Penciled Art:
-Nodoko- A young man who was mutated by the results of a science experiment that was performed upon him at a young age.
-Young Nodoko- -Mortimer- A young zombie who is gifted with speech, musical talent, and love after years of straining his vocal chords to even speak.
-Darwin- Mort's "teacher" in the ways of Zombie society. Also achieving speech, Darwin strains himself more to be able to speak with emotion, hence can only speak a sentence or two without pain.
-Suki- Half-demon who's mother slaied his grandfather and has been serving the forces of darkness for almost 300 years
-Mrs.Lovett- Evil accompanist to Mr.Todd
-Oneris- A candle maker from The Inbetween place
-Vadoma + Mort- a young woman who was born half werewolf and half witch who fell deeply in love with the musical zombie, and gave her life to him as he turned her into a zombe
-Brandon- A merman who attends the same highschool as Mort
-Maizes- Named for Mayes Hughes, also a member of the highschool
-Red Panda and the Mallard- Avatar art of me and my boyfriend
-The Duck- half of the picture above
-Rendaw- A young sayter who is the last of his tribe and in love with a vampire who killed 90% of his clan
-II- Just 2 dragons