Note: I like SemeXSeme Roleplays. ;D
Please tell me of your limits.

Looks Are Deceiving.
“Myaaa…” He yawned loudly, spreading out as much as he could. The bars of cold metal, keeping him trapped in the space of just a small box. He small neko boy’s golden orbs flickered open. “Hhn…” His silver ears flickered, the soft fur gleaming beautiful in the dim light, his matching tail swaying slightly, finding it hard to move in such a small space. “Aahn…” His snowy white hair was in a bit of a mess, quickly patting it down with his little pale hands, yawning once again as he sat up in his cage. One of his sharpened canines stuck out over his lower lip, his golden orbs glancing around the room his cage was sat in, dimly lit with no actual furniture.
He figured it was sometime in the afternoon, knowing that people must be in the pet shop by now. He was in the back of the store, waiting there. Normally about this time he was brought out to be offered to people, but most didn’t buy him because of the price, or because he was a bit stubborn. Whenever he was told to do something he just looked away with an angered expression.
The door was pushed open, a man stepping into the small room, making his way over to the little Neko’s cage. “Good, you’re awake.” The man grumbled, taking the cage by it’s handle and abruptly lifting it without much warning for the small boy, who yelped in shock, falling back and hitting his head against the bars. “Naah…” He whined, rubbing at the back of his head as he curled up further in the cage. The man dragged the cage out of the room, basically dropping it once he was in the actual pet shop. All the actual animals were replaced with people with animal like looks. The pet shop was now a half-human slave shop. It changed from time to time, and considering none of them were actually humans, it was considered allowable. He was the more better-looking of all of them, only a few others neko’s in the room other then himself, all much more obedient and willing to leave then him.
The white haired neko curled up and let his eyes clothes, figuring it’d be best to sleep for now.
“Hhn…” His tail wrapped itself around his waist, his ears pressing flat against his head. Only when he heard the door open to they quickly perk up again, his golden-colored eyes opening into slits as he searched the area.
{ Be his new master? Yes, this is yaoi, of course. Literates ONLY. I'm Uke! D< No one-liners please. }
{ Well, I was in desperate need of a new starter, so this is the result. I'm feeling like an Uke lately, so yeah. -- Oh, and if you haven't gotten it by now; this is a yaoi roleplay. o 3o. Meaning guys only. }
An online pet store.
Scrolling down the list of animals in the pet store, the numbers were nearly unlimited. Cats, dogs, bears, tigers, and whatever else. It was no wonder that this little store could only be accessed through the internet. It was obviously not a smart thing to do to own a wild animal, so most aimed to buy the normal pets, cats, dogs, all that.
This was a new store, that very few had heard of yet. It came up rarely on computer adds, the ones on the sidebars that would randomly come up. The pets were sold at extremely low prices, which caused the few who found the site to get rather interested in particular pet store. However, little did the shoppers know, that the pets listed were actually humans. Well, part humans, anyways. There was a separate ad for the particular store which mostly attracted male shoppers. The most frequent ad the online shop would display was a woman with cat ears and an over-sized chest, giving a seductive look to whoever staring at her from outside the computer screen. Large letters were printed just above the cat-girls head, saying 'Buy me today!' and under would be a list of reasons and what the particular half-humans were used for. They could be used as wives, or maids, or anything you wish. They were trained to be whatever the owner wished for.
Recently, one of the cat-girls had been purchased over the internet, and she was shipped out the next morning. Little did the shopper own that the online store made somewhat of mistake with the order. The woman who was ordered was not delivered, and instead, a male version of the particular kind was sent. Silver hair and pale skin, golden orbs that sparkled in the sunlight with black ears that would twitch every second or so and a tail that flickered back and forth. The very tall, lean cat-boy sat in the house of what was meant to be his owner, having been let in by the store-people, who found a way to get themselves in without setting off any alarms. The man pouted softly, glaring at the four walls of the room he currently sat in, a chain around his neck with the leash laying at his side. "Meh..." He ears perked up in shock, hearing the door open, he prepared himself to meet face to face with the one who had bought him, his expression blank.
{ Be the owner? Literates ONLY. This is a yaoi roleplay, meaning boys only. I got the idea for this starter from a manga called; Love Neko. So PM to continue. (: No one-liners, doesn't have to be this long, but at least 5 lines. }
Welcome to Your Personal Hell.
Literates ONLY. No such thing as 'Semi-literate' so don't start with that crap.
No one-liners! Doesn't have to be nearly as long as this, but no one-liners. Five lines at LEAST.
Matching the size of my post would be loved, though.
I was attempting to make a dark version of Alice in Wonderland.
My insperation for this roleplay came from this video; click.
Be the twins?
Yes, I am aware that in the video one of them is in fact a girl, but I want them to both be guys in this roleplay, thank you.
Oh, and I'm the blonde boy, of course. (:
So with that you should understand that this is a yaoi roleplay. ( Meaning guys, or girls who will play as guys, only.)
I am Uke.
I have plenty of other starters in my journal if you wish to see.
Pm to continue.
Once upon a time in a dark and cloudy world, there was a large mansion. The world in general was a creepy place, somewhere that was once filled with everyone’s wildest dreams. It was nothing but a ruse, to lure the weak into the clutches of death, or at most; torture. The mansion was home of twins, evil little beings that were the source of the worlds sadness. Sadistic and evil. The world knew not of the sun, only of the dark nigh sky and the full moon, the world covered in twisted trees and dying grass -- there was nowhere to run once you were brought to this world by the twins, there is no where to go, but the mansion.
He was unaware of how he was brought to such a place of terror, he was happily with his friends moments ago, having decided to take a trip through the forest that took up a good portion of their town. They ran into two young boys, they were tall and very well dressed, looking exactly alike. They beat his height, and the rest of his friend’s height as well. Regardless of their all around perfect-ness, they seemed lost. Though, they denied they were and smiled at he and his friends, offering for them to come with them. “Come with us.” They had said in sync, their voices beautiful melodic. “We have a big house, it’s perfect to play in.” They continued to talk at the same time, beginning to back away. One of them dressed like a girl, and the other was obviously a boy. Though they both confirmed the fact that they were both males. Stupidly, he and his friends had agreed to go along with the strange boys, following them to the house they resided in, if they could even call it a house. It was large and beautiful all around. It was white, and the windows took up most of the walls, sparkling in the sunlight and giving of a glare. The mansion-like-house was amazing, any kids dream. “Come on.” They had said, leading him and his two friends inside the house. Kai was a boy of 17, never doing anything wrong and always being the nice one. Though, he was a fool. He let himself into the two strangers home, he and his friends being brought to the dining room where they were sat down and given tea by the nice pair of boys. “Thank you!” Kai had said, his friends nodding in agreement before sipping at the overly sweet tea. It gave them all a shiver, it was nothing like they have ever tasted, absolutely amazing! Though, a minute after the first sip, Kai could feel his eyes sliding shut, before blacking out completely, only feeling the himself hit the floor and hearing the sounds of his friends hitting the floor as well. The last thing he heard, however, before completely slipping out into darkness, was maniacal laughter, the twins once melodic tones twisting into demonically beautiful ones.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he felt a cold rush of air wash over him, his light golden eyes slowly flickering open as his blonde hair blew around in the harsh wind, hearing it’s howls echo in the night. He flinched, quickly springing up in place to find himself in the middle of the woods. It looked exactly like the woods he had walked through before, though the trees were stripped of their leaves, and the wood was old and worn out, looking as if the branches would fall off at any minute and the tree would just fall apart completely. The grass was dead and the moon was a twisted shade of dark red. This was not home, and he knew this for sure now. Pushing himself to stand, his knees shaking for some unknown reason. He blamed fright and confusion, together in one they made his body shake and his stomach twist into knots. “Hello!?” His voice echoed, soon being washed away with the winds howling.
