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Daddy...? Mommy...? What is an Android...? No! I'm not fake! I'm your son! I'm not made of metal, I have flesh, and I bleed! I can feel! Daddy, don't send me away...

Mommy.... Say that you still love me....

Arashi lives in a world where humans (or fleshys as he calls them), demons, angels, and everything in between live. But Androids... They aren't more then garbage. They were being created during World War Three, when finally MechaTechno had a breakthrough with it's newest creation. Originally these Androids were made as soldiers, but since so many people had died around the world, MechaTechno decided to sell them as "MechaHumans", programmed to have emotions and to bleed and feel so that the remaining Humans didn't feel so lonely, being that so many had died off.
One family couldn't have any children, and decided to invest in one of their newest models, ones that could age until programmed to stop. Ones you had to teach everything too. One that was almost completely human. The family took him in with such love in their eyes. This was their child, Their baby boy. Their blessing. They taught him everything they could, but as time went by, they realized he was forgetting things little by little. They found out a piece of MechaWare had been left out, but it was too expensive to replaced. So they threw him out.
This happened all the time in several different places. But some of them were lucky enough to make it out "alive". Some of them are still out there...

It was my thirteenth "birthday" when I was told that I was an Android. Apparently, I wasn't human at all. My skin felt just like theirs, I had emotions, I bled. What was so different. I just didn't understand what was going on around me anymore. I thought I knew my parents, they had always told me they'd always love me and when they threw me away like some kind of scrap metal, after trying to cut the well hidden cords in my stomach, I realized all those dirty, rotten flesh bags were liars.
I even age like they do, for God's sake! Well... I'm told I'm going to stop aging once I turn 21, which I'm looking forward too. Only two years away.
I was devastated for the first and last time in my life on my thirteenth birthday.

Arashi looked around the street. There were a few homeless men huddled around a barrel fire with their ripped, old tattered blankets. It touched him to see these kind, old men huddled out here in the middle of the night, fighting for warmth. They were smiling and talking and passing around a can of beans for their nighttime meal. Arashi frowned, they were humans, but there was a little girl. She had a metal arm and a wire coming out of her knee, where her leg should have continued.

This was home. He'd never actually held a conversation with these people, but he protected them all the same. The only "fleshys" he'd ever think of as his family again. He turned over on the ground, under his own tattered sheet, and closed his eyes. The sound of his system shutting down always made him hate his mother and father that much more for keeping it a secret from him for so long.

System Reboot

Arashis eyes fluttered open slowly to the sound of unhappy voices. He focused in on the voices of the people around him, mainly the angry ones, before making any movements to show that he was awake. There were the familiar voices of the homeless men that had been around the fire the night before, then there were more 'official' sounding voices echoing off the stone that formed the overpass above them.

Scanning... ... ... There Are Seven Men And A Female MechaDoll Within Thirty Feet

He noted that three of the seven men were the homeless men and the other MechaDoll was the girl who was with them. He nudged off his sheet to turn and look at all of them. He was right. The three homeless and the girl with no leg stood in front of four officers. There really wouldn't have been a problem with that, it happened all the time. They got yelled at for sleeping all over the place for no reason at least once a week and had to relocate, Arashi always following. But then he noticed that Ryan, the other homeless man he'd seen last night hadn't registered during his scannings... He glanced to the barrel they had been at the previous night and he saw a body surrounded by a puddle of blood. His enraged stare fluttered back to the officers. They were wielding guns, they were hostile.
"Hey, boy! You need to leave with the rest of them! Go on! Get. Before we have to shoot you too!" The officer in front yelled.
"You shoot Ryan for no reason, you murderers!" Gary, the gray haired homeless man, barked.
"Shut your mouth, you shitfaced bum!" The same officer snapped lighting off a cap at Garys feet.
Arashi Stood to his feet, an angered look crossing his face in less then a second, "Leave."
The officer stood still for a second, then all four burst out into a fit of laughter, "What did you just say, kid?"
"You had your warning." Arashi began to walk toward them, fury making his body less fluid then usual.
"Don't, boy. You'll be killed!" Gary yelled.
"Men!" They all aimed, and when Arashi took one more step, three shots were fired. Two skimmed his flesh. One hit dead on; his arm. Eyes went agape, "He's a MechaDoll?!"
Arashi smirked as he snatched the gun from the officers hand and folded it into a ball, "Insolent fleshbag."
"O_O" All the officers turned and ran, leaving them behind.
"I'm sorry I hadn't woken up earlier. I could have saved Ryan. You have my apologies... I must go, and I insist that you relocate and leave this... mess to the cops."
Arashi turned and began to walk away slowly, "Oh, thank you, Arashi-kun!" the MechaGirl cried, hugging him from behind firmly.
"How do you know my name?" Arashi questioned, a hint of bitterness in his tone he'd unwillingly forced out.
"It's tattooed on the back of your neck..." She mumbled.
"Oh... Is it? What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you."
And then he left, not knowing his destination.

Zeronian was walking down a street at night. As a refugee he spent most of his time wondering streets at night and hiding out during the day. He tried his best to keep himself invisible from everyone. He couldn't trust anyone these days. As he walked he noticed that the first rays of sun were coming up. 'Man i need to find a place to stay.' He thought. He kept walking hoping that he wouldn't run into anyone. Unfortunately he saw a couple of Cops running towards his direction. Zero jumped back into a shadow and watched as they kept running. It wasn't him they wanted. A couple of seconds passed and he heard a gunshot. Curious, Zero creeped toward the direction of the gunshot and hid behind some rubble. He saw the cops picking on some homeless people. 'Dirty scumbags.' he thought his anger rising. He was just about to expose himself when another man spoke up. A couple of minutes passed and he heard 3 gunshots and footsteps growing weaker and weaker. He peeked and saw that the cops had left. 'Pfft...bunch of idiots.' he said to himself. He grabbed his black sword and got up ready to leave the scene.

Arashi shook his head as he looked around. The sun was just beginning to shine. He hated everything about this damned world and no one seemed to understand why. He didn't trust ANY fleshbags. And he never would. Hell. He hadn't even told those homeless men, that he'd been following for almost a year, his name. He sighed, stretching out his arms as he did. And then his scanner went off, which usually it'd didn't unless there seemed to be a threat... Maybe that was why it never went off as a boy... His parents kept him so sheltered.. so protected from everything...

Life Form Near

Arashi looked around. He was alone. Was his scanner breaking too? He had to rip out his memory stick because it was devouring itself. Luckily, he'd still had a second one with a copy of the information stored with it. He took a deep breath and relaxed. It could have just been a bunny or something.
"Is anyone there?" He called, not even expecting a response.
He paused a minute, his steps ceasing as he looked around again, "Anyone?"

