The death penalty, one does a crime and is put to death. Now do you think the death penalty is right? There are many people who think it is right, basically thinking a life for a life. Others think they shouldn't die but they should rot in jail and suffer. Both these ideas have there points, but let me make mine.

Honestly I think we need the death penalty, tho there needs to be some changes. There are so many people on death row now these days, its costing a lot of money to keep them locked up. Keeping them waiting for years on death row to think about what they have done. I think the time should be cut down. They don't have to spend years in prison to think about what they have done. I say we cut it down to 2 weeks. They have time to think and it gets them out of the way.

I also have other ideas of how to get rid of the people on death row. We could basically not feed the people on death row. It would make them suffer and it would be cost effective. Its simple and it works.

Last idea that I had was a modern gladiator program. The people on death row would have to fight each other to gain freedom. This will get rid of a good amount of the people. Now I wasn't the first to think of this idea, and example would have to be the movie "Gamer".

On a final note, writing this maybe people will think I am a bad person. Or that I want to make people suffer. Now i know the people on death row are people too with there own rights. They may even have people that love and care for them. But I have the right to my own opinions and ideas. Everyone has thought of cruel ideas, don't be dishonest and say that you haven't.