He glanced all around, whipping himself around at every sound he heard. It was until he spotted a crow that he stood still, eying the black bird with his beady eyes, looking at them straight on, noticing that it seemed as if the crow were staring straight at him. “Hn…” It gave him an unpleasant feeling, beginning to walk down the dirt path, the dead grass and shriveled leaves crunching underneath his boots. What a weird place, turning his head slightly to look back, only to find that a the crow was gone. It made him frown slightly with worry, wondering where it had gone, considering that was the only living thing he had yet to see. He turned to face forward, hearing the crunching underneath his feet slowly fade to a stop as he began to walk across concrete. Up ahead was a complete replica of the amazing mansion he had last walked into -- though this one was black with age and the windows were cracked and stained with dirt, the curtains moving to add to the creepiness while the trees that had once been filled with life were dead. Something in the back of his mind told him to run away, though a different voice told him to walk forward for his wildest dreams to come true. He stepped forward, feeling nearly as if he were sleep walking, before suddenly being grabbed on to and pulled into the house by force, not seeing anything in sight. He was being tugged on, he could feel it, but he couldn’t see anyone or anything! “S-Stop!” He shrieked, tripping and falling in through the open door, sliding into the house until to hear the door slam loudly behind him. He raised his head, seeing only darkness, suddenly feeling light headed. He had blacked out yet again.
Hours had passed before he had woken up. A dark room that smelled of rotting flesh, sat down in a chair with his hands tied behind his back and his hair in a mess. He glanced around sleepily through cloudy gold eyes, finally catching sight of the reason for the horrid smell. His friend, lifeless and cold in the corner of the room. His eyes wide with a fright and his skin pale as he lay in a pool of his own blood. The scariest thing of it all was that he was smiling, regardless he was dead. Kai screamed loudly, pushing himself to stand. He was happy that he wasn’t tied directly to the chair, only his hands. He ran forward, feeling the string around his wrists loosen and fall off. Whoever tied it was horribly lazy. He tried to pull at the door knob, only to watch it fall off and hit the floor with a clanking sound. He slammed his fists down on the door, screaming for someone to get him out of there. He wanted out of here, out of this world. Now.
[Camera man X model.]
( New starter! )
-- I really want to be uke for once, but I'll play seme if I have to. --
A models life isn’t at all it’s cracked up to be. Fame and fortune? Don’t forget being followed around by random people you don’t even know, and being forced to where clothing you don’t like and to pose for pictures -- for products you don’t even use. Honestly, this particular life was annoying. Though, it did have it’s perks. The money was nice, sure, and the fame was a plus. Those two minor details made it worth while. Uriu was still rather young, in his late teens. He’d be 19 in a month, he honestly couldn’t wait. He’s been a model since he was 8, apparently he still had that child-like look to him even at his age now. He’d been in his share of commercials, but he was mostly shown in magazines and all that, whatever job he could get he tried getting, regardless of what it was. The thing he hated the most, however, of this job; were the rumors. He had the worst rumors about him, he hated them all! Though, he never let them get to him to the point where he’d cry over it -- well, not in public anyways.
His parents weren’t really caring, he basically lived at the studio he worked at. Well, he shouldn’t exactly say parents, but just Mother. Who, yet, still didn’t care much. She was a TV star, and constantly traveled. She’d give Uriu the occasional call or shout out on TV, though other then that it was like he didn’t exist in her mind. He didn’t care, the members at the studio were his family. They didn’t mind that he hung around all the time anyways, he apparently things less boring, considering how much he talked, and how randomly he’d pop up out of nowhere. He was childish for his age. “He’s late.” Uriu heard a feminine voice snarl, knowing exactly who she was talking about. “So wha’?” Uriu called out, his voice muffled by the donuts he had managed to stuff into his mouth. A feminine hand slapped him across the head. “Uriu! Don’t eat that!” The voice shrieked. Uriu gagged slightly, forcing the donuts down his throat in one gulp. “Gah… Could you have waited to slap me after I swallowed!? Jeez!” He complained, licking his fingers from the white powder. “Those are for the workers, and they’re unhealthy for you!” The woman flicked him on the forehead. “Hmn… Whatever.” Uriu groaned, rubbing at the spot on his forehead the other had flicked. “Get out of those clothes and into the ones given, Uriu!” The same woman shrieked. “The photographer may be late, but you can sure as hell dress yourself.”
“Yes Mother.” Uriu hissed, walking off to the dressing rooms. It took him a while to get undressed, considering he always wore many accessories and random-looking clothing. His baggy pants had various chains attached to them, hanging from the pockets and loops, ripped at the knee section. His shoes were black and had pink and green colored neon laces. His jacket was black and studded with random bolts, the hood made to look as if the wearer had cat-ears. All in all it was clothing he himself liked, but not something appropriate for a photo-shoot apparently. He piled all his clothes into a corner, only wearing boxers. He wasn’t sure why he was a model, he didn’t exactly have a muscular build, he was actually very lean, only small bumps that noted muscles here and there on his body. His dark black hair fell over his dark blue eyes as he bent over to reach for the pair of pants left for him, normal baggy, dark blue jeans any guy would wear. He nearly fell back in his attempts to pull them on, yelping. No one dared walk in on him, to used to his constant shouts and struggles to get dressed. He buttoned and zippered them up, tugging at them slightly.
Walking out, he noticed the same woman from before staring at the table of food, as if dying to just eat some of it. “Stop worrying about your perfect weight and just eat something!” Uriu barked. “Oh shut up, you’re a man you wouldn’t understand.” She sighed. “Your going into one of those girl magazine things this time.”
“W-What? I thought I was posing for a store!” Uriu snarled. He hated parading around half naked in front of a camera for girls and even guys to stare at. It was annoying, though it still paid. “Oh hush.” The woman barked, unable to catch Uriu’s hand as he quickly grabbed a donut and stuffed it into his mouth, around the same time the door to the photo shoot doors opened. “About time!” The woman shrieked with her high pitched voice, staring at the man who must be the photographer, as he walked in. Uriu eyed the new face, knowing that the last photographer had been fired for reasons. Reasons that Pissed Uriu off to no end, yes, he was the one to get him fired, and he had his reasons for it too! The thought made him groan, walking off to the camera that were already set up, various lights shining down on a particular spot, which he took place in. “Can we get this over with?” He didn’t want to be here anymore.
[ Literates only. No one-liners ( doesn't have to be this long, but at least 5 lines in response would be appreciated, more would be loved. ) be the camera man? Yaoi! Meaning boys only! Or girls willing to play as guys. ]

Sealed away forever.
Not once in his life has he ever been happy, not once has anyone come to save him. He’s been alone in darkness for as long as he could remember, tied around in the darkness of a large, old, and abandoned mansion. It used to be a very rich home, owned by a very rich and wealthy family -- royalty. He had been the son of the king and queen, but refused to follow in their footsteps. They had shunned him, and had one of their more special servants put a curse on him. He would not be permitted to leave this place until he received some form of love, and learned to return it. He figured he’d be here forever, until he just disintegrated into nothing. However, as much as he wished for himself to grow old and just die, the red thread that wrapped around his limbs and held him in place, had some form of a spell over it, to keep him from aging. His parents didn’t want him to die until he learned a lesson apparently, however, they had died watching him suffer, not once considering letting him go, even as they were old, they refused to let him be happy. They died and the kingdom went into ruin without anyone ruling them. He was supposed to be the next ruler, but considering he refused to do such a thing, this all happened.
Days passed on, the boy who seemed to be in his teens remaining attached to the house. His arms held high as they tangled within the darkened crimson strings, his hair matching the color. His hair was short in spots, covering one of his closed eyes, with pieces that reached the floor coming from the under-parts of his hair, giving him a bit of a “stylish” look. Another day, another day, and another day. His extremely, and amazingly light blue eyes that seemed to light up the darkness of the room flickered open, then would close. Nothing changed, how did they expect a person to come to such a place. He heard a few come in before, but not once did he come up with enough hope that they’d go to the attic. Nothing was up there but him, and a few child’s toys. He was stripped from any clothing, his skin as white as a stereotypical vampire, his eyes the color of an icy blue. He was -- well, beautiful. He had always been a very obedient boy, ready to listen to the rules the second they were given, but regardless of that, he’d throw his life away for something so stupid. He learned his lesson long ago, but he could still never leave, he’d try many times but the red thread was much stronger then it looked, not only that but his body was weak. He wasn’t emaciated, but he felt it. Actually, he had a nice build, nothing to bulky, just a few muscles here and there. In actuality, he was rather lanky.