Zero heard the andriod speak. 'pfft...it wouldn't hurt to speak to him. Would it?' he thought unsure about himself. He got up from behind the rubble completely exposing himself holding tightly to his sword. "Hey, it was pretty nice what you did for them." he said.

Arashi narrowed his eyes. Just a human. He sighed then gave his best casual smile, "You saw that? Well... Thank you." He turned his body to face the boy completely, "And what may I call you?"

Cross leaned farther over the edge of the building, his head tilting to the side as he watched the cops shoot at what he guessed was a MechaDoll. They ran pretty quicly afterwards and Cross had to surpress a laugh. Humans were always such fascinating creatures, but they tended to die to easily. He wasn't very fond of the MechaDolls though, he couldn't read them as well as the humans. Cross hated most technology in general, it always seemed to mess up his senses. He relied heavily on those senses since he had still not found a way to permanetly remove the binding marks on his flesh.

He continued to watch the MechaDoll as another, more healthier looking human approached him. It looked like they were speaking, but he couldn't be sure as to what they were saying. He had never been the one to learn how to read lips. Cross frowned and tried to slip in closer without being noticed. He had never directly interacted with a MechaDoll and wasn't sure if their sensors could register his kind. It was a risk he was willing to take though.

Arashi took a step toward the black haired male, then his scanners went off again. But it wasn't human. The scanned would have said LIFE FORM but it didn't...

Unknown Presence Near

Arashi sighed, slightly irritated, but a tidbit relieved that it wasn't another human. He looked back behind him back to the bridge. They were all gone, except the body of the person he wished he could have saved. Who or what was out there that didn't register properly?

Cross stopped and flattened himself back into the shadows cast by the building when the MechaDoll looked his way. So the machines could detect him after all. He sneered at the thought before slowly continuing forward. He'd have only precious few seconds to make an escape if this didn't end well. Cross wanted to play though so he decided to throw all caution to the wind.

He crouched down low, tensing the muscles in his legs before he took off in a sprint. He covered the distance between him and the two beings swiftly, coming to a sudden halt behind the MechaDoll. Cross draped an arm over the machine's shoulder and brought his other hand up to loosely wrap around the its neck.

"Hello there, Doll." He glanced up briefly towards the other being and flashed a feral smile. "And human."

A colorful warning of heat shot straight to Arashis face as he looked at the person, or thing, that had come out of nowhere. He didn't move, he merely stared then cautiously spoke, "And who might you be?" His arms were tense, knowing that at any moment, his mechanical being could be at stake, "I know you're not a human. You didn't register on my scanner as more then 'Unknown'. So if I may, what are you?"

He shifted his weight a little, his eyes letting themselves close as he thought of what do do next. The strange man cleared his throat, quietly, but he could pick it up with his ears from a block away.

Cross laughed and caressed the machine's throat. They really were too similar to humans for their own good. There were others demons that preyed on the humans. One could imagine their disgust when they find that their prey is nothing but a mere MechaDoll. Luckily, he wasn't one of those such demons and he could tell the difference by just being close enough. They smelled as artificial as the other humans had tried not to make them.

He leaned in close, resting his chin on the Doll's shoulder. "What am I you ask, my dear?" he teased. "I'm sure your little friend there could tell you what I am."

"I am a demon," he spoke slowly, tapping his fingers against the MechaDoll's throat with each word. "Now tell me, what are you two lovely creature's name?"

Zero stared at the strange demon. "My name is Zeronian." He didn't let go of his sword. 'something doesn't feel right with this guy' he thought. He continued staring at the stranger.

He breathed, but barely, and for once in his life, he admitted to himself that he was scared. Scared to lose the life he'd already been robbed of. But even as the fear took over, he couldn't help but think about how warm the demon holding him was. Even when his voice was soaked with fear, curiosity peaked within it. This creature interested him. He looked over at the boy Zeronian and gave him a 'What is this guy doing to me?' look, then he looked at his feet. "Arashi. And yours?"

Cross smiled once more, a partially full set of fang-like teeth showing. A small breeze had picked up and was tugging at the beads threaded in with his air, causing them to click against one another. It was a very soothing sound for him to hear when he was on his own.

He titlted Arashi's head back so that he could look him somewhat in the eye. "Now, now. Don't you know it's bad for to ask a demon his name? Names are power child." It was the truth really. That was how demons like him were enslaved in the first place, by being fooled into giving a human their name. Not that he regretted being tied to his last master or anything. The fact that he had bound his powers still remained.

"You are supposed to ask what they wished to be called," he continued with his explanation. "You may call me Cross."

Zero stared at the mecha hard. "I can defend myself! I am no weakling!" he said in a strong and powerful voice. "If its the government thats after you. Then i wouldn't mind fighting them. It's my destiny to destroy this corrupt government even if it means fighting along side with a mecha." He smirked at the mecha called Arashi.

Cross turned to where Arashi had been looking and frowned. It appeared that the man had sold out the poor Doll just for something as trivial as money. And the humans had the nerve to call demons backstabbers. At least they had some sort of honor code among them. You obeyed or you died. The powers in this world weren’t all balanced but you just to learn to deal.

“I’d like to see them try,” he scoffed. The thought of humans actually succeeding in killing him was still hilarious even if it were true. His whole body stiffened as a sudden realization coursed through him. He would have run right when the human had said. Self-preservation and all. He would have but he didn’t. He was still standing in that same spot only now he was glancing down at Arashi. Oh Great Mistress, he felt pity for the MechaDoll.

Cross knelt down beside and picked up Arashi, hooking an arm under his knees and supporting his back with his other arm. How many times had he carried his master this same way? He grimaced and chased the though form his mind. He stood back up and gazed over at Zero.

“You can stay and fight if you want, but something they’re doing is hurting him,” he spoke lowly. He frankly didn’t care if the human stayed.

"hmmp...i'll distract them while you take him some where safe." He said. Zero hesitated for a moment and said "...I'll catch up with you when I'm done." He turned to the direction he sensed the people coming from and smirked. "This will be fun!" He said quietly to himself. Clutching on to his sword and getting into fighting stance he watched as the police approached him.

Cross hesitated just a moment longer. He scolded himself when he realized what he was doing. Being around humans so long had made him soft. That was going to take forever to work out of his mindset. Still, he had to do something to appease the guilt that was pricking the edges of his mind. "Be careful," he warned before finally turning away from Zero.

He tightened his grip on Arashi, crouching lower to the ground and feeling the sweet hum of his weakened power in his veins. It was definitely better than nothing at all. He took off at a sprint, hoping for a fleeting moment that Zero would be able to catch back up.

