Okay.... Well, this is a Yaoi roleplay mule, not that you shouldn't know that by now... Its all over my ******** profile and signature =='
So, here, Im just going to list a couple of starters, because its currently 3am, and I have nothing better to do! 8D
*Literates Only
*Respond in 3rd person PLEASE
*Please no one-liners, at least 5 lines, thank you.
*If you have limitations, please tell me.
*Yes, Im uke.
*Any other questions? Please feel free to PM me. :3
&&Journal Under Construction&&

His first day back to school, only this time, it'd be a new school His parents were busy with there lives, to busy to care for him any longer. They had decided to send him off to a boarding school, all boys. He frowned at the thought of having to leave this town, and his best friend behind, he'd miss him and this place. This wasn't fair! Not at all. He groaned and grumbled as he packed up his stuff, the night still dark thanks to the sun not having rose up yet. He stuffed all his clothes into two duffel bags, and everything else, lap top, Music, a few pairs of shoes and a few pictures of his family and his best friend. He piled the bags up, clothing himself with a white dress shirt, long sleeves and fully buttoned up, with black dress pants and matching shoes, throwing on a black over-coat. He looked rather fancy, tying his auburn hair back with a white string, pulling the string around into a ribbon, keeping his hair back from his shoulders, his bangs falling over his pale face, somewhat hiding his light brown eyes. He sighed, shoving all school supplies and what not, several packs of pencils and pens, rulers a calculator, hundreds and hundreds of sheets of paper and many folders and all the other thing his parents assumed he'd need, shoving it into the last remaining bag he had, his once filled room nearly empty of his stuff, only his bed and a few posters on the wall remaining.
The train ride was long, spotting several other boys around his age, some even wearing his future schools uniform. So others from his town and nearby towns were going as well? He wondered what their reason was, not that he intended to ask. He turned his head, rested against the window he had stared out of from the corner of his sparkling eyes, watched the scenery speed by as the train quickly made its way down the tracks.
The train had made many stops, a few more students taking the same train as him, the boy having set his bags on the empty seat next to him so no one would dare take a seat there. He didn't really feel in the mood to converse with someone right now, he was far to upset and annoyed. He had let his eyes close, letting the many hours on the train pass before finally feeling a light tap on his shoulder. "Your going to Rose academy right? We're here." The stranger spoke, making sure he had been awakened before walking off and disappearing into the crowd of boys getting off the train. So there was a lot going to this school?
He quickly came to his feet, piling all his bags on to his shoulder and back, frowning at how heavy it all was as he shuffled his way from the train, following the line of students to a buss. The buss took them on another half an hour trip before coming to a stop in front of a rather large, somewhat expensive looking school. Very fancy looking, but most of the boys who went here were troublesome to there parents, rich, gay, or just wanted to get away from home, or possibly just looking for something knew. He was apparently in the 'troublesome to his parents' category. He gathered his bags and made his way into the school, tired and sore from all the moving around and traveling. Damn, this day was just not so great. He was glad that his classes didn't officially start until tomorrow, he wouldn't be sure of how much he could take today. He was given a room-key, told that he'd possibly have a roommate, unless he happened to be one of the more lucky ones who hadn't gotten a room-mate. He hoped he was the lucky one.
He had unpacked everything in his room, placing his clothes in the dresser provided for him, and the blankets he brought were placed over one of the single beds in the room. He removed his shoes and jacket, trying to get comfortable as he took in his new room. It was rather spacey he guessed, there was a kitchen and a bathroom and everything else he needed. Pretty nice, nice enough that he didn't exactly mind his current surroundings. He twisted on his heel, making his way to the door and taking a step out, finding the halls filled with students and even a few teachers, all boys. He heard a lot of rumors on the buss, about how the teachers were real perverts. So the the teachers were gay? He didn't blame them, being in an all boys school far away from any towns must have made it hard to find a girl, but it was a little uncomfortable. especially since most of the students on the buss found it awesome that the teachers were perverts. He slowly maneuvered his way through the halls, trying not to get in anyone's way. Finally, he felt something, having bumped into someone right before the stairs, it was a more empty area, so he was shocked to have knocked into someone, falling back against the carpeted floors. "Ah! S-sorry!" He'd stammered, regardless he was the one who hit the floor, quickly glancing up at the man he happened to slam into.
<< Be a teacher, a student, or his roommate? I'm currently craving a teacher xP Literates ONLY, responses do NOT have to be this long, but at least 5 lines in return would be fantastic, extra details are LOVE. PM me to continue! Please? D: Note: This is a YAOI roleplay, which means, boys only. Currently seeking a seme, but my character is a seke. ;D >>
Neji let out a huff of air, groaning slightly. "Someone seems upset~" A boy of which seemed an inch or two taller then him, with many piercings and what not sticking out of his face spoke teased. He poked at the side of Neji's face, chuckling as the two of them walked down the sidewalk. "Shut up." He groaned, rolling his light blue orbs. "Gah, c'mon, neji. She was a b***h anyways." The boy tried to cheer neji up, after witenessing him being dumped by his girlfriend. He'd been going out with her for over two years, and today she just suddenly dumped him for another friend of his. "He was always a bit of a jerk." The black haired boy spoke, poking at Neji again before using his free hand to run a hand through his hair. "Im fine, really. Its nothing." Neji spoke, though his stomach was twisted up into an uncomfortable knot, his face painted with a upset expression. "Your the worst damn liar ever." The boy scolded. "Am not, ugh, oh great... Here comes Kai." He snarled. "I thought he was your friend..." The other boy tilted his head to the side out of confusion, cocking an eyebrow. "He is... its just that, im being annoyed enough by you." Neji growled jokingly, the boy walking beside him laughing softly. "Thats my job." He pointed out with a toothy smile. The boy running up from behind waved his hand arms around like an idiot. "Yo. guys!" He shouted. "Hey, I'm gonna get going." Neji whispered, not really wanting to talk to Kai. He was always to happy for him, and he wasn't in the mood for it either. "Kay, man. I'll see you later, I have to call you for the history notes too!" He shouted as Neji already began to run off.
