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{ a gaia profile shop }
"Giggle-Snort" is a Gaiaonline Profile shop owned by Rinioa

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Waiting List

Lunar Ice Goddess
This slot is CLOSED!

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Important Information

If you plan for me to use an image in your profile READ THIS FIRST!!!

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The Rules

Obey the Gaia TOS & their rules & guidelines.
Do not ask me "how to" questions to help you make your own profile.
Do not edit, copy, sell, give-away, or claim any of my profiles/graphics as your own.
Save your code! Once the profile has left me and you are using it, I will not hold on to your code!!! All codes & graphics are deleted from my computer once our trade has been completed.

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Additional Information

I do not draw avatar artwork.
I do not make profiles using Anime/VG/Cartoon/Musicians or other media unless it's fan art. (Free profile excluded)
I do not do "just code" or "just graphics" ...if you want one of my profiles you will get both images & coding.
I do not make animated or Flash based profiles.

The Profiles

In this post, you will find all of the styles and prices for the profiles I offer. Please make sure you read through the explanations carefully and view the samples before you place an order!!!

exclaim Fill out the form for the profile you want and send it via Private Message to Rinioa exclaim

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Profile Style: Roulette

A "Roulette" profile is just how it sounds. A roulette! You give me some basic information and I create a profile. If you are picky do NOT choose this style
Price 10,000,000,000 {10 Billion Gaia Gold}

Rinioa chooses the colors, design style, layout look.
Up to 6 (six) regular or custom sections.
Up to 3 (three) images may be provided
Add/Trade/PM buttons { Must be requested in the order form!!!! }

Samples Click here for samples!

Order Form: Roulette

Profile Style: [b]Roulette[/b]
[b]Name[/b]: What name do you want displayed on the profile?
[b]Subtext[/b]: Anything else you want written on the profile?
[b]Sections [/b]{Choose from the following} - You may pick 6 or name your own custom sections
About Me, Details, Journal, Multimedia, Friends, Wishlist, Avatar Displayed, Equipped List
[b]Images:[/b] You may provide 3
[b]Artists Permission:[/b] If you provided any images you MUST post a screen capture of the permission from the artist who created/drew the images.

[b]Price[/b]: Please enter your price here & send your trade as soon as submitting this message.

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Profile Style: V.2 Profile

The V.2 Profile uses the "New" profile coding.
Price 10,000,000,000 {10 Billion Gaia Gold}

Colors of your choice!
As many (and whatever) brushes/style you want!!
As many (and whatever) patterns/textures you want!!
As many images as you wish to provide! (Permission must be given for each image)
Add/Trade/PM buttons. (Upon request only!!)

Samples Sample #1 - Sample #2

Order Form: V.2 Profile

Profile Style: [b]V.2 Profile[/b]
[b]Name[/b]: What name do you want displayed on the profile?
[b]Subtext[/b]: Anything else you want written on the profile?
[b]Images:[/b] Please link to any images you want used in the profile!
[b]Artists Permission:[/b] If you provided any images you MUST post a screen capture of the permission from the artist who created/drew the images.
[b]Colors & Theme:[/b] Please post any colors and theme you want for this profile. The more detail you add here the better I can created your profile based on what you are wanting.
[b]Additional Information:[/b] Is there anything else you need to add about this profile?

[b]Price[/b]: Please enter your price here & send your trade as soon as submitting this message.

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Profile Style: Full Custom

A "Full Custom" profile is whatever YOU want! I'll do my absolute best to create the exact profile you're looking for!!!!!
Price 1,000,000,000,000 {1 Trillion Gaia Gold}

Colors of your choice!
As many (and whatever) sections you want!!
As many (and whatever) brushes you want!!
As many (and whatever) patterns/textures you want!!
As many images as you wish to provide! (Permission must be given for each image)
Add/Trade/PM buttons. (Upon request only!)
Custom Profile Patch (Upon request only!)
Previews displaying the progress of your profile. (We work together on getting you exactly what you want!) -Meaning, Lots of WIP as I go along!!

Samples Click here for samples!

Order Form: Full Custom

Profile Style: [b]Full Custom[/b]
[b]Name[/b]: What name do you want displayed on the profile?
[b]Subtext[/b]: Anything else you want written on the profile?
[b]Sections [/b] Please list all of the sections including custom ones that you want on the profile.
[b]Images:[/b] Please link to any and all images you wish to be used.
[b]Artists Permission:[/b] If you provided any images you MUST post a screen capture of the permission from the artist who created/drew the images.
[b]Colors & Theme:[/b] Please post any colors and theme you want for this profile. The more detail you add here the better I can created your profile based on what you are wanting.
[b]Additional Information:[/b] Is there anything else you need to add about this profile?

[b]Price[/b]: Please enter your price here & send your trade as soon as submitting this message.

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