We'll be holding them for a month, while the humane society searches for their original owners. After that, they'll be up for adoption- but the adoption agreement will state that if the original owners are found, they will need to be returned even if they've already been adopted. Priority is being placed on reuniting animals with their former homes, but we also need some understanding, caring families to act as foster homes in the meantime- and quite likely, as a permanent home, if the original owners are not able to be contacted.
The humane society is taking pictures of all the animals they rescue, and microchiping them, and they will be compiled in a large directory for families to search and locate their pets. It will all be available through PetFinder.com- http://www.petfinder.com/disaster/index.html
I'm amazed at how strong these little guys are- think of all that they've been through, and how young they are! But they're purring away, and healing fast, and happy to be where they are right now.^_^