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Shin's sacred scrolls of shut the hell up!
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Updated list of Generals of the Ryuu No Kami
Name - Henshin the Transformation Master
Age - 23 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Wearing a pure white, blank mask. Ryuu wears the usual black and red uniform of the Ryuu No Kami. He stands at five feet, six inches tall. His skin is never seen, always covered by his mask, and the uniform he wears.
Weapons - Kunai, two katana sheathed on his left side, and poison darts that he keeps tied to his left leg.
Bio - Henshin was a great actor. Able to play any part, and make people believe he was who he portrayed. He had a dark secret though, he would take the female fans that wished to lay with him after his shows and once he was done having his way with them...he would butcher them. The darkness seed found him, planting itself in his body and activating when he was in the middle of his greatest performance. The mask he was wearing was transformed into a blank mask, and could not be removed from his face. He was found by Shin, while he was performing in the house of one of the Emperors aids. Now he is a high ranking general within the Ryuu No Kami clan.
Abilities/powers - Has the ability to transform into anyone/anything, so long as it is living. He can use the abilities of whoever he transforms into, but not to the same degree of power which the original can. He also gains the targets memories, making it harder and harder to distinguish Henshin from the original.
Other - After transforming into his desired target, he can remove his mask to make his disguise complete. When he returns to his original form, the mask reattaches itself to his face and cannot be removed.

Name - Jiko the Dimension Master
Age - 28 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Jiko wears a pure black blank mask, that has a white star upon the forehead. Jiko is pale, sickly looking. Standing at five feet, two inches tall, Jiko has white and black hair. His right eye is red, while the left one is blue. He wears the usual Ryuu No Kami uniform as the other generals do. He is in good shape, toned yet not super muscular. The Kanji meaning Death is tattooed upon his right palm, it stays black until activated to be used for his suicide technique.
Weapons - Several kunai and a single katana.
Bio - Jiko has always been a rather powerful monk, having obtained the power to move between dimension through the long process of becoming a sage. He has no darkness seed within him, and works for Shin by choice. Seeing Shin's path of destruction and death, as merely a way to bring peace and unity to all of japan.
Abilities/powers - Can move through dimensions and trap others in them as well, sealing them off from others for a limited amount of time.
Other - Jiko is not violent, all fights ending in nothing more than him tiring out his opponent and then leaving or allowing them to make peace with him and then leave.

Name - Banjin the Puppet Master
Age - Unknown.
Race - Living Puppet
Sex - N/A
Appearance - Standing at six feet tall, Banjin is made of a dark colored gray wood. His eyes are pure red and glow, but can only be seen glowing when light is absent. He wears the same uniform of the rest of the Ryuu No Kami, wearing a turquoise and white dragon mask upon his face. He made from wood from trees that grow within the lower reaches of hell. His body is very durable, able to shake off massive amounts of damage. His death kanji is engraved on the palms of both of his hands.
Weapons - A katana sheathed on his left side, two nodachi horizontal upon his lower back. Kunai, Banjin carries exactly twenty of them.
Bio - Banjin came into Shin's service many years ago. Not much is known about his past, who he was before he became a puppet.
Abilities/powers - Banjin has the ability to give life to puppets. His skills as a puppet maker means he can make exact replicas of people as puppets...even if the puppets are actually living people. He can also control others with his mastery of puppetry.
Other - Within his body, is a magic artifact. The Devil's Heart. It gives Banjin his artificial life. He can transfere the heart to other spare bodies that he has created when he takes too much damage within the body he is using at the moment.

Name - Cho the Wind Master
Age - 20 years old
Race - Half human/half wind demon
Sex - Male
Appearance - Cho is five feet, nine inches tall. He wears a yellow and white hawk mask upon his face. His hair is white, spiked up upon his head. His eyes are a greay color, and his skin is tan. He wears the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami clan. The death kanji is tattooed on his soloplex, the center of his chest right where his ribcage ends.
Weapons - A large fan that is tied to his back, it is known as the Fan of the Four Dragons.
Bio - Cho's father was a wind demon, while his mother was the daughter of a local farmer. His mother was given as a sacrifice to the wind demon, to keep him from destroying the village in which she lived. Cho learned how to be a heartless monster from his father, striking fear in the hearts of humans by using the wind to kill them and destroy there villages. Shin killed Cho's father, and wounded Cho, almost killing him. A darkness seed that was implanted in him by Shin, healed his wound. He joined Shin and the Ryuu No Kami, pledging his loyalty to Shin.
Abilities/powers - Cho can manipulate the wind. Turning a simple breeze into a tornado. He can use the wind as a weapon that can be shaped and contortated to his will.

Name - Po-Jin the Earth Master
Age - 23 years old
Race - Half Human/Half Earth Demon
Sex - Male
Appearance - Eight feet tall. Po-Jin was given a brown and white bull mask, though he rarely wears it. He looks mole like, with large muscular arms and a large muscular upper body. He has sharp claws upon his hands, used to rip through the earth with ease. His eyes are green, emerald green. He wears a modified Ryuu No Kami uniform, the sleeves ripped off. The death kanji is tattooed on his back, taking up his entire back.
Weapons - Po-Jin carries no weapons
Bio - He never knew his real parents. He was taken in by loving foster parents, farmers that always praised him for the great help he was able to give them on the farm. The other villagers didn't like the thought of a half demon living among them, and went to his home to do something about it. His parents were killed trying to protect him, and that is when the darkness seed entered and activated within Po-Jins body. He slaughtered his entire village in a blind rage, and when he was finished, he buried his parents on the farm. He was taken in by Shin, serving him faithfully like a son would do for his father.
Abilities/powers - Po-Jin can manipulate the earth to his will, using it as a weapon that can destroy whole villages.
Other - Po-Jin is rather kind and peacefull, only when he gets brought into a rage is he any danger to anyone and everyone.

Name - Doraku the Water Master
Age - 21
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Doraku is five feet, seven inches tall. He has blue hair, that is shaved close to his head except for bangs that are on the left side of his face. He has blue eyes, and his skin is tan. It seems as if he has spent every moment of his life out in the sun. He wears the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami, and a dark blue and white shark mask upon his face. His death kanji is tattooed on his stomach.
Weapons - kunai, a nodachi and wakisashi, and several shuriken.
Bio - Doraku used to be a rather infamous pirate, known as the Demon of the Sea. He used his power of the water, brought to him by the activation of his darkness seed, to sink ships after he was done stealing all of there goods. He got into a fight with Shin in the port of a little sea side village, his entire crew killed in the process. He was spared by Shin, and given the offer to join the Ryuu No Kami clan, which he accepted.
Abilities/powers - Doraku manipulates water, able to use water molecules from the air around him, or water that has been frozen solid. He can control water, in any form it takes.
Other - Doraku has gills on his neck, giving him the ability to breath under water.

Name - Hatsu the Sound Master
Age - 18 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Hatsu is five feet, five inches tall. He has green eyes, black hair that is slicked back to a ponytail that flares out behind him. He wears a gray and white wolf mask on his face, and the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami. The death kanji is tattooed on his throat.
Weapons - A sitar that he wears on his back, able to swing it around by its strap. A black drum tied to his waist.
Bio - Hatsu was saved by Shin when he was seven years old. An attack on his village by monstrous creatures, Shin had saved him. The darkness seed in his body had already activated at such a young age, and he was inducted into the Ryuu No Kami immediately
Abilities/powers - Hatsu can amplify normal sound waves to devistating proportions.

Name - Tickouri the Bug Master
Age - 35 years old
Race - Former human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Tickouri is seven feet tall, his body covered in bandages. He is big and bulky, his human body having changed over the years of his transformation to become like that of a beetles exoskeleton. His hands are clawed, his eyes are yellow. He wears a modified version of the Ryuu No Kami uniform, the sleeves end at the elbow and the hakama trousers end at the knees. That way his bandages extremeties can be seen. He wears a blue and white crow mask on his face. His death kanji is tattooed on the palm of his left hand.
Weapons - Tickouri carries a large halbert, that is usually seen resting on his shoulder as he walks or stabbed into the ground as a leaning post for Tickouri.
Bio - Tickouri used to be a bug keeper. He was insane when it came to bugs, even killing men, women, and children when he saw them hurting bugs. His darkness seed activated when he came close to death, attracting the bugs he loved so much to feast and merge with his body. Reborn as a bug monster, he slaughtered his village. He then wandered the country, coming across Shin and joining him in his quest.
Abilities/powers - Tickouri can control bugs and use them as weapons. He also has bugs residing in his hive like body, that do whatever he wishes. He can also manipulate the genetic make-up of the bugs and alter them in many different ways.