He let this happen to himself; it was his fault. He knew this, he knew it was hi fault, yet he felt no shame. He learned his lesson and he knew what he did wrong, regardless he didn’t really feel as if he did anything wrong. He wasn’t sure how many years had passed, but enough that the house he rested in began to decay underneath his bare feet, and the child’s toys that surrounded him began to break and just fall apart before his eyes. His face was blank of any expression as his eyes flickered open yet again, glancing about the blackened room, eying all the stuffed animals and dolls that lay about, trying to move his hand but failing. With that, he let his eyes shut again, not wishing to stare at the sight before him any longer. He had so much life when he was first sealed away, he had screamed and shouted every five seconds for someone to let him go, and normally he hated the title; ‘prince’, but he used it to his advantage in trying to get out, screaming he was the prince, and that this was awful treatment for someone of his royalty. Although, as day’s pass, he lost more and more hope. It led to this day, where he was sure that no longer did he even care, he’d just stay like this for all eternity. He hadn’t heard a single voice talk to him, nor has he heard his own voice in so long.
His eyes squeezed shut as he thought on this, sealing themselves closed tightly, his long dark lashes casting shadows over his cheekbones, his bangs shifting to hide his closed eyes completely. “Hnn…”
[ PM to continue. Literates ONLY, no one-liners. Doesn't have to be this long, but at least 5 lines. AT LEAST. Meaning, I might actually like a bit more, it'd be nice. This is a YAOI roleplay, meaning boyxboy. Guys only, or girls willing to respond as guys. Thank you. (: I play seme or uke, you can play either way; just don't be an extremely wimpy character. Have a backbone please. ]
The Blue Eyed Assassin.
“Why!? I didn’t do anything!” Familiar cries he’s heard a million times from a million different people. “I’m just doing my job.” With the thrust of his hand, and a slice of the blade he held, blood splattered the alley way, and the constant crying had been silenced. Crystalline eyes peering out from under black strands of hair, evil-looking, yet dead.
One who kills for money truly has no morals, he’s been told this countless times, and he’s agreed to it every times. He cared little for those who hired him, and those he was told to kill. He was very efficient in his work, and never failed the one paying him. To be honest, he’d kill for free -- though, the money was just a plus side to it all. His jobs were normally simple, but he’d get the occasional tough-one, like when the target is apart of some mafia, or is a cop. It just took extra work to get in and out without getting his face spotted. Normally, it was just requests from rich teenagers wanting there pathetic little school buddies to just die. Honestly, he found how small minded they are, quickly jumping straight to death, though, it wasn’t as if he cared enough to try and convince them other wise. His job was to kill, not question.
He was a young, 20 year old man, who’s been doing this dirty work since he was 16. Yes, he was that young when he started, and had gained much experience since then.
Only once in his life had someone gotten away from him. He was eighteen at the time, and not as good as he was now, which might have been the reason that that particular man had gotten away, either that, or it was because that that man, was just as skilled as he. He was still filled with shame on his part that he had let that person get away, and he was quite angry; even to this day. Though, his mind was easily distracted by the various jobs he now currently had, leaning against the wall of his small hotel room. Yes, he moved around a lot, so there was no point in getting a permanent home, just sticking the various hotels and what not. He took a notebook from his back pocket, taking the fountain pen he held in his mouth and crossing out one of the many names scribbled across the sheet of paper. There were only 12 crossed out of 18, he had a few more to go before he could relax for a few days.
His hair was straight, and yet somehow a bit shaggy, covering his light blue eyes that seemed to lack any actual emotion. His skin was pale and his arms and legs were rather skinny for someone who killed for living; that normally including running and jumping a lot. Well, he did had a pretty nice build, but the muscles weren’t scarily noticeable, nothing like those big bulky guys you could find on those wrestling shows. He was actually extremely handsome all in all, someone who could probably get any girl or guy he wanted. He normally slept around, to make his job easier, convince them into bed, then kill them. It worked every time. He let out a loud sigh, setting the book down on the small bedside table, taking a seat down on his bed and pressing his face into the palms of his hand. “Hgn…” He was developing a headache, letting out a loud groan before pushing himself up to stand, throwing on the closest shirt before gripping his jacket and pulling it on, already wearing a pair of jeans as he walked to the door, slipping on the shoes awaiting him there. Now, he’d meet his next victim. He had met him earlier by ‘accident’, and convinced him to meet him at the bridge, possibly hang out. If there weren’t any people there, he’d kill him then, and if there were people, he’d try and get him to his hotel room.
Even after he left the hotel room, and made his way through the small, rainy city, not even a hint of emotion passed his face. The sky was gray with the upcoming storm, not a hint of light breaking through the dark clouds, it was only around 6:00 pm, so it would be getting even darker soon. He could see the small bridge coming up, nothing big, not for cars to pass over or anything, but a nice little bridge that ran over a river. It was a tourist attraction at most. He could see a person waiting there, leaning against the bridges railing. The man squinted his light blue orbs, before noticing that it was in fact his target, letting out a sigh. And so, it begins.
Play the boy on the bridge? You can be seme or uke, just don't be a sissy please.
My character can be either seme or uke.
NO ONE-LINERS doens't have to nearly as long as this, but at least 5 lines would be nice. No less.
LITERATES only. No ******** such thing as semi-literate.
So, PM to continue!
YAOI! This means BOYS only. }}
-- Kinda craving a SemeXseme, though, anything goes. --
The Story of a Runaway.
"Stupid street rat!" Uriu was chucked from one of the stores, landing flat on his a** on the sidewalk with a loud 'Oomph!'. He whined softly, turning his head towards the store, watching the somewhat old man retreat back into the store, locking the door. He'd probably keep it locked until Uriu was gone from out front, blinking his large and innocent looking green eyes, sniffling softly. He was normally to cute to resist, but the man in the store seemed to have fallen to many times for his tricks, merely shaking his head and turning his head to walk off into the depths of his store. Uriu's expression twisted into that of anger, groaning a bit as he pushed himself up to stand. "Stupid old man." He barked, rubbing at the droplets of water that had managed to build up at the corner of his eyes. He dabbed at them with his fists so they wouldn't over flow and pour down his cheeks, looking around at the nearly empty streets, only an occasional car or passerby. "Hn..." He was a mere young boy, who lived out on the streets. A rough little boy he was, lanky and skinny from hunger, but his body toned with muscles here and there from running so much.
He sniffled on his way down the street, occasionally dabbing at his eyes again, pulling his dark blue hood over his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets after a while. His warn down shoes made a soft clicking sound against the concrete, echoing in his head. It began to gave him a headache, but he ignored it, his stomach growling angrily; as if it were yelling at him. He felt like apologizing to it, for not eating anything, but really, what would that do other then prove he was slowly losing his sanity? The sky was getting dark, the moon coming up, and the streets were slowly becoming more and more empty by the second. He didn't care, maybe if he kept walking, he wouldn't even think about sleep. No, he had to much pride to sleep in an alley way, far to much pride. He was to stubborn, and refused to accept help, which is why he was still out here on his own, his head lowering, his eyes looking sleep. He swayed, falling against a nearby fence. He leaned against it for a moment, letting his eyes slip shut before he turned on his heel, making his way slowly and dizzily across the street.
[ Uriu is a Uke.
Literates only. No one-liners. 5 lines at least Blah Blah Blah. PM me. )
Just Another Sob Story.
Just another day, Keitaro was awakened by the strong sunlight shining in through the window, blinding him the minute his eyes light blue eyes flickered open, groaning as he quickly closed them again, raising to his feet to cover the windows with the curtains. He stared over at the clock, reading the digits printed across it in flashing green lights. 7:01 am. Damn, just a bit later then he normally woke up. He ran a hand through his mildly messy, snow white hair, straightening it out with his palm as he dragged himself to the bathroom. He splashed cold water against his face to wake him up more, staring into the mirror, wiping his face from the water with a nearby towel, letting out a soft sigh. He seemed rather distant, possibly sad even.
Keitaro was someone who wasn't used to being alone, he normally had some form of a date, or someone he woke up to see with in bed the next morning. Yes, he was a bit of a womanizer, considering he had the looks for it, he even had his share of boyfriends, though it was only because he found that it was easier to just not sleep with a person more then once, and if he didn't like them after a date, he'd just walk off. He had a bit of a reputation as an emotionless, hot, intelligent guy. Yes, his grades in school were perfect, so he figured he'd get into a good college next year; which reminded him that he had to start applying now that the year was nearly coming to an end.
