Yep.. I am really pink now. I did put on sunblock. I thought I applied it pretty well, but then ya know.. when you're in the water sometimes the sunblock gets less effective... but, at least the sunblock may have prevented a more worse sunburn. Worst thing about them to me aside from the hurting when people touch you is the itching! It itches like crazy, but if you itch, then it hurts. I will need to buy myself a little thing of noxema me thinks.
But, it was so fun today. cuz today was first time in a few months me and josh had a day off together. so, we went out to this little lake/beach/park about ten miles up the road. It was really nice. We had a lot of fun. Naaman wouldn't enjoy the water, but he did try to go in it. I owe him a sucker for his brave efforts. We figure though that if we keep taking him to the same one and getting him to re-experience it over and over that he will eventually get used to it.
And, so now i'm enjoying ice cream and trying to tough out my itchiness. blaugh
Graceangel · Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 11:09pm · 2 Comments |