I stole this little survey from a friends journal. You're more than welcome to take it for yourself.
2008: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year?
Online, yesh!!!! Offline, nope.
Did you dislike anyone?
Did you grow apart from anyone?
Yeah. :/
2008: Your BIRTHDAY!
What did you do to celebrate?
Gah, my birthday was ehhh... Can we just forget this one?
Did you have a cake?
Did you get any presents?
Yes, but not from the one person I was hoping to get something from. ><;
2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year?
Did you get your hair cut?
Not really. I'm letting it grow out, though I did cut my bangs. <3
Did you change your style?
A little. I'm finally allowing my punky/old-school Avril side finally come out. xD
Were you in school?
Did you get good grades?
See above question....
Did you have a job?
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Did you go on any vacations?
During the year 2008............
Stayed single the whole year?
*giggles* Of course not!!!
Kissed someone new?
Hmm, no. Unless you wanna count Devvea & Goren. *coughs*
Done something you've regretted?
*thinks* Probably. ><;
Lost someone?
Yes. My grandmother died in August.
Cut class?
I'd have to have class first. xD
Were involved in something you'll never forget?
.....I don't think so.
Visited a different country?
Nope, I wish.
Cooked a gross meal?
Of course! Everything I cook is gross. xD
Lost something important to you?
Got a gift you adore?
Hmmm, sure! My Ipod from my mother. <3
Tripped over a coffee table?
LOL!! Of course!!!
Dyed Your Hair?
OMG! NO!! o_o;; I don't think I dyed my hair at all this year....weird. O_o;
Came close to losing your life?
If you count attempted suicide, then yes.
Went to a party?
Hmmm, not really. Well, Halloween we did go to a block party...but we got there when it was ending. >_<;
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
Awww, nope.
kissed in the snow-
No, we haven't really had any.... >_<;
celebrated Halloween-
mooned someone-
roffles, no
went over the minutes on your cell phone-
Eh, I don't have a cellphone.
came out of the closet-
had an abortion-
painted a picture-
wrote a poem-
Of course, I write them a lot.
ran a mile-
Hehe, no. :/
shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch-
O_O; omg...no. Ewwwww.
cut in a line of waiting people-
told someone you were busy when you werent-
partied to celebrate the new year-
Yep, sort of. xD
lied about how old you were-
prank called someone-
broke a promise-
I don't know. I hope not.
fell out of love-
disappointed someone close-
I'm sure I did.
hid a secret-
Eh, I'm not that good at keeping secrets. >_<;
pretended to be happy-
slept under the stars-
kept your new years resolution-
Sort of.
forgot your new years resolution-
met someone who changed your life-
met one of your idols-
changed your outlook on life-
A little.
sat home all day doing nothing-
xD! Of course!!!!
pretended to be sick-
Probably. >_<;
given up on something/someone important to you-
learned something new about yourself-
I don't know.
2008: Wrap UP:
Was 2008 a good year?
Eh, I'm not going to say it was the best. But, I'm glad that I was able to reconnect with Kayla. So, that was great.
Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
God.........I hope so. @_@;
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