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{ C l a r e ' s. F I L E S }
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The Main Argument

    Alright. I've seen lots of people who think that Twilight completely sucks, and most of the time they don't have anything to defend their argument besides, "It's bad literature," or, "There are too many squeeing fangirls." Even then, they can't back up their own opinion with supporting facts, because in all reality, there are no supporting facts. A book review is just one person's opinion, but not many people realize that, and they go on explaining their views like it's fact and everyone else is just a misinformed child, when obviously that's not the case.

    In terms of Twilight being "bad literature," that isn't a fact, either; it's just your opinion. Many people will think that it's bad literature, and many will think that it's awesome literature, so how about instead of trying to shove your opinion down someone's throat, you have an actual discussion? Most of the time when people say this, they have absolutely no facts to support their argument, and just go, "Twilight is BAD literature, and you're stupid for thinking otherwise, and stupid for thinking that it isn't written by a seven year old." That does nothing to your argument besides making you look like an immature five year old who cannot accept the fact that other people have different opinions. If you want someone to listen to your argument, don't insult them for their literature perferences, and state your argument carefully and calmly. Then maybe you can actually have a discussion where you both share your views without clawing at each other's throats (dare I say, biting at each others' necks?).

    Shouldn't those "squeeing fangirls" clue you into something? Even the New York Times have given it good reviews, along with USA Today, People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, School Library Journal, Wall Street Journal and many more big publishing companies. It has also been a best seller on a variety of company's boards (see reviewers number one, two and six for examples). There are those who are in love with the series, just like they were in love with Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Eragon, etc. There would be absolutely no fangirls if the series was as bad as you say that it is. I'm personally very picky with my literature, and I can find nothing wrong with the series. Harry Potter has more spelling mistakes than Twilight does, but yet no one ever points that out because they just want to be "in" and be "cool" by being in the "Twilihater Crowd" without even reading the books. You don't even have to buy them; you can just go to the library for goodness sake. People just seem like they need to follow the crowd in hating Twilight in general, but same goes for any other series or individual book. Have you actually read the series? No? Then I'm not listening to your argument at all. There is absolutely no way to make a firm argument unless you have read the books. A few pages isn't enough to make a strong opinion, only a very weak one. Books gradually get better toward the middle and end, and they are generally more boring toward the front of it. It isn't fair to the books or to the author to just read a page, throw it aside, and start throwing a tantrum at the fans just because you do not have the patience to read it. And if it "burned your eyes"? Maybe you should see your eye doctor, your health issues aren't caused by Twilight.

    Being judgmental toward a book before you even read it or haven't read it gets you nowhere. Believe me; I was one of those Twilihaters and I thought that the whole idea was stupid and that I didn't like vampires etc. etc., but then I actually picked up the book out of curiosity. And you know what? I loved it. I read it over and over and over again until I bought the other books. Then I read New Moon over and over and over again until I got Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. It was that good of a series that I literally couldn't stop reading until the wee hours of the morning.

    Now, I'm not saying that you aren't entitled to an opinion. I'm just stating that if you haven't read the series before making your final opinion, it isn't a very good one and I will not take you seriously. This goes for me and the majority of the Twilight fans out there. I will also not take the fans that accuse the Twilihaters of being stupid seriously either. It needs to be an even argument where there are no winners, but each person accepts and respects the views of the opposing team.

Why do I like Twilight?

    It isn't a story about the "classic" kind of vampires. There's different twists to the story, like them being able to resist human blood, and them APPEARING to sparkle slightly in the sun. Just because a story isn't just like all of the other old, set-in-stone vampire stories, doesn't mean that it's stupid. That's what I like about the story - making changes to classic stories, and creating something new, just like Harry Potter and many other stories.

    And besides making it unique, there's a romance in it, as well. It's a two-in-one story about romance and vampires, and not to mention the adventure scenes. I'm a sucker for both kinds of stories. They have relationships that we all dream about, but in a semi-realistic way, instead of driving off to a castle in an onion with wheels.

    It's also unpredictable. When reading the original book, Twilight, I never expected what kind of adventure they had toward the end, and I was left in suspense. The story isn't one of those TV Sitcoms where the child does something bad, and obviously gets caught. It's a story where anything can happen, good or bad. When a the plot gets to an adventurous scene, where those in the book are in mortal (pun intended) danger, I actually get just as panicked as the characters in the story do. I couldn't even think of putting the book down and sleeping until I finished the adventure scene even though it was about two in the morning. I love that kind of thing, the being scared, and no book has ever done that to me before.

