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Behind these Blue eyes
Part 2 of my story
Kai had finally read up on Draklords and was on his way to tell the princess he was ready he told his friends to go hang in his room till he got back. For in fear of the house hold being as rude to them just as they have been to Arlin. He finally got to the princesses chambers. He knocked.
"Enter." her voice said. So he did. When he entered O'relik was sitting there in her room as if he and the princess were haveing a conversation that had been interupted. Which Kai probably did interupt them,"Yes?" She said looking at him. Kai cleared his throat and handed her book back.
"I am ready to leave." He said. the princess smiled
"Very well. Ok O'relik time for you and Warrior Kai to be off now." She gave O'relik a kiss on the cheek and O'relik left with an arm around kai.
"Lets go suit our selves up shall we?" O'relik Smiled.

They suited up Kai-ohjin the armor hung heavy on his shoulders.
"So you understand what you must do It isnt right for one to treat a draklord like a slave they are the wisest creatures on this planet and they are sacred to most cultures." O'ralik said his scared eye twinkling with hope.
"Yes I understand I must save the draklord and not harm it...but...by chance what if the draklord is male shouldnt one of the female soldiers be sent in?"Kai asked. Remembering what the book had said about if one saves a draklord the one whom saves the draklord and the draklord itself are bonded for life as mating partners.
"I highly doubt it it is only the females that get caught never has a male been caught before." O'ralik smiled and patted Kai on his armored arm,"So as your friend Relic says Fohgeddaboudit!" Kai couldnt help but laugh at the man trying to say Ryan's famous phrase Forget About it. *What do you expect from someone from Brooklyn.*
Finally they had arrived at the city of Aberdine and it was true there were tons of soldiers there for the protection of their captive.
"So we head in chop people up and save this draklord right?"Kai asked in a whisper as they passed through the gates. O'relik shook his head.
"There is no we when it comes to freeing the draklord. there is only you!" O'relik whispered. Kai froze he did not plan to become attached to the draklord. So he just sighed really hard and shook his head. Nothing like someone forcing a relationship on you right? kai thought to himself.
They passed a couple of buildings but when they finally got near a stable they put their horses up for the night there then they proceeded on through the city looking for the most heavily guarded building. Finally they found it O'relik pulled Kai into an ally way.
"We will wait here till night I will help kill the men off but you are on your own after that." he said. Kai nodded. Then he sat down and leaned his head up against the wall of the ally. THen he fell asleep.
Next thing Kai knew was he was being nudge by O'relik.
"Come On Warrior Kai wake up. It is time." he said. Kai nodded and got up then drew his sword out.
"Lets go." Kai said patting O'relik on the shoulder. THen jogged out of the ally way towards the building. He ran up behind a soldier and slit his neck. O'relik fallowed. They didnt want to make to much noise so they prefered to sneak and kill. then they headed inside and by passed some soldiers then if some wouldnt leave they dispearsed of them. Finally they reached an area full of soldiers O'relik grabbed Kai's shoulder.
"You go on I will take care of these guys then you meet me back at the stable with the draklord understood." O'relik whispered. Kai looked at him funny.
"How can I get the draklord back to the stable without anyone noticing its hugeness?" Kai asked. O'relik smacked him upside the head.
"You idiot I thought you said you read the book?" O'relik whispered.
"I did read the book." Kai objected. rubbing the back of his head.
"A draklord can transform human."
"Oh yah." Kai said. then he ran for the door O'relik right on his tail then O'relik turned and began attacking soldiers.Kai ran through the door and into a huge chamber and there in the middle was a huge dragon chained to the ground from head to toes it's wings chained to its back. It roared very loadly then looked at Kai like he was it's next meal. Kai gulped.
"Easy girl." He said. then he heard in the back of his mind.
Excuse me but I am not a girl thank you very much! The dragon pulled its head back and roared. I really do not appreaciated insults. Kai looked at the massive creature. great O'relik is finally wrong it is a male.Kai thought to himself.
"Well sorry I was just told that... Nevermind I can worry bout that later I should really get you out of those chains. The dragon cocked its head to the side.
You are rescueing me? but you are male. I am supposed to be rescued by a female. the big creature said.
