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View User's Journal

This is where i put my deepest thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
For some life is hard for others it's easy
People struggle with inner demons while those get spoiled rotten
not appreciating the gifts and life they have and want more for pure greed.
Some live for vengance while others live for to search for what they are missing.
But I struggle with some things like trying to find my true self.
I come in many forms creating an unintentanal problem filled life.
But when the time is right, that all shall change.
Greed has gotten to me as well as love.
joining up as one, I am stuck with mixed fellings loving many instead of one.
But then my first love is back making me more mixed up.
Only thoose who know the whole issue know the deal.
With him around he's all i feel i need and want.
But soon like before something could retear us apart.
But i am here having a whole rambling thing going on and its driving me up a wall.
You know who you are...all i want is reassurance i wont be hurt again but
things happen...you tell me things that i hope remains true but anything can happen.
You will read but wont respond...as well as two others.
Just know i love you and only you but things run through my mind pushing that fact away. like them....... confused confused sad evil

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Blue Draven
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 12, 2005 @ 03:20am
If Proof is what you need to show you that what i say is true than I will show you.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 27, 2005 @ 08:38pm
Love is what it is. its never easy to deal with but is what keeps us going. feel what you must but know that you can never really know what goes on in the mind of others unless they confess it to you. give them a chance to prove.

Community Member
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