He finished up getting ready, dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants with matching shoes. He looked around to the black over coat and red tie, his school uniform normally being scattered around like this. He finally found it, fixing himself up nicely before putting his glasses on, letting out a soft yawn and stretching out his arms with a groan. He glanced over at the clock, seeing that it was 7:15 now. Not that bad, he could it make it there before classes started. He walked calmly from his house, and down the street, his bag over one shoulder with both his hands shoved into his pockets, his expression still the same; indifferent.
He made it to school with time to spare, being greeted by many people the moment he walked in, and shunned by the ones he turned down on dates, chuckling mentally to himself at those particular few. He nodded his 'hello's' as he walked down the hall, shoving all his unneeded books into his locker and taking what he needed before walking off to his first class. He took a seat in the far back, being one of the firsts to get inside, staring forward at the teacher who was slowly preparing for his class. The students piled in, the seats next to him opened and being targeted by a few, he liked his life honestly, but he knew that all this manipulating would come back around to him eventually. Besides, he only did it because he found it hard to be alone.
[ PM to continue. This is a YAOI Roleplay, meaning boys only. Be a student, or a teacher. Literates ONLY, no one-liners please, at least more then 5-lines please. If you go from 5-lines, to one-line, I will drop it. Please respond! :'D
You be the doctor, and I'll be the patient
It had all happened far to fast, headlights, a flash of pain, screaming. Ion had just been walking home, a few of his friends with him. Sure, they were all drunk, but it wasn't like they were driving. They decided to walk, being smart enough to do that. Though, the horrible part was that Ion had separated himself from the group, only to get struck by a car. Just so happens, it was a drunk driver. The man was arrested, but that still didn't make up for the dying, blooded boy, laying crumpled up and broke in the middle of the street. He was disoriented enough as it was, without the car having slammed straight into his side. What had he done to deserve this, other then have a nice night with his friends?
Ion had blacked out after to much blood was lost, the last thing he heard was far to many voices and the sirens of the ambulance wailing in the background, giving him an immense headache, pounding, he was spinning, spinning wildly. "Hhmn..."
Ion had a nice family, a nice life in general. He was in college, nothing big or special, but it was a place where he could get a decent education. He had friends, and remotely loving parents. They weren't around much. His father had to travel a lot due to his job, and his mother normally went with him. His sister had a house right around the corner from his, which isn't as fantastic as it sounds. She has a key, which made it even worse, considering she let herself in whenever she wanted. Though, she brought him food, and normally helped him with whatever he needed. All in all, he had a pretty good life. He just wondered if it was ending here?
A loud beeping sound started to ring in his head, was this death!? What the hell!? Man, this sucked, the beeping continued, getting louder and louder. He tried to move, feeling his fingers twitch, trying to open his eyes. Yes! His auburn eyes flickered open into slits, the headache he had passed out with returning, angering him. He was hurting so much, everything was sore. The room he was in was completely white, other then the machine beside him, a black box with green lines running up and down through out it. What the he- oh. Now he was understood, he was in a hospital. This meant he wasn't dead, to his relief. Though, everything was still pretty sore. He tried to raised his head, wincing at the pain. There was no casts, which meant he hadn't broke anything, but he could feel the bandages around his head, and he could feel them covering parts of his legs and his stomach. He was just pretty banged up, well, thats what he was hoping for, setting his head down. "Hgn..." He heard the door click open, raising his head to stare over at the male who had walked in, obviously the doctor.
&& PM to continue, be the doctor? :3 Literates only, no one-liners, [ 5 lines at least. ] Replies don't have to be this long, but it'd be nice. (: Please and thank you. :'D This is a YAOI Roleplay, so guys only. My character is Seke, which means he's both Seme and Uke. I have many more starters, just ask.&&
Unrequited Love.
[[ X ]]
With money came luxury, which normally included a big house, in this case a mansion, many animals, in this case; a dog, and servants. Many, many servants to submit to the masters ever whim. In this case, the master was a 18 year old boy, who's father was never around much, far to busy with his work and travels. This 18 year old boy was spoiled, though he was never a bother to the servants, well, not in many ways anyways. He never asked for much, nothing other then to be awakened every morning, clothed and fed. He didn't ask for anything special, like most people would, though he was rather mature --... No, actually, he was far from, his large room was filled with childish toys, and in his large bed lay a very large yet scary looking panda bear, still made with somewhat of a cute look to it, however. Currently accompanying the large plush-doll was a very tall, skinny young man. His hair was a dark green color, and his chest was bare to reveal pale skin and well built body. No, he wasn't scarily muscular, but he just had the average build, nothing special. All in all, he was actually rather skinny, lanky actually, tall with skinny arms and legs. Though, he was very handsome, childish obviously, considering the way he clung to the large doll beside him, snoring and burying his face into the stomach, his hair messy and pointed up from having rolled around all day.
When the the boy, who's name is Sai, was around the age of 8, his mother had fallen ill. She died in her sleep one night, leaving Sai alone with only his father, who still wasn't around much at the time. He grew up with his servants really, so he had most of his trust in them, they were closer then family -- which kept him from being very demanding. Though, he was the one to ask for strange requests from a certain servant of his, the one who was normally the one to wake him up in the morning. He normally asked for him to sleep with him, to replace the panda-bear beside him, though he normally refused. He chose to try and be demanding, and actually got him to consider it once, but he got embarrassed, and threatened to quit. Regardless of that incident, Sai continued to tease him, the man thinking nothing much of it but the boys constant perversion taking over. Yes, Sai was a bit of a pervert in most cases, though he contained his ideas most of the time.
Sai was still dead asleep, though his grip around the large bear was tight, his face hidden in the soft fabric the plush-toy was made from. "Hghgn...." He grumbled and snored loudly, his body sprawled out across the bed, showing not even the slightest sign of being close to falling off. His bed was very large, so even his tall body could never fall off it even as he lay with his whole body spread out, his legs merely clothed in baggy dark gray sweats. Nothing much, though it was more then he normally wore, which consisted of just boxers. He would have worn just that, but he nearly passed out last night from lack of sleep, so he just went to sleep without even bother to change his clothes, someone, though, had obviously changed him into at least sweats, considering he was wearing a suit when he fell asleep.
( PM to continue. This is a YAOI Roleplay, meaning boys -- or girls willing to play as boys -- only. LITERATES only, no one-liners. Five lines at LEAST. Be the one to wake him up. )
Just another broken Doll?
Yaoi Please!
Once upon a time, there was a little doll. A doll with skin as white as a sheet of paper, large crystalline glass blue eyes, and ear length black hair that felt more then real. His cheeks were the only part of them that had some form of color. He was a very realistic doll, an extremely realistic doll. His eyes shined in the dim light of the moon that flooded the abandoned room he lay emotionlessly in, resting on his side in the center of the room that seemed to be be the atic, filled with many things, ranging from childhood toys to old clocks and dressers. He was the only thing in the room that wasn't buried by other stuff, however.
This little doll had a name, yes, he had a name. What was it? No one knows. He was a cursed little doll. His right arm curved up, connected to his upper arm that seemed to be detachable from his torso, the same for his other arms. His left leg was separated from his body, unfortunately. He was cursed, yes. Yes he was. He used to be a boy, a living, breathing, boy. Yes. It explained why he was so life like, yet so still. He was a selfish little boy, and in return to his actions, he was turned into that of a doll. He was abandoned long ago, the building he now lay still in once being a very rich home, but was now a rundown building in the center of a city. He had demonic looking wings glues to his back, seeming very small for his body, dressed in elegant yet possibly fake clothing, fabric-made boots. His skin hard and cold form the wind that blew in from the broken window. There was a way to break this curse, if someone was a pure heart were to take care of him. He could still see, and hear. He could! Which made this all the more agonizing for him. He couldn't do anything, but see, hear. He couldn't close his eyes, to make everything go away, he had to watch as his life flashed before his eyes, as people found him and dropped him, as he was abandoned. He was helpless. His eyes were always filled with sadness in some way, his hair blown around slightly before covering his eyes completely. A loud slam was heard from downstairs, a couple of voices echoing through the house and up to the atic where he lay. More rowdy teenagers? Most likely. Fantastic, he'd be broken now... Maybe that'd be for the best...
He could hear them leave, however, being forced to stare at the pile of junk across from him, his vision moving no place else. But he could hear a single pair of feet heading up the stares to the atic, one of them hadn't left?
<< Pm to continue. This is a YAOI roleplay, which means guys only. Be the boy coming up the stairs? Literates only, and please no one-liners. doesn't have to be this long, but just a few lines would be nice, thanks.