"Yah well the princess would have came but everyone said a maled draklord has never been caught." Kai said as he broke the first chain off around the dragons front leg then he worked his way towards the next one. The dragon lowered its head its huge eyes fixcated on Kai.
Finally Kai managed to get all the chains off.
"So you can transform human right or is it just the females?" Kai asked. The dragon looked annoyed then a huge blueish light appeared and next thing Kai knew was he was looking at a Handsome yet very naked man. To Kai's amazement the man was his own age. Kai begun to choked on his spit and took off his cloak.
"Here wear this. please." He said handing the man his cloak. The man cocked his head to the side and took the cloak and put it on,"Come on." Kai said grabbing the mans arm then drug him over to a window then he took out a rope then tied his sword to one end and the other end to a statue in the room then he swung his sword out of the window and snagged it on a couple houses over then he ripped a piece of long cloth off of his tunic he was wearing. then swung the cloth onto the rope then he grabbed the man then took off toward the house swinging down the rope. Finally the man spoke.
"Are you sure this is even safe?" the man asked. Kai just stared at him blankly as they landed on the house
"You speak with your mouth?" Kai asked. THe man nodded.
"all draklords can when we are in our humanoid form." the man said. Kai shook his head then untied his sword from the rope then put it in its hilt.
"Come on lets go." Kai said then they ran off towards the stable.
"Where are we going?" THe man asked.
"The stable our horses are waiting there." Kai said then he noticed the look on your face," We didnt want anyone to notice a huge dragon flying out of the city and anyways O'relik said he didnt want you to feel burdend with us on his back."
The man looked at Kia funny. thne he said."You are different from the most humans I see why is that?"
Kai looked at him.
"I dont know what you are talking about?" Kai said as they reached the stable. There inside was O'relik with their two horses,"I thought a male has never been caught?" Kai siad with a grin on his face looking at O'relik then O'relik noticed the man Kai brought into the room. His jaw opened and his eyes widened. th eman looked at O'relik. then looked at Kai.
"You are definatly different then any human I have seen." the man said looking at Kai. Kai shuddered.
"Are we ready to go?" Kai asked O'relik. O'relik nodded. then O'relik jumped on his Horse then rode out. Then Kai jumped on his horse then pulled the man up onto his horse then they rode out very quickly.

Finally they reached the castle and O'relik ran into the princesses room.
"We have a problem Princess." O'relik said. The princess looked at him with horror.
"Kai failed?"
"No Princess I didnt fail."Kai said walking into the room Fallowed by the man dressed in nothing but Kai's cloak.
"It wasnt a female Draklord your highness." O'relik said. the man looked at O'relik with disgust.
"Is there something extreamly wrong with me being male?" the man said. the princess looked at the man.
"Oh I see now you fear for your Warrior am I right?" the man said,"You think I will kill him. Well do not fear just because a male saved me it will be ok it will work its way out."
Just then Arlin came running into the room,"Sorry I dun mean to barg but I had to......Hello gorgious."Arlin said. Kai begun to laugh he had forgotten about Arlins sexuality. The princess looked at Arlin oddly. Which made Kai laugh even harder. Arlin looked at him then back at the man.
"Wazzo funny?" Arlin asked.
"The look on everyones face right now. the princess with her look of disgust. O'relik with his look of Horror Yours Mine and his." Kai said gasping for air. THe man looked at Kai with horror of him dieing. Kai fell to his knees from laughing.
"Are you alright?" The man asked. Arlin looked at the man again.
"He will be fine sometimes he laughs so hard he passes out." Arlin said helping Kai back to his feet,"I didnt catch your name I am Kaizer." Arlin said holding out his hand. the man shook his hand.
"I am Arnarick."The man said. Then Arlin heard in the back of his mind. Your name is actually Arlin not Kaizer and you are really not an Elf you are like Kai arent you? the voice was the same as the mans. Arlin just nodded.
"Ok I am better." said then he looked at the princess then at O'relik then begun to chuckle," I take it you dont see men men relationships here huh?" The princess and O'relik at the same time shook their heads Kai kinda stopped chuckleing well tried anyways. Arlin took a deep breath and shook his head.