    Another thing is humor. The book has just the right amount of humor to it, and at one point, I laughed out loud (and believe me, I got some very weird looks for that). It has a balance of action, humor, romance, and just... reality and fantasy.


    Read it. Christ, people.


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commentCommented on: Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 02:50am
I personally like the book. I thought the book was a little boring at the beginning but I couldn't put it down for some reason. I don't understand how you can hate it, It's awesome. xp But...that's just my opinion.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 12:55am
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Alright, this is my main upset with twilight. Yes they're nontraditional vampire which does making this insignificant but I'll go with it anyway. One, they don't have fangs. Two, they can fly without turning into bats. Three, they can resist blood. And four, they can go into the sun without burning up, dying, or anything bad in the least. They just shine...
It was more like these guys are fairies or some sort of pixie than any sort of vampire. I mean, being a vampire is suppose to be a curse. It seemed to me to be more like a fantasy above all else.
Twilight is fine, I guess...
Just not my Forte for their look on vampires.

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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 01:24am
From what I recall, they can't fly. They just run very fast.
I enjoy books that aren't a huge cliche - being a vampire is a curse to those in the book who are actually vampires. To others, it scares them, but it also makes them curious. So technically, it's still a curse.

It's like, would you rather a story that starts like this "Edward, pale with purple circles under his eyes and huge fangs, suddenly turned into a bat and flew off," or this, "Edward, with human-sized teeth, confessed to being a vampire. He told me the myths of vampirism, and it surprised me"? I'd prefer a spin on a cliche.

See you in the GCD~

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 03:00am
Very nice argument there. See I'm one of the few who read the series, and well I couldn't get into them. I'm not dissing it, I mean the writing was "meh" the plot, however, was decent. My only thing is that I just couldn't relate to the characters. I do enjoy the twist on vampires but~~~ im a sucker for handsome and beautiful creatures who suck human blood and then in their true form become hideous and monstrous and loose that "human" side of them for a bit.

But that's just me, i'm more for Harry Potter maybe Lord of the Rings Sub genres or even middle school fiction. "King of Shadows" for one is a very easy read told in first person about a boy switching places with another boy to save Shakesphere, it has a lot of nice tension and its moving. Twilight was told in first person, had a very convincing plot (albiet somewhat confusing in some parts) but it was an easy read.

Even so I had a hard time getting into it, but Its not as horrible as others think, but for me I'm not to interested.

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Sky of the Silver Ocean
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 12:33pm
Most fangirls don't have a very good argument either, but eh. It's all on opinion. What has made me hate those books so much is the fangirls and the fact that I'm not in love with Edward makes me an enemy. The thing is, many people hate it because they don't like what she did to vampires. Some hate it because after reading BD, looking back, they felt it was severely lacking. Personally, it's all predictable and there was no plot for so long. For Twilight, the main mystery, which I would have liked to have been a mystery, is revealed on the back of the cover. So that makes a predictable plot and a girl that makes an insane choice when there are two vampires ready to protect her. Plus, with a slightly closer look, it's easy to see that Edward is an abusive boyfriend at times, the most notable time being in Eclipse, I do believe, where he takes the engine out of her car because she went and saw Jacob. Now, girls say this is romantic(at least, those I've met) and that he is just being protective. Personally, I'd be rather scared if my car stopped like that, and if my boyfriend was stopping me from seeing my best friend, I'd be severely pissed off. But...Bella just takes it? Like when Jacob kisses her? But we know the whole time she'd never choose Jacob. They weren't ever going to die, because Meyer isn't that kind of writer. No one who was a main good character would ever die.
They're okay, but they're not magnificent in my opinion. They weren't life changing, they were books to read to pass the time. But when girls beat up other girls because they don't like Twilight? That's...that's just too far. It should be just an accepted opinion, not one where people are bullied into saying they like Twilight. It is all an opinion, but some people take it too far, and I really wish they didn't. Personally, I like many other books better, and personally, sparkly perfection isn't my taste, xD. Quite hilarious it is, however.
Most people I've met who don't like the books are people who have read all four books. I've read the first three and the general plot description for Breaking Dawn.
Personally, they're not my kind of books, but I didn't hate them when I was first reading. Just not my kind of book and the fans that take things too far are what has made me despise this series. I wish that Meyer would pay attention to what her readers do, even though it isn't her fault. Just address that they're books and people will have different opinions and not to hurt people or each other about books. But you had a nice argument. It is all based on opinion. If you met people who actually had structured arguments, you could probably be a good person to argue with. I'm not a structured person though, so yeah. Heh...