Seme or Uke. I play either, you can play with ;D >>
They're old, but still usable.
Note: I like SemeXSeme Roleplays. ;D
Please tell me of your limits.

Looks Are Deceiving.
“Myaaa…” He yawned loudly, spreading out as much as he could. The bars of cold metal, keeping him trapped in the space of just a small box. He small neko boy’s golden orbs flickered open. “Hhn…” His silver ears flickered, the soft fur gleaming beautiful in the dim light, his matching tail swaying slightly, finding it hard to move in such a small space. “Aahn…” His snowy white hair was in a bit of a mess, quickly patting it down with his little pale hands, yawning once again as he sat up in his cage. One of his sharpened canines stuck out over his lower lip, his golden orbs glancing around the room his cage was sat in, dimly lit with no actual furniture.
He figured it was sometime in the afternoon, knowing that people must be in the pet shop by now. He was in the back of the store, waiting there. Normally about this time he was brought out to be offered to people, but most didn’t buy him because of the price, or because he was a bit stubborn. Whenever he was told to do something he just looked away with an angered expression.
The door was pushed open, a man stepping into the small room, making his way over to the little Neko’s cage. “Good, you’re awake.” The man grumbled, taking the cage by it’s handle and abruptly lifting it without much warning for the small boy, who yelped in shock, falling back and hitting his head against the bars. “Naah…” He whined, rubbing at the back of his head as he curled up further in the cage. The man dragged the cage out of the room, basically dropping it once he was in the actual pet shop. All the actual animals were replaced with people with animal like looks. The pet shop was now a half-human slave shop. It changed from time to time, and considering none of them were actually humans, it was considered allowable. He was the more better-looking of all of them, only a few others neko’s in the room other then himself, all much more obedient and willing to leave then him.
The white haired neko curled up and let his eyes clothes, figuring it’d be best to sleep for now.
“Hhn…” His tail wrapped itself around his waist, his ears pressing flat against his head. Only when he heard the door open to they quickly perk up again, his golden-colored eyes opening into slits as he searched the area.
{ Be his new master? Yes, this is yaoi, of course. Literates ONLY. I'm Uke! D< No one-liners please. }

An online pet store.
Scrolling down the list of animals in the pet store, the numbers were nearly unlimited. Cats, dogs, bears, tigers, and whatever else. It was no wonder that this little store could only be accessed through the internet. It was obviously not a smart thing to do to own a wild animal, so most aimed to buy the normal pets, cats, dogs, all that.
This was a new store, that very few had heard of yet. It came up rarely on computer adds, the ones on the sidebars that would randomly come up. The pets were sold at extremely low prices, which caused the few who found the site to get rather interested in particular pet store. However, little did the shoppers know, that the pets listed were actually humans. Well, part humans, anyways. There was a separate ad for the particular store which mostly attracted male shoppers. The most frequent ad the online shop would display was a woman with cat ears and an over-sized chest, giving a seductive look to whoever staring at her from outside the computer screen. Large letters were printed just above the cat-girls head, saying 'Buy me today!' and under would be a list of reasons and what the particular half-humans were used for. They could be used as wives, or maids, or anything you wish. They were trained to be whatever the owner wished for.
Recently, one of the cat-girls had been purchased over the internet, and she was shipped out the next morning. Little did the shopper own that the online store made somewhat of mistake with the order. The woman who was ordered was not delivered, and instead, a male version of the particular kind was sent. Silver hair and pale skin, golden orbs that sparkled in the sunlight with black ears that would twitch every second or so and a tail that flickered back and forth. The very tall, lean cat-boy sat in the house of what was meant to be his owner, having been let in by the store-people, who found a way to get themselves in without setting off any alarms. The man pouted softly, glaring at the four walls of the room he currently sat in, a chain around his neck with the leash laying at his side. "Meh..." He ears perked up in shock, hearing the door open, he prepared himself to meet face to face with the one who had bought him, his expression blank.
{ Be the owner? Literates ONLY. This is a yaoi roleplay, meaning boys only. I got the idea for this starter from a manga called; Love Neko. So PM to continue. (: No one-liners, doesn't have to be this long, but at least 5 lines. }
Welcome to Your Personal Hell.
Literates ONLY. No such thing as 'Semi-literate' so don't start with that crap.
No one-liners! Doesn't have to be nearly as long as this, but no one-liners. Five lines at LEAST.
Matching the size of my post would be loved, though.
I was attempting to make a dark version of Alice in Wonderland.
My insperation for this roleplay came from this video; click.
Be the twins?
Yes, I am aware that in the video one of them is in fact a girl, but I want them to both be guys in this roleplay, thank you.
Oh, and I'm the blonde boy, of course. (:
So with that you should understand that this is a yaoi roleplay. ( Meaning guys, or girls who will play as guys, only.)
I am Uke.
I have plenty of other starters in my journal if you wish to see.
Pm to continue.
Once upon a time in a dark and cloudy world, there was a large mansion. The world in general was a creepy place, somewhere that was once filled with everyone’s wildest dreams. It was nothing but a ruse, to lure the weak into the clutches of death, or at most; torture. The mansion was home of twins, evil little beings that were the source of the worlds sadness. Sadistic and evil. The world knew not of the sun, only of the dark nigh sky and the full moon, the world covered in twisted trees and dying grass -- there was nowhere to run once you were brought to this world by the twins, there is no where to go, but the mansion.
He was unaware of how he was brought to such a place of terror, he was happily with his friends moments ago, having decided to take a trip through the forest that took up a good portion of their town. They ran into two young boys, they were tall and very well dressed, looking exactly alike. They beat his height, and the rest of his friend’s height as well. Regardless of their all around perfect-ness, they seemed lost. Though, they denied they were and smiled at he and his friends, offering for them to come with them. “Come with us.” They had said in sync, their voices beautiful melodic. “We have a big house, it’s perfect to play in.” They continued to talk at the same time, beginning to back away. One of them dressed like a girl, and the other was obviously a boy. Though they both confirmed the fact that they were both males. Stupidly, he and his friends had agreed to go along with the strange boys, following them to the house they resided in, if they could even call it a house. It was large and beautiful all around. It was white, and the windows took up most of the walls, sparkling in the sunlight and giving of a glare. The mansion-like-house was amazing, any kids dream. “Come on.” They had said, leading him and his two friends inside the house. Kai was a boy of 17, never doing anything wrong and always being the nice one. Though, he was a fool. He let himself into the two strangers home, he and his friends being brought to the dining room where they were sat down and given tea by the nice pair of boys. “Thank you!” Kai had said, his friends nodding in agreement before sipping at the overly sweet tea. It gave them all a shiver, it was nothing like they have ever tasted, absolutely amazing! Though, a minute after the first sip, Kai could feel his eyes sliding shut, before blacking out completely, only feeling the himself hit the floor and hearing the sounds of his friends hitting the floor as well. The last thing he heard, however, before completely slipping out into darkness, was maniacal laughter, the twins once melodic tones twisting into demonically beautiful ones.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he felt a cold rush of air wash over him, his light golden eyes slowly flickering open as his blonde hair blew around in the harsh wind, hearing it’s howls echo in the night. He flinched, quickly springing up in place to find himself in the middle of the woods. It looked exactly like the woods he had walked through before, though the trees were stripped of their leaves, and the wood was old and worn out, looking as if the branches would fall off at any minute and the tree would just fall apart completely. The grass was dead and the moon was a twisted shade of dark red. This was not home, and he knew this for sure now. Pushing himself to stand, his knees shaking for some unknown reason. He blamed fright and confusion, together in one they made his body shake and his stomach twist into knots. “Hello!?” His voice echoed, soon being washed away with the winds howling.
He glanced all around, whipping himself around at every sound he heard. It was until he spotted a crow that he stood still, eying the black bird with his beady eyes, looking at them straight on, noticing that it seemed as if the crow were staring straight at him. “Hn…” It gave him an unpleasant feeling, beginning to walk down the dirt path, the dead grass and shriveled leaves crunching underneath his boots. What a weird place, turning his head slightly to look back, only to find that a the crow was gone. It made him frown slightly with worry, wondering where it had gone, considering that was the only living thing he had yet to see. He turned to face forward, hearing the crunching underneath his feet slowly fade to a stop as he began to walk across concrete. Up ahead was a complete replica of the amazing mansion he had last walked into -- though this one was black with age and the windows were cracked and stained with dirt, the curtains moving to add to the creepiness while the trees that had once been filled with life were dead. Something in the back of his mind told him to run away, though a different voice told him to walk forward for his wildest dreams to come true. He stepped forward, feeling nearly as if he were sleep walking, before suddenly being grabbed on to and pulled into the house by force, not seeing anything in sight. He was being tugged on, he could feel it, but he couldn’t see anyone or anything! “S-Stop!” He shrieked, tripping and falling in through the open door, sliding into the house until to hear the door slam loudly behind him. He raised his head, seeing only darkness, suddenly feeling light headed. He had blacked out yet again.