"It is called 'Gay' I am Gay meaning not happy but I like men. Kai on the other hand is bi or formally know as Bisexual He likes men and women." Arlin said with a huge grin knowing he had totally stop Kai's laughter and Kai became bright red then gave Arlin a very evil glare. Arlins grin grew larger. The princess looked at Kai along with O'relik then O'relik got a grin. Then he walked over to Kai and whispered.
"Well looks like you'll have no problem with your new draklord mate." kai just glared at him. Arnarick just looked at kai then said with his known telepathy.
You are not comfortable with your sexuality are you? Kai glared at him then his head sunk.
"I am such a grand guinie pig arent I?" he said. Arlin started to giggle but the others got a confused look on their face. Kai just shook his head and said,"Test object. See what makes me tick... Nevermind I am going to my room. You wanted me to save him my job is done so excuse me please." Kai bowed to the princess then left the room. then he headed to his room he opend the door and saw all his friends, "Can you all leave please?"
Lucy looked at him oddly and nodded the others fallowed her out. Then Kai plopped down on his bed.
Meanwhile in the princesses room. Arlin scratched his head. Then grinned.
"I really know what makes him tick."
"Why is that so funny?" Arnarick asked. Arlin shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess it is the situation I was raised in hehe." Arlin chuckled,"Well if you all will excuse me I will leave to my room." he bowed for the princess then winked at Arnarick then left ot his room. While back in Kai's room He finally sat up. He gave a deep sigh and threw his pillow across the room. Then he heard the same voice in the back of his mind.
Why are you so angry? Arnarick asked Kai sighed then said back to Arnarick. Just leave me alone Arnarick I just want to be left alone right Know please just leave me alone. Kai felt a mental nod from Arnaric which made him sigh again. He couldnt help it he wanted to be left alone so he could struggle silently with his confusion. Yes it was true he was bisexual but very uncomfortable with it for fear of someone other then his friends finding out. More like his mother or his stepfather. Kai shuddered the worst of it would be if his stepfather found out cuzz his stepfather was Anti-gay and everything in between. Kai sighed once more. then he flopped back down face first into the bed then begun to weep.
Hours later Kai was startled awake by a knock at his door. He picked up one of his boots and threw it at the door.
"Go away!" he shouted,"I dont want to be disturbed I want to Sleep so go away!"
"...But Kai-ohjin I um." It was Arnarick. the one whom has made the problem more complicated. Kai's voice become more tender.
"Please Arnarick I beg of you please go away."
Arnarick sighed. then he spoke once more.
"Please I understand Kai-ohjin I am confusedabout this too. Please just let me come in."
Kai couldnt help it he just couldnt stand the tenderness behind Arnaricks voice.
"Alright you may enter." He said with a sigh. Arnarick opened the door slightly and looked at Kai. Kai nodded and Arnarick entered. Kai looked down at his feet and shook his head,"It really isnt your fault Arnarick. I was right for once it would have been easirer on you if we would have snt in one of the female soldiers."
Arnarick came over he finally had normal clothing, well as normal of ldthings happen and trust me this had to be fate to change our world somehow." Arnarick said then he took his arm away from kai shoulder, "I am sorry that was very inappropriate of me to do." Kai shook his head.
"The last person to actually do that to me was Arlin when he tried asking me out It doesnt matter if you do it." Kai said while his mind deep deep down where arnarick couldnt read was saying, But it felt nice I truely care about him I just dont know what I want this is all so confusing for me.
Arnarick sighed then got up off the bed,"I am only three doors down from you if you ever want to talk I will be there." then he walked over to the door opened it and walked out closing the door behind him. Kai sighed then went face first into his bed like he did before and went back to sleep.
That night Kai woke up in a cold sweat he must of screamed cuzz there was pounding on his door all the voices were muffled and jumbled together and it confused kai next thing he knew the door bursted open and arnarick was the first in thte room infact he was the one whom bursted the door open.
"Are you alright Kai-ohjin?" Arnarick asked.
"Hey Kai whats the matter we all heard you scream are you ok?" Arlin asked. Kai sat up and shook his head.
"I am sorry you guys I didnt mean to scare you I dont even remember dreaming sorry If I woke you all up." Kai siad wiping the sweat from his forehead. Then he looked up at Arnarick his face full of horror of Kai being harmed. SO Kai smiled,"I take it from your look Draklords dont have bad dreams?"
