wow i never knew something such as this exsisted its similarto exgerating the truth,infact it is exagerating the truth to a certain elngth
the other day i learned mroe about factional wirting.
everyone has heard of about fiction and non-fiction
well this comes inbetween the two of them.
the wirter Frank McCourt wrote a book called
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
it is basically about his life,i guess a autography is what you would call it.
well anyway we read a part from his book about how he got typoid fever
and stayed in achristian church,he suffered mroe becuse back then you couldnt talk,play,LAUGH!,or see your parents!?!?,not to forget not havign someone to be with.Well one day he meet this girl named patrica madigan (sorry if that is spelt wrong but the names correct) they never saw eachothe rbut throught a small sapce talked,laughed nad joked.
frank was 10 and patrica was 14.
well at oen point the nurses got feed up with them laughing and talking so they moved frank to a sposibly horrible place where he could see spirts.
in the end of this book patrica got up to use the bathroom and die's there alone.
frank devisated,honestly it just goes to show you how greatfuk humans should be for friends (that and the medical findings to cures).
frank survives but is still divasted.
so any how,after writing and publishing the book his mother calle dhim a LIER (ouch)
she said that some of this wasnt true.
but then again,i wouldnt wan tto read about someone's life with otu a adventure i the twist,other wise id just use it as a refrence for a test!.
what im trying to actually get at is that factional is a really good way to express yourself even if its telling a bit of a fib.such as if i were to flip off my bike when i was coming home,into a bunch of box's woth knifes and living still to tell would be happened,but there were just box's
factional is simple this-exsagerating the turth.
i think ill go wirte more.
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