Hoo-freakin-ray!!!!! razz
I finally, after god knows how long, wrote last night! Okay so it was only about half a page but seriously its been a bloody long time so I'll take anything at the moment.
I have to confess I was beginning to doubt if I was ever going to write again. For too long it was just staring at a blank screen with that damn blinking cursor teasing me. Anything I might write was all stilted and wooden and the flow just wasn't there.
The magic was gone, fini, pffft, outer here! And I missed it!
Then yesterday I woke up with a way of starting a chapter in my latest X-Men fanfic, this chapter was killing me because I couldn't find a way into it. It took me all day to work up the courage to sit at the computer, a part of me was expecting it all to dry up the moment I opened the chapter, but oh happy day! the words began to flow and the characters began to talk to me again.
So now the question is: 'Can I keep it going?' So I'm going to take it slow and not rush things and hope to hell I keep writing. smile
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The Rambling Musings of GeekyTanta
Call it a 'stream of consciousness'. It can be anything, anytime, mostly here.
A bit of rambling, some ranting and general stuff I stumble across through the net.
And, hopefully *fingers crossed* some writing, too.
Absinthe makes the mind go wander.
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