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Behind these Blue eyes
Mine Story that is a work in progress @_@
For everyones info this is an on going project ^_^ lol I am busily trying to get the rest of it off of a disk of mine that is being retarded @_@

Tempers of the flames

Yah you hear stories in books of dragons and warriors and faries and elves and werewolves. I know I have read them all then there are the few that get together and act as these creatures. I was one of them. You know role playing I was a master at it I was the biggest warrior out of them all Slaying dragons saving princesses all that good stuff never did I think I would get sucked into one of my games. Let me take you back to when it all started.

It was 7 years ago to me and my friends while a week for everyone else. I was about 15 at the time maybe 16 I cant remember it seems like so long ago. I had gotten together with 5 of my best frends my role playing buddies we had decided it was time to kill the dragon and save the princess for about the 16th time Arlin my best friend since we were 3 was playing as his normal self Kaiser an elf which I still get a good laugh out of *Arlin is the biggest clutz I know and elves are graceful creatures* then there was my friend Darce whom was being his fave character Schmitz an Ogre *he'd seen shrek one toooooo many times* which kinda suited him he was a big guy after all then there was Lucy whom was her fav character Tertza a Unimagi *you know a person whom can speak to Unicorns* She is really big on horses and anything that looks remotely like a horse then there was Len well Lenny but he hates that, he was Temporlane a Centaur and last of all there was Ryan he was his usual character whom he had been since we started role playing he was his fav Character Relic the Theif Telik *a kinda elf like creature whom is also like an indian* And then there was me My name is Kai-ohjin and was so was my name in the game occasionally I was called Kai when people got tired of saying my name I was Kai-ohjin the great a warrior the best there ever was but I was not ready for what was gonna happen.

