Okay, this little (FAILED) attempt at a project has taught me something.
Hisoka: Wark wark wark kweh? (That you can't finish a d*mn project to save your life?)
SHUT IT HISOKA!!! WHY DO YOU THINK YOU'RE A CHOCOBO RIGHT NOW?! [/CAPSRAGE] Ahem... Anyway, One: Don't try and put lyrics up online while posting in an RP. Chances are, you'll forget them. Two: If you type up song lyrics, most of the time they'll stay stuck in your head. *hums Twister*
Uh, anyway, you might want to take a look at my profile. Scroll all the way down through it. Don't worry, I can wait. *puts head down*
Cast light upon the darkened earth.
Save those lost in despair.
O Mighty Ocean, guide us as we journey through...
The darkest pit of night...
*looks up*
Done? Okay, you're probably thinking "WHAT THE F***?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Especially if you know me. Well, Xelha is pure awesomeness. I don't care if she wears pink, she can kick Tifa's a*s any day. And Aerith's. Again, "WTF?!" is probably your first thought, since I'm a huge FFVII fan. And I usually hate pink. Yeah, well she is worth it! Xelha is really an amazing character, no matter what anyone else says. And she is NOT ANOTHER COLLETE! Although she is awesome, she isn't cool enough to make me think pink is cool. Xelha, on the other hand... heck, did you SEE what see did after the Lava Caves? She's got guts! If you haven't... Watch the walkthrough on you tube or something. Or PLAY THE STUPID GAME! Wait, it's not stupid... *hits self over head*
If you didn't have a heart attack from seeing that, along with my text color change, good for you! Unless you don't know me. Then... Wait, what the H*LL are you doing here?!
Hisoka: Kweh...*faceclaw* (it's the internet...)
Shut it! Well, go ahead and comment. It'd be nice to hear some feedback. And I'll give a prize if you can guess where that came from up there! *points up to breaks* And no google, ask, or ANY search site. In fact, answer it right here after reading this! Or not. *shrugs* Who cares?
Asuna6573 Community Member |