I'm Tired.
I'm tired of this bullshit, I'm tired of this life, I'm tired of these people, I'm tired of this fight. I'm tired of two-faced people && backstabbers galore, they act like their your friends && put on a big smile, but all the while, if you want the truth, their faker than a two cent whore. I'm tired of the lying, the pain & all the grief, I'm tired of hurting people, I don't want to cheat... maybe you think I'm happy, but that's only because I don't reveal whats hidden underneath. I'm tired of giving && not getting anything back, I'm tired of loving,, they say, "It's better to have loved && lost then to have never loved at all", sometimes I wish I'd never loved, I don't understand how a person can make you feel so big one moment && the next minute make you feel so small. I love him so much, that not talking to him is literally killing me, why can't he just understand, why can't I be happy too, why can't he just see that I would much rather be wearing his wedding band, but no, what do I get? These tears cry & a once again broken heart && yet there's no one around to dry my weary eyes. I thought he cared about me, he said he didn't want to hurt anyone, but in the long run, their both happy, I'm torn apart && I see that he'd much rather be with my best friend, than me. There's only one person on this entire earth that I want && it hurts so bad that we'll never be together, but always apart. she tells me all about it && rubs it in my face, slowly and day by day, I feel myself beginning to fill up with hate. It seems as if my whole life is going wrong, friendships I've worked long && hard to build, seem to all be gone. I'm always depressed && never happy, I'm crying all the time, I'm tired of writing all these poems , what do I get for them? Nothing, all they do is carry a silly rhyme. I feel as if I'm fading away, my life is going poof, my best friends && I barely talk anymore, we've all gone our separate ways && I have absolutely no one to talk to that will understand me on this lonely, August day. I miss the way things used to be, when someone, anyone actually cared, but now it seems as if my heart && my entire life are becoming bare.