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 04:11pm
Kudos for this. heart

Is it okay if I link this at some point?

I'm getting so very tired of the massive amounts of Twilight anti-fans constantly going over the same points "omgz edward is gay" "twilite sux" "the movie was horrible" and so on.. everyone has their own opinion, people. Why do you feel compelled to mention how much you hate Twilight every time a vampire is even lightly mentioned?

I don't see obsessive fans go on nearly as much as the anti-fans do. The only time I've seen or heard obsessive fans are either at conventions/the theater during the movie or before/after, and things specifically centered around the series.

What gets me the most is the people who claim that the series "ruined" vampires by changing them from hideous nosferatu to pretty boys. Hello? They haven't been hideous nosferatus since the late 50s by my reckoning.

Silverlight Angel
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Srintella Tiagara
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 04:46pm
I agree with you. Everything you said. Even though I am not a vampire fan. I am just not. So I may never pick up the book. I'm more of an Eragon fan anyway. ^^

Still your arugment works with any books that are out there. From Harry Potter to The Lord of the Rings. I don't think that any book writen is a off shoot of another book...

I hear that so many times with Eragon. Personly it just gets annoying after a while.

Anyway, you can also put this in contex with Naruto and other anime.

By the way...I found you in the GCD xD

Edit:: Come to think of it...Harry Potter is done. I finished Brisher (3rd book of eragon) and...go figure its going to be hard to find more books to sink my teeth into...I might pick up the book and just read to see how it is.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 06:04pm
Well, personally I read vampire novels all the time. In fact, I've read a lot of vampire books, and manga/comics, and watched the movies and the tv shows. (yeah, I'm that girl) To be honest, the book wasn't all that unique. The plot was very unique, but vampires going out in the sun and stuff, it's not a new idea. Vampires have become more and more human like in recent years. In fact, Meyer wrote her vampires to be more like the original ones then I find in more recent books.

As for what I thought of Twilight, it was alright. Not a bad read, but not my favorite book ever. I found the plot predictable, which is why I was totally surprised. After reading what happened I was like, "ah, I should have known! It's the same thing that happened in..." But I still didn't see it coming, which I think proves good writing. Predictable, but I still didn't see it coming until it was already there.

If you liked Twilight you should try some other books. My favorite is The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike. He's a great author. His vampires are different then the old stereo-type monsters, but still scary sometimes. The only problem you might find with them is that in the later books Pike goes off on a sci-fi thing, since he's mostly a sci-fi writer. I didn't mind since it's still a great book, but if you hate sci-fi, stop at book 3 or 4. (they're small books) The Night World books are all being re-released now too, and they are a great read, but with vampires plus werewolves, witches, and shape shifters. And although I haven't read it yet, my sister just gave me Marked, which it seems is written casual and personal, and she loved it. (Vampire books aren't just for kids. I'm 20 and my sister is 24)

Also, although it's not a vampire book, but a werewolf one, I loved Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause. It was so well written, and the movie was terrible when compared, plus a different plot. It's probably my second favorite book. The author really makes the werewolves seem realistic. Which is hard with any fantasy creature.

Rotten Lina
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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 15, 2008 @ 09:06pm
Good arguments, everyone. ^__^;
Linking is completely okay with me.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 20, 2008 @ 01:07am
Marry me? heart

Seriously, I'm digging the arguement here. My friends all hate that I read and love Twilight just because I'm a guy, to which I have to respond with something like, "Hey, have you read it yet? Don't knock it then."

Zen Bassist
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Sexual Becca
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 20, 2008 @ 02:57am
Now that I'm done making myself look like a fool.
I completely agree with you. You literally to the words right out of my mouth. And it's more then just a two in one I'd say more of a three in one [Adventure-Romance-Vampire/Werewolf-Series] I couldn't put the book down until I finished it as well. It really gets to me how people bash novels and novel-series without actually reading it. My boyfriend who thoroughly despise romance novels compromised with me with a "I'll watch the movie and if I like that then I'll take the time to read the book" At the end of the movie I decided that it was enough like the book for him to actually pick the novel up. People a true haters, who are not worth arguing over because no matter what their biased-non informed-opinions will always be more worthy of winning then your Fully-informed-opinion "will ever be". Kudos to you for putting this out there. I hope it wins you some arguments.

