Tuesday, December 31, 2009 3:01pm.
Okay.. some of you may not care, but I do, and because im a BIG fan. But I was thinking, for some of you that if you could sign a petition for Taylor Lautner to stay as Jacob Black in the new upcoming, continuous, movie, New Moon. They say he's gonna be fired because he dosen't fit, like in the description in the book. But it would be great if he was in the New Moon movie. It said that his face was to boyish, but to me I think he's perfect enough. I think he looks man enough.
Anyways, thanks for understanding. I thought it was a good idea someone have thought of a petition. ninja Here is the link of the video and the petiton.
ninja Video -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74QYELJ2Ut0&feature=channel_pagePetition -