Neji never really did well with relationships, this being the longest one he had ever had, and he just ended out of nowhere. Apparently she felt as if Neji barely did anything with her, another way of saying, 'Im breaking up with you because you never try to feel me up'. Neji scoffed at the thought, shaking his head in disappointment. His head raised at the feel of something wet crashing down against his cheek, staring up at the darkening sky as he made his way down a new part of town. The graveyard. He's never been there, and it sounded like the right place to begin sulking. He just hoped he wouldn't go into sever depression like others he's known, he didn't want to become like that. He heard all the rumors about some monster or whatever living in the graveyard, or something like that; but he was never one to believe in crap like that. It seemed stupid to him.
He reached back over his shoulder, pulling up his hood and throwing it over his head, covering his already soaking snow white hair that was dripping with droplets of water, falling over his face reaching just a bit past his nose. He walked slowly past the gates that belonged to the graveyard, his head raising again to observe his new surroundings. How strange, yet it was very... beautiful, if he could say that. He stopped after walking half way in, staring at one of the statues. It was that of what looked like a marble angel. The wings were outspread and the angels facial expression seemed to be that of shock or maybe confusion. His hands were reaching up towards the sky, it was all very well detailed, amazing really.
"Whoa..." Neji gasped in shock, staring at it for a few good moments before turning and walking further into the place. Another marble angel that was posed into a different position stood tall up ahead. Wings folded with a his arms crossed over his chest. It too was very well detailed, stopping in front of that one for a moment, raising his head to stare at the face. Its eyes were closed, neji squinting his eyes to try and understand its expression. "Hnn..."
Little Neko Boy

Crimson eyes scanned the darkness of the room, gray ears pressing back flat against the boys dark purple hair. A leather collar wrapped tightly around his neck, rubbing against his skin, leaving burning red marks. A chain was connected to the to tight collar, connected to the wall he now sat in front of, crouched into a sitting position normally like a cat would. His cat-like ears shot up, twitching slightly as a noise was heard. Uriu was a neko, that was obvious by now. Not exactly human, nor feline. A mix of both, a human with cat-like features. Though, this one was just a bit to naive for his own good, his tail dusting the dirty floor, swaying back and forth behind him as he heard foot steps heading towards the large metal door that was the cause for all the lack of light. The door opened with a loud screaching noise, the metal scraping against the cold concrete of the ground, Uriu reached up quickly, whining. He pressed his hands down on to his ears after pressing them back against his head, one eye open to stare at the figure who had walked in. Uriu's narrowed crimson eyes raised, raising an eyebrow as his hands slowly dropped to his sides, whining softly.
It was obvious he was just a bit on the confused side, not knowing why he was here, how he got here even. He was just walking around really, and then he... blacked out? He didn't even know, it gave him a head ache thinking about it. He watched the figure move closer, having a good feeling this wasn't a good thing. He took a few steps back before hitting the wall, watching the man reach down and unhook the chain from the wall. Then, he got a bit excited, maybe he was being let go! Though, before he could even get to show how excited he was, he was being dragged out of the room, forgetting the fact that the chain was still connected to the leather collar that was starting to burn his skin more then before as he was dragged.
He gagged softly, kicking around before finally getting to his feet. He was averaged height for his age, not to tall but nothing close to small, for him anyways.... The man that had began dragging him before was taller by a good foot or two. Uriu didn't speak a word, he knew when to keep his mouth shut, his hands intertwining in front of him. He wasn't wearing much of a shirt, it was tight and of the black variety that tied up in the back, wearing somewhat baggy dark green pants that were rolled up at the top, showing that they were just a little too long for him. He had strange arm warmers on that seemed to be made of the same material used to make the collar he had on, light glinting off of it. There was strange wrist cuff like things at his wrists, somewhat heavy with several loops on both of them, as if chains could be connected there too. Did Uriu do something? Regardless, he didn't speak, he just stared at the back of the man, analyzing him. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and somewhat bulky.
He wore a tight black shirt that showed off his muscles, which also gave Uriu a reason not to start acting like an idiot, he was pretty sure this guy could kick his a**, but he was getting to restless right now as he continued to follow instead of being dragged on the floor and basically choked. There was a large door coming up in one of the bleach white hall ways, wondering what was so important in that direction.
The bulky man pushed the doors open with no hesitation, yanking forward on the chain, Uriu letting out a noise finally, a loud gasp as he was suddenly yanked forward, tripping over his tail and hittinf the lightly colored rug. "Owch!" He shouted, raising his head, whining as he sat up on the floor, rubbing at his pained head before realizing someone was sitting in front of him. "Hn?" He stared up at the figure, who sat there watching Uriu with amusement.
&&Be the man sitting in front of him? o: Or someone else if you think you can fit them in.&&
Kane the Theif.

WARNING: Yaoi roleplay below.
"Hah! Losers!" Shrieked Kane as he dashed down the sidewalk, holding a bag of bread in one hand and a can of Coke in the other. A man chased him from behind, a stream of profanties pouring out of his parted lips, raising a hand and shaking it it angrily in the air. "Dammit! Kane!" He finished his yelling and slowly came to a stop, his hair gray with age as he bent over, resting his palms down on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Ha-Hah!" Kane laughed louder as he turned the corner, bumping into various people.
Kane was known around this small town, the problem child was one of his many nicknames. Another was the town theif. Normally he went for more valulable things you could find in most jewerly stores and stuff like that, but he was just hungry now, so food was all he took. He continued to run, his dark hair whipping around in the air as he ran, still laughing.
He lived in this town for over 3 years, and he's been a theif ever since then. His parents were dead, so no school for him. Though he wasn't very untelligent, he knew the basics, math, english, history. It wasn't that hard to learn without school. He was basically a homeless, orphan. He was to stubborn to allow himself to be taken to an adoption agency, and he was to stubborn to just go to a homeless shelter now. Stealing was much more fun!
