This weeks art was done by [-Ninamori-]. I thank her for having the time to make me one, so i can put it in here. Thanks.
Well, school has started again. X.x; Which means more work, work, and work. Jeez, can ever have any free time for myself?! Lol. Well, also, school means limited computer time which means limited time with buddies. -Tear-
Which means no more GT for I 'til new holidays come into play. D'; Dang school.. neutral
I'm already starting to miss you all. gonk
Well, this looks like another conclusion to another Journal.
End. heart
Well, school has started again. X.x; Which means more work, work, and work. Jeez, can ever have any free time for myself?! Lol. Well, also, school means limited computer time which means limited time with buddies. -Tear-
Which means no more GT for I 'til new holidays come into play. D'; Dang school.. neutral
I'm already starting to miss you all. gonk
Well, this looks like another conclusion to another Journal.
End. heart