What I think of Stephanie Meyer and her projects.. 'O.o
Monday, December 29, 2009 7:02pm.
I may know what your thinking... some of you. That I am now addicted to Twilight and to be honest... I am. I get addicted to many thinks that I am intrested to, so be alarm. Lol. And I shouldn't feel bad about that, actually im happy. She has done a very great job with all four books but I have not read Breaking Dawn yet since I didn't finish Eclipse yet. I may finish it early... anyways, I heard that Midnight Sun had a leak.. and I hope she still continues on. I will be very upset if she didn't cause I would miss reading more of the Twilight saga and Midnight Sun is Edwards version of Twilight.. so if she does continue on Midnight Sun.. i'll be very excited. Also! They have New Moon coming out, movie version and I can't wait to watch it. I don't know when it will be out though. Anyways, Stephanie Meyers is amazing and all her fans are counting on her to keep up the good job. ^____^
Okay, thanks for your time. @_@ ninja Here is her offcial site.
ninja http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight_movie.html