Ever since, well, time began, there has always been a species, a race, a gender, and occupation, or a stereotype that has been made inferior. Equality has always been something people have sought after, always tried to reach, and many have made a difference. MLK Jr always comes to mind, and what he did was a great thing. Equality, in its connotation, is a good thing. Everyone should, in theory, be treated equal, and be exposed to the same rights. But what happens when equality becomes an excuse, or a way to bring society down?
Everyone these days is a victim of inequality. "I got fire from my job. it's because i'm a woman." or "I got pulled over, it's because i'm black." or "They kicked me out because i'm fat." Listen, there will always be an excuse. What ever happened to responsibility? To respect? To humility or hospitality? These ideas began to dissapear when "victims" began to lawyer up and everyone sued everyone else for their own problems. This society has become so letigious and pollitically correct because we're all scared to step on anyone's toes and make them feel discriminated against.
Not that i'm sayign that we should go back to slavery or women shouldn't be in the work place or anything like that. But, it's no longer about equality. Look at the modern feminist. She doesn't want to be equal to men, she wants to be proved better than them. Even i'm guilty of it, taking my sex and turning it into superiority. It's pretty stupid, since men and women need eachother equally (yes, equally). I'm very annoyed with the argument, "I'd like to see Man have reproduce without women". Um, ladies, i'd love to see women reproduce without Man. What exactly are we going to do? Invetro fertilize everyone? And with black people, so many of them take their race as an excuse, as if it entitiles them to pity (not all, but certainly many)? As if it entitiles them to be lazy or be thugs because America owes them for what "we" did to "their" people. Um, unless you personally were enslaved by me, than you need to let it go. It didn't happen to you, I didn't do it to you.
So, now, our society has basically equal rights for the vast majority. Isn't tht enough? No. Now, we have to make EVERYONE equal. Wa have to take the money earned by the wealthy and give it to the poor who learn, what exactly? If they dont' work, they can still get paid. I understand there are exceptions to this generalization, but isn't it generally true? We haev to make the people who came her illegally, without permission, equal to the people who waited years to come to this country as a citizen. We have to give the same marraige rights to gay couples, even though most of these rights reffer to naturally conceiving children.
The world is becoming flatter. I know the word seems cliche in this argument, but isn't this turing more and more into a communistic society? Have you read "Harrison Bergeron"? It's a story where everyone is literally equal. The strong are weighed down, the vocal are given speech impediments, the beautiful are made to wear masks, the intelligent are given ear pieces that deafen, and so on. Not that i'm saying our society will become like this, but think about it.
Think of what make syou special, and think of a society where we had total equality. There would be no entertainment, since rides usually have a height requirement, movies have age ratings, actors audition and compete against another for roles. What about houses? Would they all be the same? Salaries, education, transportation, technology, scientists, government.
Welcome to equality.
Qua Quidam · Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 03:18am · 0 Comments |