I luv him. But then again, do I? I have loved him for quite some time, but lately he been hanging out with the wrong people. Some days I want tew slap him. Other days I want to kiss him. They all make fun of me because I like him, but they don't see what I see. They see his looks, but I see his heart. When I say that they make fun of me for liking him, you picture somone hideous, but he is gorgeous in everyway. So you ask; why don't you tell him how you feel? Why? Because, I know he doesn't like me, and I can't blame him. I'm really not that pretty, and lets face it, I don't have a great personality that he could like either. We whisper in math, we laugh in science, we smile in world geography. People always tell me, that him and I should be together, but they may say that, and I may want to, but he never will. He has a friend. The guys adore her. But the girls hate her. I mean I'm the last person to judge but, she is immature, obnoxious, acts without thinking, and to be honest she really isn't pretty for how many guys do like her. Lately, he has been hanging out with her a lot. And in world geography I saw him put his arm on the back of her chair as though he were putting his arm around her. And we ALL saw it. Me and my bestie were talking about it. 'Are they going out' thats what was going through all of our minds. From the moment he put his arm around her... the possibility that they are going out gets greater and greater. And everytime I see her I whisper under my breath 'You stupid whore' And I think about how she took the person I love the most. We all have someone we love. And there are people who ask why we love them, as they name off the persons flaws. I ask myself... what flaws? People know I like him, but when they ask me about it I deny it. Why? Because they are so determined that him and I should be together that they want to ask him out for me. But when he rejects me, no one, and I do mean no one will ever let me hear the end of it. Some of you say its better than never knowing, for me ... its really not. I am easily embarressed. And having something like him knowing I like him and having him reject me would embarress me to no end. Sometimes we flirt back and forth and there is a tiny flicker of hope inside me. But when I see him with that whore, gale force winds blow the flame out. I try to get his attention, to get him to ask whats wrong when I look sad. But it always fails to work. I always ask why life is so unfair. Why it is that good people never get what they want. But the whores get everything. In my case, I don't get what I need. But instead...the whore gets what I need; him. I love him, I always have, and I always will.
~Love, Kirstin~
ll Kirstin ll · Sun Nov 01, 2009 @ 12:37am · 1 Comments |