Arashi clenched at Cross' chest and pressed his eyes closed. A look of pain flitted across his face as his eyes opened just a little bit, "H...help..."
Everything went blank then, all he heard was his scanner.

System Emergency Shutdown

The cops pointed their highly new developed guns at Zero. He chuckled. "Do you really think thats gone work? Pfft..." he grabbed his sword tightly and ran towards them. 'they expect an attack from the front wait till they see this' he thought and jumped up high in the air. Attacking the governments dogs from above. He was able to knock out the guns from their hands and land right in between two of them who were in utter shock. They regained their composture and tried to attack Zero, but he elbowed them causing them to bend forward and knocking them out of the way. Two more cops appeared out of no where and started shooting at him. Zero blocked most of the bullets except for one that had gotten his left arm. He cringed in pain, but that didnt stop him. The cops ran out of bullets. 'nows my chance' He thought and ran towards them in full speed. He took a slight step to the side and sliced then both in half from left to right. It was a clean cut. Slowly both of the bodies collapsed. No longer together. Zero sighed and remember his injury. He touched his arm and pain consumed him. He sucked it up and decided to trail the other two. 'maybe they can help.' He thought and continued after them.

Cross came to a sudden halt as he spied an abandoned building he could duck into. He was really growing tired now, not used to running with a ‘passenger’. He stumbled inside the building, wincing as pieces of broken glass pricked at his skin. They didn’t pierce though and he was thankful for that. He really hated getting cuts on his feet, it always seemed like they took forever to heal.

He gently set Arashi down on the ground before making his way back towards the entrance. Cross took the edge of his sleeve into his mouth, biting down on it, and pulling. He ripped off a scrap of red cloth and tied it around a piece of wood that had splintered off the frame of the door. Hopefully, Zero would be wise enough to bring that in with him if he saw it. They didn’t need to lead anyone else to where they were.

Cross ducked back inside and sat down beside Arashi. He didn’t know what to do with the MechaDoll and just settled for waiting for him to wake back up.

Zero walked for a while clutching his bloody arm. He had tighed it with a piece of cloth, but the blood had soaked right through it. 'This never would have happened if it weren't for my curiosity. Why am i even looking for these...whatever they are. I should be hiding!' He thought. As he walked he noticed a building up ahead and sped up. He finally reached the building and saw a red cloth. He yanked it off and stared at it. 'This looks very familiar.' He thought and walked in slowly keeping his guard up. He saw both of the guys and collapsed at the loss of blood.

System Reboot

Arashis eyes opened. The sky was dark as he looked around. It was cold and the minuscule hairs on his arm were standing on end in response. He felt that he was alone, his scanner had broken, he knew it. s**t. Now he was defenseless. Once Zero and Cross took off.... Well... He'd be alone and he could be caught to be used as scrap metal. Something made a noise from beside him, so he quickly turned. There was Cross.

A blush found his face again as he climbed to his feet and walked to the door. Outside the door was Zero. He smiled. At least they were at peace. Asleep... And they'd taken care of him while they could have killed him. Maybe there were a few people out there he could trust... He brushed a hair out of Zeronians face and smiled at the though of having them both stay with him...

"But of course I'll be left alone again..." he sighed. And then he had to fight a tear off. He hated being vulnerable.

He looked down again at Zero, who was clenching his arm. He thrust his sadness aside and looked very calculatingly at it. There was blood.

"Zero? Zero, wake up." He shook him. When there was no response, he began to worry as he ripped at his shirt and wrapped it around the large wound, "Zero! Wake up!"

Zero moaned. "Uhhh...stop it your hurting me." He said weakly and sat up. Staring at the mecha he saw worry in his eyes. 'Do robots have feelings?' he thought and decided to ignore that thought. He looked at his wound and sighed. "Stupid government and their technology." He ripped of the cloth covering his wound and tried to reach for the bullet in his arm. He touchd it and pulled it out. A yelp came out of him and that was it everything went black again.

He fought off worry as he brought Zero into his arms, cradling him against his chest as he brought him into the house so he could examine his wound more closely. He was bleeding. Bad. The bullet was out, but it had made the blood flow worse. He didn't really know how to deal with blood. Pressure. Pressure stopped bleeding, didn't it? He couldn't take chances.

He tried everything he could. He tried pressure. He tried his mouth. He tried everything. He tied the cloth around his arm again, and then cradled Zero to his chest trying to calm himself. Why was losing this boy sounding so bad to him? Why was he so scared?

Kenji sat up in his bed, trying to shake the previous night from his head. He looked to his right, and beside him on the bed was a girl. She had long black hair, but her eyes were closed. What were the color of her eyes? What was her name? How old was she? How had she gotten here? All these were thoughts that he couldn't answer. This is why he'd gotten kicked out of Heaven, wasn't it? This was why he didn't like to get drunk, but not remembering helped things. He went by the quote "If I don't remember it, it didn't happen".

He looked down at the soft curves of her body. God's creation for man. Beautiful with large breasts, a thin waist, a nice a**... But he didn't like her. And that's why he was glad he couldn't remember. No matter how perfect she was, she could never live up to the one he had loved long ago... Haru. That boy meant more to him then anyone ever had and he'd died because of him. He'd lost someone that was closest to him and no one would ever understand.

He crawled out of the bed as he fiddled with his lip ring and pulled on all his clothes. It was easy to sneak out on these girls, and he did it again. Slipped right out the door. While he was walking, he'd heard shouting and gunshots. He'd decided to look, and there was a MechaDoll. The police were practically running away as he stood there trying to comfort the remaining homeless people. After he'd gone, Kenji decided to follow him, and as he walked in the shadows, he watched another person come out and then a demon, who seemed to be toying with the Doll.

I heard someone from behind me, and with the stealth I'd acquired over a dull career as a cop in my earlier years, I creeped away, only appearing again to see the demon carrying the Doll away as the human boy stayed to fight. What an idiot. I killed off two of the four, but he didn't seem to notice, which was good. He ran off. I followed, slightly interested in who these people were.

Then we came upon this house. It became dark and the Doll came out. He was holding the human in worry and had carried him into the house. I merely waited in the shadows until someone noticed me. I knew who it would be that would notice me though, and I waited for their gaze to meet mine...

Cross growled and tried to curl further into himself. He had spent too much energy trying to run with the MechaDoll. That on top of avoiding notice from any humans that actually sought to 'tame' demons like himself had taken nearly all he could afford to expend. So he wasn't really surprised when he had fallen asleep soon after taking a seat beside Arashi.

Voices woke him. He slowly stirred, not initially sensing any danger that would require him to defend himself. However, not feeling Arashi's presence at his side was incentive enough for him to rouse himself in a more timely manner. He pushed himself to his feet, white eyes flashing with something akin to worry.

