Yesterday was interesting.
Things I've learned:
Jason doesn't know real insanity if it slapped him in the face.
Fairhaven closes at five.
Black Star is a wonderful place to wander around, especially with a video camera.
Giant spiders rule the land.
Mary can be found there in a well.
Taco Bells without Mexicans working there DO exist in Southern California.
That awesome wrap that looks like a pizza but also like a Grilled Stuffed Burrito are back, and as good as ever.
Yuppies need to ******** off and die.
I'm only as fun as those who are around me at the time.
What I want to do.
Not go to work and go to Fairhaven and get some real sleep.
Take pictures in Santa Ana cemetary
Go to Black Star at night.
Not go to work in an hour.
But not in the same order.