Hours had passed before he had woken up. A dark room that smelled of rotting flesh, sat down in a chair with his hands tied behind his back and his hair in a mess. He glanced around sleepily through cloudy gold eyes, finally catching sight of the reason for the horrid smell. His friend, lifeless and cold in the corner of the room. His eyes wide with a fright and his skin pale as he lay in a pool of his own blood. The scariest thing of it all was that he was smiling, regardless he was dead. Kai screamed loudly, pushing himself to stand. He was happy that he wasn’t tied directly to the chair, only his hands. He ran forward, feeling the string around his wrists loosen and fall off. Whoever tied it was horribly lazy. He tried to pull at the door knob, only to watch it fall off and hit the floor with a clanking sound. He slammed his fists down on the door, screaming for someone to get him out of there. He wanted out of here, out of this world. Now.

[Camera man X model.]
( New starter! )
-- I really want to be uke for once, but I'll play seme if I have to. --
A models life isn’t at all it’s cracked up to be. Fame and fortune? Don’t forget being followed around by random people you don’t even know, and being forced to where clothing you don’t like and to pose for pictures -- for products you don’t even use. Honestly, this particular life was annoying. Though, it did have it’s perks. The money was nice, sure, and the fame was a plus. Those two minor details made it worth while. Uriu was still rather young, in his late teens. He’d be 19 in a month, he honestly couldn’t wait. He’s been a model since he was 8, apparently he still had that child-like look to him even at his age now. He’d been in his share of commercials, but he was mostly shown in magazines and all that, whatever job he could get he tried getting, regardless of what it was. The thing he hated the most, however, of this job; were the rumors. He had the worst rumors about him, he hated them all! Though, he never let them get to him to the point where he’d cry over it -- well, not in public anyways.
His parents weren’t really caring, he basically lived at the studio he worked at. Well, he shouldn’t exactly say parents, but just Mother. Who, yet, still didn’t care much. She was a TV star, and constantly traveled. She’d give Uriu the occasional call or shout out on TV, though other then that it was like he didn’t exist in her mind. He didn’t care, the members at the studio were his family. They didn’t mind that he hung around all the time anyways, he apparently things less boring, considering how much he talked, and how randomly he’d pop up out of nowhere. He was childish for his age. “He’s late.” Uriu heard a feminine voice snarl, knowing exactly who she was talking about. “So wha’?” Uriu called out, his voice muffled by the donuts he had managed to stuff into his mouth. A feminine hand slapped him across the head. “Uriu! Don’t eat that!” The voice shrieked. Uriu gagged slightly, forcing the donuts down his throat in one gulp. “Gah… Could you have waited to slap me after I swallowed!? Jeez!” He complained, licking his fingers from the white powder. “Those are for the workers, and they’re unhealthy for you!” The woman flicked him on the forehead. “Hmn… Whatever.” Uriu groaned, rubbing at the spot on his forehead the other had flicked. “Get out of those clothes and into the ones given, Uriu!” The same woman shrieked. “The photographer may be late, but you can sure as hell dress yourself.”
“Yes Mother.” Uriu hissed, walking off to the dressing rooms. It took him a while to get undressed, considering he always wore many accessories and random-looking clothing. His baggy pants had various chains attached to them, hanging from the pockets and loops, ripped at the knee section. His shoes were black and had pink and green colored neon laces. His jacket was black and studded with random bolts, the hood made to look as if the wearer had cat-ears. All in all it was clothing he himself liked, but not something appropriate for a photo-shoot apparently. He piled all his clothes into a corner, only wearing boxers. He wasn’t sure why he was a model, he didn’t exactly have a muscular build, he was actually very lean, only small bumps that noted muscles here and there on his body. His dark black hair fell over his dark blue eyes as he bent over to reach for the pair of pants left for him, normal baggy, dark blue jeans any guy would wear. He nearly fell back in his attempts to pull them on, yelping. No one dared walk in on him, to used to his constant shouts and struggles to get dressed. He buttoned and zippered them up, tugging at them slightly.
Walking out, he noticed the same woman from before staring at the table of food, as if dying to just eat some of it. “Stop worrying about your perfect weight and just eat something!” Uriu barked. “Oh shut up, you’re a man you wouldn’t understand.” She sighed. “Your going into one of those girl magazine things this time.”
“W-What? I thought I was posing for a store!” Uriu snarled. He hated parading around half naked in front of a camera for girls and even guys to stare at. It was annoying, though it still paid. “Oh hush.” The woman barked, unable to catch Uriu’s hand as he quickly grabbed a donut and stuffed it into his mouth, around the same time the door to the photo shoot doors opened. “About time!” The woman shrieked with her high pitched voice, staring at the man who must be the photographer, as he walked in. Uriu eyed the new face, knowing that the last photographer had been fired for reasons. Reasons that Pissed Uriu off to no end, yes, he was the one to get him fired, and he had his reasons for it too! The thought made him groan, walking off to the camera that were already set up, various lights shining down on a particular spot, which he took place in. “Can we get this over with?” He didn’t want to be here anymore.
[ Literates only. No one-liners ( doesn't have to be this long, but at least 5 lines in response would be appreciated, more would be loved. ) be the camera man? Yaoi! Meaning boys only! Or girls willing to play as guys. ]

Sealed away forever.
Not once in his life has he ever been happy, not once has anyone come to save him. He’s been alone in darkness for as long as he could remember, tied around in the darkness of a large, old, and abandoned mansion. It used to be a very rich home, owned by a very rich and wealthy family -- royalty. He had been the son of the king and queen, but refused to follow in their footsteps. They had shunned him, and had one of their more special servants put a curse on him. He would not be permitted to leave this place until he received some form of love, and learned to return it. He figured he’d be here forever, until he just disintegrated into nothing. However, as much as he wished for himself to grow old and just die, the red thread that wrapped around his limbs and held him in place, had some form of a spell over it, to keep him from aging. His parents didn’t want him to die until he learned a lesson apparently, however, they had died watching him suffer, not once considering letting him go, even as they were old, they refused to let him be happy. They died and the kingdom went into ruin without anyone ruling them. He was supposed to be the next ruler, but considering he refused to do such a thing, this all happened.
Days passed on, the boy who seemed to be in his teens remaining attached to the house. His arms held high as they tangled within the darkened crimson strings, his hair matching the color. His hair was short in spots, covering one of his closed eyes, with pieces that reached the floor coming from the under-parts of his hair, giving him a bit of a “stylish” look. Another day, another day, and another day. His extremely, and amazingly light blue eyes that seemed to light up the darkness of the room flickered open, then would close. Nothing changed, how did they expect a person to come to such a place. He heard a few come in before, but not once did he come up with enough hope that they’d go to the attic. Nothing was up there but him, and a few child’s toys. He was stripped from any clothing, his skin as white as a stereotypical vampire, his eyes the color of an icy blue. He was -- well, beautiful. He had always been a very obedient boy, ready to listen to the rules the second they were given, but regardless of that, he’d throw his life away for something so stupid. He learned his lesson long ago, but he could still never leave, he’d try many times but the red thread was much stronger then it looked, not only that but his body was weak. He wasn’t emaciated, but he felt it. Actually, he had a nice build, nothing to bulky, just a few muscles here and there. In actuality, he was rather lanky.