He spotted them easily and had the urge to turn right back around and leave. There was blood. There was a lot of blood. The metallic scent sat heavily in the air causing him to shudder. He brought his sleeve up and pressed it to his nose, trying not to think about how long it had been since he had last eaten.

Cross knelt down beside them both and gently took Zero's arm into his free hand. He stripped off the feeble scrap of cloth and examined the bullet wound closely. It was still bleeding but obviously not as bad as it had been before. Whatever Arashi had done while he had been sleeping had worked.

He tore a longer strip of cloth from his sleeve and tied it back securely around Zero's arm, trying not to breathe any more than he absolutely had to. He moved away quickly then, pressing back into a corner where the scent wasn't so heavy.

"He'll be fine," he spoke softly.

Zero woke feeling numb. He sat up and saw the mechadoll and the demon sitting about 4 feet away from him and ignored them while he took off the cloth tied around his wound. He pulled a thread of energy and pushed it toward his wound. It healed slowly, but effectively. He wasn't a normal human and so as a child was shunned by many people who knew about his strange powers. This was one of the reasons he decided to leave home.

He felt eyes staring at the 3 of them and turned to the direction he felt them coming from. Noticing a shadowy figure he grabbed his sword and stood up. "Hey guys we seem to have company." he whispered. "Hey you! Show yourself!" he said loudly.

Arashi frowned as Cross stalked away, back into a corner, and turned to follow just as he heard Zero holler at someone that had apparently found them. Was it another cop? He sighed. His scanner had really broke. He hadn't detected anything. He was powerless. He looked away from Cross, aknowledging that Zero would be ok, then looked to where Zero was yelling. There was a boy in the tree. He was a pretty boy too. What was he doing here? Something about him put Arashi at a very high level of fear. He began to shake and mutter things like "I'm going to die, dear God, I'm going to die". He hugged himself and clenched his eyes closed as he heard the stranger jump down from the tree he'd been in.

Kenji heard that he'd been addressed and smirked. What a silly human, thinking he could order him around. He was going to jump down alright. Right on top of that pretty boys a**-for-a-face. Then he saw the doll in the doorway. He looked scared, like he was going to have a seizure or something. Kenji looked at him and thought of Haru, his old lover. How scared he'd been when he'd told him he was of the Vampire-Demon races... He decided jumping down and meeting them was what was best. So he did.

The ground was rather soft as he fell to the ground. He looked around. There was that human pretty-face. There was that doll... There... was something or someone in the background that he couldn't make out. He sighed then looked at the boy who had been talking to him, "I'm Kenji. And just who the hell are you, Pipsqueak?"

Zero chuckled. His wound was fully healed and he was able to notice every single detail in the room including where exactly the guy was standing. "Pipsqueak?...Nice attitude you got there." He said sarcastically. "And what makes you think i'll tell my name to some random stranger?" He countered looking at him closely. His senses being very clear. For they were good in battle. You see Zero has been gifted to fight and knows many ways to kill as well as heal. His strong senses just help him achieve in fighting, of course guns can be his weakness, at times.

Athrun woke to the sounds of metals hitting and sliding against another metal, it was the metal bowl and the grinder gliding against each other as herbs were smashed into finer grains. Outside his room heavy footsteps and loud voices echoed in his quiet room. "Athrun!! Get down here and help me will you." It was the voice of a man his 'father' had put him under, and the man was not asking the young man but telling him. Sighing loudly the mecha-angel pulled himself out of bed and strolled out of his room, he had no need to grab clothes or shoes because he always kept them on him. As he walked the jacket slid over his bare chest, his red wings gliding over the dirty floor. He knew he wasn't human or angel, his father had told him that he was a machine, but he didn't tell him how or when he had been given to the man.

Down the hall the smell of herbs being boiled in pots flowed out of one of the preparation rooms, each room had a different function. Athrun walked down to the last door, the door knob felt cold and wet to the touch. 'Huh, someone must have had wet hands.' he thought as he twisted the metal in his hand and opened the door. The moment the door was opened more loud voices and the sounds of people rushing around hit him hard. Sighing again he walked behind the counter and took over for the over weight smug of a man old frat. "About time. If your father was here he would be angry with how slow you are." Athrun kept silent but smiled at the man and nodded.

The older male walked out from behind the counter and soon retreated behind the door Athrun had just come from. It was normal for the man to do that, everyone who worked for him knew exactly what he was doing and to who. Pushing the thought of the old man and a certain pretty girl who worked in the cooking part of the preparation, he greeted customers and helped them when they needed him. All the while his red wings moved as if they were part of the red jacket, no one in the store knew what he was, only his father knew the truth about him.

Arashi kept his eyes closed, unable to open them, even knowing that he was secure in someones arms. He wasn't sure who, he would have known if he was able to think straight. He stopped breathing, and tried to calm down. He didn't know what was making him so afraid of this creature, but something wasn't right and it made his artificial blood churn. He nudged the arms off of him and got up to face the thing,"Just who the hell do you think you are!?"

Kenji looked down at the doll as he yelled at him in fear. He had this effect on everyone... He looked from the kid to the doll and back. "You," he smirked at the black haired one, "You should give me your name because I'll just call you 'Emo' if you don't. And doll," He again changed his stare, "Should sit down and shut up. I'm only here to see what you 'heros' do in your spare time. That's all. What's so wrong... About that?"

He smirked walking closer to the doll, "You look familiar..." He took ahold of his chin and made him look up, into his eyes, "Very familiar."
Kenji smirked then looked over the dolls shoulder. It was another demon. And he looked rather upset. Or worried? Was he bound here? Who was he bound too? What was going on. He frowned and looked back at that Mecha.

Arashi stood there, perfectly still. He didn't breathe, he didn't blink, he couldn't move. Why the hell was he stupid enough to have gotten up and pushed himself into this situation? Maybe it was because he just wanted for this man to go away. Arashi tried to pull his chin away, but it was pulled back into place by this 'Kenji' fellow. He closed his eyes and started to think. Tried to think of anything... Cross. He though of when he met Cross and Zero. How Cross had drapped his arms over him...

Cross was ready to protest when Arashi nudged his arms off of him, but kept his tongue in check. He was acting as if he was bound to Arashi or something. He hardly even knew the Doll. True, demons were instinctual creatures and could be found protecting those who they weren't bound to. But that was only in the case of protecting the beings that they wanted for their prey. Cross wasn't like his kin. That had been proven for the thirty odd years that he had served under his old master.

A fierce burning sensation quickly replaced the chill from earlier as Kenji laid his hand upon Arashi. It was in that moment as anger flashed through him that he realized why he was so protective of a boy he had just met. He wanted the Mecha. He wanted to be bound to Arashi. It was a little frightening, he had never felt that much desire in his three hundred years in this pitiful world.

