Eh. Christmas was okay I guess. *shrugs* Once again...just like last year my dad promised he'd come see me and never showed up. Then I find out today that he's out of state again. So, I guess I am a tad disappointed, but as many already know...I assumed it would happen.
My Christmas dinner was okay. It was nice to have everyone over at my house. And shockingly nothing got broken and the children behaved. xD. My little brother Armando wanted me to tell Tano-San he said hello. O_o; xD I guess he remembers him from when my brother was on Gaia. (Soulja 03)
I got a couple cool things. My aunt got us a really nice kitchen table & chair set. Another aunt got us a blender. My mom got us a comfy comforter for the bed. And Mike got me a lot of random stuff! ...MySims Kingdom, The Year Without A Santa movie, a $10 Gaia card, cotton candy scented body spray, a popcorn machine, makeup, a snowglobe, and these super cute terra-cotta little bunnies.
Since my camera is a little messed up right now (Hopefully getting a new one soon...) I didn't take too many pictures. is what I've got.
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