lol what? lol
Dx OKAY This is directed to some people I know. Guys. Please stop with the 'lol'. Dx I mean, use it once in a sentence. NOT LIKE THIS gonk Pika : o hay thur o 3o Some person : lol hi lol Pika : What's up? o wo;;
Some person: lol Nothing much lol Pika : What do you say lol so much, lol? gonk Some person : lol I don't know lol lol lol Pika has signed off xD Ok, I wouldn't usually be straightfoward like that, but it annoys me sometimes. LIKE THIS Girl 1 : MY MOM DIED crying Boy 1 : lol Sorry for your lost ..That would be akward. D: So please. If lol is needed, use it once. Thank you for your time. wink