Cross could feel the burning course through his veins. It felt like floodgates had been opened inside of his body. He knew this sensation very well. Something else had triggered the release of his bonds. He darted forward then and grabbed Kenji's hand, pulling it away from Arashi. He dug his nails into the flesh of the man's wrist. "Get away from him," he growled.

Asho's footsteps were soft against the sidewalk. He moved quickly and quietly, blue blur of his military coat caught in the breeze he created. People seemed puzzled as why there was a wind blowing through the busy streets. Asho stopped a distance away from where he was running. He sunk to the ground softly breathing in and out letting himself relax before his captors caught up with him. The white and blond haired boy softly sighed as he knew this game of cat and mouse would have to end.

He stood dusting himself off before disrobing the clothes he had on taking some more common street clothes and placing the uniform he had grown accustomed to into his satchel. He walked into a restaurant, a local place with local people. He knew they wouldn't know him. He sat down trying to remain calm even though to many he looked odd. Tanned skin that was paler than most and gray blue eyes almost soulless as they stared into nothing. He tried not to draw attention to himself but as soon as some government officials came in he tried to act nonchalant, nonexistent and to blend into the communities fabrics.

Luck wasn't on his side. "Asho de Broc Reusembl, soldier of the gov...." The soldiers word were cut short as the blond's sword pierced through his mouth and into the back of his head. Before his comrades had time to react he quickly sliced through them their bloodied bodies heaping into a pile, people started screaming and moving around trying to run away form him. Asho had no time he sheathed his sword and ran for his life. He was a fugitive from the government that forged his soulless form. The blood stained his clothing as he ran trying to find somewhere safe to hide for the moment.

Arashis eyes widened as the strangers arm was ripped away from him by Cross, who seemed to be controlled by nothing if not anger at this point. His heart raced as he watched the anger in Cross' eyes. He gently touched his arm, trying to calm that anger that held him so still. His skin was warm against Arashi's and then he realized something. Something that he'd never realized before. His stomach fluttered as heat found his face again.

He stuck his lip out a little and then looked up into Cross' eyes, hoping to see some kind of change.

Kenji flinched a little then smirked again as he ripped his arm from the other demons grasp, "Who do you think you are, dog?" And he looked over at the doll again, "It looks as if you don't have an owner..."

"Don't call him a dog," Arashi snapped getting in front of Cross.

Kenji chuckled and looked back over to the other boy, "You make for better conversation then these... Annoying toys. Now... I'll ask nicely. What are all of your names?" He grabbed his wrist where the demon had grabbed ahold of him, a light shone, and it was healed.


Cross froze at the touch to his arm, his mind quickly registering it as non hostile. He turned his head just slightly and peered down at Arashi. He could feel the rush of power quickly receding as he continued to watch the Mecha. He barely caught the first of what Kenji said, only really feeling a small twinge at being called a dog. That was relieved though when Arashi came to his defense.

He reached forward then as Kenji was asking for their names and wrapped an arm almost possessively around Arashi's waist.


Asho gasped for breathe as he ran into the forest tree branches scraping across his arm as he tried to regain composure. He tripped over a root and started heaving crying as he tried to stand up his body not able to anymore. He had been running for so long, now it was just his time to die. He held himself up with his hand as he softly gripped into the grass. He had to move in closer. He pulled himself further into the forest before he sat against a tree. The cut's on his arms from the tree's branches starting to redden. He accepted his death now.

He leaned his head back looking into the tree which he took refuge under. It was magnificent and tall one of the tallest in this forest. It's thick truck could support countless amounts of weight. If Asho could regain strength before they found him he could climb into this tree for a temporary dwelling place. If he could survive, his chances weren't that great. He sighed and looked at the light shining through the big thick branches, if he was to die at least he would be peaceful.

"Nice to know..." he shrugged. He realized the dark haired boy still wasn't giving him his name, so he decided talking to the others was far more entertaining, "And... Well, I guess I don't have to ask that. I saw you guys earlier. I followed you here because this... Doll... interests me. There's something different about it. Can't you sense it too, 'Cross'?"

Kenji took a step toward Arashi and Cross as he peered deeply into his mechanical eyes, "Oh my... I know you. I know you!" Kenji suddenly stuttered, "My sister made you, didn't she?!"

Arashi turned a rather dark shade of red when Cross' arm found its way around his waist, but stood there in surprise when Kenji shouted something about knowing him. He narrowed his eyes, trying to think. to understand. All the pain he'd kept down so long came flooding back into his thoughts, "I was manufactured. I don't know from where and I don't care. I was a mail-order child for my Mother and... Father." His eyes watered a little as he bit his lip to keep the tears from continuing.

"No. You look and smell..." He took a hold of Arashis arm, "And feel just like something my sister would make!"

"What does where I'm made have anything to do with what I am and what's happened to me?"

"My sister stopped making MechaDolls- Or... God damn it all, what did she call them? CybroDolls. Yeah that's it. She stopped making things like you when she got caught attaching souls."

"I don't have a soul. What are you talking about? Machines can't have souls and I don't need the likes of you standing before me telling me that I have what I've been searching for my whole life. Don't make me believe things that have no possibility of happening." Arashi frowned, attempting to pull away.

"You need a soul to feel as you do. As a human, Arashi. Didn't you ever wonder-- Oh, Jesus. Just come here." Kenji pulled Arashi from Cross and kissed him. Kissed him right under his ear where the line of his jaw began and then kissed the tip of his nose, "See? The blush? That doesn't happen..." He looked at the demon in triumph, "Unless you have emotions. More then just programmed. You're one of my sisters..."

Arashi snarled, pulling his lip in a feral, disgusted look. He again pulled at his arm, but this time he got it loose and pushed Kenji back, "How dare you?" He then pulled his arm over his face, shielding his distaste for the stupid man in front of him as he took off running into the forest aimlessly. He didn't want to be there anymore. He was beginning to trust again and it just wasn't something he could do. Something was wrong... There were butterflies in his stomach and he felt ashamed he wasn't stronger, strong enough to push him off. And then he pulled his arm down just in time to see a boy under a tree. He thought it through, and he tried to turn away, but then noticed that the boy was hurt. Hurt bad.

The marks bled away again in just the short amount of time that it took Kenji to take Arashi from his hold and kiss him. He was quite literally shaking with anger now. There were a few things that you just didn’t do in the presence of a demon. And the one thing that was very very high up on that list was to touch what a demon had claimed as theirs. Kenji had just done this and Cross wanted to tear him limb from limb.