Name - Honoo the Fire Master
Age - 24 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Honoo is five feet, seven inches tall. He has orange eyes, red hair that is all over the place. Spiked, but looks like he just woke up as well. He wears a red and white lion mask on his face, and the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami clan. The death kanji is tattooed on the back of his neck.
Weapons - Honoo carries no weapons
Bio - Honoo is a fire bender. He was the strongest on his island, able to defeat even his father, the king of the island and take the title of king for himself. He was a tyranical leader, and killed whoever did not agree with what he had to say. The darkness seed activated before he was challenged to a fight with Shin, mere seconds before. He was defeated, and demanded a rematch. Shin made a bet, that if he won, Honoo would join him. If Shin lost, Shin would serve Honoo forever. Honoo agreed to the wager, and was defeated by Shin. Joining the Ryuu No Kami and serving Shin.
Abilities/powers - Honoo controls fire. He has three different levels of control, that are reflections of the heat of the fire. Red is his first stage, white is his second stage, and black is his last stage. The black fire comes from hell itself, able to burn almost anything into ashes.

Name - Onea the Poison Master
Age - 25 years old
Race - Former human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Onea stands at six feet tall. He has yellow snake eyes, green scaley skin, though it changes colors to reflect his mood. He wears a different for of the Ryuu No Kami uniform, his consists of thick gloves, leather boots, and a uniform that interlocks to ever part of itself. Onea's mask is a purple and white snake mask, that connects to a hoodie feature to his uniform top. This is done to make sure that he does not kill without being told to. His death kanji is tattooed on his long snake like tongue.
Weapons - Two daggers that have been soaked in Onea's toxic blood.
Bio - Onea was a master at science, at chemistry, and botany. He made poisons for others to kill their enemies, and would then later kill the buyer of the poison. He was caught once, chased down by the local law enforcement and surrounded by them as he tried to hide in his house. He decided to take his own like, and downed every vial of poison he had. That is when his darkness seed activated, and he was transformed by the many different reptile poisons that he had just injested. He then killed those that wished to take him in, and met up with Shin as he just happened to walk through his village. He was instantly made a general of the Ryuu No Kami.
Abilities/powers - Onea is immune to poisons. His body produces a poison all its own, one that has no cure. The toxicity of his poison seeps through his pores, he can cause objects to rot just by placing his bare skin upon it.

Name - Igijo the Bomb Master
Age - 24 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Igijo wears an orange and white fox mask upon his face, covering his rather youthful looks from others unless he wants them to see his face. He is six feet, three inches tall. He has black hair, that is styled into a fohawk. He has brown eyes, and has pale skin. He wears a modified version of the Ryuu No Kami uniform, made to look like that of a gamblers outfit. He wears bandages on his forearms, and around his neck. His death kanji is tattooed on his chest, where his heart is.
Weapons - Kunai, shurikens, a katana, and several pairs of dice.
Bio - Igijo was a gambler. If he won and someone couldn't pay, he would kill them. If he lost, he would kill whoever played against him. Igijo also made bombs, he loved to watch buildings and people explode. He was surrounded one day, bomb in hand as the darkness seed activated. He couldn't move or throw the bomb as the shogun who were after him moved out of the blast range. As the bomb went off, the explosion was absorbed by his skin, changing his molecular structure and giving him the ability to turn other object into bombs. He met up with Shin, both of them just wanderers at first. Igijo became the first general of the Ryuu No Kami clan.
Abilities/powers - Igijo can change the molecular and atomic structure of an object/person. Turning them into an unstable, highly explosive, bomb. By saying a trigger word, he can set off the bomb and cause it to explode whenever he wants. The trigger word is: Boom.
Other - Igijo has been with Shin the longest. Having been Shin's very first general.

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