Besides, he was almost famous! He was well known, because he's never gotten caught once! He's a natural at this stuff, and he didn't figure that out until he started stealing stuff like what he just stole seconds ago. He chuckled as he skidded and twisted around down into an alley way, jumping up on to a bunch of boxes and jumping over what seemed to have been a dead end. Over the stone wall was what seemed to be a small area. It was roofless, but it was somewhat homey.
There was a cinderblock in one corner, a couple of empty chip bags lying around and various cans sitting around whether it be beer or of soda. He coughed softly, looking over in another corner where a dog lay. It was husky, a gray one with shockingly light blue eyes. Its ears perked up and it quickly picked himself up, his tail wagging around as it quickly ran over to Kane and jumped him, knocking him to the floor. "Haha, calm down, c'mon. Yuck." He began to squirm as the dog began licking his face all over. "Yuck, c'mon! Get off, cross!" HE shouted at the dog as he continud to squirm around, laughing as he finally managed to push off the large dog.
"haha." He chuckled, pulling the brown paper bag of bread out, and taking the long stick of bread out of it. He continued to chuckle as he broke off a somewhat large piece, placing it in his palm and feeding it to the dog. The dog was hungry, it was obvious, its ribs almost showing. It was same for Kane, very skinny, considering he couldn't always steal all the time. The two looked very unhealthy, though happy in a way.
The bread didn't last long, and he managed to gulp down his soda in record time. "Ugh..." Bread wasn't really filling, so his stomach growled. He patted his dog on the head, seeing that he had already gone back to sleep. "Hm..." He raised up to his feet, his stomach growling again. He jumped up onto the cinderblock and jumped over the stone wall again, running out of the alley way. It was dark out now, the street lights coming on one by one, lighting up the dark streets. He had already began running, planning on stealing from the closest deli, maybe something a bit more filling. Though, when he turned the corner, he bumped into someone. It wasn't like him to be so uncareful, falling back against the sidewalk. People knew his face and what he did, so this really wasn't smart. Maybe he should have took a nap before leaving, the lack of sleep probably made him a bit strange, opening his eyes and raising up slightly as he looked up. He saw he had bumped into a man, who seemed to have caught himself before falling. "Jeez, watch it." Groaned kane, trying to pick himself up.
&& Be whoever you want, Even a cop : D That'd be awesome. &&
One Snowy Night...

The snow fell from the sky in puffs of white, burying the ground in its cold white clutches. It was beautiful, the moon lighting up the snow, making it sparkle slightly. The small town was beautiful tonight, like one of those scenes you'd find yourself seeing in one of those old fashioned christmas movies. A young, somewhat lanky boy slowly made his way down the snow covered streets. A light blue scarf was wrapped securles around the boys neck, covering his chin and partially his mouth, a jacket that was obviously no meant for him, being just a bit to big, was warn over him. It was black, the ends of it reaching down past his knees, the bottom buttons of it undone to reveal the somewhat baggy jeans he wore, with normal, worn out sneakers on his feet. He was dressed for the cold night, the snow covering over his dark hair, dampening it, matting his hair together slightly. His eyes were large and child like, light blue orbs that looked a little tired.
He continued down the road, looking down at the snow covered ground as he walked, occasionally pulling down his scarf so he could breath better, his breath showing clearly in the cold air. He fussed with his coat boredly on an occasion, mostly bars open at this time, meaning that most people were drunk at this time. He tried to avoid drinking, he had low tolerance, and it never turned out well for him. He could see a coffee shop opened up ahead, which he probably would go too, if he wanted coffee. Nope, he just wanted to go home, a few more blocks to go. His phone rang loudly in his pocket, vibrating against his thigh as he reached in and pulled it out. He stared at the callers I.D., his long sleaves covering his hands. "Hm?" It was one of his friends from school, he wasn't really in the mood to talk to her though. They had gotten into a pretty big fight, and right now he wasn't over it. He slid the phone back into his pocket, letting out a soft sigh that was barely audiable. He only had a few more months to go before he graduated from highschool, he honestly couldn't wait. Oh? Whats that? He doesn't look like a soon-to-be highschool graduate? Thats right, he always was the small one, well... He was somewhat tall, but he lacked the muscle that most boys his age had, and if he didn't have this jacket on, you would be able to see how extremely lanky he was. He couldn't care less though, shrugging off the thoughts as he continued forward...
&&This could be anything you want, a Stranger roleplay, or maybe Kidnapping roleplay. Just go with whatever you want! ^^ Just be literate, dont use one-liners, oh, and this Is a yaoi roleplay, so dont go playing as a girl! D& Thank you! &&[/align
Maid or a butler?
Kouji ran his fingers through his short silver hair, the shower water pounding down on his body. A nice shower was what he looked forward to before a long day of work. He emerged from the shower, grabbing the closest towel in sight before beginning to dry himself off. Then, he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his light blue eyes. He wrapped the towel around his small fram, being very lanky and small. over the towel rack hung a very skimpy looking maids outfit. Obviously meant for girls. He already was forced to wear girls clothes most of the time, but nothing that skanky! "DAMMIT!" He shouted angrily, searching the bathroom top to bottom for the clothes he took off before the shower, anything but that outfit. Kouji growled, his face growing red from the thought of wearing that. He couldn't find a single bit of clothing in that whole bathroom other then that oufit... "You've got to be kidding me..."
Kouji was a servant. He lived in this very large mansion with several others. Long ago, 5 years to be exact at the age of 10, he was kidnnaped, for a reaoson he no longer remembered at this time. He was drugged, and sold around like an object for almost a few months, close to death before the last time he was bought. He was so kind, he was much taller, and probably a lot older, but still in his teen years obviously. He took him home, and nursed him back to health, he even let Kouji stay, with the price of having to do chores and what not. He had no problem with that, not one, but these outfits... He didn't get why he couldn't wear normal boy clothing, he was a boy! He had the innocent face of a little girl, sure, but he was obviously a boy! He had no chest, and his hair was short, framing his face barely. He groaned as he slipped on the maids outfit, the bottom just making it past his hips barely. It was so awful! One of the worst outfits yet! And they fit him perfectly, they always did, he must have a lot of time on his hand to get these things custom made for him. He kicked over the boots that were left for him as well, they would make him feel even worse.
