What do you think are dreams? Your perfect world? A place to seek refuge? They're so many things that dreams could be. Majority thinks that they what your self conscious tries to tell you. It cant really explain in words that well so it tries with weird pictures. Other people think dreams are visions from the future, that may be true. There have been things like that happen. Basically I think dreams are a different dimension. They are a dimension you create, therefore make you a god. Imagine this though what if all of us are apart of a dream. We are apart of so called "god" 's dreams, his own perfect world. Also that means that "god" is apart of a dream too and that gos on forever like that. So our thing in our dreams have they're own dreams and there own worlds. This means infinite dimensions. Now your dimension you create is your perfect world, your refuge. Your dreams are an escape to your perfect world.