Well, I forgot the Boosh episode. I actually waited till it came on again, but fell asleep before I got to watch it.
Right now, y hands a freakin cold and a little hard to flex. Right now, it's 11:50 pm, and I have to leave at 12.
I really want a Keith Richards/Mick Jagger story. I like to see Mick as the bottoming one. It's just, that in my mind, he can't top worth a damn. I just find Keith to cool to bottom. It's just that, when I get a favorite character, I have them bottom. That includes me being a John Lennon girl. I find it more of a urn on to see him bottoming. So tired of seeing Paul being a defenseless person and he's an emotional wreck.
It pisses me off, how they portray John as a macho man and Paul all defenseless. But when it comes to John/Mick, I'm all for John topping. To me, Mick just a little to girly. He's obviously more feminine, to me, than John. I'm just not a really big fan of dominant!Mick Jagger. Even if he got with Paul, I'll still give Paul the dominant spot.
Also, I really need to eat something. I just munched on 4 pieces of Sarah Lee Bread. It's so soft too. I do like the first peace you get in the bread. How nobody wants to eat that piece.
I do have LOADS of hair under my arm pits. I quite like it. I haven't shaved in 6 months. About 7 too. Plus my legs to. My stomach neither. This is great!
I still am aching for Rolling Stones fan-fiction. I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. 19th one to be exact... SEE WHAT I DID THERE..BAD PUNS!
I keep listening to Brown Sugar by The Stones. I also am really about to go crazy without any fan fiction. I have been drawing like CRAZY. Even that is not enough to satisfy me. No satisfaction... I DID IT AGAI- *shot*.
Yep, I need some type of fiction. Well, not where they shag females, cause I am not a fan of female/male pairings. Even if Keith was dating a woman or so.
Music is Brown Sugar by the Stones. A mentioned above. Now it 12:10 am right now, on a Tuesday. The radio station 105.9 The Rock, should be 2 for Tuesday, meaning they play double songs from the artists. Then on weekends, they play blocks. Or 4 songs. I like themed weekends, like British Invasion weekend, or all American weekend, or 60's weekend, or 70's weekend and so on.
I hate living in Kentucky. About 10 minutes from the border of Tennessee. It's so boring. Nothing good happens. Not even a lot of concerts. Usually they happen in Tennessee.