Yeah I feel like making something with my drawings. I want to be better than I am again, and I'm going to spend my school time trying to draw something new today.
I'm thinking, Halloween is soon, I should just draw a slew of Halloween themed drawings. And I feel like drawing something with unrealistic pokemon. -Ponders- Yeah I need a life/ something to do. Was supposed to go to the movies with my friends this afternoon but they never really told me the when where what part, so I guess I won't go. -Scratches head-
I need to get going to school. Maybe I'll come home and update with some linearts of a new drawing that I really want to/need to make. :]
And then I'll get back to work in my new artshop. My art > artshop ..... Yeah I'm selfish. :3
Those people can just wait, I can make like 5 avatar arts in one weekend if I want =3=
Gotta go~ <3
bittersweet93 · Fri Oct 17, 2008 @ 02:23pm · 0 Comments |