He stormed through the mansion, his fingers curling into the hem of his dress. The man of the house should still be sleeping, and considering it was his job to wake him up every morning, it would be easier to find him. He bursted into his room, opening the blinds to let light flood the dark room. He twisted around, walking over to the very large and fancy bed, a very large lump underneath the blankets rolling around. He tried to calm himself down, so he wouldn't get the other mad. He was his master, regardless he was mad, he still had to treat him with respect. "Wake up...Wake up!" He couldn't help but shout at him now, shaking him slightly. He even forgot to call him by 'master' or anything, but he was to annoyed to care...
&& Be the master? Literacy is needed, no one-liners please? AND THIS IS A YAOI ROLEPLAY, WHICH MEANS GUYS ONLY. D& Thank you! Please pm to continue &&

Relationships. "Ughh..." Even the word made this boy groan. Not once has he had a decent relationship. They all revolved around sex and publicity. He groaned, taking a seat at one of the stools at the bar. He ordered a beer, being asked for an I.D.
Uriu looked pretty young for his actual age, showing his I.D. to the bartender who examined it for at least a good minute or two, making Uriu's arm sore having to hold it out to him for that long. He shoved the I.D. back into his pocket once the other was convinced, handing him a cold bottle of Beer. This was wear he'd probably get out of hand, and stupid.
He was dumped, again. All of his girlfriends ended up dumping him. Well, no, he managed to dump one once, after catching her cheeting on him. However, that was only once. This time, the girl actually came up to him with the wost possible excuse. 'I found someone else...' The words rung in his head for a few moments, giving him a bit of a headache. His hair was black, passing just a bit down past his ears, hiding his dark green eyes that were filled with sadness, and blood-shot.
Four beers later, he set his chin down on the table in front of him, squeezing his eyes shut. He always had low tolerance, so the first beer was enough to make him tipsy. Thankfully, he finished his work for the day, so there was no wrong in being a little drunk... Or a lot. This is how it always ended, even when he was first starting out highschool. He would do stupid things after break ups. He was never a big drinker, really. Thank to the low-tolerance thing, he never really drank much, but he was depressed, so he would allow it.
"Hmn..." The bartender shouted at him, thinking he was sleeping considering he had his head pressed against the table, causing him to jolt up in his spot. He looked a little, out of it.
He waved his hand at the bartender to show he was awake before staring back down at the table, his hand running over the cold beer bottle in front of him, now being completely empty of any liquid. He was a lanky boy, standing around six feet tall. He was somewhat handsome, having a few childish features to him, which is why he was asked for an I.D. whenever he did do something like this, which wasn't often. He pressed his forehead back against the table, whining a bit, before feeling something tap against his shoulder. His head raised, his eyes half closed, his body a little limp as he swung his head back to stare up at the man who had tapped his shoulder, cocking an eyebrow. He squinted his eyes, trying to see straight through his blurry vision. "Uh..."
Okay.... Well, this is a Yaoi roleplay mule, not that you shouldn't know that by now... Its all over my ******** profile and signature =='
So, here, Im just going to list a couple of starters, because its currently 3am, and I have nothing better to do! 8D
*Literates Only
*Respond in 3rd person PLEASE
*Please no one-liners, at least 5 lines, thank you.
*If you have limitations, please tell me.
*Yes, Im uke.
*Any other questions? Please feel free to PM me. :3
&&Journal Under Construction&&

~ New starter 8'D
His first day back to school, only this time, it'd be a new school His parents were busy with there lives, to busy to care for him any longer. They had decided to send him off to a boarding school, all boys. He frowned at the thought of having to leave this town, and his best friend behind, he'd miss him and this place. This wasn't fair! Not at all. He groaned and grumbled as he packed up his stuff, the night still dark thanks to the sun not having rose up yet. He stuffed all his clothes into two duffel bags, and everything else, lap top, Music, a few pairs of shoes and a few pictures of his family and his best friend. He piled the bags up, clothing himself with a white dress shirt, long sleeves and fully buttoned up, with black dress pants and matching shoes, throwing on a black over-coat. He looked rather fancy, tying his auburn hair back with a white string, pulling the string around into a ribbon, keeping his hair back from his shoulders, his bangs falling over his pale face, somewhat hiding his light brown eyes. He sighed, shoving all school supplies and what not, several packs of pencils and pens, rulers a calculator, hundreds and hundreds of sheets of paper and many folders and all the other thing his parents assumed he'd need, shoving it into the last remaining bag he had, his once filled room nearly empty of his stuff, only his bed and a few posters on the wall remaining.
The train ride was long, spotting several other boys around his age, some even wearing his future schools uniform. So others from his town and nearby towns were going as well? He wondered what their reason was, not that he intended to ask. He turned his head, rested against the window he had stared out of from the corner of his sparkling eyes, watched the scenery speed by as the train quickly made its way down the tracks.
The train had made many stops, a few more students taking the same train as him, the boy having set his bags on the empty seat next to him so no one would dare take a seat there. He didn't really feel in the mood to converse with someone right now, he was far to upset and annoyed. He had let his eyes close, letting the many hours on the train pass before finally feeling a light tap on his shoulder. "Your going to Rose academy right? We're here." The stranger spoke, making sure he had been awakened before walking off and disappearing into the crowd of boys getting off the train. So there was a lot going to this school?
