Hello every body. Its friday! WAHOO! I was almost late for work today. I literally ran out the house and just made the bus. sweatdrop Heh, Oh and that definetly is NOT because I stayed up late on the phone last night, so "name witheld for reasons that are reasons" dont think its your fault. Actually I myself am to blame cause when I got off the phone around 1:30, I fried some chicken, which took about 45 minuetes eek then made a salad with raspberry vinegarrete dressing. (licks lips YUM YUM YUM) Well anyways I got to bed around 3:30. I know pretty stupid if I have work at five, but I made it and the day is over, thank God. (smiles) I'm relly starting to feel closer to "name withheld for reasons that are reasons". I wont really get into that here though, not yet at least. Anyway I'm at Towson library now after buying Burnout Revenge for PS2. Cant wait to get home and play it. Here are some screens for you all to enjoy. as for me, thats all for today. All me buddies and others, I'll call when I get home. Laterz.
![User Image](https://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b233/Synoske/bur4.jpg)
Crimzen Regret · Fri Sep 30, 2005 @ 09:30pm · 4 Comments |