He waited only a few moments after Arashi fled before he charged Kenji and punched him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. It would be easy to find Arashi later since he had gotten used to the boy’s scent. He was hopelessly attracted to it. He planned on hurting Kenji as much as he could while his powers were unbound, though.

Cross snarled ferally and practically pounced on top of Kenji, repeatedly slamming his fist into whatever part of the Fallen he could reach. “He. Is. Mine.” He hissed through clenched teeth, the blows having stopped as he gripped Kenji’s shoulders. He held on tightly, not satisfied till he could feel blood beginning to coat his fingers.

Asho's lifeless blue eyes noticed Arashi, he drew his sword one arm holding onto his chest as he tried breathing while the only held the sword firmly but his arm shivered so it moved up and down as he tried to defend himself. He was a man of few words and if the other made a move towards him he would die. He wasn't sure if this man was trust-worthy yet. He seemed confused and dazed for some reason. Asho didn't question it though. he twirled the word in his left hand stabbing the ground with it to help himself stand to move himself from this situation. But, to no avail. He fell flat onto the forest floor his hand breaking the fall. He winced his eyes tearing. His bones felt as if they would rip from their hinges. He groaned, a muffled cry, as he remain his soldier facade.

Arashi ran over to the poor man, and touched his forehead, checking for anything viral. When there was only a slight high temperature, he gathered the man into his arms and continued running. He ran until he could run no more and he then set the man down. Sure that they wouldn't be seen by who did it, or by anyone else...

"Who did this to you? What happened?" Arashi was worried, and he didn't know how to deal with blood and injuries.

Kenji felt the dog dig his nails into his shoulders and could feel the repetitive beating stop. He sat up quickly, slamming his forehead against the dogs. The demon flew backwards off of him and he took advantage of that, climbing on top of him and punching him randomly as the dog had done him, "He. Is. My. Sisters." He could smell the blood of the demon coming from somewhere, but he wouldn't stop to see, the scent was good enough. He'd stop when he was sure he was dead.

Arashi didn't know why, but he felt like part of him was in danger. He sniffed the air... There was blood. He was several miles away... How was he feeling all this? He frowned and looked back down at the boy. He took his sword and put it to the side as he continued wrapping his wounds.

Asho seemed disgraced by the other's touch, not out of anger towards who he was it was just, he was taught, help yourself or die. he winced as the bandages felt tight against his tiny scraps and cuts. "Leave me to die." he said softly. He meant those words, not out of hate towards anyone just himself. 'I must heal myself or die." he said trying to get up before he leaned back down soft gray tears streaking down his cheeks. The pain was unbelievably intense fatigue and the combination of pain from his scars wasn't helping. The boy looked like a bloodied mess the blood form the soldiers earlier splattered all over his arms and chest and even his face had small dots of red blood.

Arashi placed a finger to the strangers lips, "No. Just hold still. Let me help you, okay?" He near whispered. He focused his eyes on the wounds and then pulled out a small square of cloth, dabbing it on his tongue and cleaning off some of the blood from the mans face and hands, "If I may ask... What is your name...?" His eyes were glossed over. His mind was still on Cross.

Asho's lightly cringed against the touch. His eyes closed shut as the finger aginst his cracked lips was soft and gentle. Tears stream form his eyes like blood through open wounds. He couldn't control how this felt. It was so unfamiliar to him, this gentle type of touch the softness of a hand when he only knows the hard reality of pain and hard fists. It was as if a lover came and touched him for the first time in ages. "Asho." he whispered. His full name was a death mark, if he told this kind person his full name things... things not might ever be this nice again. 'Excuse my weakness." he said voice cracking as it does when someone can't hold back their feelings of sorrow. He wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve trying to regain his composure. he had a soft voice one that one wouldn't expect to hear form his hard faced arrogant military facade.

There was pain, and a lot of it. He could smell his own blood on top of Kenji’s and that worried him slightly. Cross kept fighting back though, reaching up and grasping at the Fallen’s sides, twisting till his nails tore fabric and gouged into flesh. Something primal was burning through him, driving him to keep drawing blood. The blood. It hung heavy around them and it smelled so…so…alluring. He pushed up off the ground with what little room he had to do so and bit down into Kenji’s shoulder. His teeth tore easily through the skin and into the muscle underneath. It had all smelled so good.

His eyes widened in realization and he violently shoved Kenji up off of him. Cross quickly scrambled to his feet, his chest heaving as he tried to draw in calm breaths. The marks were darkening on his face once more and there was the taste of blood all in his mouth. It was horrible, foul, disgusting.

“Why?” he rasped before turning away and rushing out the door. He had to get away from that man. Cross only made it a little ways before he bent over at the waist and threw-up the blood that he had swallowed earlier. The beads in his hair clicked against one another as the strands slipped off of his back and to the side. He took in a few more breaths before straightening up slightly. Cross stumbled on forward, trying to focus on where Arashi had gone. He had to find the boy.

Kenji felt teeth dig into his neck, and then he was tossed to the side as the mutt ran off. He smirked a little, then laid down where he'd been left. He couldn't move. He lost too much blood. He closed his eyes. With sleep he'd heal.

Arashi smiled a little bit, but a frown quickly took it's place. He felt the need to run back to Cross. He looked back into the mans eyes, "Asho? That's a lovely name... I'm sorry that all of this has happened to you. You don't seem to deserve such barbaric things. How did this happen to you?"
His silver eyes followed every movement Asho made, "And really, don't take this as weakness. You're at a disadvantage and you can't recover without help. It happens. You are not weak because you were hurt."

His mind wandered and he could hear a buzzing in the back of his head. His scanner was becoming a bother. It being dead and trying to come back to life and all. He scoffed then forced a halfhearted smile, "So tell me.. About yourself. About why you're here and why all this happened to you." His eyes pleaded, "Please distract me..."

Asho blinked softly, not a weakness to cry? Not a weakness to want help. he heard the soft buzzing sound form the other. He reached a hand slowly to Arashi's face and then behind his ear their was a small bump where a bone was supposed to be, he pushed down on it the buzzing stopping. "I guess since we are both the same twisted metal and flesh I can share my story." Asho said as he looked up towards the sky.

"It all started when I was "born"..... from that day everything seemed wonderful joyful even. I remember when they gave me my name as a cruel twist of irony they gave me the name Asho which means 'pure of heart' which is far what they intended for me to do. I was created to be a solider in the war that just recently passed. I was one of the best soldiers, skilled, emotionless, decisive, but it matter nothing to them. They said I was no longer needed as what I was made to be. They sent me to some family in a small suburb with three boys. I remember my first day there, I was beaten for eating.. eating a cookie. I was told human food is only for humans. Then my "father" gave me some supplement which I don't remember much after wards, I presume he raped me because when I awoke I was stripped naked bruised and in the thing humans call showers being hit in the face by warm water.