"Hey Kai where we starting off today?" Darce asked he had just dyed his hair black with red tips that morning.I looked at him and just shrugged my shoulders it wasnt usually me who got to choose where to start alls I knew was last time we had gotten lost near the forest near the cave of where the Dragon was holding the princess.
"Kai wouldn't know it is usually Lenny who tells us where we go and where we start off." It was Lucy she was the only one aloud to call Len Lenny and that was cause they were going steady the only couple I knew in school who actually made a nice couple. She had Blonde hair that kinda had a curl to it Lenny on the other hand had Black hair that was straight as a ruler and as black as black could get but other then that they matched.
"She does gotta a point Darce" Good ol'Arlin.Darce just rolled his eyes Then Lenny I mean Len showed up.
"Bout time Len" Ryan said
"Sorry My Father kept me busy he gave me a list of things I had to do before I could leave." Len said pulling a piece of paper with numerous choirs to do on it.
"Thats why I like having the cleaning lady over." Arlin smiled Just like Len's family Arlin's parents were loaded with money, maybe not as much as Lens but pretty close.
"Yes well my Father prefers me doing the work and not the hired help."Len sneered.
"Well since we are all here," Ryan said rubbing his hands together,"Where are we starting today Len?" Len looked at Ryan and gave a huge sigh.
"Well for one I think where we will go is in Kai's backyard today since he has the huge forset back there and second I believe since it is the second wednesday of this month it is Kai's turn to decide where we go in the game." I just blinked ...Me I dont usually get to decide anything. Well I guess once I did last summer on a second Wednesday of the month. But hell if I truely know if it were a second Wednesday.
"Ok...I guess we can use my backyard." I shrugged my shoulders again. So we walked to my house it was true my backyard was wooded very wooded. Me and Arlin when we were little used to pretend that a witch used to live in there and wolves and Bears but in reality the only living thing that I ever saw in my backyard was a rabbit some squirrels, birds and maybe even a deer. Well we got there and they all stared at me.
"Ok from what I remember last we were lost in the forest of the Dragon near its cave and we were bout to save the princess. Am I right?" I asked. Len just nodded. I guess he was checking out my leadership qualitys but I wish he would have stopped starring at me like that it was disturbing me.
"Ok" I said again," Which Characters are we gonna be today same or does anyone wanna change?" they all shook their heads which ment that they were gonna be the same characters Me being myself the great warrior,Arlin as Kaizer the elf, Darce as Schmitz the Ogre,Lucy as Terza the Unimagi,Len as Temporlane the Centaur and Ryan as Relic the telik theif, "Ok then let us begin." I said then I picked up a sword. "Ok Let us go to..." Then that was the last thing I remembered. It became nothing but darkness, darkness surrounding me. I screamed for my friends but no answer. Then I heard a voice that sounded like an angel.
"Young warrior are you ok? Young warrior wake up are you ok?" the angelic voice said,"O'ralik do you think that this is the great warrior of legends?"
"I dont know your highness?" a gruff older males voice said. I groaned a little,"I think he's coming too?"
"Young warrior are you ok?" It was the angelic voice again. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful strawberry blonde haired girl dressed in one of those dresses you see princesses wearing in the movies. I sat up quickly and looked around "Arlin?" I screamed. The princess looked at this scared eyed man whom had to be at least forty years or more, " My friends where are they?" I asked
"I do not understand young warrior you are the only person we have seen." the girl said, "You yourself were lucky enough to have survived. If it werent for my pet Charak named Gelbes you yourself would not have survived the fall. You fell from the sky." the girl said pointing to a huge beautiful majestic looking bird his wing spand had to been that of a 3 story house a large three story house. Then the princess gave a special whistle and the huge bird flew off. Then I blinked fell from the sky? Charak? Those were both something me and Arlin made up when we were young in some of our role playing games I was a warrior whom fell from the sky and got caught by this huge bird called a charak. I thought to my self wait then I had to ask.
"Where am I?" the girl chuckled.
"Oh how rude of us sorry I am Princess Kaylana and this here is my man at arms O'relik and this is Folik we are in the Ingnious system. You are an out worlder arnt you?" I thought to myself again Princess Kaylana? that was the princess in which we were gonna save from the dragon in the cave this was becoming weird then it hit me.
"Folik? 3 suns and 2 moons right?" I asked. The princess tilted here head in confusion.
"Yes but how did you know? You are an out worlder arnt you or did you fall off of your Charak?" she asked. I chuckled
"No the reason I know is I am from your third sun. I sensed danger here and decided to help. Oh sorry how foolish of me I forgot to introduce myself when you were so kind to do so yourself I am Kai-ohjin my friends call me Kai." I said bowing to her. She kinda chuckled then curtsyded to me.
"Nice to meet your aquaintance Kai-ohjin or as your friends call you Kai" she giggled again.
"The pleasure is mine." I said then I kissed her hand. I decided if I am where I thought I was then it was only right to act like what I was supposed to be. The princess turned and looked at O'relik and he nodded.
"Come with me" she grinned waving her hand toward herself. I fallowed them. Then she looked at O'relik.
"Isnt Farlian coming to pic me up?" She asked looking at O'relik. He nodded.
"Yes your highness."
"For my picknick with Prince Forbes. Right?" He nodded at her again.
"Yes your highness."
"Oh yes my picknick I almost forgot. hmmm I think I will have Farlian give our guest a tour of the kingdom when he gets done running me over to the the meadow." She said.
"But i could do that for you your highness." The man said.
"Not when you are supposed to be training the young men at arms to become true men at arms." She said. He nodded.
"Yes your highness."
"Now I blieve you can leave us O'relik I think I will be safe with Kai-ohjin he looks safe enough to be around."
"Yes your highness." The man bowed and turned and walked off. I looked down at myself and examined myself I looked just like I had always imagined myself being a warrior. The princess held out her hand and I held out my elbow just like I had always seen in movies what men did for ladies. Then we walked towards an orchard, and the princess looked up at one of the fruits on the tree they were very odd fruit compard to what I had ever seen. And then she picked it and began to eat it. She looked at me and smiled.
"They are call Bom Bom Trees they produce the sweetest fruit ever that I have tasted." She said, "I think they are the best fruit ever." She smiled again, "Wanna try?" She held the fruit out toawds me I shook my head I wasnt really hungry more worried about what my friends were doing and how they were. She shrugged her shoulders. then she sighed and sat down on a tree stump.
"Oh where is that lazy ...." she begun. Right then a sound of horse hooves clopping near by were heard, "It is about time he showed up." she said folding her arms while standing up. Then He came out except he wasnt a Man or a horse. I recognized then realized that he was a Centaur. Then it really hit A centaur ok this is trippy man. The centaur looked at me then Looked at the Princess.
"I take it O'relik was getting on your nerves and you sent for another of his rookies?" the Centaur asked. She just shook her head and chuckled then went up to him and whispered something in his ear. The Centaur just nooded and said "I see."
"So will you give our guest a tour around the kingdom for me please Karlian." She said. He just looked at her and sighed.
"Oh alright but he isnt riding on my back." The centaur said folding his arms now.
"Oh come on dont be a spoil sport Karlian I wont tell anyone and I doubt he will." She said looking at him.
"Oh alright but you owe me me lady." the centaur said then he patted his back and the princess jumped on then he motioned for me to get on to. SO I did.

Meanwhile halfway around the planet.
"Ugh my head." Arlin said rubbing his head, "What in hell happened?" He sat up and looked around his eyes growing wide.
"Well guess I aint in Kai's backyard no more?" right then the door to the room opened.
"Oh Kaizer you are ok I thought you were gonna be bed ridden for a while." a young elvin girl said. Arlin kocked his head to the side. Kaizer? he thought to himself, No couldnt be? Arlin lifted up his hands then felt his ears sure enough they themselves were pointy just like an Elf. But how? Last thing I remember I was with Kai and the rest in Kai's backyard how the hell did I actually become Kaizer?
"Kaizer are you ok?" The girl walked towards him. Arlin looked at her.
"Yah I am ok just a little confused how'd I get here?" he asked.
"Oh you are lucky if Kit'all hadnt found you I think the Ohlyisks would have gotten you." the girl said. Arlin just blinked a couple times. Ohlyisk? that was funny only Kai would have known what an Ohlyisk was since him and me were the only ones to make them up. What the hell is going on ......UNLESS Arlin gasped. Couldnt be .....but then how....We got sucked into the game!
"Kaizer are you sure you are ok?" the girl asked. Arlin Nodded. What was her name I think she is my sister she looks just like I imagined her. what was her name? Oh yah It was Kityanna.
"Sorry Kityanna I just remembered I lost my sword." Arlin lied. She just giggled.
"Dont worry the blacksmith would surly make you a new one." she said patting Arlin on the head.
"Hey just a question did you see anyone else when you found me?" Arlin asked.
"No why were you with someone when you were out there?" Kityanna said giving Arlin a sly look.
"No that wasnt what I ment.... I...."Arlin stammered his face starting to redden. Kityanna laughed.
"Are you sure cuzz you are starting to blush dear brother." She chuckled. Arlin bit his lip he wasnt bout to dare tell her the truth that he wasnt her brother and he was from another planet.

Meanwhile off on another part of the planet Ryan woke up next to a young bar maid laying nude. Which ment he.... Ryan gasped. Then got out of the bed then ran into the bathroom and splashed water on his face then looked in the mirror and stood there struck with horror.
"Thats not me." he whispered to himself," That is Relic's face but how?" Ryan rubbed his eyes then blinked a couple times then looked in the Mirror again, "No how could this be unless..." his voice trailed off and the girl in the next room roused.
"Is everything alright handsome?" she said looking at him. He just shook his head, "Well whats the matter then?"
Ryan opened his mouth as if to tell her then bit his lip,"Nevermind you wouldnt understand just go back to bed." He said. the girl just shrugged and went back to bed. Ryan walked out of the bathroom. Ok where the hell are you Kai-ohjin I need to have a word with you. Ryan thought to himself then went back and crawled into the bed and went back to sleep.
The next morning Ryan walked down the stairs. Of the Inn and walked to the bar. He walked up to the counter and Ordered Relics usuall Elvin Ale. The bartender slid him a huge mug full and then Ryan slid him some money. Then the girl came in form the back and gave him a smile. I should really get out of here and try and find the others. Ryan thought to himself. Right then a man sat down next to him the next thing ryan knew he had the mans coin pouch in his hand he quickly hide it in his tunic. s**t I totaly forgot I was theif s**t I should be more careful next time. Ryan said to himself. then he got up and left. Well I am off to find the others hi ho hi ho.

While somewhere in a dark forest Len opened his eyes. they adjusted quickly to the darkness. He looked around and then looked up to see a beautiful white haired young girl holding his head. He gasped.
"Calm down Len it is me Lucy." she said.
"You cant be lucy. You look nothing like her." Len snapped. he went to get up but fell back down he looked at his leggs to see what was the matter and found out he had more then just one set of legs he had four legs. He was Centaur. He gasped again.
"I know I was shocked to to find myself looking like this too and I am able to understand Unicorns too and use magic." She said making a beautiful light appear and dance from hand to hand then vanish.
"But how?" he asked. Standing up more cautiously of his legs.
"I think somehow we got sucked into the game." she said," You are in Temporlane's body and I am in Tertza's body."
"What do you mean by you talk to Unicorns I dont see any Unicorns?" Len asked.
"That is because they are hiding because you scared them." she said. Len scrathed his head.
"Where are the others?" Len asked.
"I dont know you were the only one I found. I was actually really scared when I saw you I wasnt sure who you were until I noticed the look on your face." she smiled she was actually joking," Actually I recognized you by the fact of you going into deep detail on Temporlanes description. I thought you yourself would have recognized me but I guess what they say about men is true they dont listen." she said joking again.
"Well I think we should go find the others." Len said looking at her seriously.
"But I cant." She said.
"Well why not of course you can." Len was becoming irritated.
"Because I am Tertza I made a vow to these Unicorns I would protect them." she said her face showing her concern. Len's face changed from anger to concern also.
"Hmm dont you have magic where you could make this Forest vanish?" he asked," Well not really vanish but dissappear so noone but us could find?"
Lucy's face showed what she was thinking. Then she stood up, "I dpnt know I will try." she said then she closed her eyes then she began to glow. Then her eyes shot open,"Yup I can." a big grin grew on her face. then it immeadiatly became grim again. Len looked at her.
"What now?" he asked.
"I almost forgot the orphan. Tertza took care of an Orphan and he is here and if we dont take him with us he will surely die." she said. Len sigh he was starting to become annoyed with her agian.
"Alright we can bring it if we must." Len said shaking his head. Lucy smiled then ran over to him and hugged him. then she called softly to the forest and a little white horse with a tiny small golden stub on it forehead came walking cautiously out of the woods. Lucy cooed to it and it came closer.
"Its alright little one he wont hurt you he is actually a teddy bear." She smiled Len gave a disgusted hmph to it which made her chuckle at his expense. then she talked to the woods again," DOnt worry my friends you are safe from all and I will be back and when I do come back this little one will be big and strong I promise." then she turned to Len, "Ready?" he nodded then patted his back.
"Hop on. unless you want to walk so we dont lose the little one?" he asked. She shook her head then jumped on his back.
"Young Unicorns are swift as wind,"She said,"But are you sure you can carry me since you knees are knew to you?"
Len shook his head,"Dont worry you arnt that heavy anyways I think I have gotten used to them." he said stamping his left foreleg.
"Alright lets go little one." then they rode off.

While in a swamp far far away Darce woke up to something licking his face. He opened his eyes and there was a donkey licking him.
"What the hell?" Darce said. The donkey just looked at him the proceeded to lick him again.
"Stop that!" Darce said pushing the donkey away. Then he gasped when he saw his green hand. Then he got up and ran to a pond and looked in and sure enough there was an Ogre starring back. Well it looked like him except he was green but he liked his eyes black with red pupil.
"No this cant be I cant be an ogre can I?" Darce said then he looked in the pond again. YUP. An ogre starring at him again,"Dude I must be Schmitz but how? Did I get sucked into the game?"
he looked over to the donkey which was grazing on a piece of thistle," That must be Cooper Schmitz donkey." Darce said to himself but aloud. Then he did his whistle that he had made up for schmitz to call his donkey just to make sure it was his donkey and not a strange donkey that shouldnt be around his swamp. And the donkey walked over to him.
"You are Cooper arnt you?" darce said patting the donkeys neck. He shrugged his shoulders,"Hmm I wounder if I am the only one. Come on cooper lets go inside the shack and have something to eat." the donkey fallowed Darce into the shack and Darce prepared a meal for them.

"Len do you even think the others got sucked in?" Lucy asked she was begining to wounder if they were the only ones. the little orphan was begining to tire and so was Len from all the traveling they did they had been traveling since daybreak and little ones tire easly and she was begining to worry for him. Len just sighed then looked back at her.
"I am pretty sure we werent the only ones to get sucked in it is a feeling. I just know they all are here." Len turned and looked around then he saw smoke," Look that looks like chimeny smoke that must be a house there we can see if we can spend the night there and then go off searching in the morning again."
Lucy just sighed,"Oh alright." THey headed off towards the direction the smoke was rising from sure enough there was a chimeny but it came from a shack. Lucy jumped off of Lens back and told the orphan unicorn to stay put then she walked over to the door and knocked.

Darce was getting ready for bed he had just set a spot out for the donkey to sleep and was getting ready to go to bed himself when htere was a knock at his door. He turned and looked at the door then there was another knock. Well looks like time for me to be a mena Ogre. Darce thought to himself. He walked over to the door and let out a huge sigh then drew in a huge breathe. Then opened the door and began to roar.
"Darce?" the young girl said dumbfoundedly. Darce stopped. Then looked at her.
"How did you know my real name?" he asked. he was very confused now. The girl giggled. Darce frowned.
"Its me Lucy thank god I thought we were the only ones to get sucked in." the girl said. then she motioned a wave to something behind her then a small unicorn came galloping over and a centaur not far behind it.
"Darce is that really you?" the centaur said. Darce just nodded,"Oh thatnk god I was beginging to wonder myself if anyone else came through." the centaur said. THe girl looked at him.
"But you said you had a gut feeling everyone came through Len!"
"I lied." the centaur smiled," Besides I didnt want to give up your hopes." THe girl flodded her arms and tapped her foot shaking her head Darce just blinked wildly not saying nothing. Lucy looked back at Darce then spoke.

"have you seen the others Darce?" she asked. Darce just shook his head. the girl sighed then looked at Darce," Well are you goona let us in or are we gonna have to sleep outside in the cold?"
"oh sorry come on in I was just bout to go to bed..." Darce looked down at the baby Unicorn, "uhm I am not sure that can come in the house I think Cooper would have a fit." Lucy looked down at the baby unicorn then glared at Darce
"That is a baby unicorn and he is a boy and to bad your donkey can put up with him." Lucy said. Darce kinda shuddered never had he heard he like this. Then he sighed.
"Alright but if we wake up tomarrow and he is dead it aint my fault." Darce said motioning them into the house,"But I am not sure where you all will sleep I only have room enough for one in this house."
"Dont worry we will find a way." Lucy said winking at Darce.

Ryan was becoming weary and tired his butt was starting to hurt from the long ride on the horses back that he had bought in the town he was last in. He had been riding for a couple days now and was really looking forward to not camping out side but in an actual bed hopefully the directions the bartender gave him were acurate cuzz he wanted to be there quickly.
"Do you have any idea how uncomfortable your back is?" Ryan asked the horse the horse just nodded and snorted as if he understood,"You are a crazy animal sometimes I wonder if you can actually understand me."
Ryan sighed as he looked ahead to see if he saw any buildings yet nope he didnt.

Kai was becoming bored the more the centaur showed him around the more anxious he became he really wanted to find his friends and this was the third day the centaur had been showing him around true Farlian was being kind and stuff it was just...
"Are you even listening to me Warrior Kai?" the centaur asked his voice showing his annoyance of the whole situation.
"Yes Karlian I have been." Kai said. the centaur snorted then proceeded showing Kai around. then he stopped at this big building that looked like a church.
"Oh yes the princess wanted to talk with you as soon as possible. SHe is inside here. Go on in I will be waiting for you when she is done." the centaur said. he went over to a bench and sat down. Kai walked into the big building and the next he knew he was pinned to the ground by guards.
"Get off of him this instant O'relik would have your boys heads for that." A feminine voice said, "Anyways I asked him here you alll should know by now that Warrior Kai is my guest Shame ON YOU!"
"Princess?" Kai asked trying to see a hand placed on his arm and helped him up then the soilders begun dusting him off.
"Yes sorry about their incompitance." the princess said.
"It's quiet alright I have a younger sister whom does the same thing... I mean jumping on me and tackling me to the ground." Kai said smiling at the princess.
"Your sister?" the princess said her head tilting to the side a little,"I havent heard you speak of your sister yet. Tell me about her."
Kai shrugged he remembered Suzie his 6 and a half year old sister whom always wanted to be like him no matter what," Well she is different then most girls she is very boyish," Kai had to stop for a moment and think of what to say about her," She told me she wanted to be a warrior just like me when she grew older she is only 6 years old."
Princess Kaylana smiled, "I always wanted a younger sibling but my mother died after I was born so that will never happen so I will be happy with my three older brothers and sister."
"Brothers? You have brothers?" Kai asked he didnt bother mentioning th esister for he had met Kaira she was kind but mostly kept to her self,"How come I have never heard of them before or even seen them?"
Pricess Kaylana laughed,"You have silly the king is my brother."
Kai looked dumbfounded,"I thought he was your father no offense but he looks old enough to be your father."
Princess Kaylana laughed again,"You arnt the first to tell me that." then Kai remembered.
"Oh yah Farlain told me you wanted to talk to me about something and you told the soldiers you had sent for me. Is there something wrong?" Kai asked consern filling his face.
The princess sighed then frowned the smile left her face and her laughter seased,"Oh I almost forgotten, Warrior Kai I ask of you will you join my army We have been hit lately with aweful lot of enemy fire and since you are a great warrior will you fight on our side?"
Kai froze he hadnt thought about it but this was exactly how he and Arlin had playe d except for the fact Arlin wasnt hear by his side.He had to join or he would be sent to the Dungions At least that was how it happened in the game,Kai nodded,"But on one condition..." right then The doors flew open and Farlain stumbled in unconsious.
"How dare he keep me from my bud." an awekward but familiar voice said,"I thought I would find you hear ....Warrior KAI!" the voice began to laugh Kai turned and saw anelf standing there Could it possibly be? Kai thought to himself
"Arlin?" th ewords left his mouth without thought.
"Gaurds seease him at once!"The pincess ordered.
"No wait!" KAi shouted then ran infront of the elf,"He is my friend I am sorry he alarmed you but I think he was searching for me."
Arlin nodded,"Sorry I shouldnt have been so rude but it wa san emergency and I was lucky to even find Kai."
the princess now was officially confused It was the elves in which her kingdom was waring with. Kai noticed the look on his face and decided to catch her attention.
"The one condition is that I may find my friends and they will be welcomed here." kai said the princesses jaw dropped
"But he is an Elf!" the princess objected. Then Kai and Arlin looked at eachother.Then they remembered the humans and the elves were at war and their party were the ones to end the war. Kai nodded.
"Yes true he is an Elf but a friendly elf I was raised with this elf his family took me and my sister in when My parents died."
the princess looked at him funny,"But you are not from here you are from the planet earth or did you lie to me and make that all up?" the princess said. Kai shook his head.
"No I did not lie I am from earth and I was raised by ...Kaizers Family It is just it was long ago an I went back to earth thus is why I remember Kaizer." Kai fibbed.
"Tis true me lady." Arlin said
"How can I trust the word of an Elf when they have destroyed my kingdoms farm land?" the princess said just by the look on her face Kai could tell she was afriad for her life.
"Because Princess His word is as good as mine any ways hes clan of elves live far from here I am shocked that he is even here since how many days it has been." Kai said. Arlin looked at Kai
"I used Gilliano, My sister Kityanna's charak." Arlin said rocking on his heals.
"Ah that would be a good reason right princess since you say your charak is fast. Am I right?" the princess nodded. THen she got her nerv up.
"For your condition you must tell me atleast in cordiousness what Species they are." she said. Kai looked at Arlin and Arlin nodded the both could only guess. so Kai sighed.
"If my memory serves me right they are an Ogre, A Unimagi, a Telik and a centaur and I am pretty sure you will havenothing against them for they are just as good of a person as me." hten he looked at the princess he face struck with horror. Oh great what now which one is she gonna have a problem over?, "What is the matter princess?"
"Did you say Ogre?" Kai nodded, and the princesses face ashened. "Ogres eat humans."
"Not Schmitz he is a Kind Ogre he might roar from time to time but that is it other then that he is a nice fellow and he doesnt eat people he prefers rabbit stew and field rats....and fish eyes. Speaking of Schmitz have you seen them?" Kai asked looking at Arlin Arlin shook his head.
"I thought they were with you." Kai sighed. and looked at the princess.
"You want strong warriors on your sid trust me on this if you allow me to find my friends and allow them to join they will fight on your side and your kingdom will be glorious as glorious as before the Elves attacked and maybe even better." kai said. The princess looked at him the soldiers still ready to pounce on Arlin she sighed and looked at the soldiers and shook her head at them and htey eased up a little then she looked back at Kai.
"You promise they will become loyal to my kingdom and will help save it and not destroy it?" Kai put his arm up.
"I swear on everything sacred to me ... I swear on my sword." Arlin gasped. For Kai swearing on his sword was indeed everything sacred to him Kai always wanted a sword. the princess took thought on that then nodded.
"But I have one question Warrior Kai WHy do you care so much for your friends when most of them could kill you?"
kai had to chuckle on that one,"It is quite simple Princess It is called trust."
All of a sudden Farlain Shot up ready to fight Arlin. the princess put her hand on his arm and shook her head. The centaur looked at her confused.but eased up none the less

