-drum roll-
• Hair [hmm? Oh I get it now.]
• Apples [I love dem.]
• Stomach ache.
Ok, so let's start with hair.
I didn't straighten my hair on Monday and people said they liked it. I think I liked it too. But I didn't take a shower last night so today it wouldn't get curly... I was kind of sad. It looked horrible today. Oh well, now I know. I must at least rinse my hair so it will get curly again. My hair does like to listen to what it is told to do. It will not stay straight when I want it straight, and it will not stay curly when I want it to be curly. It's so horrible. A tragedy, I think. But what can I do? Dye it again? Perfect. That is exactly what I will do!
Now that that is settled... moving on!
Apples! I love apples. But you see, I went to the grocery store a while ago and the kind I like, Pink Ladies, were not there! So I asked someone who worked there, and they said they are not in season. I have been buying this new kind call Braeburn. They're... odd. But ok. Not great, but fine. I kind of miss my Pink Ladies. WHERE ART THOU??? Did I spell that right? I hope so. But I love apples. They smell good. Real good. If you ever go to Bath & Body Works and see any of the apple stuff, buy some for me. Please. I need a new apple candle. Mine is running low.
-ahem- Next subject.
My stomach hurt so bad today! I don't know when it started, but it got real bad during leadership, which is 7th period. I thought I was going to DIE. Yeah, it hurt that bad. But once I got home it started to go away. Weird... I get these sometimes. Once in a long while, I do. I can never figure out why. Maybe it was someone I was sitting next to in class. Maybe someone smelled bad. Maybe I hated someone that was sitting on my left and behind me so much that my stomach just started to burn in anger. But that doesn't explain the other times it has happened. Hm. Well, at least it is gone now. It hurt so bad though, I can't even explain it. It was just like... hurt all over. Not really cramps, bloating, or gassy, just... hurt. Weird.
Oh, I did that faster than I thought I would have.
I will leave you with this: