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Welcome to my hopes, dreams, thoughts and life.
ninja Koichi walked, no more like glided, twords Cari. She stared at him, hardly breathing. She could see him clearly now. He wore a white turtle-neck and black jeans, black Vans under them. There was no color in him anywhere, his eyes covered in black sun-glasses. His skin had a strange pale translusence, his hair snowy-white and falling around his glowing face. He was not merely white, like a bleach-blonde would be, oh no. This boy seemed almost crippled by his lack of color. It's absence hit the eye hard as if an arm or a leg had been missing. And then he slid off his glasses as he drew level with her, and she saw that after all the lack was not total; she saw his eyes. They to were like nothing she had seen before. They were red, blood-red, flecked with orange-rouge like the eyes of a wolf. They blazed out at her, bright as cherries. He stared at her, on the opposite side of the road, his glasses held awkwardly in a pale hand. She blinked a couple of times; not beleiving her eyes. Was he smiling at her? I'm not gonna stick around to find out! She turned and ran into the huge building, his gaze following her.

Looking for a Black Mokona buddy~
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Mokona Modoki is ready to go~! <3 RP with me~!

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