And to the people thinking TL;DR What was the point in coming here.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 20, 2008 @ 05:04pm
I thought the Twilight Series was good, but I didn't like the pace of them at all. Twilight was slow and then fast, New Moon was slow, Eclipse was fast, and Breaking Dawn was very predicable.
But I wouldn't say the books are awful, but just good. :3

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commentCommented on: Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 12:35am
I'm not a hardcore twilight fan. I have read the book, in fact I've read it twice. I would actually say that those who want a good vampire read, read either the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton, or the Necroscope series by Brian Lumley. However, if you want more of the romantic storyline with vampires, then I would suggest Twilight. I do have to agree with the person who dislikes the fangirls, b/c I can't see the point. So he's a pretty boy vampire. No, he's not real. He is a fictional Character. and in truth, that goes far away from whether or not Twilight is good or not. That's like being a fangirl for He-Man or something. I think people should get their dislikes straight. If it's the fangirls who put you off, then say so, don't diss the book. ummm, kay...I think I'm done now, lol. /rant

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 @ 06:06am
I read the first book, before it even became popular and known. When I heard there was a sequel, I felt absolutely no desire to continue reading the series. It's not god awful, and I've definitely read worse, but it was mediocre at best. This is, as you've pointed out, just my opinion and I respect all other opinions, whether theirs agree or not. As whoever first said it, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Now, back to my opinions:
Read Peeps, by Scott Westerfeld. If you want an interesting and different take on vampires as well as a great story, this book has it. Seriously, it's way better than the Twilight series could ever be, and it only has one sequel (with stars different characters from the first). Look it up or something, it's awesome. The characters are witty, the story is compelling, vampires are given a scientific take and sometimes eat people, the romance is actually realistic, and while there aren't any werewolves, there are giant worms threatening humanity...which sounds just bizarre, but Westerfeld pulls it off with ease. heart

Zana Bonanza
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Srintella Tiagara
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 12:04am
I bought the book. I am over half way through it and you know what? I am enjoying the book.

More then enjoying it. I have to hit myself over the head as of right now. I heard stuff about the book and to be frank I didn't realize gaia turned me agents a book because of the name of it, what it was about, and for the most part because of someone's opinions on it. I shouldn't have let them think badly of a book...

On that note all the people out there who say the book is bad does not have good taste ..It has a little of everything. Romance, action, and humor...

On a note yes I do like the book. Is it my favorite? What am I talking about...I have way too many favorites!

By far Eragon is my favorite book but Twilight is going to take 2nd ,After that Harry Potter. Thank you so very much for your words.

No more will I let people tell me what is good and what is bad to read.

I still want to strangle Bella through xD!

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 27, 2008 @ 06:43pm
I just don't like how far the author went from traditional vampire depictions.
I like my vampires free from sparkle.
Sunlight hurts, x]


nihil interit
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commentCommented on: Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 07:28am
First off let me say I've read all four books.
And secondly let me follow up with the fact that I'm not impressed.

I'm not a fan of her writing style; I do think she has a problem keeping the correct word tense at times, which in my opinion is a bit more annoying than spelling errors. Her plot was fairly predictable in my opinion as well, especially in Breaking Dawn.

I found myself hoping that she would take off on a tangent, for the novel anyways, about the Voltori. I felt that had such potential. The dramatic yet dragging on about the "big fight" that never happened felt incredibly anticlimactic and left me feeling very unsatisfied. I would have been more surprised by the overturning of the Voltori among the vampires, though most people would disagree on me here.

And yes, a lot of the fans do not have any structured arguments either just as some Twilight bashers. And the rabid fans? Not very appealing if you ask me. My friends, some of them obsessed fans, threatened to harm me if I were to insult their perfect-yet-incredibly-boring and abusive Edward Cullen. Yeah, that’s when I think people take the series too far. But then again you feel the same way, about the crazy fans at least. :3

I'd also like to point out I've read some articles bashing Twilight from said publishers and ones that praised it like no tomorrow. Just because they are big and "official" doesn't make their articles any less of an opinion than a normal person.

Lastly, to sum everything up, I don't hate the series but most of the fan base. The series itself was decent, I've read far worse, but it wasn't outstandingly amazing or anything either. It was lackluster and mediocre at best as stated before.

Anyways, kudos to you on a lovely argument. And I saw this from the GCD as I lurk that forum. :3

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 07:32am
Didn't read; pro Twilight.