He let this happen to himself; it was his fault. He knew this, he knew it was hi fault, yet he felt no shame. He learned his lesson and he knew what he did wrong, regardless he didn’t really feel as if he did anything wrong. He wasn’t sure how many years had passed, but enough that the house he rested in began to decay underneath his bare feet, and the child’s toys that surrounded him began to break and just fall apart before his eyes. His face was blank of any expression as his eyes flickered open yet again, glancing about the blackened room, eying all the stuffed animals and dolls that lay about, trying to move his hand but failing. With that, he let his eyes shut again, not wishing to stare at the sight before him any longer. He had so much life when he was first sealed away, he had screamed and shouted every five seconds for someone to let him go, and normally he hated the title; ‘prince’, but he used it to his advantage in trying to get out, screaming he was the prince, and that this was awful treatment for someone of his royalty. Although, as day’s pass, he lost more and more hope. It led to this day, where he was sure that no longer did he even care, he’d just stay like this for all eternity. He hadn’t heard a single voice talk to him, nor has he heard his own voice in so long.
His eyes squeezed shut as he thought on this, sealing themselves closed tightly, his long dark lashes casting shadows over his cheekbones, his bangs shifting to hide his closed eyes completely. “Hnn…”
[ PM to continue. Literates ONLY, no one-liners. Doesn't have to be this long, but at least 5 lines. AT LEAST. Meaning, I might actually like a bit more, it'd be nice. This is a YAOI roleplay, meaning boyxboy. Guys only, or girls willing to respond as guys. Thank you. (: I play seme or uke, you can play either way; just don't be an extremely wimpy character. Have a backbone please. ]
The Blue Eyed Assassin.
“Why!? I didn’t do anything!” Familiar cries he’s heard a million times from a million different people. “I’m just doing my job.” With the thrust of his hand, and a slice of the blade he held, blood splattered the alley way, and the constant crying had been silenced. Crystalline eyes peering out from under black strands of hair, evil-looking, yet dead.
One who kills for money truly has no morals, he’s been told this countless times, and he’s agreed to it every times. He cared little for those who hired him, and those he was told to kill. He was very efficient in his work, and never failed the one paying him. To be honest, he’d kill for free -- though, the money was just a plus side to it all. His jobs were normally simple, but he’d get the occasional tough-one, like when the target is apart of some mafia, or is a cop. It just took extra work to get in and out without getting his face spotted. Normally, it was just requests from rich teenagers wanting there pathetic little school buddies to just die. Honestly, he found how small minded they are, quickly jumping straight to death, though, it wasn’t as if he cared enough to try and convince them other wise. His job was to kill, not question.
He was a young, 20 year old man, who’s been doing this dirty work since he was 16. Yes, he was that young when he started, and had gained much experience since then.
Only once in his life had someone gotten away from him. He was eighteen at the time, and not as good as he was now, which might have been the reason that that particular man had gotten away, either that, or it was because that that man, was just as skilled as he. He was still filled with shame on his part that he had let that person get away, and he was quite angry; even to this day. Though, his mind was easily distracted by the various jobs he now currently had, leaning against the wall of his small hotel room. Yes, he moved around a lot, so there was no point in getting a permanent home, just sticking the various hotels and what not. He took a notebook from his back pocket, taking the fountain pen he held in his mouth and crossing out one of the many names scribbled across the sheet of paper. There were only 12 crossed out of 18, he had a few more to go before he could relax for a few days.
His hair was straight, and yet somehow a bit shaggy, covering his light blue eyes that seemed to lack any actual emotion. His skin was pale and his arms and legs were rather skinny for someone who killed for living; that normally including running and jumping a lot. Well, he did had a pretty nice build, but the muscles weren’t scarily noticeable, nothing like those big bulky guys you could find on those wrestling shows. He was actually extremely handsome all in all, someone who could probably get any girl or guy he wanted. He normally slept around, to make his job easier, convince them into bed, then kill them. It worked every time. He let out a loud sigh, setting the book down on the small bedside table, taking a seat down on his bed and pressing his face into the palms of his hand. “Hgn…” He was developing a headache, letting out a loud groan before pushing himself up to stand, throwing on the closest shirt before gripping his jacket and pulling it on, already wearing a pair of jeans as he walked to the door, slipping on the shoes awaiting him there. Now, he’d meet his next victim. He had met him earlier by ‘accident’, and convinced him to meet him at the bridge, possibly hang out. If there weren’t any people there, he’d kill him then, and if there were people, he’d try and get him to his hotel room.
Even after he left the hotel room, and made his way through the small, rainy city, not even a hint of emotion passed his face. The sky was gray with the upcoming storm, not a hint of light breaking through the dark clouds, it was only around 6:00 pm, so it would be getting even darker soon. He could see the small bridge coming up, nothing big, not for cars to pass over or anything, but a nice little bridge that ran over a river. It was a tourist attraction at most. He could see a person waiting there, leaning against the bridges railing. The man squinted his light blue orbs, before noticing that it was in fact his target, letting out a sigh. And so, it begins.
Play the boy on the bridge? You can be seme or uke, just don't be a sissy please.
My character can be either seme or uke.
NO ONE-LINERS doens't have to nearly as long as this, but at least 5 lines would be nice. No less.
LITERATES only. No ******** such thing as semi-literate.
So, PM to continue!
YAOI! This means BOYS only. }}
-- Kinda craving a SemeXseme, though, anything goes. --
The Story of a Runaway.
"Stupid street rat!" Uriu was chucked from one of the stores, landing flat on his a** on the sidewalk with a loud 'Oomph!'. He whined softly, turning his head towards the store, watching the somewhat old man retreat back into the store, locking the door. He'd probably keep it locked until Uriu was gone from out front, blinking his large and innocent looking green eyes, sniffling softly. He was normally to cute to resist, but the man in the store seemed to have fallen to many times for his tricks, merely shaking his head and turning his head to walk off into the depths of his store. Uriu's expression twisted into that of anger, groaning a bit as he pushed himself up to stand. "Stupid old man." He barked, rubbing at the droplets of water that had managed to build up at the corner of his eyes. He dabbed at them with his fists so they wouldn't over flow and pour down his cheeks, looking around at the nearly empty streets, only an occasional car or passerby. "Hn..." He was a mere young boy, who lived out on the streets. A rough little boy he was, lanky and skinny from hunger, but his body toned with muscles here and there from running so much.
He sniffled on his way down the street, occasionally dabbing at his eyes again, pulling his dark blue hood over his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets after a while. His warn down shoes made a soft clicking sound against the concrete, echoing in his head. It began to gave him a headache, but he ignored it, his stomach growling angrily; as if it were yelling at him. He felt like apologizing to it, for not eating anything, but really, what would that do other then prove he was slowly losing his sanity? The sky was getting dark, the moon coming up, and the streets were slowly becoming more and more empty by the second. He didn't care, maybe if he kept walking, he wouldn't even think about sleep. No, he had to much pride to sleep in an alley way, far to much pride. He was to stubborn, and refused to accept help, which is why he was still out here on his own, his head lowering, his eyes looking sleep. He swayed, falling against a nearby fence. He leaned against it for a moment, letting his eyes slip shut before he turned on his heel, making his way slowly and dizzily across the street.
[ Uriu is a Uke.
Literates only. No one-liners. 5 lines at least Blah Blah Blah. PM me. )
Just Another Sob Story.
Just another day, Keitaro was awakened by the strong sunlight shining in through the window, blinding him the minute his eyes light blue eyes flickered open, groaning as he quickly closed them again, raising to his feet to cover the windows with the curtains. He stared over at the clock, reading the digits printed across it in flashing green lights. 7:01 am. Damn, just a bit later then he normally woke up. He ran a hand through his mildly messy, snow white hair, straightening it out with his palm as he dragged himself to the bathroom. He splashed cold water against his face to wake him up more, staring into the mirror, wiping his face from the water with a nearby towel, letting out a soft sigh. He seemed rather distant, possibly sad even.
Keitaro was someone who wasn't used to being alone, he normally had some form of a date, or someone he woke up to see with in bed the next morning. Yes, he was a bit of a womanizer, considering he had the looks for it, he even had his share of boyfriends, though it was only because he found that it was easier to just not sleep with a person more then once, and if he didn't like them after a date, he'd just walk off. He had a bit of a reputation as an emotionless, hot, intelligent guy. Yes, his grades in school were perfect, so he figured he'd get into a good college next year; which reminded him that he had to start applying now that the year was nearly coming to an end.
He finished up getting ready, dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants with matching shoes. He looked around to the black over coat and red tie, his school uniform normally being scattered around like this. He finally found it, fixing himself up nicely before putting his glasses on, letting out a soft yawn and stretching out his arms with a groan. He glanced over at the clock, seeing that it was 7:15 now. Not that bad, he could it make it there before classes started. He walked calmly from his house, and down the street, his bag over one shoulder with both his hands shoved into his pockets, his expression still the same; indifferent.