Arnarick looked at him with confusion,"We do have nightmares but not as intense as yours seem to be."
Kai couldnt help but laugh,"Honestly I dont even know what the dream was even about."
Arlin looked at kai then bit his lip then he finally said," So your sure your alright cuzz if so I think we all would like to get back to our own dreams." Kai just laughed then waved them away. All five of his friends walked out the door yawning and moaning about being woken up and went back to their rooms and went back to sleep. While Arnarick stayed.
"I think I will stay here just incase." Arnarick said. Kai nodded.
"Go ahead I am going out to get some fresh air." he said grabbing up his cloak and walked out of the room silently. He walked out to the harbor all the ships lights were out and everyone in the kingdom was asleep except for him,"I really wounder what I was dreaming that could have been so horrible to have woken me up like that never has that happened before." Kai scratched his head then he looked up at the two moons which left the sky brighter then home. Home, He missed his mother and Suzie he could do with out his Stepfather Greg. Yeah sometimes he made up for the fact that he had no father at home and he helped bring Suzie into the world but other then that Kai could ofdone without him. He also missed his dog and his cat and even Suzies rat Ichan. Kai sighed he was becoming Home sick then he heard something behind him. He quickly drew his sword and had it straight at the person behind hims throat then when he realized it was just Arnarick he put the sword away.
"Sorry about that I just am a little jumpy right now." Kai said.
"I dont blame you with a dream that terrible." Arnarick said. Kai cocked an eye brow.
"You know what I dremt?" Kai asked. Arnarick nodded, "Well what was it about I cant remember."
Arnarick shook his head,"It would terrify you again."
Kia shook his head,"Come on I cant have had a dream that bad please tell me I am curious."
Arnarick sighed then nodded,"Alright but if you scream again I might have to smack you." Arnarick said giving a smile Kai nodded in agreement. then arnarick began,"Well it delt with you being a small boy about your sisters age..."
"Wait how do you know how old my sister is?" Kai asked.
"the same reason I know that your not from around here and neither is Arlin,Lucy,Ryan,Darce,or Len."
Kai's eyes grew large oh yeah he can read minds.
"Yes I do read minds any ways you were a young boy about your sisters age. and yet there were two of you and you got seperated from your otherself and your parents are argueing and you are crying then your father beats your mother then walks off with your otherself. Then your dream becomes around how old you are now maybe you are a little older and your stepfather finds out about you likeing guys and he starts to beat you..... I can interpret your dream into meaning you hate violence yet you dont mind being violent to other people you just hate it being projected at you. But what I dont understand is how there can be two of you." Arnarick said. Kai nodded in agreement.
"I dont get it either." Kai said," But really what i dont get is why it made me scream." Kai said. Arnarick nodded.
"Well there was a part of your dream which i didnt catch." Arnarick said. Kai sighed. Then Arnarick looked at Kai then gave him a look,"You look like yo ucould stand it."
Kai looked at him and cocked his eyebrow again. "Stand what?"
Right when Kai asked Arnarick begun to take off his clothes Kai turned red and turned around,"What the hell are you doing man?"
All of a sudden Kai begun to hear skin tearing and he quickly turned around to see Arnarick growing larger growing wings and his eyes were changing and growing larger then it hit kai Arnarick was transforming. When Arnarick was done he lowered his head to kais level. Then he nudged Kai onto his back then he took off into the air. Kai grabbed onto whatever he could one of the spikes down Arnaricks back was the closest he could grab. After the shock of fear wore off Kai begun to smile and enjoy the veiw and losened his grip on the dragons spike.
Finally Kai grew tired and accidently fell asleep on Arnaricks back and Arnarick went into a dive towards water to skim the top of the water. Kai woke straight back up from the dive and vowed never to fall asleep on a dragons back again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Week Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Okay heres how you do it" Arlin begun," First you think real hard on what you are wishing for then you jump and wish harder on your wish and when you hit the water if you survive your wish'll come true."
"IF?" Ryan asked his ears twitching. My insides clenched great the only way our wish'll come true is if we live through this jump, "Why IF? How would we die what is the danger with water?"
"Really Arlin Ryan has a point whats the matter with the water?" I had to ask.