This continued for about three months until the human called my mother died, then the beating became more regular the rape became second nature to me. I wasn't even allowed to go to school anymore I was told I was bought for this purpose. One day after years of taking this I couldn't handle it anymore... I grabbed my sword he had hidden from me and I sliced him from head to toe then my abusive brothers were next each one of them killed in different ways I had acquired through my knowledge of battle.

Then the government started chasing me, calling me some common murderer. I ran of course taking all the training I had learned and running as far away as trying to stay as low and under the radar as I could. But, fortunately for me they seem to be tracking me so I came to this tiny town hoping to find a place to rest. I never got that they followed me and found me in a local restaurant I quickly killed them then ran into the forest taking shelter in the trees before you found me. he finished his story it was quite long and quite pathetic his whole life he had hidden pleasure or happiness from himself only doing as he was told. Something so simple as kindness was foreign to him.

Cross nearly tripped over a root as he came under the shade of a large tree. It was like there was a whole forest out this way. He felt that he certainly would have gotten lost if he had been relying on his own self. That wasn’t the case at the moment though. He was just blindly following some pull that he was hoping was taking him towards Arashi.

He leaned heavily against another tree farther in, trying to gather back up some of his strength. He had always hated fighting, hated how it left him so weak. He took the moment to check for any serious injuries. Cross closed his eyes and concentrated on his own body, mentally noting which areas would be sporting bruises by the morning. It seemed that beside the slight blood loss, bruises were the only thing he had to worry about. That and being sick to his stomach from ingesting the Fallen’s blood.

He pushed away from the tree and kept walking. He was close, he could feel it. Cross lifted his head at the sound of low voices and sighed in relief. He had found Arashi…and what appeared to be another male. He couldn’t sense any danger from the man; in fact he would even hazard to guess that the man was injured. Cross contemplated calling out to Arashi, but didn’t. Instead, he sat down at the base of a tree and watched them from there. It would be alright if he could keep Arashi in his sights.

Arashis face twisted into that of confusion, "I understand what it's like to be beat. My father didn't love me either, not like my mother pretended to. He hated me. He wanted something 'real'. I understand getting in trouble for nothing... But... What is rape? Is it bad...?" He spilled his guts, told Asho things he'd never told anyone else, ever. And then in his confusion Cross' face found it's way into his thoughts again. Was he okay? He shook his head. He didn't need to think of him. It was just another fleshbag... Another that would hurt him and.. He couldn't trust again... He was too scared of being taken advantage of again.

Asho softly nodded "I didn't understand at first either.. rape is the human act of humans trying to conceive a child except it's rape when the person doesn't know about it or doesn't want it to happen to them." he said wincing lightly. All this talking hurt his body. He looked upwards again. "I try not to think about my life to much.. being someone else.. or even a soulless solider i more appealing than that of being me.I understand if you want to leave me here, I don't want you to be hurt or deactivated please leave me be this time, if i can at least save someone.. it's all worth it somehow." he was speaking non-sense trying to get the other to leave him be so he could accept his fate of death. He knew any minute more soldiers would pour into this forest and kill everyone in sight who looked like they were assisting someone who was a fugitive.

There was a sudden flare of pain as if someone was twisting a dagger deep into his gut. He bit down sharply on his lip to keep from crying out. Cross knew this pain. He knew it…it was just the same pain as when his previous master had died. It was the pain that came with a bond being severed. But he didn’t understand. He wasn’t bound to anyone; he had kept his name to himself.

His gaze snapped back up to Arashi as he pushed himself shakily to his feet. He crossed the distance between them effortlessly, his mind briefly reminiscing back to when he had first saw the Doll. He brought a hand up once he was close enough and dropped it onto Arashi’s shoulder.

“Who is this?” he asked, trying to ignore the pain that had now turned into a dull throb.

"C-cross?" Arashis eyes widened as he looked up at the demon, "Why are you all bloody? What happened to you?!" Arashi asked in a worried tone, jumping to his feet and wrapping his arms around Cross. He tangled one of his hands in Cross' hair, afraid to let go. Then he remembered Asho and frowned, "His previous family raped him. He's in pain. His name is Asho. Cross, what happened to you?" his eyes were starting to water, but he didn't move or let go.

He thought back to what rape meant. Forceful sex? He'd never had anything happen to him like that, and he'd never been attracted to someone enough to do anything like that himself. He hated humans. They were sick. Sick enough to take things by force... Oh, he'd been so stupid running away like that... He pulled back and pressed his lips to Cross' in a feeble attempt to stop the pain he could feel ripping at his chest.

Cross’ body went rigid for a brief second when Arashi pressed his lips against his own. He relaxed into the kiss in the next second, reaching a hand up cup the side of Arashi’s neck. He had no clear idea as to what brought this on, but he wasn’t going to complain. The pain was dropping away the more he concentrated on the feel of Arashi’s lips. They were so soft and pliant under his. He was still half-aware that they had a bit of an audience, but he would take care of that matter later.

He pulled away after a few more moments of kissing the boy. Cross ran his tongue across his own lips, noting how sweet they tasted now. Then, the words were out of his mouth before he could even begin to think about them. “Call me by my name. Irecrossell,” he pleaded.

Arashi was a bit dazed from the kiss when Cross spoke. So this was what kissing was like... He focused a little, "Irecrossell?" He didn't understand at first, then he though back to their first time meeting. Cross wasn't his 'real' name. It was what he went by... right...? "Names are power, child. You are supposed to ask what they wished to be called... You may call me Cross."

Arashi looked deeply into Cross' eyes for a second then glanced back at Asho. It looked as if he had fallen asleep. He needed it... Arashi looked back at Cross, his eyes clouded with an unknown feeling.

Asho had looked like he'd fallen asleep but he was himself very aware and awake. He heard foot prints in the ground that soon doubled. Damn they'd found him. He groaned grabbing his sword and getting up. He winced in pain as he tried to hobble away form them not wanting the others to be attacked. Names were power and his name only spelled death for anyone who stayed around him long enough. He groaned as he weakly ran not nearly as fast as the blur he was before but he knew if he could run away the others could live. He tripped again this time rolling down the hillside and into a murky area of mud and grass. He groaned pushing himself up only to have his face meet with a gun. "Asho de Broc Reusembl, solider of the government you are here by arrested for the murder of your family and conspiracy against the government." he knew this, this was the end of it. he didn't want help he didn't want to go back to what was his life. he took his sword and stabbed the muscle between his rib cage and stomach. He screamed in sheer pain hoping that the rolling hillsides who block the sound. Little did he know the house that Kenji resided in was nearby and the scream was heard loud and clear inside those walls. And Asho died. >_>

A small smile graced his lips as Arashi spoke his name. There was a burning from the marks on his face. They wouldn’t go away, he was all too aware of that. It would just be easier to break them when he needed them is all. The twisting stabbing in his gut had gone away, so had most of the other aches he had felt. He had forgotten how thrilling it felt for demons of his kind to be bounded to another life. And it was rare, so very rare, for a demon to willingly bind himself. It normally took a level of faith that they just weren’t willing enough to give.