"Thanx Darce for letting him stay inside he would have froze to death." lucy said Kissing Darce on the Cheek Darce looked at Len to make sure he wasnt going to get punched or something but Len was busy petting the little Unicorn gently behind its small bump. Darce gave a sigh of relief.
"So Are we going to be leaving?" Len asked. Darce opened his mouth but shut it quickly.
"Whats the matter Darce?" Lucy asked she noticed the look on Darces face was full of concern.
"Well I didnt want to say anything but I doubt I can go anywhere with you guys since ...Look at me I am an Ogre." Darce said pointing to his face. Lucy grinned then waved her hand and a cloak appeared.
"Just wear this and no one will notice you will look like your oldself except your eyes will still be the same." She kinda grimaced," Hey I aint perfect you know."
Darce sighed then put the cloak on. THen he walked over to a shattered mirrior he had hung up and looked at himself,"Hmm not bad.... Hey Len since Lucy brought a little friend can I bring Cooper he would feel real bad if I left him alone."
Len gave a glare at Lucy then sighed,"Whatever just keep it out of my face and everything will be fine." THen he walked out of the shack.
"Whats been eating him?"Darce asked turning around. sure enough the cloak worked he looked normal except for the eyes. Lucy shrugged.
"Dunno maybe he wants to figure out why Kai brought us here where ever hear is."
Then she fallowed Len out of the Shack. Darce jumped onto Coopers back and took off after her and Len Len wasnt far a head and Lucy jumped onto his back and whistled soon the little unicorn came troting after her. Then they were on their way.

Kai brought Arlin into his room that the princess gave him earlier that week.
"I totally forgot that this kingdom didnt like elves. Maybe I shouldnt have come after all." Arlin said.
"Not really I was glad to see you I was sick with worry bout all of you guys I wish I knew where the others were." Kai sighed. Then he thought of the others hoping they were their fav characters and he would recognize them. Lucy, Len, Darce, and Ryan if only he knew where they were. Arlin put his hand on Kai's shoulder.
"Dun worry we'll find them if not they will find us.... hopefully I dun get treated badly here just cuzz I am Kaizer." Arlin smiled. Which made Kai laugh alittle,"Do you think they got some good chow on Kettle right now I am vamished I havent eaten since this morning."
That made Kai laugh even harder.
"Dunno wanna go check?" Kai asked Arlin shook his head.
"Not really." He said pointing to his ears.
"Ah." Kai said then he ran to his closet and pulled out a bandana and put it on Arlin,"There now no one in the kitchen will notice." he smiled At least I hope they wont notice kai thought to himself.
Then Kai and Arlin headed down to the Kitchen. Kai walked in and everyone glared at him. Ok what is the problem do they all know that Arlin is an elf and they have to be nice to him or something and they are mad at me for it? Kai shuddered then went over to the head chef.
"Whats cooking Gretchen?" Kai asked politly.
"None of yur bin'us go back to your room and something be sent to you. I may have to feed and Elf and an Elf lover but I aint got to watch them eat my food!" that chubby lady said then told them to scat. Arlin patted Kai on the shoulder thennodded towards the door. Kai sighed. THis was gonna be harder then he thought.

Ryan was becoming bored now he had been on horse back all day and still no sign of the town or city or which ever it was that was supposed to be near by. he finally looked back and pulled some jerky out of a nap sack on the back of his saddle and began to chew on it then he looked up and the jerky fell from his lips finally he saw buildings. He patted the horses neck and moved it into a trot then into a gallop and took off towards the city.
"Yes good boy pretty soon you will camping in a nice stable and pretty soon I will be camping in an actual bed yahoo."

Pretty soon Ryan pulled up to the city gates and a guard climbed down from the tower. He walked over to Ryan and began looking him over.
"Name?" the soldier asked.
"Good day to you kind sir can you tell me where I am?" Ryan asked he was eager to see if this was the city he had been searching for for days.
"Name first!" The soldier said. Ryan thought. I think I should go by Relic not my real name.
"Relic kind sir and now may I know the name of this beautiful city.?" Ryan was trying to be very polite and not trying to tick the soldier off.
"You are at the gates of Taloosha. And you are Telik correct?" The soldier asked Ryan nodded,"Hmm interesting what is your totem just a question?"
Ryan stopped and had to think Oh what the hell were Relics totems i know there were more then one uhm oh yeah he had the ohlyisk and the banairn and the raven and crow and......,"I have five I am the outcast for that too."Ryan began,"I have the claw mark of an Ohlyisk so thus one is the ohlyisk."Ryan said showing the Soldier his eye scars.
"Ah so you are a great warrior." the soldier laughed.
"Not just I also have the scar of the banairn. Which stands for future tribe cheif ok well then comes the Raven which stands for a dark one yes a dark one I am supposedly evil." Ryan showed the soldier first his chest scar then his shoulder scar of the raven the soldier blinked. Ryan waved his hands and made an oooooo sound like he was evil. "and not only am I dark but I also have the scars of both Crow and Racoon but I am not gonna get into detail." Ryan showed the soldier his thigh then his other shoulder.
THe soldier stared blankly then his companion climbed down and elbowed him then the soldier coghed and corrected his face,"Oh yes the princess asked me to ask any Telik I see If they know a Warrior named Kai?"
Right when the soldier said Kai Ryans jaw dropped, He nodded. "Sandy blondish hair and Deep blue eyes handy with a sword?" Ryan asked. the soldier shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
"I guess ."The soldier said. Ryan frowned this soldier knew Kai's name but didnt know what he looked like."You may enter and go to the the orchard Kai is training there with his,"The soldier paused then shuddered as if he was disgusted,"His elven friend I canr't believe the princess let that Elf into our town can you?" the soldier was looking straight at Ryan Ryan didnt understand what was wrong with elves but he didnt want the soldier to think he was odd.
"Oh yes I cant stand elves they think they are perfect."Ryan said. Hte soldier nodded and patted Ryans horse.
"Yes indeed Hey there is the soldiers stable you can put your steed up there Just tell the guard standing in front that A'risk said so." the soldier said. Ryan smiled.
"I'll do that." then the soldier waved his hand and the gates opened.
"There you go go on in." the soldier said patting Ryans leg a little then proceeded up the ladder he climb down. Ryan trotted his horse into the city and looked around for a stable with a guard in front of it. Finalyy after a couple of minutes of searching he found one the Guard walked up to him.
"Sorry this is the soldier stable only soldiers horses are aloud in here." The guard said. Ryan nodded.
"I know but a fellow by the name of A'risk said I could." th eguard just stared at him blankly then looked around and the motioned Ryan into the barn.
"Alright you can put your steed up in here just dont go around blabbing it ok Rarely will we allow commeners to stable their horses here but I guess A'risk really liked you so hurry up before O'relik sees you." Ryan didnt know who O'relik was but he was sure he wasnt a nice fellow. Ryan nodded and got off his horse and put it in a stall. and patted the horse and took its saddle off, "By the way dont worry bout watering him and brushing him down I will do that for you." the guard said then he winked at Ryan. Ryan shrugged then walked out.
"Thanx alot." Ryan said the soldier just nodded. then ryan headed toward an inn. Then he walked in and ordered some Ale. the bartender slide him a glass,"He bartender I got a question which way is the orchard?" Ryan asked. th ebartender looked at him.
"Near the castle." was all the bartender said.Ryan picked up his glass and went over to a table and drank his ale.Some help he was. Ryan thought to himself.He flipped a coin at the bartender set his cup down on the bar and walked out then looked around to see where the castle was the he noticed a big tree covered area. Bet that is the orchard.Ryan walked towards the direction.
Finally it took Ryan half an hour to get to the Orchard but he made it. He sat down under a tree and rested under the shade of it. Then he heard some talking.
"Hey come on man you fight like my little sister show me how you really use a sword." a very familiar voice said.
"Oh give me a break Kaizer is a bow and arrow user not a sword fighter." another voice said it kinda seemed familiar but not really. Wait did that guy just say Kaizer? Kaizer as in Kaizer the elf as in Arlins Kaizer? Ryan thought to himself. He got up and walked to the comotion. He finally got there and the to guys saw him and stopped fighting the Elf became awefully quiet.
"Hello." the one guy said.
"Kai?" Ryan said. The guy nodded.
"Yes I am Kai. Is there something wrong?" Ryan laughed.
"Thank god I found you. Arlin?" Ryan said then he looked at the elf. the elf nodded.
"How did you know my real name?" The elf said.
"duh hello useually I dont have pointy ears and I am hear for the same reason I got sucked into the game and I am relic not me."Ryan said.
"Ryan?" Both guys said at the same time. Ryan nodded
"Thank god."Arlin said,"I thought you were some crazy psycho or something." Ryan laughed.
"Wanna train with us?" Kai asked. Ryan shrugged his shoulders.
"Why not." He pulled his sword out of its sheath and joined in.

It was becoming night fall and Len's legs were tireing and he knew so were the baby unicorn and Darce's donkeys. He sighed then stopped.
"We camp here tonight I will do first watch we will be fine and then Darce will be second watch. As soon a the sun comes up We are off if we make good time maybe we will reach that city that old man we saw way back was talking bout by tomarrow night." He said. Lucy and darce just nodded. Darce got off the donkeys back and pushed him away to set him off grazeing. Lucy jumped off Lens back the went over to the baby unicorn and petted him. Then she went over to Len and pulled off the camping suply she conjured up the previous night. Then she set up camp.
Len did first watch until he grew awefully tired then he went over to Darce and nudged him awake then he went to bed. Then darce did his watch. then when he grew tired he went over and woke Lucy up. then when day bropke she woke everyone up and she paked everthing up and they were off again. But to Len's amazement the city was just out of site for them to have seen the lights the night before they galloped up to the gates. And the guards looked them over. Then let them in but before Len could enter the soldier went up to Him.
"Do you know a Warrior named Kai?" the soldier asked. Lens bit his lip was this a prank. But Lucy broke his silence.
"Yes we do is he here we have been searching for him." she said. Len turned around and glared at her.
"Good he is in the Inn with his other friends." the guard shuddered.
"Thank you kindly sir." Lucy said the soldier nodded and let them in. They walked over to the inn Lucy turned and Looked at the baby Unicorn,"You stay here I will be right back."
"You too!" darce said looking at Cooper. then he put a sign on cooper that Said 'Dont touch or you will be eaten.' Lucy looked at the sign and laughed. THey walked in and siting in a ramote area was a man, an elf and a telik both talking and the man looked awefully familiar.
"Kai?" Lucy said then ran over and hugged the man the man looked at her blankly.
"Lucy?" the man said. She nodded
"and this is Darce and Len." She said pointing at Darce and a Centaur. Kai looked at Darce funny.
"You telling me other then myself you came through looking like yourself?" Kai asked. Darce shook his head.
"Cloak. It is so the locals wont freak." Darce said. Kai laughed and then whispered to Darce.
"So you did come over as an Ogre?" Darce nodded.then Len walked over to Kai. and then Punched him. Lucy, Arlin, Ryan and darce along with Kai looked at Len with shock.
"What the hell was that for?" Kai asked.
"That was for scaring me." Len said. Right then another Centaur came running and saw Len then stopped and walked over to Kai all proud like he was better then Len.
"Warrior Kai the princess needs to see you PRIVATLY." The centaur said.
"Alright Farlain."Kai siad then he got up looking at len and walked out along with Farlain. Ryan motioned the others to join then and so they did.
Kai got to the Princesses study chamber then walked in.
"You wanted to see me Princess?" Kai said. She looked up from a letter she was reading he face was horror struck.
"Yes warrior Kai will you do me a huge favor?" Kai looked at her then Smiled.
"sure anything what is it?"
The pricess looked at him then smiled back,"You have heard of a Draklord right?" she asked. Kai shook his head. The princess sighed then walked over to one of her book cases and pulled a book out,"Here study this and what I want you to do is go to Aberdine city and save the Draklord they got captured there. That is after you read up on a Draklord cuzz I dont want you terrified when you go there and find out what they are. the report back to me when you are done the I will have O'relik help you get ready. there can only be one person to go with you and I want that to be O'relik your friends will be alright here I will make sure of it please hurry." Kai nodded and took the book with him as he left.

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