"Well.....SHARP............JAGGED......ROCKS....That is the prob with jumping off of a cliff."Arlin begun to grin I hated it when he got those grins
"Great we're all gonna die....And what happens if we dun jump off the cliff?" Darce said his green face becoming glum. He knew he couldnt swim.
"Well it doesnt count with you Darce since Ogres dun swim but if the rest dont then they will be pushed off" Arlin's grin got bigger and Darce sighed a relief,"Well who wants to go first?"
"I guess I will."Ryan said then ran and jumped off
"oooooooook who next?" Arlins grin grew a couple more inches. Len shrugged then jumped off.
"I dun wanna jump water and hights scare me.." Lucy said it was true Unimagis hated hights.
"you dun have to Lucy it's ok Ladys dun have to just go hang out with the princess."Arlin bowed His long blonde elvin hair flopping in his face. Lucy just gave a nervous smile and turned and walked off. Then Arlin looked straight at me."You ready?" I just nodded then I ran and jumped then I thought deeply please let him be mine please let him be mine I wish he will be mine please let him be mine then I hit the water it stung for a bit then I managed to make my way to the surface then I got drug back down by something falling on top of me. It moved and I swam my hardest to get to the surface again. Then I heard Arlin screaming
"Oh my god I just hit something!"
"Yah it was me" I said wiping the water from my eyes.
"Oh dude I am so sorry." His face white from horror of drowning someone including his best friend.
"okay now that we all survived the fake sharp jagged rocks what now Arlin?" Len said Arlin just smiled
"well normally they have Sharp jagged pointy rocks." I just laughed

Princess Kaylana spotted Arnarick standing on the pier leaning against the railing. His silvery blueish white hair blowing in the soft ocean air.
"Something troubling you young Draklord?" she asked Arnarick just chuckled.
"Yes I guess somewhat it is bothering me."
"Anyway I could help?" Her semi curly strawberry blonde hair blowing a little in the wind.
"Yes why are young human males so odd? especially those ones?" He said looking at Kai-ohjin and his friends," They arent like the other young human males around your kingdom."
Princess Kaylana chuckled a little, "They are different then my soldiers and the other young males around my kingdom because they arent from around here they came from the out world."
"the OUT world?" Arnarick tilted his head,"You mean beyond the third sun?"
The princess nodded. Arnarick turned his thoughts back to the boys and began watching them again.Then he sighed and shook his head.
"They are bursting. And the young leader there is really bursting." He shook his head again, "And boy is he loud."
"bursting? I dont understand?"
"I mean his thoughts are loud and full he has many thoughts ...the rest are just full but not as full as his. Really it is hard and very complicated to explain. You would have to be born a draklord to truely understand."
"Thats right draklords are telepaths. I almost forgot." Princess Kaylana smiled, "I have a question."
Arnarick just turned and looked at her, "Yes?"
"Is it true what I have heard about draklords when one is caputered the one whom free's the draklord is forever the one on whom the Draklord listens to and mates with?"
Arnarick looked out at the boys Splashing eachother and laughing. Then he nodded, "Yes it is true..." He sighed
"Then this must be very awekward for you huh? Since the one whom saved you was Kai. Am I right does it still apply if both the draklord and the one whom saved the draklord are both males?"
Arnarick sighed again,"Honestly I dont know how that would work out but what I do know is that I will honor the draklord code forever even if I dont understand it most the time."

The next week Kai begun getting closer to Arnarick his feelings blooming and his worry of his stepfather's anger growing farther away. Arlin begun to even notice the change and he begun liking it.
"Hey Kai I noticed you have been hanging more and more with Arnarick then you used to." Arlin Smiled. Kai just looked at him and rolled his eyes and shook his head. He too noticed it but still didnt want to show it.
"He is like you Arlin just a friend and that is all." Kai said even though he knew Arnarick was more to him then his best friend. Kai thought for a bit. then he heard that voice he had come accoustumed to.
Just a friend that's all I would of thought I ment more to you then just a friend? The voice said. Kai looked around and noticed down on the docks was Arnarick starring at him with a half grin on his face. Kai looked at him and gave a chuckle. Arlin himself noticed Kai's look and begun to laugh.