He quickly came to his feet, piling all his bags on to his shoulder and back, frowning at how heavy it all was as he shuffled his way from the train, following the line of students to a buss. The buss took them on another half an hour trip before coming to a stop in front of a rather large, somewhat expensive looking school. Very fancy looking, but most of the boys who went here were troublesome to there parents, rich, gay, or just wanted to get away from home, or possibly just looking for something knew. He was apparently in the 'troublesome to his parents' category. He gathered his bags and made his way into the school, tired and sore from all the moving around and traveling. Damn, this day was just not so great. He was glad that his classes didn't officially start until tomorrow, he wouldn't be sure of how much he could take today. He was given a room-key, told that he'd possibly have a roommate, unless he happened to be one of the more lucky ones who hadn't gotten a room-mate. He hoped he was the lucky one.
He had unpacked everything in his room, placing his clothes in the dresser provided for him, and the blankets he brought were placed over one of the single beds in the room. He removed his shoes and jacket, trying to get comfortable as he took in his new room. It was rather spacey he guessed, there was a kitchen and a bathroom and everything else he needed. Pretty nice, nice enough that he didn't exactly mind his current surroundings. He twisted on his heel, making his way to the door and taking a step out, finding the halls filled with students and even a few teachers, all boys. He heard a lot of rumors on the buss, about how the teachers were real perverts. So the the teachers were gay? He didn't blame them, being in an all boys school far away from any towns must have made it hard to find a girl, but it was a little uncomfortable. especially since most of the students on the buss found it awesome that the teachers were perverts. He slowly maneuvered his way through the halls, trying not to get in anyone's way. Finally, he felt something, having bumped into someone right before the stairs, it was a more empty area, so he was shocked to have knocked into someone, falling back against the carpeted floors. "Ah! S-sorry!" He'd stammered, regardless he was the one who hit the floor, quickly glancing up at the man he happened to slam into.
<< Be a teacher, a student, or his roommate? I'm currently craving a teacher xP Literates ONLY, responses do NOT have to be this long, but at least 5 lines in return would be fantastic, extra details are LOVE. PM me to continue! Please? D: Note: This is a YAOI roleplay, which means, boys only. Currently seeking a seme, but my character is a seke. ;D >>

Neji never really did well with relationships, this being the longest one he had ever had, and he just ended out of nowhere. Apparently she felt as if Neji barely did anything with her, another way of saying, 'Im breaking up with you because you never try to feel me up'. Neji scoffed at the thought, shaking his head in disappointment. His head raised at the feel of something wet crashing down against his cheek, staring up at the darkening sky as he made his way down a new part of town. The graveyard. He's never been there, and it sounded like the right place to begin sulking. He just hoped he wouldn't go into sever depression like others he's known, he didn't want to become like that. He heard all the rumors about some monster or whatever living in the graveyard, or something like that; but he was never one to believe in crap like that. It seemed stupid to him.
He reached back over his shoulder, pulling up his hood and throwing it over his head, covering his already soaking snow white hair that was dripping with droplets of water, falling over his face reaching just a bit past his nose. He walked slowly past the gates that belonged to the graveyard, his head raising again to observe his new surroundings. How strange, yet it was very... beautiful, if he could say that. He stopped after walking half way in, staring at one of the statues. It was that of what looked like a marble angel. The wings were outspread and the angels facial expression seemed to be that of shock or maybe confusion. His hands were reaching up towards the sky, it was all very well detailed, amazing really.
"Whoa..." Neji gasped in shock, staring at it for a few good moments before turning and walking further into the place. Another marble angel that was posed into a different position stood tall up ahead. Wings folded with a his arms crossed over his chest. It too was very well detailed, stopping in front of that one for a moment, raising his head to stare at the face. Its eyes were closed, neji squinting his eyes to try and understand its expression. "Hnn..."
Little Neko Boy

Crimson eyes scanned the darkness of the room, gray ears pressing back flat against the boys dark purple hair. A leather collar wrapped tightly around his neck, rubbing against his skin, leaving burning red marks. A chain was connected to the to tight collar, connected to the wall he now sat in front of, crouched into a sitting position normally like a cat would. His cat-like ears shot up, twitching slightly as a noise was heard. Uriu was a neko, that was obvious by now. Not exactly human, nor feline. A mix of both, a human with cat-like features. Though, this one was just a bit to naive for his own good, his tail dusting the dirty floor, swaying back and forth behind him as he heard foot steps heading towards the large metal door that was the cause for all the lack of light. The door opened with a loud screaching noise, the metal scraping against the cold concrete of the ground, Uriu reached up quickly, whining. He pressed his hands down on to his ears after pressing them back against his head, one eye open to stare at the figure who had walked in. Uriu's narrowed crimson eyes raised, raising an eyebrow as his hands slowly dropped to his sides, whining softly.
It was obvious he was just a bit on the confused side, not knowing why he was here, how he got here even. He was just walking around really, and then he... blacked out? He didn't even know, it gave him a head ache thinking about it. He watched the figure move closer, having a good feeling this wasn't a good thing. He took a few steps back before hitting the wall, watching the man reach down and unhook the chain from the wall. Then, he got a bit excited, maybe he was being let go! Though, before he could even get to show how excited he was, he was being dragged out of the room, forgetting the fact that the chain was still connected to the leather collar that was starting to burn his skin more then before as he was dragged.
He gagged softly, kicking around before finally getting to his feet. He was averaged height for his age, not to tall but nothing close to small, for him anyways.... The man that had began dragging him before was taller by a good foot or two. Uriu didn't speak a word, he knew when to keep his mouth shut, his hands intertwining in front of him. He wasn't wearing much of a shirt, it was tight and of the black variety that tied up in the back, wearing somewhat baggy dark green pants that were rolled up at the top, showing that they were just a little too long for him. He had strange arm warmers on that seemed to be made of the same material used to make the collar he had on, light glinting off of it. There was strange wrist cuff like things at his wrists, somewhat heavy with several loops on both of them, as if chains could be connected there too. Did Uriu do something? Regardless, he didn't speak, he just stared at the back of the man, analyzing him. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and somewhat bulky.
