My Topic "Americans destroying the planet a little more" was deleated. It burns me a bit that something people were acctually posting on gets deleated while my other Topic which even I admit was shat "Godoleeza for Prez" is still kicking with noone posting there.
Plus it was deleated for Spamming!
I don't really think *I* was spamming mostly because every time I posted it was with new information or countering someone elses point. Plus I never did bump (purposefully) It really was always just to put in something new.
There was the one chick who bumped me which makes me think I may have gotten my own topic deleated by "Reporting Topic" instead of "Reporting Thread" for the one girl who wasn't doing anything. Or perhapse your only aloud to report so many people in a topic for spamming before the whole thing gets overhauled.
Either that or Simplicitys_Gift is that much of a bitter "rymes with witch" that she would report my topic. But I really can't see anyone on Gaia doing that no matter how annoying they are.
Then again getting rid of the thread altogeather prevents er from having to create a sound rebuttle to my arguments....
damn I'm paranoid. It was probably just a shitty thread. But why me? there are worse ones.
well now I'm just confused because I looked in my Previous Posts section and the thread is still there and unaltered...
ugh, bananas.
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Psychosis of Typing
this that and the other thing that I hear on Gaia, I have another journal for my own life.
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