"Sure only friends eh? And I guess that makes me a monkeys uncle too hahahaha." Arlin laughed and it was true for Arlin had no siblings so If Kai didn't like Arnarick that way then he had to have a brother or sister out there. Which indeed he hadnt. Kai looked at arlin and glared he too knew it was true but he was still a little scared to admit it. He only wished he had the confident that Arlin had with his sexuality.
You know well enough Arnarick how I feel. Kai touched his chest and looked at Arnarick. Arnaricks grin grew a little then Kai smiled. Arlin looked at both of then and laughed even harder.
"Hey Kai I am gonna go I promised..... Ryan ....We'd....... practice............ fencing...... " Arlin managed to say between chuckles. Kai just glared at him then rolled his eyes and laughed too. arlin then walked off chuckling and Kai walked down to the docks where Arnarick was standing and he grinned for he did have massive feelings for the draklord he just wasnt sure how to show him. He had many girlfriends back home butnever had he the nerve to ever try out his feelings on a man let alone aman not of his species. He then just stood there and laughed. Arnarick just cocked an eye brow and looked at Kai.
"Are you alright?" the draklord asked. Kai just nodded. Then Arnarick looked at Kai and sighed,"By the way the princess wants us to potrol tonight the elves have been more and more trouble they have even gotten Arishalan to join them."
Kai just tilted his head and cocked an eyebrow,"Who or what is Arishalan?" he asked. Arnarick's eyes just grew wide.
"You have never heard of Arishalan?" Arnarick gasped. Kai just nodded, "Arishalan is the greatest sorcerer ever yet he is the most evilest one too. He would stop at nothing to destroy any good in this world." Arnarick said his eyes dropped to the water and he sighed,"My father once tried to take on Arishalan. I never saw my father again after that. He also destroyed my village to gain the control of the Drakon Orb." arnarick said. then he shook his head. KAi looked at him he had to ask.
"drakon Orb? did he manage to get it?"
Arnarick shook his head,"he will never be able to get the drakon orb and that is because....."
Kai's eyes grew wide,"He cantget it because you are the drakon orb am I right?" Arnarick looked at him with his deep silverish lavender eyes then nodded. Kai gasped,"But how I thought.."
"When our village was attacked I was the heir to the cheifhood so I had to be protected along withthe orb so our Meanongie or as you know them our witch docter decided to as you would say do a little voodoo and placed the orb in me to keep it safe and as long as Arshalan thinks that it was destroyed in that attack on my village he will never no it still exists."
Kai looked at Arnarick with surprise, "And you are willing to Jepordize that all? By taking me out on a flight to make sure no elf gets beyond the gate?" Arnarick nodded. Kai shook his head,"But why?"
Arnarick shrugged not even he knew why."I do not know maybe I am doing it for you or maybe it is because it is in my blood to help protect you or this city in anyway I can." Arnarick shrugged again,"Who really knows."

That night they took off into the sky Kai on Arnaricks back. He was looking around to see if he could see anything.
"Maybe we should split up I take the West half and you the East." kai suggested. Arnarick looked back at him and nodded.
Sounds reasonable to me Arnarick said. then he flew off towards a cliff and landed then bent down so where kai could slide off his back. Kai got off then patted arnarick on the neck then waved.
"See you back here at sunset ok." Kai said then he turned and walked off. Arnarick nodded then begun to beat his wings then he took off into the sky. and headed East. He was looking around but saw nothing.
Hours later Arnarick was still flying around and still saw nothing this was going to be a long night. When all of a sudden something landed on his back and begun seering him in th e direction of the castle. He looked back and noticed what looked like Kai with brightly white hair. the being smacked Arnarick and pulled hard on one of his back spike which made him fall towards the ground.
"Dun look at me you filthy creature." Hte voice of the man said. Except it was very different then Kai's. this voice had an accent to it. Arnarick became struck with worry why was this person whom was human treating him so badly. Then they grew closer towards the castle then he noticed they were headed straight towards the tower in which the princess's room was.
Why are you hurting me? arnarick asked. then the man smacked him again.
"Dun talk to me you dumbass!" the man said. Arnarick's mind rushed. Dumbass was a word Arlin and Kai called eachother. Could this person be from earth aslo?
Then they grew to close for Arnarick to be comfortable. Then ahuge pain shot through his body and he fell towards the ground. Then his vision went black and darkness overcame him.

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