Ice Heart and I have been an item for three years now!
And thinking back on the past I wish we had hooked up much sooner so it wasn't so close to glorious Turkey Day rofl . Oh well, I still love my sexy sexy many anyways. AND HES MINE! ALL MINE! *grabs and holds*
I thought I'd tell the glorious story as to how my Icey and I became a thingy.
It was my first semester at University of Wisconsin: River Falls and things were not going good. My roommate and her gang of friends slipped LSD in my water bottle, for kicks I guess. I spent just under three days tripping on hallucinations thus missing most of my final exams, my grade point average took a severe plunge and I was put on academic probation and had to take mandatory make-up classes the next semester. The school was sure harsh to try and keep me on my grades but did nothing about my roommate and her gang of friends. It took me two weeks to convince the school to let me switch to another dorm room.
So in the midst of a true Minnesota winter I had to move all my stuff accross campus (about half a mile), down four flights of stairs in my current home then up another four flights of stairs to my new home on campus. I called my friends but none of them wanted to take the twenty or thirty minute drive to come over to help me, my parents were too busy decorating the house since the kids were gone, my boyfriend at the time helped by taking the five hundred dollar leather coat I spent six months at a part time to afford for him and then calling me to say "you may be mad but I'm not gonna see you ever again, I hope you are mad at me, bye". So I was left with the unpleasant thought of making the move all by my lonesome.
This was just about as low as I've ever felt. I was still having occasional hallucations from the LSD my roommate slipped in my water bottle. Thats the thing about LSD it never really leaves the system. So even now years later I might still see the walls melt, feel like I'm covered in cobwebs, or see little creatures scurry along the ground. Even though I sense this I know its not there, but it is, and it always will be with me. In any case I was not feeling any good about my future when I got a phone call. It was Ice Heart, he heard I needed help and called me. I always figured he was too good for me so I made sure to never bother him with anything to do with me.
Yet he came over and in the snowey, windy cold we packed and moved everything down the four flights of stairs, a half mile cross campus, then up four flights of stairs. My new roommate was a tad wierd, but not evil little skank so that was fine with me. I even got to move most of my possessions because almost nothing was stolen during the moving process. Do you sense the sarcasm?
So even though I was moved in school closed for the Holiday break. My parents were still frolicing over the freedom from the kids moved out. I had planed to just stay in my dorm room and order pizza to stay alive but Ice Heart insisted I should come over to his house, with his family. His family had it's share of problems but they were plenty willing to help a friend (which I guess I was).
I'd known Icey for about two years during High School, so the idea of being his girlfriend was not on my mind. I'm such an oddball. When I went over to his house and we were talking about where I should sleep I proposed we should just sleep in the same bed, he had a queen size. I could care less what anyone would have thought sharing a room with a guy, his family didn't care at all either. The first night I slept with him, just friends in makeshift pajamas talking and watching TV in bed together. The next night we really got talking. He knew I had really hard time at that college (don't ever go to Wisconsin University: River Falls! or any WU). When I slipped LSD he and my reluctant boyfriend came to help me out. Somehow in my drugged state I had enough sense at least to call Ice and tell him I was not myself. We talked about how my lovely boyfriend to help me move took the Xmas gift I was gonna give him and leave then Ice started crying.
I asked him why he was crying and he told me he that my boyfriend at the time had talked about trying to dump me right after getting am Xmas gift from me, and he felt so bad because he hadn't tried to stop him or warn me soon enough. I could have cared less about the money I lost to my ex-boyfriend scum bag, I felt so bad that he had really hurt Ice by putting him in that position. And even though Ice was going to help me he messed up. I really was a dumbass by going out with that loser anyways, he liked to consider himself "a player" or whatever. I don't care.
So even though both of us were feeling a lot of hurt we were still there for each other, just like we had always been. So we were just holding each other in his bed, talking. After a few days and night, I'd been at his house for almost a week, you could say there was tension in the air because my best friend I'd always had a crush seemed closer then ever to me. I can't even tell you everything we talked about because its too personal to disclose to just anyone =p . Then on Nov 22nd, chilling in his bed I asked if he would kiss me (through a note because I dare not speak something so unbeleivable! The note said: Will you kiss me?). He well, did, it was so cool! I mean we kissed, Ice and me. Then he practically shouted "I love you!"
Poor Ice I just stared at him, I was completely speechless. Then he said "I'm sorry!" and just look terrified and sick. I somehow broke my stunned state then said "No...I love you too!". Then we just kissed and hugged it was so cool. And for the record just because we were in the same bed does not mean we did it =p We waited a week, give me credit! I took his virginity it was cool.
And that is how we stumbled into love heart
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Congrats on making it three years. He sounds like quite a catch, and you do to.