He wore a tight black shirt that showed off his muscles, which also gave Uriu a reason not to start acting like an idiot, he was pretty sure this guy could kick his a**, but he was getting to restless right now as he continued to follow instead of being dragged on the floor and basically choked. There was a large door coming up in one of the bleach white hall ways, wondering what was so important in that direction.
The bulky man pushed the doors open with no hesitation, yanking forward on the chain, Uriu letting out a noise finally, a loud gasp as he was suddenly yanked forward, tripping over his tail and hittinf the lightly colored rug. "Owch!" He shouted, raising his head, whining as he sat up on the floor, rubbing at his pained head before realizing someone was sitting in front of him. "Hn?" He stared up at the figure, who sat there watching Uriu with amusement.
&&Be the man sitting in front of him? o: Or someone else if you think you can fit them in.&&
Kane the Theif.

WARNING: Yaoi roleplay below.
"Hah! Losers!" Shrieked Kane as he dashed down the sidewalk, holding a bag of bread in one hand and a can of Coke in the other. A man chased him from behind, a stream of profanties pouring out of his parted lips, raising a hand and shaking it it angrily in the air. "Dammit! Kane!" He finished his yelling and slowly came to a stop, his hair gray with age as he bent over, resting his palms down on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Ha-Hah!" Kane laughed louder as he turned the corner, bumping into various people.
Kane was known around this small town, the problem child was one of his many nicknames. Another was the town theif. Normally he went for more valulable things you could find in most jewerly stores and stuff like that, but he was just hungry now, so food was all he took. He continued to run, his dark hair whipping around in the air as he ran, still laughing.
He lived in this town for over 3 years, and he's been a theif ever since then. His parents were dead, so no school for him. Though he wasn't very untelligent, he knew the basics, math, english, history. It wasn't that hard to learn without school. He was basically a homeless, orphan. He was to stubborn to allow himself to be taken to an adoption agency, and he was to stubborn to just go to a homeless shelter now. Stealing was much more fun!
Besides, he was almost famous! He was well known, because he's never gotten caught once! He's a natural at this stuff, and he didn't figure that out until he started stealing stuff like what he just stole seconds ago. He chuckled as he skidded and twisted around down into an alley way, jumping up on to a bunch of boxes and jumping over what seemed to have been a dead end. Over the stone wall was what seemed to be a small area. It was roofless, but it was somewhat homey.
There was a cinderblock in one corner, a couple of empty chip bags lying around and various cans sitting around whether it be beer or of soda. He coughed softly, looking over in another corner where a dog lay. It was husky, a gray one with shockingly light blue eyes. Its ears perked up and it quickly picked himself up, his tail wagging around as it quickly ran over to Kane and jumped him, knocking him to the floor. "Haha, calm down, c'mon. Yuck." He began to squirm as the dog began licking his face all over. "Yuck, c'mon! Get off, cross!" HE shouted at the dog as he continud to squirm around, laughing as he finally managed to push off the large dog.
"haha." He chuckled, pulling the brown paper bag of bread out, and taking the long stick of bread out of it. He continued to chuckle as he broke off a somewhat large piece, placing it in his palm and feeding it to the dog. The dog was hungry, it was obvious, its ribs almost showing. It was same for Kane, very skinny, considering he couldn't always steal all the time. The two looked very unhealthy, though happy in a way.
The bread didn't last long, and he managed to gulp down his soda in record time. "Ugh..." Bread wasn't really filling, so his stomach growled. He patted his dog on the head, seeing that he had already gone back to sleep. "Hm..." He raised up to his feet, his stomach growling again. He jumped up onto the cinderblock and jumped over the stone wall again, running out of the alley way. It was dark out now, the street lights coming on one by one, lighting up the dark streets. He had already began running, planning on stealing from the closest deli, maybe something a bit more filling. Though, when he turned the corner, he bumped into someone. It wasn't like him to be so uncareful, falling back against the sidewalk. People knew his face and what he did, so this really wasn't smart. Maybe he should have took a nap before leaving, the lack of sleep probably made him a bit strange, opening his eyes and raising up slightly as he looked up. He saw he had bumped into a man, who seemed to have caught himself before falling. "Jeez, watch it." Groaned kane, trying to pick himself up.
&& Be whoever you want, Even a cop : D That'd be awesome. &&
One Snowy Night...

The snow fell from the sky in puffs of white, burying the ground in its cold white clutches. It was beautiful, the moon lighting up the snow, making it sparkle slightly. The small town was beautiful tonight, like one of those scenes you'd find yourself seeing in one of those old fashioned christmas movies. A young, somewhat lanky boy slowly made his way down the snow covered streets. A light blue scarf was wrapped securles around the boys neck, covering his chin and partially his mouth, a jacket that was obviously no meant for him, being just a bit to big, was warn over him. It was black, the ends of it reaching down past his knees, the bottom buttons of it undone to reveal the somewhat baggy jeans he wore, with normal, worn out sneakers on his feet. He was dressed for the cold night, the snow covering over his dark hair, dampening it, matting his hair together slightly. His eyes were large and child like, light blue orbs that looked a little tired.
He continued down the road, looking down at the snow covered ground as he walked, occasionally pulling down his scarf so he could breath better, his breath showing clearly in the cold air. He fussed with his coat boredly on an occasion, mostly bars open at this time, meaning that most people were drunk at this time. He tried to avoid drinking, he had low tolerance, and it never turned out well for him. He could see a coffee shop opened up ahead, which he probably would go too, if he wanted coffee. Nope, he just wanted to go home, a few more blocks to go. His phone rang loudly in his pocket, vibrating against his thigh as he reached in and pulled it out. He stared at the callers I.D., his long sleaves covering his hands. "Hm?" It was one of his friends from school, he wasn't really in the mood to talk to her though. They had gotten into a pretty big fight, and right now he wasn't over it. He slid the phone back into his pocket, letting out a soft sigh that was barely audiable. He only had a few more months to go before he graduated from highschool, he honestly couldn't wait. Oh? Whats that? He doesn't look like a soon-to-be highschool graduate? Thats right, he always was the small one, well... He was somewhat tall, but he lacked the muscle that most boys his age had, and if he didn't have this jacket on, you would be able to see how extremely lanky he was. He couldn't care less though, shrugging off the thoughts as he continued forward...
&&This could be anything you want, a Stranger roleplay, or maybe Kidnapping roleplay. Just go with whatever you want! ^^ Just be literate, dont use one-liners, oh, and this Is a yaoi roleplay, so dont go playing as a girl! D& Thank you! &&[/align
A new morning, a new day, and the beginning of yet another school day. He groaned at the thought. No, actually, this was a good day. He'd be out of his house today, going to a new school. True, he was still in highschool, he begged his parents acouple of months ago when summer had started, if he could go to a boarding school. The thought of finally being out of his house thrilled him. He jumped from his bed, finding it to be 5 in the morning. He got dressed in a baggy black shirt with dark blue jeans that fit him well. A studded belt with a gold chain with nothing really hanging from it on his neck. He was a somewhat lanky boy, looking to young for highschool, though he was perfect age. In fact, this'd be his last year too. He couldn't wait to leave, though, he'd have to go soon. He had a friend picking him up to take him to his knew school in about 20 minutes, having to be at the school by 6:30. He packed everything in many duffel bags. All his clothes, his laptop, his belts and a few photos of his family and friends. He brought a camera, and a couple of cords that he had no idea which technological item they belonged to, regardless he just shoved them all in. Everything in his room managed to be packed up withing 10 minutes. His parents already awake and waiting for him downstairs.
After the annoying good byes, the 30 minute car ride and more annoying good byes, he was at the large school he now belonged too. A smile crept up into his features as he tried dragging his bags forward, having a few strangers help him on the way. It took him a while, but he was finally in the school, some teachers dropping by to help him with his bags. How polite. They took his bags away to his room, seconds before he even knew where it was. He walke to the front desk, a very pleasant looking young woman there, typing on a keyboard in front of a very old looking computer. "Oh? Hello." He she said after finally seeing the boy, a smile stretching across her face, widening her laugh lines. "Name?" She questioned, already pulling back in the rolling chair she was in, preparing to look through a drawer she had at her desk. "Hiro, Hiro Hideki." He said, only to be handed a key seconds later. "Room 243, second floor. Have a wonderful school year!" She shouted happily, waving him off. And with that, he ran off to his new room, wondering if he'd have a roommate or something like that.
He walked into his new room, the key being shoved into his pockets seconds later. Coughing softly, a smile on his face as he saw all his bags piled up in one side of the room, most of them lying on one of the two beds in the room, which noted that he probably would have a roommate. His bed was stripped from everything but plane white sheets, letting otu a soft sigh. He took a few steps into the room, closing the door behind him. "Hmm..."
&& PM to continue. THIS IS A YAOI ROLEPLAY, WHICH MEANS GUYS ONLY! D& Be Hiro's roommate? :3 Literates only please, no one-liners. You dont have to write as much as this, but try and make it detailed, nothing less then five lines would be appreciated! &&
After the annoying good byes, the 30 minute car ride and more annoying good byes, he was at the large school he now belonged too. A smile crept up into his features as he tried dragging his bags forward, having a few strangers help him on the way. It took him a while, but he was finally in the school, some teachers dropping by to help him with his bags. How polite. They took his bags away to his room, seconds before he even knew where it was. He walke to the front desk, a very pleasant looking young woman there, typing on a keyboard in front of a very old looking computer. "Oh? Hello." He she said after finally seeing the boy, a smile stretching across her face, widening her laugh lines. "Name?" She questioned, already pulling back in the rolling chair she was in, preparing to look through a drawer she had at her desk. "Hiro, Hiro Hideki." He said, only to be handed a key seconds later. "Room 243, second floor. Have a wonderful school year!" She shouted happily, waving him off. And with that, he ran off to his new room, wondering if he'd have a roommate or something like that.
He walked into his new room, the key being shoved into his pockets seconds later. Coughing softly, a smile on his face as he saw all his bags piled up in one side of the room, most of them lying on one of the two beds in the room, which noted that he probably would have a roommate. His bed was stripped from everything but plane white sheets, letting otu a soft sigh. He took a few steps into the room, closing the door behind him. "Hmm..."
&& PM to continue. THIS IS A YAOI ROLEPLAY, WHICH MEANS GUYS ONLY! D& Be Hiro's roommate? :3 Literates only please, no one-liners. You dont have to write as much as this, but try and make it detailed, nothing less then five lines would be appreciated! &&
Maid or a butler?
Kouji ran his fingers through his short silver hair, the shower water pounding down on his body. A nice shower was what he looked forward to before a long day of work. He emerged from the shower, grabbing the closest towel in sight before beginning to dry himself off. Then, he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his light blue eyes. He wrapped the towel around his small fram, being very lanky and small. over the towel rack hung a very skimpy looking maids outfit. Obviously meant for girls. He already was forced to wear girls clothes most of the time, but nothing that skanky! "DAMMIT!" He shouted angrily, searching the bathroom top to bottom for the clothes he took off before the shower, anything but that outfit. Kouji growled, his face growing red from the thought of wearing that. He couldn't find a single bit of clothing in that whole bathroom other then that oufit... "You've got to be kidding me..."
Kouji was a servant. He lived in this very large mansion with several others. Long ago, 5 years to be exact at the age of 10, he was kidnnaped, for a reaoson he no longer remembered at this time. He was drugged, and sold around like an object for almost a few months, close to death before the last time he was bought. He was so kind, he was much taller, and probably a lot older, but still in his teen years obviously. He took him home, and nursed him back to health, he even let Kouji stay, with the price of having to do chores and what not. He had no problem with that, not one, but these outfits... He didn't get why he couldn't wear normal boy clothing, he was a boy! He had the innocent face of a little girl, sure, but he was obviously a boy! He had no chest, and his hair was short, framing his face barely. He groaned as he slipped on the maids outfit, the bottom just making it past his hips barely. It was so awful! One of the worst outfits yet! And they fit him perfectly, they always did, he must have a lot of time on his hand to get these things custom made for him. He kicked over the boots that were left for him as well, they would make him feel even worse.