Jazin Kay
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your local teashop
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commentCommented on: Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 08:45pm
I read the books. (All of them, actually)
And I even went through my very own *squeeedwardcullenlovesbella* phase. I don't hate the books, it's just that I find it weird that so many people are so obsessed with it, because honestly, it's not really that great. You said that the plot was always unpredictable, but I found that it was unpredictable in a really bad way, like the author had no idea what she was doing and was just groping around in the dark.
Some of my reasons for why I cringe whenever Twilight is mentioned by ecstatic fangirls are;
-very weak, and sometimes disturbing plot (Poor Nessie. Just imagine how she's going to grow up)
-unrealistic characters, character developments, etc (the movie's, because cm'on, even the haters probably went and saw it, part where they confess their love for each other was complete lulz. it was like one moment they were talking about dangers or something, and the next it was "you're my world". lolwhut?)
-cliches that come and come and just never stops (it was like reading a stereotypical fictionpress romance. srsly. that's probably why it was so successful, it appealed to the masses of girls like Hannah Montana does to the tweens. although I will never, ever, ever stoop so low as to say that Twilight's as bad as that)
-loose ends and many, many weird plot holes
and etc etc. So what if Harry Potter has spelling mistakes in it? People aren't attacking Twilight because of grammar and spelling, it's the very fundamentals, and probably the wtf feeling of seeing people so convinced that Twilight's the best thing that ever happened in lit, when it's not (that may be an OPINION, but can YOU honestly say that it is while keeping a straight face?).
The last straw though, was when I read a review in the newspaper one day; it went something like "and it doesn't matter that the book has clunky plot, unrealistic characters, and is cliched, it can make my heart race, and that's what counts".
It effectively killed my liking for Twilight.
(I read the books because I wanted to know what happens. It's kind of OCD, even if during the reading I facepalm a couple million times. Same thing with Naruto, even if I know it sucks and said suck makes my blood pressure rise, come every Friday...)

Sorry, that was a bit long and clumsy.
TL;DR for you =]: People DO have valid reasons for disliking the books. And most of them HAVE read at least Twilight, and THAT'S what the hate's based on. And srsly, the fangirls don't help, seeing as how the stereotype of some of the more, er, enthusiastic fangirls been scary noobs DO have a more than valid basis in fact.
I know, because I used to be one of them (a looooong time ago, thank god).

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 30, 2008 @ 02:36am
I just finished the first book. I got the 2nd....

I loved the first book. Loved it and thanks. If not for your journal I would never have picked up the book. ^^

In any case...I went over to the dark side...

Ok bad joke. Sorry.

Srintella Tiagara
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 30, 2008 @ 04:44am
I'm glad that you like the books, Hope Alive. ^__^;
I was one of those people that thought that they would never become one of those Twilifangirls, but, obviously, here I am, a Twilifangirl. XD
I personally thought that New Moon was sort of slow, but then again, that was before I started being fangirl-ish for Jacob.
Lemme know what you think of it. :3

Also, good arguments everyone. :3

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 01, 2009 @ 02:09am
I think Twilight sucks.
I don't think that "to be cool" either.

It seems as if the author was like "Lalalalalalalalalala....... OH s**t I GOTTA MAKE A PLOT"

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Srintella Tiagara
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commentCommented on: Thu Jan 01, 2009 @ 06:42am
I'm glad that you like the books, Hope Alive. ^__^;
I was one of those people that thought that they would never become one of those Twilifangirls, but, obviously, here I am, a Twilifangirl. XD

I'm, not by far a fangirl...if anything I'm all fangirl with Eragon. Still its worth the read.

Forgive if I sound weird. I had a glass of wine. I don't take wine too well...

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 31, 2009 @ 08:04pm
I enjoyed that. I'm responding to one of the comments I saw. They do have fangs and it's not unheard of to try and resist blood. And the "burning" in the sun is Hollywood made. And I don't remember anything about any of them flying.

Anyway. My opinion is yes I did in fact enjoy the books. Well except #2. One thing I really like about the book is Bella's mary sue nature. Maybe it's just my book choices but I have not read many books where the main girl seemed weak. So to me it was a nice change instead of the cold hardcore b***h I'm used to seeing.

My biggest annoyance actually has nothing to do with the Twilight series. In just about EVERY Twilight thread there's someone saying "Where are the real vampires!? Like ANNE RICE!" And OMG I want to slap them. Anne Rice is no better. She has the same annoying fan base as anything else. And honestly there are so many better authors out there.

I honestly don't care whether someone adores or hates the book. But for God's sake give both arguments a rest. But people are soo "I have to fight this! And be anti!" that they forget that this to will fade.

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commentCommented on: Sun Mar 29, 2009 @ 09:31am
I also like Twilight, and I liked your defense just as much : D
Thank you!

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