Cross gazed down intently at Arashi before leaning forward and brushing his lips against the other’s briefly. “I am bound to you, I am yours.”

Arashi blushed a deep shade of red, "B-but you can't b-be! I'm just a machine! I'm not real. I can be broken a-and you deserve to belong to someone real." He remembered this now. It was something he'd read in some sort of fairytale when he was 'younger'. Demons binding themselves to other lives, it was extremely intimate and trusting. It didn't happen all that often, and even less often on purpose. He felt a shiver throughout his body, his lips were still only centimeters from Cross'. He jumped back, "And you still haven't told me what happened! Why are you hurt?" His eyes got big and worried.

Cross sighed heavily and folded his arms across his chest. “First of all, I couldn’t have bound myself to you if you weren’t real. It just doesn’t work like that and I would have known.” He really would have. It was testament enough that he had felt that strange pain that was so very like a bond being severed earlier. “And, Arashi, I wanted to be bound to you.”

He turned his head away then, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Now, as to why I’m a little banged up. Well, I can probably guarantee Kenji fared worse. I…I just got so mad when he touched you like he did, when he kissed you. Demons are highly possessive,” he explained. Cross chewed on the inside of his lip a moment before continuing. There was a little bit of a downside to being bounded and it was that he couldn’t lie outright to the one he was bound to. “I wanted to kill him,” Cross confessed. “I wanted to, but I didn’t. I’m sorry, was that wrong?”

Arashi blushed at that moment. He was real? That couldn't be true. All of this had just gotten to his head. He must be dreaming... He shook his head, "No. It was my fault that you did that. I could have just pushed him away but I... I didn't. I couldn't... I... i'm the one who should be sorry..." Arashi moved away from Cross slowly, one hand over his mouth as his eyes focused on the ground before him. He wanted to rejoice. The one he found himself most attracted to was bound to him, but for some reason his heart beat was strong and heavy, as if he knew something were going to go wrong. He frowned slightly, his teeth tugging on the inside of his bottom lip in frustration. He leaned against a tree, still not facing Cross. The buzzing in his head from earlier was stronger now. Somehow, Asho did something to stop the infernal buzzing, but he didn't remember what, and now he wanted to break his head open and shut it up. It would go away with time, he was sure, but for now he would just stand thee, focusing on what the buzzing was. It just couldn't be his scanner. He'd broken that a while back...

Kaoru ran through trees and jumped on top of houses. Her blood was pumping through her veins quickly and she could hear the cops were getting lost. She would be safe soon. She sighed, looking around, when her eyes landed on someone she knew. "Kenji?" she asked aloud.

He didn't look around, he must not have noticed. Kenji had been crouched near a bridge. Kaoru couldn't see what was going on, or what he was looking at, but he killed someone and then ran off. What was he doing? She narrowed her eyes...

Scanning... Scanning... Three Life Forms, One Mecha Within One Mile

Ah ha. So he must have been following someone.. Maybe a girl he wanted to get with or something... She cringed at the thought and continued after him.

She stopped about seven trees away from him, hoping he hadn't heard her there, then she jumped to tackle him. He grabbed her by the arm and tucked her under both arms, "Sh, Kaoru. I'm in the middle of something." he'd whispered. He let her go and she sat beside him "What are you doing out here, brother?"

"Hey! Who's up there?!" Yelled a boy from below.

"Dammit, you gave away my position... Hold on." Kenji jumped down. There were many things that happened. None of it grabbed her attention until she heard Kenji mention something about being a Mecha she'd made. She leaned closer to watch as a demon and Kenji got in a fight after what seemed to be a Doll ran off. She followed. She waited.

About an hour went by and the demon was there with the Doll, they shared a lengthy kiss, then there was a confusing topic of conversation. The Doll walked over to a tree. Had he sensed her there?

Zero watched as the demon guy fell asleep. 'How rude' he thought and went off to look for the others. He walked for a while, but couldn't find them. 'Man where the hell did they go?' He sat down under a tree. Some leaves fell slowly on him. He looked up and saw a strange girl trying to hide. He smirked. 'Well well what do we have here' he thought and climbed the tree as fast as he could. He stood on a branch behind her. "Hello there miss. I'm Zeronian." he said curiously looking at the girl. 'She is so not human.' he thought.

"W-what the hell?" She whispered, a hint of aggrivation on her words, "Oh. Hi. Who are you? Do you, by chance, know that Doll down there, sir?"
She moved into a flirtatious pose, trying to get Zeronian to answer quick.She needed all the information on this Doll she could get.She smiled then shook her head, "On second thought, I think I'll just go and introduce myself, if you don't mind."
Kaoru leaped down beside the Doll and pinned him to the tree. He seemed to be afraid, and his eyes... They had a glow. She took in a sharp breath and stared into his eyes intently, "Do you know who I am, Doll?"

Arashi was taken by surprise when a girl pinned him to the tree behind him. She had no trace of happiness in her eyes, as if she'd been in pain for a very long time. Arashi sighed as she asked her annoying question, "No, I don't." He tilted his head to one side in an innocent fashion.

"Do you know who your creator is, Doll?" She seemed to be growing more and more aggrivated by the second, "Name them."

Something in Arashis system seemed to respond to her voice. The demanding in her voice was calling out to him, and again, he answered, "I do not know." He was feeling as if he were being defiant, but he didn't know this 'girl'. "Now get off of me, please."

The Doll disrespected her. She could tell he was doing it on purpose, so she pulled back her arm and smacked him. Hard. Across his face. If he truely was one of hers, he'd feel that pain as if he'd been hit by a truck. Sh ebacked up slightly and watched him fall to his knees, "Now if you will please stand to your wretched feet and explain all of this to me?"

Cross was taken off guard by the strange girl pinning Arashi to a tree. A streak of panic coursed through him. He couldn’t sense if she was any threat or not, he was too exhausted. He was also practically starving so he his senses were very dull. However, he didn’t need them to pick up on the aggravation that laced the girl’s voice. The muscles in his back and legs tense for a moment,

User Comments: [2]
Monsieur Rubie
Community Member

Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 06:07pm

o_o Good lord, woman. Re-reading all this makes me cringe a little.

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