He stormed through the mansion, his fingers curling into the hem of his dress. The man of the house should still be sleeping, and considering it was his job to wake him up every morning, it would be easier to find him. He bursted into his room, opening the blinds to let light flood the dark room. He twisted around, walking over to the very large and fancy bed, a very large lump underneath the blankets rolling around. He tried to calm himself down, so he wouldn't get the other mad. He was his master, regardless he was mad, he still had to treat him with respect. "Wake up...Wake up!" He couldn't help but shout at him now, shaking him slightly. He even forgot to call him by 'master' or anything, but he was to annoyed to care...
&& Be the master? Literacy is needed, no one-liners please? AND THIS IS A YAOI ROLEPLAY, WHICH MEANS GUYS ONLY. D& Thank you! Please pm to continue &&

The last thing I remembered was lying on the ground, blood pooling around me. It was so hazy, and strange. No other memory than that... No, wait, there was beer, tones of it. Possibly the night before, Am I really the kind of person to go out and get drunk? How pitiful...
These were all that ran through his mind, staring up from the ground he now lay against, seeing a man now standing over him. He couldn't see his face through his blury vision, but a black shadow of what was supposedly a person. He had reached down and picked him up, throwing the dazed and blood covered boy on to his shoulders. The boy, Hiro, was limp as he rested against the other, still confused. What had happened... He didn't remember anything... He could feel water starting to pour from the sky, pounding against his back and matting his dark hair together, hiding his half opened dark blue eyes. What was his name? Who was this man carrying him? Where was he? Nothing came to mind, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to think back to what had last happened; but that same memory kept coming up! Beer, laughter, blood, violence, and now. Nothing other then that. It was annoying. His eyes opened back up, feeling the man who carried him shivering underneath him. He felt a little bad for him some reason.
"Hmn..." His face scrunched up in frustration, feeling a sharp pain coming from the back of his head, wincing slightly, letting a whine escape his purple-ish blue lips that darkened from the cold air. He felt the mans head twitch at the sound he made, his glassy dark eyes sparkled before they quickly squeezed themself closed again. "Hn..." The pain returned, making him squirm a little.
&& PM to continue! Be the man who's carrying him? I got the idea from a Manga called 'body talk' &3 Literates only. No one-liners please! Dx Guys only. THIS IS A YAOI ROLEPLAY. Thank you! &&
These were all that ran through his mind, staring up from the ground he now lay against, seeing a man now standing over him. He couldn't see his face through his blury vision, but a black shadow of what was supposedly a person. He had reached down and picked him up, throwing the dazed and blood covered boy on to his shoulders. The boy, Hiro, was limp as he rested against the other, still confused. What had happened... He didn't remember anything... He could feel water starting to pour from the sky, pounding against his back and matting his dark hair together, hiding his half opened dark blue eyes. What was his name? Who was this man carrying him? Where was he? Nothing came to mind, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to think back to what had last happened; but that same memory kept coming up! Beer, laughter, blood, violence, and now. Nothing other then that. It was annoying. His eyes opened back up, feeling the man who carried him shivering underneath him. He felt a little bad for him some reason.
"Hmn..." His face scrunched up in frustration, feeling a sharp pain coming from the back of his head, wincing slightly, letting a whine escape his purple-ish blue lips that darkened from the cold air. He felt the mans head twitch at the sound he made, his glassy dark eyes sparkled before they quickly squeezed themself closed again. "Hn..." The pain returned, making him squirm a little.
&& PM to continue! Be the man who's carrying him? I got the idea from a Manga called 'body talk' &3 Literates only. No one-liners please! Dx Guys only. THIS IS A YAOI ROLEPLAY. Thank you! &&
Relationships. "Ughh..." Even the word made this boy groan. Not once has he had a decent relationship. They all revolved around sex and publicity. He groaned, taking a seat at one of the stools at the bar. He ordered a beer, being asked for an I.D.
Uriu looked pretty young for his actual age, showing his I.D. to the bartender who examined it for at least a good minute or two, making Uriu's arm sore having to hold it out to him for that long. He shoved the I.D. back into his pocket once the other was convinced, handing him a cold bottle of Beer. This was wear he'd probably get out of hand, and stupid.
He was dumped, again. All of his girlfriends ended up dumping him. Well, no, he managed to dump one once, after catching her cheeting on him. However, that was only once. This time, the girl actually came up to him with the wost possible excuse. 'I found someone else...' The words rung in his head for a few moments, giving him a bit of a headache. His hair was black, passing just a bit down past his ears, hiding his dark green eyes that were filled with sadness, and blood-shot.
Four beers later, he set his chin down on the table in front of him, squeezing his eyes shut. He always had low tolerance, so the first beer was enough to make him tipsy. Thankfully, he finished his work for the day, so there was no wrong in being a little drunk... Or a lot. This is how it always ended, even when he was first starting out highschool. He would do stupid things after break ups. He was never a big drinker, really. Thank to the low-tolerance thing, he never really drank much, but he was depressed, so he would allow it.
"Hmn..." The bartender shouted at him, thinking he was sleeping considering he had his head pressed against the table, causing him to jolt up in his spot. He looked a little, out of it.
He waved his hand at the bartender to show he was awake before staring back down at the table, his hand running over the cold beer bottle in front of him, now being completely empty of any liquid. He was a lanky boy, standing around six feet tall. He was somewhat handsome, having a few childish features to him, which is why he was asked for an I.D. whenever he did do something like this, which wasn't often. He pressed his forehead back against the table, whining a bit, before feeling something tap against his shoulder. His head raised, his eyes half closed, his body a little limp as he swung his head back to stare up at the man who had tapped his shoulder, cocking an eyebrow. He squinted his eyes, trying to see straight through his blurry vision. "Uh..."