He made it to school with time to spare, being greeted by many people the moment he walked in, and shunned by the ones he turned down on dates, chuckling mentally to himself at those particular few. He nodded his 'hello's' as he walked down the hall, shoving all his unneeded books into his locker and taking what he needed before walking off to his first class. He took a seat in the far back, being one of the firsts to get inside, staring forward at the teacher who was slowly preparing for his class. The students piled in, the seats next to him opened and being targeted by a few, he liked his life honestly, but he knew that all this manipulating would come back around to him eventually. Besides, he only did it because he found it hard to be alone.
[ PM to continue. This is a YAOI Roleplay, meaning boys only. Be a student, or a teacher. Literates ONLY, no one-liners please, at least more then 5-lines please. If you go from 5-lines, to one-line, I will drop it. Please respond! :'D
You be the doctor, and I'll be the patient
It had all happened far to fast, headlights, a flash of pain, screaming. Ion had just been walking home, a few of his friends with him. Sure, they were all drunk, but it wasn't like they were driving. They decided to walk, being smart enough to do that. Though, the horrible part was that Ion had separated himself from the group, only to get struck by a car. Just so happens, it was a drunk driver. The man was arrested, but that still didn't make up for the dying, blooded boy, laying crumpled up and broke in the middle of the street. He was disoriented enough as it was, without the car having slammed straight into his side. What had he done to deserve this, other then have a nice night with his friends?
Ion had blacked out after to much blood was lost, the last thing he heard was far to many voices and the sirens of the ambulance wailing in the background, giving him an immense headache, pounding, he was spinning, spinning wildly. "Hhmn..."
Ion had a nice family, a nice life in general. He was in college, nothing big or special, but it was a place where he could get a decent education. He had friends, and remotely loving parents. They weren't around much. His father had to travel a lot due to his job, and his mother normally went with him. His sister had a house right around the corner from his, which isn't as fantastic as it sounds. She has a key, which made it even worse, considering she let herself in whenever she wanted. Though, she brought him food, and normally helped him with whatever he needed. All in all, he had a pretty good life. He just wondered if it was ending here?
A loud beeping sound started to ring in his head, was this death!? What the hell!? Man, this sucked, the beeping continued, getting louder and louder. He tried to move, feeling his fingers twitch, trying to open his eyes. Yes! His auburn eyes flickered open into slits, the headache he had passed out with returning, angering him. He was hurting so much, everything was sore. The room he was in was completely white, other then the machine beside him, a black box with green lines running up and down through out it. What the he- oh. Now he was understood, he was in a hospital. This meant he wasn't dead, to his relief. Though, everything was still pretty sore. He tried to raised his head, wincing at the pain. There was no casts, which meant he hadn't broke anything, but he could feel the bandages around his head, and he could feel them covering parts of his legs and his stomach. He was just pretty banged up, well, thats what he was hoping for, setting his head down. "Hgn..." He heard the door click open, raising his head to stare over at the male who had walked in, obviously the doctor.
&& PM to continue, be the doctor? :3 Literates only, no one-liners, [ 5 lines at least. ] Replies don't have to be this long, but it'd be nice. (: Please and thank you. :'D This is a YAOI Roleplay, so guys only. My character is Seke, which means he's both Seme and Uke. I have many more starters, just ask.&&
Unrequited Love.
[[ X ]]
With money came luxury, which normally included a big house, in this case a mansion, many animals, in this case; a dog, and servants. Many, many servants to submit to the masters ever whim. In this case, the master was a 18 year old boy, who's father was never around much, far to busy with his work and travels. This 18 year old boy was spoiled, though he was never a bother to the servants, well, not in many ways anyways. He never asked for much, nothing other then to be awakened every morning, clothed and fed. He didn't ask for anything special, like most people would, though he was rather mature --... No, actually, he was far from, his large room was filled with childish toys, and in his large bed lay a very large yet scary looking panda bear, still made with somewhat of a cute look to it, however. Currently accompanying the large plush-doll was a very tall, skinny young man. His hair was a dark green color, and his chest was bare to reveal pale skin and well built body. No, he wasn't scarily muscular, but he just had the average build, nothing special. All in all, he was actually rather skinny, lanky actually, tall with skinny arms and legs. Though, he was very handsome, childish obviously, considering the way he clung to the large doll beside him, snoring and burying his face into the stomach, his hair messy and pointed up from having rolled around all day.
When the the boy, who's name is Sai, was around the age of 8, his mother had fallen ill. She died in her sleep one night, leaving Sai alone with only his father, who still wasn't around much at the time. He grew up with his servants really, so he had most of his trust in them, they were closer then family -- which kept him from being very demanding. Though, he was the one to ask for strange requests from a certain servant of his, the one who was normally the one to wake him up in the morning. He normally asked for him to sleep with him, to replace the panda-bear beside him, though he normally refused. He chose to try and be demanding, and actually got him to consider it once, but he got embarrassed, and threatened to quit. Regardless of that incident, Sai continued to tease him, the man thinking nothing much of it but the boys constant perversion taking over. Yes, Sai was a bit of a pervert in most cases, though he contained his ideas most of the time.
Sai was still dead asleep, though his grip around the large bear was tight, his face hidden in the soft fabric the plush-toy was made from. "Hghgn...." He grumbled and snored loudly, his body sprawled out across the bed, showing not even the slightest sign of being close to falling off. His bed was very large, so even his tall body could never fall off it even as he lay with his whole body spread out, his legs merely clothed in baggy dark gray sweats. Nothing much, though it was more then he normally wore, which consisted of just boxers. He would have worn just that, but he nearly passed out last night from lack of sleep, so he just went to sleep without even bother to change his clothes, someone, though, had obviously changed him into at least sweats, considering he was wearing a suit when he fell asleep.
( PM to continue. This is a YAOI Roleplay, meaning boys -- or girls willing to play as boys -- only. LITERATES only, no one-liners. Five lines at LEAST. Be the one to wake him up. )
Just another broken Doll?
Yaoi Please!
Once upon a time, there was a little doll. A doll with skin as white as a sheet of paper, large crystalline glass blue eyes, and ear length black hair that felt more then real. His cheeks were the only part of them that had some form of color. He was a very realistic doll, an extremely realistic doll. His eyes shined in the dim light of the moon that flooded the abandoned room he lay emotionlessly in, resting on his side in the center of the room that seemed to be be the atic, filled with many things, ranging from childhood toys to old clocks and dressers. He was the only thing in the room that wasn't buried by other stuff, however.
This little doll had a name, yes, he had a name. What was it? No one knows. He was a cursed little doll. His right arm curved up, connected to his upper arm that seemed to be detachable from his torso, the same for his other arms. His left leg was separated from his body, unfortunately. He was cursed, yes. Yes he was. He used to be a boy, a living, breathing, boy. Yes. It explained why he was so life like, yet so still. He was a selfish little boy, and in return to his actions, he was turned into that of a doll. He was abandoned long ago, the building he now lay still in once being a very rich home, but was now a rundown building in the center of a city. He had demonic looking wings glues to his back, seeming very small for his body, dressed in elegant yet possibly fake clothing, fabric-made boots. His skin hard and cold form the wind that blew in from the broken window. There was a way to break this curse, if someone was a pure heart were to take care of him. He could still see, and hear. He could! Which made this all the more agonizing for him. He couldn't do anything, but see, hear. He couldn't close his eyes, to make everything go away, he had to watch as his life flashed before his eyes, as people found him and dropped him, as he was abandoned. He was helpless. His eyes were always filled with sadness in some way, his hair blown around slightly before covering his eyes completely. A loud slam was heard from downstairs, a couple of voices echoing through the house and up to the atic where he lay. More rowdy teenagers? Most likely. Fantastic, he'd be broken now... Maybe that'd be for the best...
He could hear them leave, however, being forced to stare at the pile of junk across from him, his vision moving no place else. But he could hear a single pair of feet heading up the stares to the atic, one of them hadn't left?
<< Pm to continue. This is a YAOI roleplay, which means guys only. Be the boy coming up the stairs? Literates only, and please no one-liners. doesn't have to be this long, but just a few lines would be nice, thanks.
Seme or Uke. I play either, you can play with ;D >>
They're old, but still usable.