *pushes up bra strap* you think you saw all of it?
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: D;
Bladed Theory: You made me sad inside.
Bladed Theory: u.u
x slipknot vixen x: *hugs for bladed*
Bladed Theory: :c :: Hugs back. ::
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Hugs Bladed to- Group huggg x3
yahikooni enters the chat.
Bladed Theory: Except that guy!
Bladed Theory: D:
Bladed Theory: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: RAWR!
Bladed Theory: :: Throws a net over you. ::
Bladed Theory: I caught dinner,
Bladed Theory: =3
x slipknot vixen x: stewed kitty?
x slipknot vixen x: O_o;
Bladed Theory: More like stir-fried.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
x slipknot vixen x: oh noes kitty!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Noooo -Paws at net-
Bladed Theory: You can't escape.
Bladed Theory: For it is...
Bladed Theory: Ridiculously small.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: RAWRRRR! D&
Bladed Theory: D=
Bladed Theory: :: Zaps with a wet battery. ::
x slipknot vixen x: ;~;
x slipknot vixen x: dont kill kitty!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Flops around like a fish-
Bladed Theory: Fine.
Bladed Theory: I spoil you,you know.
Bladed Theory: :: Puts net back into utility belt. ::
yahikooni leaves the chat.
x slipknot vixen x: *steals belt and rifles through it*
Bladed Theory: D= Not my handy dandy 'tility belt!
x slipknot vixen x: kitty here! catch! he has twenty million condoms in here!
x slipknot vixen x: *tosses* xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Catches- x3
Bladed Theory: NO.
Bladed Theory: You damn kids.
Bladed Theory: Ruining my chance to score with a cheap floozy.
x slipknot vixen x: *runs off with half the stash and blows them into balloons*
Don't you love these time skips?
Otherwise the convo would be a bore. Dx
Bladed Theory leaves the chat.
Bladed Theory enters the chat.
x slipknot vixen x: welcome back!
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: -Humps Vixie-
x slipknot vixen x: o-o
Bladed Theory: Oh,THANKS.
Bladed Theory: D=
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Aww man
Bladed Theory: Dx
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Why you gotta ruin it!?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
BeastOf3Souls leaves the chat.
Bladed Theory: Sorry. Dx Next time i'll erm
Bladed Theory: I dunno.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: We can't do smexeh things while you are here.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Pretend i'm not here. D;
Bladed Theory: That's what happened yesterday
x slipknot vixen x: *pushes basket of toys under couch*
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: LOL.
Bladed Theory: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
Bladed Theory: LOL.
Bladed Theory: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
Bladed Theory: Yesterday I was like
Bladed Theory: totallyyyy ignored in this room. These girls were talking about their breasts and i'm like
Bladed Theory: I'M RIGHT HERE YA
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: My breast are squishy! x3
x slipknot vixen x: lol
x slipknot vixen x: mine are...large and annoying.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Mine are too.
Bladed Theory: I swear they hit me when I jog.
Bladed Theory: Dx
x slipknot vixen x: xDD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Mine have hit me when I was running.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: o_o;
Bladed Theory: LOL
Bladed Theory: Lmao. I lol'd hard.
x slipknot vixen x: I have to duct tape mine when I run...
Bladed Theory: Bodeh tapez.
Bladed Theory: o=
Bladed Theory: And hey
Bladed Theory: Where'd that soles feller go?
x slipknot vixen x: uh...
x slipknot vixen x: he says he doesn't want to see me and kitty hump.
x slipknot vixen x: and that he's jealous.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Oh.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
x slipknot vixen x: so he stupid.
x slipknot vixen x: *humps kitty*
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: xD
-Tiny time skip-
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: John is sad now. x.x
x slipknot vixen x: why come?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Because he doesn't think I trust him.
x slipknot vixen x: well...
x slipknot vixen x: tell him to stop being such a man whore, and maybe you might.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Haha.
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Okah!
x slipknot vixen x: tell him VIXEH said that.
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Okahhh
Bladed Theory: Oi
x slipknot vixen x: no I want him mad at meh...
x slipknot vixen x: xD
Bladed Theory: Does Aural Vampire only have one album?
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: To late x3
x slipknot vixen x: OO.
x slipknot vixen x: oh noes...*cringes*
Bladed Theory: D:
Bladed Theory: :: Lifts rug. ::
x slipknot vixen x: yes, only one album.
x slipknot vixen x: that I know of.
Bladed Theory: Quick! In here until the heat dies down! D:
Bladed Theory: And why? D;
x slipknot vixen x: dunno.
x slipknot vixen x: *dashes under rug*
Bladed Theory: xD
Bladed Theory: :: Vacuums rug. ::
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: xD
Bladed Theory: That's for having hot smex while I was away.
x slipknot vixen x: *curls up inder rug and waits for jon to yell at her.
x slipknot vixen x: under*
Bladed Theory: D:
Pimptastic Kitty-Chan: Nooo he just feels like dying now. Dx
x slipknot vixen x: o-o
Bladed Theory: D:
x slipknot vixen x: *cringe*
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